.miscellaneous .hero-header {
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.card__extra p {
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.card:focus .card__extra {
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.card:focus .card__extra p {
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#reviews:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Reviews),
#games:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Games),
#extend:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Extention),
#libs:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Libs),
#specs:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Specs),
#dev:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Develop),
#utils:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Utils),
#tests:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Tests),
#relays:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Relays),
#bridges:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Bridges),
#plugins:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.Plugins),
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#ocaml:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.ocaml),
#java:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.java),
#c\#:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.c\#),
#c:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.c),
#haskell:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.haskell),
#guile:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.guile),
#racket:checked ~ .misc__grid .card:not(.racket) {
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@media screen and (max-width: $mq-large) {
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@media screen and (max-width: $mq-medium) {
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@media screen and (max-width: $mq-small) {
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