swaybg(1) # NAME swaybg - Background for Wayland # SYNOPSIS *swaybg* [options...] Displays a background image on all outputs of your Wayland session. Without an output specified, appearance options apply to all outputs. Per-output appearance options can be set by passing _-o, --output_ followed by these options. # OPTIONS *-c, --color* <rrggbb[aa]> Set the background color. *-h, --help* Show help message and quit. *-i, --image* <path> Set the background image. *-m, --mode* <mode> Scaling mode for images: _stretch_, _fill_, _fit_, _center_, or _tile_. Use the additional mode _solid\_color_ to display only the background color, even if a background image is specified. *-o, --output* <name> Select an output to configure. Subsequent appearance options will only apply to this output. The special value _\*_ selects all outputs. *-v, --version* Show the version number and quit. # AUTHORS Maintained by Drew DeVault <sir@cmpwn.com>, who is assisted by other open source contributors. For more information about swaybg development, see https://github.com/swaywm/sway.