# Rename this file to match the name of the function # e.g. ~/.config/fish/functions/n.fish # or, add the lines to the 'config.fish' file. function n --wraps nnn --description 'support nnn quit and change directory' # Block nesting of nnn in subshells if test -n "$NNNLVL" if [ (expr $NNNLVL + 0) -ge 1 ] echo "nnn is already running" return end end # The behaviour is set to cd on quit (nnn checks if NNN_TMPFILE is set) # To cd on quit only on ^G, remove the "-x" as in: # set NNN_TMPFILE "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nnn/.lastd" # (or, to a custom path: set NNN_TMPFILE "/tmp/.lastd") # or, export NNN_TMPFILE after nnn invocation if test -n "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" set -x NNN_TMPFILE "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nnn/.lastd" else set -x NNN_TMPFILE "$HOME/.config/nnn/.lastd" end # Unmask ^Q (, ^V etc.) (if required, see `stty -a`) to Quit nnn # stty start undef # stty stop undef # stty lwrap undef # stty lnext undef nnn $argv if test -e $NNN_TMPFILE source $NNN_TMPFILE rm $NNN_TMPFILE end end