To extend the capabilities of `nnn`, plugins are introduced. Plugins are scripts which `nnn` can communicate with and trigger. This mechanism fits perfectly with the fundamental design to keep the core file manager lean and fast, by delegating repetitive (but not necessarily file manager-specific) tasks to the plugins. The currently available plugins are listed below. | Plugin (a-z) | Lang | Deps | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | boom | sh | SMPlayer | Play random music from dir (modify `PLAYER`) | | checksum | sh | md5sum,<br>sha256sum | Create and verify checksums | | fzy-edit | sh | fzy | Fuzzy find a file in directory subtree and edit in vim | | fzy-open | sh | fzy | Fuzzy find a file in directory subtree and open using xdg-open | | getplugs | sh | wget | Update plugins | | hexview | sh | xxd | View a file in hex in `$PAGER` | | imgresize | sh | [imgp]( | Resize images in directory to screen resolution | | imgur | bash | - | Upload an image to imgur (from [imgur-screenshot]( | | ipinfo | sh | curl, whois | Fetch external IP address and whois information | | kdeconnect | sh | kdeconnect-cli | Send selected files to an Android device | | mocplay | sh | [moc]( | Appends (and plays, see script) selection/dir/file in moc| | ndiff | sh | vimdiff | Diff for selection (limited to 2 for directories) | | nmount | sh | pmount, udisks2 | Toggle mount status of a device as normal user | | nwal | sh | nitrogen | Set the selected image as wallpaper using nitrogen | | pastebin | sh | [pastebinit]( | Paste contents of (text) file to | | pdfview | sh | pdftotext/<br>mupdf-tools | View PDF file in `$PAGER` | | picker | sh | nnn | Pick files and pipe the newline-separated list to another utility | | pywal | sh | pywal | Set selected image as wallpaper, change terminal color scheme | | readit | sh | pdftotext, mpv,<br>pico2wave | Read a PDF or text file aloud | | ringtone | sh | date, ffmpeg | Create a variable bitrate mp3 ringtone from file | | splitjoin | sh | split, cat | Split file or join selection | | sxiv | sh | sxiv | Browse images in a dir in sxiv, set wallpaper, copy path ([config](| | thumb | sh | [lsix]( | View thumbnail of an image or dir of images | | transfer | sh | curl | Upload file to | | upgrade | sh | wget | Upgrade to latest nnn version manually on Debian 9 Stretch | | viuimg | sh | [viu](, less | View an image or images in a directory | #### Installing plugins Download the `getplugs` plugin and execute it anywhere to get all the plugins installed to `${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nnn/plugins`. You can run it again later to update the plugins. It backs up earlier plugins. **NOTE:** `getplugs` also downloads the launcher `nlaunch` and tries to place it at `/usr/local/bin/` using `sudo`. If it fails you have to place `nlauch` manually somewhere in your `$PATH`. #### File access from plugins Plugins can access: - all files in the directory (`nnn` switches to the dir where the plugin is to be run so the dir is `$PWD` for the plugin) - the current file under the cursor (the file name is passed as the argument to a plugin) - the current selection (by reading the file `.selection` in config dir, see the plugin `ndiff`) Each script has a _Description_ section which provides more details on what the script does, if applicable. #### Usage Use the _pick plugin_ shortcut to visit the plugin directory and execute a plugin. Repeating the same shortcut cancels the operation and puts you back in the original directory. #### Contributing plugins Plugins are scripts and all scripting languages should work. However, POSIX-compliant shell scripts runnable in `sh` are preferred. If that's too rudimentary for your use case, use Python, Perl or Ruby. Please keep non-portable commands (like `notify-send`) commented so users from any other OS/DE aren't surprised. The plugins should be executable. Please add an entry in the table above.