#include #include #include #include "readline.h" #include "client/registry.h" #include "client/window.h" #include "client/pango.h" #include "log.h" #define MARGIN 5 struct box_colors { uint32_t border; uint32_t background; uint32_t text; }; struct colors { uint32_t background; uint32_t statusline; uint32_t seperator; struct box_colors focused_workspace; struct box_colors active_workspace; struct box_colors inactive_workspace; struct box_colors urgent_workspace; struct box_colors binding_mode; }; FILE *command; char *line; struct registry *registry; struct window *window; struct colors colors = { .background = 0x000000FF, .statusline = 0xFFFFFFFF, .seperator = 0x666666FF, .focused_workspace = { .border = 0x4C7899FF, .background = 0x285577FF, .text = 0xFFFFFFFF }, .active_workspace = { .border = 0x333333FF, .background = 0x5F676AFF, .text = 0xFFFFFFFF }, .inactive_workspace = { .border = 0x333333FF, .background = 0x222222FF, .text = 0x888888FF }, .urgent_workspace = { .border = 0x2F343AFF, .background = 0x900000FF, .text = 0xFFFFFFFF }, .binding_mode = { .border = 0x2F343AFF, .background = 0x900000FF, .text = 0xFFFFFFFF }, }; void sway_terminate(void) { window_teardown(window); registry_teardown(registry); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } void cairo_set_source_u32(cairo_t *cairo, uint32_t color) { cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo, ((color & 0xFF000000) >> 24) / 256.0, ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) / 256.0, ((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) / 256.0, (color & 0xFF) / 256.0); } void update() { if (!feof(command)) { line = read_line(command); int l = strlen(line) - 1; if (line[l] == '\n') { line[l] = '\0'; } } } void render() { cairo_save(window->cairo); cairo_set_operator(window->cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint(window->cairo); cairo_restore(window->cairo); cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, colors.background); cairo_paint(window->cairo); cairo_set_source_u32(window->cairo, colors.statusline); int width, height; get_text_size(window, &width, &height, "%s", line); cairo_move_to(window->cairo, window->width - MARGIN - width, MARGIN); pango_printf(window, "%s", line); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { init_log(L_INFO); registry = registry_poll(); if (!registry->desktop_shell) { sway_abort("swaybar requires the compositor to support the desktop-shell extension."); } int desired_output = atoi(argv[1]); sway_log(L_INFO, "Using output %d of %d", desired_output, registry->outputs->length); struct output_state *output = registry->outputs->items[desired_output]; window = window_setup(registry, output->width, 30, false); if (!window) { sway_abort("Failed to create window."); } desktop_shell_set_panel(registry->desktop_shell, output->output, window->surface); desktop_shell_set_panel_position(registry->desktop_shell, DESKTOP_SHELL_PANEL_POSITION_BOTTOM); int width, height; get_text_size(window, &width, &height, "Test string for measuring purposes"); window->height = height + MARGIN * 2; command = popen(argv[2], "r"); line = malloc(1024); line[0] = '\0'; do { if (window_prerender(window) && window->cairo) { update(); render(); window_render(window); } } while (wl_display_dispatch(registry->display) != -1); window_teardown(window); registry_teardown(registry); return 0; }