--- layout: "post" title: "Fediverse saves you from pickup artists, and 7 more reasons you should make a Fediverse account" date: 2018-07-05 tags: - fediverse preview: "The Internet is huge, with millions of websites. But Internet users concentrate on large well-known platforms. We are all familiar with the names of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Weibo, Vkontakte, Google, YouTube, Tinder. These services may be useful, but they are not the only ones." url: "/en/post/fediverse-saves-from-pickup-artists-and-7-more-reasons-to-join" lang: en featured: true banner: "banner.jpg" authors: [{"name": "@lostinlight", "url": "https://mastodon.xyz/@lightone", "network": "mastodon"}] --- The Internet is huge with millions of websites and web services, however, like in offline world people tend to move from countryside to towns to cities, Internet users concentrate on large well-known platforms. We are all familiar with the names of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Weibo, Vkontakte, Google, YouTube, Tinder. These services may be useful, but they aren't the only ones. Compared to popular mass giants, Fediverse networks are like precious gems. Few people heard of them, but they are out there, waiting for you to find them. ![sign welcoming to Fediverse](fediverse-sign.jpg) "Fediverse" means federated universe. There's no one website to sign up to. Instead you will find [hundreds](https://the-federation.info) of websites (servers) powered by citizens all around the world, independent from and uncontrolled by any single company. These servers are all interconnected, so no matter where you register[^1], you'll be able to connect with friends and users of other servers. Instead of listing "one hundred suits them all" reasons why you should switch to federated social platforms, let's look at reasons for each particular person. That's what Fediverse is good at - _providing choices_. __Not convinced yet? Ask this__ CRYSTAL BALL ...and it will show the reason just for you. Federated networks won't track you, bombard with "personalized" ads or predefine your timeline (stream) with algorithms. You will be the one to decide what to see in your timeline, by following the topics you're interested in (subscribing to tags in [diaspora](/en/diaspora), [Mastodon](/en/mastodon)), connecting with people you like, joining groups and forums (in [Friendica](/en/friendica), [Hubzilla](/en/hubzilla)). Come join us! Fediverse networks are not ideal. They lack some features provided by mass networks. This is because they are not backed by millions of dollars big companies have, they're developed by people like you and me, in their spare time, for free or for donations from the community. If you want to help improve any of the federated platforms, don't hesitate to ask how to help and start contributing. Welcome! [^1]: To be sure which other networks your chosen Fediverse network connects with, check "Connects" information on each network's page [^2]: Two million registered users is an approximation, as of June 2018