#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 #include <assert.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <wlr/util/log.h> #include <xkbcommon/xkbcommon.h> #include "swaylock/swaylock.h" #include "swaylock/seat.h" #include "unicode.h" void clear_password_buffer(struct swaylock_password *pw) { // Use volatile keyword so so compiler can't optimize this out. volatile char *buffer = pw->buffer; volatile char zero = '\0'; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(pw->buffer); ++i) { buffer[i] = zero; } pw->len = 0; } static bool backspace(struct swaylock_password *pw) { if (pw->len != 0) { pw->buffer[--pw->len] = 0; return true; } return false; } static void append_ch(struct swaylock_password *pw, uint32_t codepoint) { size_t utf8_size = utf8_chsize(codepoint); if (pw->len + utf8_size + 1 >= sizeof(pw->buffer)) { // TODO: Display error return; } utf8_encode(&pw->buffer[pw->len], codepoint); pw->buffer[pw->len + utf8_size] = 0; pw->len += utf8_size; } void swaylock_handle_key(struct swaylock_state *state, xkb_keysym_t keysym, uint32_t codepoint) { switch (keysym) { case XKB_KEY_KP_Enter: /* fallthrough */ case XKB_KEY_Return: if (state->args.ignore_empty && state->password.len == 0) { break; } state->auth_state = AUTH_STATE_VALIDATING; damage_state(state); while (wl_display_dispatch(state->display) != -1 && state->run_display) { bool ok = 1; struct swaylock_surface *surface; wl_list_for_each(surface, &state->surfaces, link) { if (surface->dirty) { ok = 0; } } if (ok) { break; } } wl_display_flush(state->display); if (attempt_password(&state->password)) { state->run_display = false; break; } state->auth_state = AUTH_STATE_INVALID; damage_state(state); break; case XKB_KEY_Delete: case XKB_KEY_BackSpace: if (backspace(&state->password)) { state->auth_state = AUTH_STATE_BACKSPACE; } else { state->auth_state = AUTH_STATE_CLEAR; } damage_state(state); break; case XKB_KEY_Escape: clear_password_buffer(&state->password); state->auth_state = AUTH_STATE_CLEAR; damage_state(state); break; case XKB_KEY_Caps_Lock: /* The state is getting active after this * so we need to manually toggle it */ state->xkb.caps_lock = !state->xkb.caps_lock; state->auth_state = AUTH_STATE_INPUT_NOP; damage_state(state); break; case XKB_KEY_Shift_L: case XKB_KEY_Shift_R: case XKB_KEY_Control_L: case XKB_KEY_Control_R: case XKB_KEY_Meta_L: case XKB_KEY_Meta_R: case XKB_KEY_Alt_L: case XKB_KEY_Alt_R: case XKB_KEY_Super_L: case XKB_KEY_Super_R: state->auth_state = AUTH_STATE_INPUT_NOP; damage_state(state); break; case XKB_KEY_u: if (state->xkb.control) { clear_password_buffer(&state->password); state->auth_state = AUTH_STATE_CLEAR; damage_state(state); break; } // fallthrough default: if (codepoint) { append_ch(&state->password, codepoint); state->auth_state = AUTH_STATE_INPUT; damage_state(state); } break; } }