<% const network = page.network; const data = site.data[network].data; const numbers = site.data.numbers.list[network]; const update = site.data.numbers.list.lastUpdate; %> <section class="section-hero"> <h3> <span><%- __('total') %></span> <span><% if (numbers) { %> ~ <%= numbers.population %><% } else { %> ? <% } %></span> <span><%- __('accounts') %></span> </h3> <% if (numbers.activeUsers) { %> <h3> <span><%- __('active') %></span><span> ~ <%= numbers.activeUsers %></span><span><%- __('people') %></span> </h3> <% } %> <h3> <span><%- __('servers') %></span> <span><% if (numbers) { %> > <%= numbers.podsNum %> <% } else { %> ? <% } %></span> <span><%- __('instances') %></span> </h3> </section> <% if (numbers) { %> <small class="footnotes u-center">(statistics updated regularly, latest update - <%= update %>)</small> <% } %> <div class="section-title"> <div style="background-color: #<%= data.logoClr %>"> <svg class="icon-logotype" role="img" aria-labelledby="logo<%= data.title %>"> <title id="logo<%= data.title %>"><%= data.title %> logo</title> <use xlink:href="#icon-<%= data.title %>"> </svg> </div><h2><%- __('world') %></h2> </div> <div class="section-wrapper"> <div class="column"> <div class="section"> <h4 style="width: 100px;"><%- __('mascot') %></h4> <ul class="section-list"> <% for (i in data.mascot) { %> <li class="u-inline"> <% if (data.mascot[i].imgNum) { %> <img class="mascot" src="<%- url_for('/img/mascots/' + network + '-' + data.mascot[i].imgNum) %>.png" alt="mascot picture"><% } %><%= data.mascot[i].item %><span>, </span> </li> <% } %> </ul> </div> <% if (data.dwellers) { %> <div class="section"> <h4 style="width: 100px;"><%- __('dwellers') %></h4><span><%= data.dwellers %></span> </div> <% } %> </div> <div class="column"> <% if (data.communities) { %> <div class="section"> <h4><%- __('communities') %></h4> <ul class="section-list"> <% for (item in data.communities) { %> <li class="u-inline"> <a href="<%= data.communities[item].url %>"><%= data.communities[item].title %></a><span> / </span> </li> <% } %> </ul> </div> <% } %> <div class="section connections"> <h4><dfn title="The platform allows you to connect with users of these networks"><%- __('connections') %></dfn></h4> <ul class="section-list"> <% for (item in data.connections) { %> <li class="u-inline"> <svg class="f-highlight <%- network %>" role="img" aria-labelledby="f-snow" style="position: relative"><title id="f-snow">network logo colour icon</title><use xlink:href="#icon-snowflake"></use></svg><%= data.connections[item] %><span>, </span></li> <% } %> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <p class="description u-nomargin"><%= data.descr %></p> <% if (data.screenshots) { %> <div class="screens"> <% for (item in data.screenshots) { %> <div class="screen"> <figcaption><%= data.screenshots[item].descr %></figcaption> <img alt="<%= data.screenshots[item].descr %>" src="<%- url_for('/img/screenshots/' + data.screenshots[item].img) %>"> </div> <% } %> </div> <% } %> <% if (data.features) { %> <div class="section u-block"> <h4><%- __('features') %></h4> <ul class="section-list article-list features"> <% for (item in data.features) { %> <li class="<%= network %>"> <%= data.features[item] %> </li> <% } %> </ul> </div> <% } %> <% if (data.information) { %> <div class="section u-block"> <h4><%- __('information') %></h4> <ul class="section-list article-list warning-list"> <% for (item in data.information) { %> <li> <%= data.information[item] %> </li> <% } %> </ul> </div> <% } %> <% if (data.notable) { %> <div class="section u-block with-image"> <h4><%- __('stars') %></h4> <ul class="section-list"> <% for (item in data.notable) { %> <li class="u-inline"> <a href="<%= data.notable[item].url %>" title="<%= data.notable[item].name %>"><img src="<%- url_for(data.notable[item].avatar) %>" alt="<%= data.notable[item].name %>"></a> </li> <% } %> </ul> </div> <% } %> <%- partial('_partial/join') %> <br> <% if (data.reading) { %> <div class="section u-block"> <h4><%- __('reading') %></h4> <ul class="article-list"> <% for (item in data.reading) { %> <li class="<%= network %>"><a href="<%= data.reading[item].url %>"><%= data.reading[item].title %></a></li> <% } %> </ul> </div> <% } %>