#!/usr/bin/env sh # Description: Appends and optionally plays music in MOC # # Notes: # - if selection is available, plays it, else plays the current file or directory # - appends tracks and exits is MOC is running, else clears playlist and adds tracks # - to randomize the order of files appended to the playlist, set SHUFFLE=1 # if you add a directory with many files when SHUFFLE=1 is set, it might take a very long time to finish! # # Shell: POSIX compliant # Author: Arun Prakash Jana, ath3 IFS="$(printf '\n\r')" selection=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}/nnn/.selection cmd=$(pgrep -x mocp 2>/dev/null) ret=$cmd SHUFFLE=0 mocp_add() { if [ $SHUFFLE = 1 ]; then if [ -s "$selection" ]; then arr=$(tr '\0' '\n' < "$selection") elif [ -n "$1" ]; then arr="$1" fi for entry in $arr do if [ -d "$entry" ]; then arr2=$arr2$(find "$entry" -type f) else arr2=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$entry" "$arr2") fi done arr2=$(echo "$arr2" | awk 'BEGIN{srand();}{print rand()"\t"$0}' | sort -k1 -n | cut -f2-) for entry in $arr2 do if [ -f "$entry" ] && [ "$(echo "$entry" | grep -v '\.m3u$\|\.pls$')" ]; then mocp -a "$entry" fi done else if [ -s "$selection" ]; then xargs < "$selection" -0 mocp -a else mocp -a "$1" fi fi } if [ ! -s "$selection" ] && [ -z "$1" ]; then exit fi if [ -z "$ret" ]; then # mocp not running mocp -S else # mocp running, check if it's playing state=$(mocp -i | grep "State:" | cut -d' ' -f2) if [ $state = 'PLAY' ]; then # add to playlist and exit mocp_add "$1" # uncomment the line below to show mocp interface after appending # mocp exit fi fi # clear selection and play mocp -c mocp_add "$1" mocp -p # uncomment the line below to show mocp interface after appending # mocp