/* * BSD 2-Clause License * * Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Lazaros Koromilas * Copyright (C) 2014-2016, Dimitris Papastamos * Copyright (C) 2016-2019, Arun Prakash Jana * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include #define CONTROL(c) ((c) ^ 0x40) /* Supported actions */ enum action { SEL_BACK = 1, SEL_GOIN, SEL_NAV_IN, SEL_NEXT, SEL_PREV, SEL_PGDN, SEL_PGUP, SEL_CTRL_D, SEL_CTRL_U, SEL_HOME, SEL_END, SEL_CDHOME, SEL_CDBEGIN, SEL_CDLAST, SEL_CDROOT, SEL_VISIT, SEL_LEADER, SEL_CYCLE, SEL_CTX1, SEL_CTX2, SEL_CTX3, SEL_CTX4, SEL_PIN, SEL_FLTR, SEL_MFLTR, SEL_TOGGLEDOT, SEL_DETAIL, SEL_STATS, SEL_ARCHIVE, SEL_ARCHIVELS, SEL_EXTRACT, SEL_FSIZE, /* file size */ SEL_ASIZE, /* apparent size */ SEL_BSIZE, /* block size */ SEL_EXTN, /* order by extension */ SEL_MTIME, SEL_REDRAW, SEL_SEL, SEL_SELMUL, SEL_SELALL, SEL_SELLST, SEL_CP, SEL_MV, SEL_RMMUL, SEL_RM, SEL_OPENWITH, SEL_NEW, SEL_RENAME, SEL_RENAMEALL, SEL_SSHFS, SEL_UMOUNT, SEL_HELP, SEL_EXEC, SEL_SHELL, SEL_PLUGKEY, SEL_PLUGIN, SEL_LAUNCH, SEL_RUNCMD, SEL_RUNEDIT, SEL_RUNPAGE, SEL_NOTE, SEL_LOCK, SEL_QUITCTX, SEL_QUITCD, SEL_QUIT, SEL_CLICK, }; /* Associate a pressed key to an action */ struct key { int sym; /* Key pressed */ enum action act; /* Action */ }; static struct key bindings[] = { /* Back */ { KEY_LEFT, SEL_BACK }, { 'h', SEL_BACK }, /* Inside or select */ { KEY_ENTER, SEL_GOIN }, { '\r', SEL_GOIN }, /* Pure navigate inside */ { KEY_RIGHT, SEL_NAV_IN }, { 'l', SEL_NAV_IN }, /* Next */ { 'j', SEL_NEXT }, { KEY_DOWN, SEL_NEXT }, /* Previous */ { 'k', SEL_PREV }, { KEY_UP, SEL_PREV }, /* Page down */ { KEY_NPAGE, SEL_PGDN }, /* Page up */ { KEY_PPAGE, SEL_PGUP }, /* Ctrl+D */ { CONTROL('D'), SEL_CTRL_D }, /* Ctrl+U */ { CONTROL('U'), SEL_CTRL_U }, /* First entry */ { KEY_HOME, SEL_HOME }, { 'g', SEL_HOME }, { CONTROL('A'), SEL_HOME }, /* Last entry */ { KEY_END, SEL_END }, { 'G', SEL_END }, { CONTROL('E'), SEL_END }, /* HOME */ { '~', SEL_CDHOME }, /* Initial directory */ { '@', SEL_CDBEGIN }, /* Last visited dir */ { '-', SEL_CDLAST }, /* Go to / */ { '`', SEL_CDROOT }, /* Visit marked directory */ { CONTROL('B'), SEL_VISIT }, /* Leader key */ { CONTROL('_'), SEL_LEADER }, { ',', SEL_LEADER }, /* Cycle contexts in forward direction */ { '\t', SEL_CYCLE }, { CONTROL('I'), SEL_CYCLE }, /* Go to/create context N */ { '1', SEL_CTX1 }, { '2', SEL_CTX2 }, { '3', SEL_CTX3 }, { '4', SEL_CTX4 }, /* Mark a path to visit later */ { 'b', SEL_PIN }, /* Filter */ { '/', SEL_FLTR }, /* Toggle filter mode */ { KEY_IC, SEL_MFLTR }, { CONTROL('T'), SEL_MFLTR }, /* Toggle hide .dot files */ { '.', SEL_TOGGLEDOT }, /* Detailed listing */ { 'd', SEL_DETAIL }, /* File details */ { 'D', SEL_STATS }, /* Create archive */ { 'f', SEL_ARCHIVE }, /* List archive */ { 'F', SEL_ARCHIVELS }, /* Extract archive */ { CONTROL('F'), SEL_EXTRACT }, /* Toggle sort by size */ { 's', SEL_FSIZE }, /* Sort by apparent size including dir contents */ { 'S', SEL_ASIZE }, /* Sort by total block count including dir contents */ { CONTROL('J'), SEL_BSIZE }, /* Sort by file extension */ { 'E', SEL_EXTN }, /* Toggle sort by time */ { 't', SEL_MTIME }, /* Redraw window */ { CONTROL('L'), SEL_REDRAW }, { KEY_F(5), SEL_REDRAW }, /* Copy currently selected file path */ { CONTROL('K'), SEL_SEL }, { ' ', SEL_SEL }, /* Toggle copy multiple file paths */ { 'K', SEL_SELMUL }, { CONTROL('Y'), SEL_SELMUL }, /* Select all files in current dir */ { 'Y', SEL_SELALL }, /* Show list of copied files */ { 'y', SEL_SELLST }, /* Copy from copy buffer */ { 'P', SEL_CP }, /* Move from copy buffer */ { 'V', SEL_MV }, /* Delete from copy buffer */ { 'X', SEL_RMMUL }, /* Delete currently selected */ { CONTROL('X'), SEL_RM }, /* Open in a custom application */ { CONTROL('O'), SEL_OPENWITH }, /* Create a new file */ { 'n', SEL_NEW }, /* Show rename prompt */ { CONTROL('R'), SEL_RENAME }, { KEY_F(2), SEL_RENAME }, /* Rename contents of current dir */ { 'r', SEL_RENAMEALL }, /* Connect to server over SSHFS */ { 'c', SEL_SSHFS }, /* Disconnect a SSHFS mount point */ { 'u', SEL_UMOUNT }, /* Show help */ { '?', SEL_HELP }, /* Execute file */ { 'C', SEL_EXEC }, /* Run command */ { '!', SEL_SHELL }, { CONTROL(']'), SEL_SHELL }, /* Plugin key */ { 'x', SEL_PLUGKEY }, { KEY_F(12), SEL_PLUGKEY }, /* Run a plugin */ { 'R', SEL_PLUGIN }, { CONTROL('V'), SEL_PLUGIN }, /* Launcher */ { '=', SEL_LAUNCH }, /* Run a command */ { CONTROL('P'), SEL_RUNCMD }, /* Open in EDITOR or PAGER */ { 'e', SEL_RUNEDIT }, { 'p', SEL_RUNPAGE }, /* Open notes file */ { CONTROL('N'), SEL_NOTE }, /* Lock screen */ { 'L', SEL_LOCK }, /* Quit a context */ { 'q', SEL_QUITCTX }, /* Change dir on quit */ { CONTROL('G'), SEL_QUITCD }, /* Quit */ { 'Q', SEL_QUIT }, { CONTROL('Q'), SEL_QUIT }, { KEY_MOUSE, SEL_CLICK }, };