diff --git a/Basic-use-cases.md b/Basic-use-cases.md
index 8433ca8..0a6023d 100644
--- a/Basic-use-cases.md
+++ b/Basic-use-cases.md
@@ -2,33 +2,33 @@
`nnn` unfolds on use. Some exquisite stuff you can do:
-- Instantly load, sort, filter thousands of files
-- Type to navigate with automatic dir selection
-- List input stream and pick entries to stdout or file
-- `find`/`fd`/`grep`/`ripgrep`/`fzf` from `nnn` and list in `nnn`
-- Never lose context - start where you quit
-- Mount any cloud storage service in a few keypresses
-- Select files from anywhere (not just a single dir)
-- Unlimited bookmarks, plugins, cmds with custom hotkeys
-- Write a plugin in any language you know
-- Edit and preview markdown, man page, HTML
-- Open a file and auto-advance to the next
-- Filter filtered entries, export list of visible files
-- Configure the middle mouse click to do anything
-- Fuzzy search subtree and open a file (or its parent dir)
-- Load four dirs with custom settings at once
-- Notifications on `cp`, `mv`, `rm` completion
-- Auto-sync selection to system clipboard
-- Access selection from another instance of `nnn`
-- Open text files detached in another pane/tab/window
-- Mount and modify archives
-- Create files/dirs/duplicates with parents (like `mkdir -p`)
-- Toggle hidden with ., visit `$HOME` with ~, last dir with -
-- Mark a frequently visited dir at runtime
-- Sort by modification, access and inode change time
-- Compile out/in features with make variables
-- Watch matrix text fly or read fortune messages
-- Configure in 5 minutes!
+- [x] Instantly load, sort, filter thousands of files
+- [x] Type to navigate with automatic dir selection
+- [x] List input stream and pick entries to stdout or file
+- [x] `find`/`fd`/`grep`/`ripgrep`/`fzf` from `nnn` and list in `nnn`
+- [x] Never lose context - start where you quit
+- [x] Mount any cloud storage service in a few keypresses
+- [x] Select files from anywhere (not just a single dir)
+- [x] Unlimited bookmarks, plugins, cmds with custom hotkeys
+- [x] Write a plugin in any language you know
+- [x] Edit and preview markdown, man page, HTML
+- [x] Open a file and auto-advance to the next
+- [x] Filter filtered entries, export list of visible files
+- [x] Configure the middle mouse click to do anything
+- [x] Fuzzy search subtree and open a file (or its parent dir)
+- [x] Load four dirs with custom settings at once
+- [x] Notifications on `cp`, `mv`, `rm` completion
+- [x] Auto-sync selection to system clipboard
+- [x] Access selection from another instance of `nnn`
+- [x] Open text files detached in another pane/tab/window
+- [x] Mount and modify archives
+- [x] Create files/dirs/duplicates with parents (like `mkdir -p`)
+- [x] Toggle hidden with ., visit `$HOME` with ~, last dir with -
+- [x] Mark a frequently visited dir at runtime
+- [x] Sort by modification, access and inode change time
+- [x] Compile out/in features with make variables
+- [x] Watch matrix text fly or read fortune messages
+- [x] Configure in 5 minutes!
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