#!/usr/bin/env sh # Description: Fuzzy find and execute nnn plugins (and, optionally, custom scripts located elsewhere). # Description and details of plugins can be previewed from the fzf interface. Use `?` to toggle preview # pane on and off. # # For better compatibility with as many nnn plugins as possible, fzfplug will first execute # the chosen script on the file hovered in nnn, and upon failure, try to run it with no target # (which should actually run it on selected files if nnn has an active selection). I don't # have the required dependencies to confirm compatibility with all scripts though. # # Dependencies: find, fzf, cat (or bat, if installed) # Shell: POSIX compliant # Author: Kabouik # OPTIONAL SCRIPTS SOURCES # Leave blank or fill with the absolute path of a folder containing executable scripts other than nnn plugins # (e.g., "$HOME/.local/share/nautilus/scripts", since there are numerous Nautilus script git repositories). # Add extra variables if need be, but be sure to call them in the find command below at lines 28:49 and 30:49. #CUSTOMDIR1="$HOME/.local/share/nautilus/scripts" CUSTOMDIR1="" CUSTOMDIR2="" # REQUIRED VARIABLES nnnpluginsdir="$HOME/.config/nnn/plugins" # PREVIEW WITH bat INSTEAD OF cat IF INSTALLED if [ -z "$(command -v bat)" ]; then plugin=$(find "$nnnpluginsdir" "$CUSTOMDIR1" "$CUSTOMDIR2" -maxdepth 3 -perm -111 -type f 2>/dev/null | fzf --ansi --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window right:66% --delimiter / --with-nth -1 --bind="?:toggle-preview") else plugin=$(find "$nnnpluginsdir" "$CUSTOMDIR1" "$CUSTOMDIR2" -maxdepth 3 -perm -111 -type f 2>/dev/null | fzf --ansi --preview 'bat --color=always --style=grid {}' --preview-window right:66% --delimiter / --with-nth -1 --bind="?:toggle-preview") fi # TRY RUNNING THE SCRIPT ON HOVERED FILE FIRST, AND ABORT IF NO PLUGIN WAS SELECTED IN FZFPLUG (ESC OR ^C), err=0 if ! [ "$plugin" = "" ]; then "$plugin" "$1" || err=1 fi # IF THAT FAILS WITH HOVERED FILE, TRY WITH NO TARGET (nnn SELECTIONS SHOULD STILL BE PASSED TO THE SCRIPT IN THAT CASE) if [ "$err" -eq "1" ]; then clear && "$plugin" || err=2 fi # IF THAT FAILS TOO, ABORT AND SHOW AN ERROR if [ "$err" -eq "2" ]; then sep="\n---\n" printf "$sep""Failed to execute '%s'. See error above or try without fzfplug. Press return to continue. " "$plugin" && read -r _ && clear fi