#!/usr/bin/env sh # Description: Encrypts selected files using gpg. Can encrypt # asymmetrically (key) or symmetrically (passphrase). # If asymmetric encryption is chosen a key can be # chosen from the list of capable public keys using fzf. # # Note: Symmetric encryption only works for a single (current) file as per gpg limitations # # Shell: POSIX compliant # Author: KlzXS # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091 . "$(dirname "$0")"/.nnn-plugin-helper printf "(s)ymmetric, (a)symmetric? [default=a] " read -r symmetry if [ "$symmetry" = "s" ]; then gpg --symmetric "$1" else if nnn_use_selection; then clear_sel=1 files=$(tr '\0' '\n' < "$selection") else clear_sel=0 files=$1 fi keyids=$(gpg --list-public-keys --with-colons | grep -E "pub:(.*:){10}.*[eE].*:" | awk -F ":" '{print $5}') #awk needs literal $10 #shellcheck disable=SC2016 keyuids=$(printf "%s" "$keyids" | xargs -n1 -I{} sh -c 'gpg --list-key --with-colons "{}" | grep "uid" | awk -F ":" '\''{printf "%s %s\n", "{}", $10}'\''') recipient=$(printf "%s" "$keyuids" | fzf | awk '{print $1}') printf "%s" "$files" | xargs -n1 gpg --encrypt --recipient "$recipient" # Clear selection if [ "$clear_sel" -eq 1 ] && [ -p "$NNN_PIPE" ]; then printf "-" > "$NNN_PIPE" fi fi