#!/usr/bin/env sh # Description: Sets the xdg-open's default application for the current entry's # file type. ${XDG_DATA_DIRS} and ${XDG_DATA_HOME} are set to the recommended # defaults if unset, as specified in XDG Base Directory Specification, # [ http://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/ ]. # # Dependencies: xdg-utils, fzf # # Shell: POSIX # Author: lwnctd if [ -z "$1" ] || ! command -v fzf > /dev/null 2>& 1; then exit 1 fi ftype=$(xdg-mime query filetype "$2/$1") if [ -z "$ftype" ]; then exit 1 fi dirs=${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share:/usr/share} dirs=${dirs}:${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}: while [ -n "$dirs" ]; do d=${dirs%%:*} if [ -n "$d" ] && [ -d "$d"/applications ]; then set -- "$@" "$d"/applications fi dirs=${dirs#*:} done app=$(find "$@" -iname '*.desktop' -exec grep '^Name=' {} + \ | sort -u -t ':' -k 1,1 \ | sed -E 's;.+/(.+desktop):Name=(.+);\2:\1;' \ | sort -t ':' -k 1,1 \ | column -t -s ':' -o "$(printf '\t')" \ | fzf -e --tiebreak=begin \ | cut -f 2) if [ -n "$app" ]; then xdg-mime default "$app" "$ftype" fi