--- layout: layout --- <% function langCount(arr) { let langs = []; arr.forEach(function(item) { let lang = item.codeLanguage; if (!lang) {return}; let check = langs.findIndex(function(x) {return x.language === lang}); if (check>=0) { langs[check].count +=1; } else { let newLang = {}; newLang.language = lang; newLang.count = 1; langs.push(newLang); } }); return langs; } const apps = site.data.miscellaneous.apps; const langList = langCount(apps).sort((a,b) => b.count - a.count); const byCategory = [['snMacro', 'Social network (macro)'], ['snMicro', 'Social network (micro)'], ['blogPub', 'Blog and Publishing'], ['media', 'Media sharing'], ['links', 'Link sharing'], ['evMeet', 'Events and Meetups'], ['files', 'File hosting'], ['data', 'Open data'], ['reviews', 'Reviewing'], ['games', 'Gaming'], ['dev', 'Software development'], ['extend', 'Extentions'], ['forums', 'Forums, boards'], ['other', 'Other']]; const byProtocol = [['sortDiaspora', 'diaspora'], ['sortZot', 'Zot'], ['sortAP', 'ActivityPub'], ['sortOstatus', 'OStatus']]; %> <%- partial('_partial/heroheader') %> <article class="contents misc"> <h2>EXPLORE FEDIVERSE SOFTWARE</h2> <a class="dark-ui u-block u-center" href="/en/tools" style="border: 0; color: #fb4e4e;">→ Check out other Fediverse Tools ←</a></h5> <h4>Sort by category:</h4> <% for (item in byCategory) { %> <label class="option" for="<%= byCategory[item][0] %>"><%= byCategory[item][1] %></label><input id="<%= byCategory[item][0] %>" type="checkbox"> <% } %> <h4>Sort by protocol:</h4> <% for (item in byProtocol) { %> <label class="option" for="<%= byProtocol[item][0] %>"><%= byProtocol[item][1] %></label><input id="<%= byProtocol[item][0] %>" type="checkbox"> <% } %> <h4>Sort by code language:</h4> <label class="option" for="all">All</label><input id="all" type="radio" name="radio"> <% for (i in langList) { %> <label class="option" for="<%= langList[i].language.toLowerCase() %>"><%= langList[i].language %> <span>(<%= langList[i].count %>)</span></label><input id="<%= langList[i].language.toLowerCase() %>" type="radio" name="radio"> <% } %> <section class="grid misc__grid cards"> <% for (item in apps) { %> <% let type = apps[item].categories %> <% let lang = apps[item].codeLanguage.toLowerCase() %> <button class="card <%= lang %> <% if (apps[item].apClass) { %>ap<% } %> <% if (apps[item].zotClass) { %>zot<% } %> <% if (apps[item].diasporaClass) { %>dia<% } %> <% if (apps[item].OStatusClass) { %>os<% } %> <% for (t in type) { %> <%=type[t]%> <% } %>"> <div class="card__content"> <div class="card__title"> <% if (apps[item].logo) { %><img src="<%= apps[item].logo %>" alt="logo"><% } %> <p class="title u-emphasize"><%= apps[item].title %></p> </div> <div class="card__body"> <% if (apps[item].site) { %> <h4 class="card__subtitle">Website</h4> <% let path = apps[item].site.split('://') %> <p><a href="<%= apps[item].site %>"><%= path[1] %></a> <svg role="img"><title>remote link</title><use xlink:href="#icon-link"></use></svg></p> <% } %> <h4 class="card__subtitle">Source code</h4> <p><a href="<%= apps[item].source %>">repository</a> <svg role="img"><title>remote link</title><use xlink:href="#icon-link"></use></svg></p> <% if (apps[item].servers) { %> <h4 class="card__subtitle">Servers</h4> <p><a href="<%= apps[item].servers %>">list</a> <svg role="img"><title>remote link</title><use xlink:href="#icon-link"></use></svg></p> <% } %> <% if (apps[item].description) { %> <h4 class="card__subtitle">About</h4> <p class="card__about"> <%- truncate( (apps[item].description), {length: 200, omission: '...'}) %> </p> <% } %> <span class="card__more u-emphasize">more info<i>▶</i</span> </div> <div class='card__extra'> <% if (apps[item].codeLanguage) { %> <h4 class="card__subtitle">Code language</h4> <p><%= apps[item].codeLanguage %></p> <% } %> <% if (apps[item].techStack) { %> <h4 class="card__subtitle">Tech stack</h4> <p><%= apps[item].techStack %></p> <% } %> <h4 class="card__subtitle">Protocols</h4> <p><%= apps[item].protocols %></p> <% if (apps[item].license) { %> <h4 class="card__subtitle">License</h4> <p><%= apps[item].license %></p> <% } %> <% if (apps[item].FediAccount) { %> <h4 class="card__subtitle">Contact</h4> <p><%= apps[item].FediAccount %></p> <% } %> </div> </div> </button> <% } %> </section> <footer> <p>Something's missing? <a class="dark-ui" href="https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fediparty/src/branch/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#user-content-submitting-software">Add</a> it.</p> <p>Software no longer maintained, renamed, broken link? Please, <a class="dark-ui" href="https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fediparty/issues">let us know</a>.</p> <p>Special thanks to <a class="dark-ui" href="https://mastodon.nzoss.nz/@strypey">@strypey</a> for starting, and to <a class="dark-ui" href="https://mastodon.social/@humanetech">@humanetech</a> - for curating this <a class="dark-ui" href="https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-fediverse-apps">list</a>.</p> <p>Other sources: implementation report on <a class="dark-ui" href="http://activitypub.rocks/implementation-report">activitypub.rocks</a> website.</p> </footer> </article>