#!/usr/bin/env sh
# shellcheck disable=all

# Description: Paste the clipboard files into the current directory.
#              Only works if clipboard contents are files.
# Note: Supports only MacOS
# Shell: POSIX compliant
# Author: Syed Umar Anis

fs=($( osascript -e "use framework \"Foundation\"
    property this : a reference to the current application
    property NSPasteboard : a reference to NSPasteboard of this
    property NSURL : a reference to NSURL of this
    property pb : a reference to NSPasteboard's generalPasteboard

    property text item delimiters : linefeed

    pb's readObjectsForClasses:[NSURL] options:[]
    (result's valueForKey:\"path\") as list as text" ))

cp -R "${fs[@]}" "$2/"