.Dd Feb 19, 2019 .Dt NNN 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm nnn .Nd the missing terminal file manager for X .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Op Ar -b key .Op Ar -e .Op Ar -i .Op Ar -l .Op Ar -n .Op Ar -p file .Op Ar -s .Op Ar -S .Op Ar -v .Op Ar -w .Op Ar -h .Op Ar PATH .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm (Noice is Not Noice) is a performance-optimized, feature-packed fork of noice (http://git.2f30.org/noice/) with seamless desktop integration, simplified navigation, \fInavigate-as-you-type\fR mode with auto select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more. It remains a simple and efficient file manager that stays out of your way. .Pp .Nm opens the current working directory by default if .Ar PATH is not specified. .Sh KEYBINDS .Pp NAVIGATION .Pp .Bl -tag -width "l, [Right], [Return] or C-mXXXX" -offset indent -compact .It Ic [Up], k Move to previous entry .It Ic [Down], j Move to next entry .It Ic [Left], h Go to parent directory .It Ic [Right], [Enter], l Open file or enter directory .It Ic [PgUp], ^U Scroll up half a page .It Ic [PgDn], ^D Scroll down half a page .It Ic [Home], g, ^A Move to the first entry .It Ic [End], G, ^E Move to the last entry .It Ic ~ Change to the HOME directory .It Ic & Change to initial directory .It Ic \- Change to the last visited directory .It Ic \&. Toggle show hidden . (dot) files .It Ic / Change filter (more information below) .It Ic [Insert], ^T Toggle navigate-as-you-type mode .It Ic b Pin current directory .It Ic ^B Visit pinned directory .It Ic d Toggle detail view .It Ic Tab, ^I Next context, ask to create if none .It Ic ,, ^/ Leader key .It Ic N, LeaderN Switch to context N .It Ic Esc Exit prompt .It Ic ^L Force a redraw, clear prompt .It Ic q Quit the current context .It Ic ^G Quit and change directory .It Ic Q, ^Q Quit .It Ic \&? Help and configuration screen .El .Pp FILES .Pp .Bl -tag -width "l, [Right], [Return] or C-mXXXX" -offset indent -compact .It Ic ^O Open with an application (takes 1 combined argument) .It Ic n Create a new file, directory or link(s) to selection .It Ic D Show entry details .It Ic ^R Rename selected entry .It Ic r Open directory in vidir .It Ic K, ^Y Toggle selection mode .It Ic Y Select all entries in dir .It Ic Space, ^K Select entry and copy absolute path .It Ic y Show selection list .It Ic P Copy files from selection .It Ic V Move files from selection .It Ic X Delete files from selection .It Ic ^X Delete entry .It Ic f Archive files .It Ic F List files in archive .It Ic ^F Extract archive in current directory .It Ic m, M Show brief/full media info .It Ic e Open entry in EDITOR (fallback vi) .It Ic p Open entry in PAGER (fallback less) .El .Pp ORDER TOGGLES .Pp .Bl -tag -width "l, [Right], [Return] or C-mXXXX" -offset indent -compact .It Ic ^J Toggle disk usage analyzer mode .It Ic S Toggle sort by apparent size .It Ic ^W Wild mode .It Ic t Toggle sort by time modified .It Ic s Toggle sort by file size .El .Pp MISC .Pp .Bl -tag -width "l, [Right], [Return] or C-mXXXX" -offset indent -compact .It Ic \&!, ^] Spawn SHELL in current directory (fallback sh) .It Ic C Execute entry .It Ic R, ^V Run or pick a script to run .It Ic L Lock terminal .It Ic ^N Take note .It Ic ^P Show command prompt .El .Pp Backing up one directory level will set the cursor position at the directory you came out of. .Pp Help & settings, file details, media info and archive listing are shown in the PAGER. Please use the PAGER-specific keys in these screens. .Sh OPTIONS .Pp .Nm supports the following options: .Pp .Fl "b key" specify bookmark key to open .Pp .Fl e use exiftool instead of mediainfo .Pp .Fl i start in navigate-as-you-type mode .Pp .Fl l start in light mode (fewer details) .Pp .Fl n use version compare to sort files .Pp .Fl "p file" copy (or \fIpick\fR) selection to file, or stdout if file='-' .Pp .Fl s use substring match for filters instead of regex .Pp .Fl S start in disk usage analyzer mode .Pp .Fl v show version and exit .Pp .Fl w wild mode - entries unsorted on directory load .Pp .Fl h show program help and exit .Sh CONFIGURATION .Nm uses \fIxdg-open\fR (on Linux) and \fIopen(1)\fR (on macOS) as the desktop opener. .Pp There is no configuration file. Settings work on environment variables. Please refer to the ENVIRONMENT section below. .Pp Configuring .Nm to change to the last visited directory on quit requires shell integration in a few easy steps. Please visit the project page (linked below) for the instructions. .Sh CONTEXTS Contexts serve the purpose of exploring multiple directories simultaneously. 4 contexts are available. The status of the contexts are shown in the top left corner: .Pp - the current context is in reverse .br - other used contexts are underlined .br - rest are unused .Pp To switch to a context press the Leader key followed by the context number (1-4). .Pp The first time a context is entered, it copies the state of the last visited context. Each context remembers its last visited directory. .Pp When a context is quit, the next active context is selected. If the last active context is quit, the program quits. .Sh FILTERS Filters support regexes by default to instantly (search-as-you-type) list the matching entries in the current directory. .Pp Common use cases: .Pp (1) To list all matches starting with the filter expression, start the expression with a '^' (caret) symbol. .br (2) Type '\\.mkv' to list all MKV files. .br (3) Use '.*' to match any character (\fIsort of\fR fuzzy search). .Pp There is a program option to filter entries by substring match. .Pp If .Nm is invoked as root or the environment variable \fBNNN_SHOW_HIDDEN\fR is set the default filter will also match hidden files. .Pp In the \fInavigate-as-you-type\fR mode directories are opened in filter mode, allowing continuous navigation. Works best with the \fBarrow keys\fR. .br In case of only one match and it's a directory, `nnn` auto selects the directory and enters it in this mode. .br The \fIwild mode\fR can be handy for users who use the \fInavigate-as-you-type\fR mode constantly. The entries are unsorted when the directory loads. Applying filters sort the entries (with directories on top). Directory color is disabled in this mode. .Sh SELECTION MODE The absolute path of a single file can be copied to clipboard by pressing \fI^K\fR if NNN_COPIER is set (see ENVIRONMENT section below). .Pp To select multiple files the selection mode should be enabled using \fI^Y\fR. In this mode it's possible to .Pp (1) cherry-pick individual files one by one by pressing ^K on each entry (works across directories and contexts); or, .br (2) navigate to another file in the same directory to select a range of files. .Pp Pressing \fI^Y\fR again saves the selection to the list and exits the selection mode. The files in the list can now be copied, moved or removed using respective keyboard shortcuts. .Pp To list the selected files press \fIy\fR. .Sh ENVIRONMENT The SHELL, EDITOR (VISUAL, if defined) and PAGER environment variables take precedence when dealing with the !, e and p commands respectively. A single combination to arguments is supported for SHELL and PAGER. .Pp \fBNNN_BMS:\fR bookmark string as \fIkey_char:location\fR pairs (max 10) separated by \fI;\fR: .Bd -literal export NNN_BMS='d:~/Documents;u:/home/user/Cam Uploads;D:~/Downloads/' NOTE: Bookmark keys should be single-character to use them in combination with the Leader key. .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_OPENER:\fR specify a custom file opener. .Bd -literal export NNN_OPENER=mimeopen .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_CONTEXT_COLORS:\fR string of color codes for each context, e.g.: .Bd -literal export NNN_CONTEXT_COLORS='1234' codes: 0-black, 1-red, 2-green, 3-yellow, 4-blue (default), 5-magenta, 6-cyan, 7-white .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT:\fR set idle timeout (in seconds) to invoke terminal locker (default: disabled). .Pp \fBNNN_COPIER:\fR system clipboard copier script. .Bd -literal NOTE: File paths are copied to the tmp file \fBDIR/.nnncp\fR, where 'DIR' (by priority) is: \fI$HOME\fR or, \fI$TMPDIR\fR or, \fI/tmp\fR. The path is shown in the help and configuration screen. .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_SCRIPT:\fR \fIabsolute\fR path to a directory to select a script from or a single script to invoke with currently selected file name as argument 1. .Bd -literal export NNN_SCRIPT=/home/user/scripts OR export NNN_SCRIPT=/usr/local/bin/nscript.sh .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_NOTE:\fR \fIabsolute\fR path to a note file. .Bd -literal export NNN_NOTE='/home/user/.mynotes' .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_TMPFILE:\fR when cd on quit is pressed, the absolute path of the current open directory is written to this file. A wrapper script can read this file and cd into it once the program quits. .Bd -literal export NNN_TMPFILE=/tmp/nnn .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_USE_EDITOR:\fR use EDITOR (VISUAL takes preference, preferably CLI, fallback vi) to handle text files. .Bd -literal export NNN_USE_EDITOR=1 .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_SHOW_HIDDEN:\fR show hidden files. .Bd -literal export NNN_SHOW_HIDDEN=1 .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_NO_AUTOSELECT:\fR disable directory auto-selection in \fInavigate-as-you-type\fR mode. .Bd -literal export NNN_NO_AUTOSELECT=1 .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_RESTRICT_NAV_OPEN:\fR disable file open on \fBRight\fR or \fBl\fR keys (\fBEnter\fR opens files). .Bd -literal export NNN_RESTRICT_NAV_OPEN=1 .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_RESTRICT_0B:\fR restrict opening 0-byte files due to unexpected behaviour; use \fIedit\fR or \fIopen with\fR to open the file. .Bd -literal export NNN_RESTRICT_0B=1 .Ed .Pp \fBNNN_CP_MV_PROG:\fR show progress of copy, move operations (Linux-only, needs advcpmv). .Bd -literal export NNN_CP_MV_PROG=1 .Ed .Sh KNOWN ISSUES If you are using urxvt you might have to set backspace key to DEC. .Sh AUTHORS .An Lazaros Koromilas Aq Mt lostd@2f30.org , .An Dimitris Papastamos Aq Mt sin@2f30.org , .An Arun Prakash Jana Aq Mt engineerarun@gmail.com . .Sh HOME .Em https://github.com/jarun/nnn