import itertools import json import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ( float_or_none, int_or_none, traverse_obj, try_get, unified_timestamp, url_or_none, ) class BannedVideoBaseIE(InfoExtractor): _GRAPHQL_GETMETADATA_QUERY = ''' query GetVideoAndComments($id: String!) { getVideo(id: $id) { streamUrl directUrl unlisted live tags { name } title summary playCount largeImage videoDuration channel { _id title } createdAt } getVideoComments(id: $id, limit: 999999, offset: 0) { _id content user { _id username } voteCount { positive } createdAt replyCount } }''' _GRAPHQL_GETMETADATA_FALLBACK_QUERY = ''' query GetVideo($id: String!) { getVideo(id: $id) { ...DisplayVideoFields streamUrl directUrl liked disliked audio unlisted live tags { _id name __typename } sale { _id text textSale description url videoUpload { cloudflareVideoUID __typename } __typename } __typename } } fragment DisplayVideoFields on Video { _id title summary playCount likeCount angerCount largeImage embedUrl published videoDuration channel { _id title avatar __typename } createdAt __typename }''' _GRAPHQL_GETCOMMENTSREPLIES_QUERY = ''' query GetCommentReplies($id: String!) { getCommentReplies(id: $id, limit: 999999, offset: 0) { _id content user { _id username } voteCount { positive } createdAt replyCount } }''' _GRAPHQL_GETCHANNEL_QUERY = ''' query GetChannel($id: String!) { getChannelByIdOrTitle(id: $id) { _id title summary avatar coverImage } }''' _GRAPHQL_GETCHANNELVIDEOS_QUERY = ''' query GetChannelVideos($id: String!, $limit: Float, $offset: Float) { getChannel(id: $id) { videos(limit: $limit, offset: $offset) { ...DisplayVideoFields } } } fragment DisplayVideoFields on Video { _id }''' _GRAPHQL_GETPLAYLIST_QUERY = ''' query GetPlaylist($id: String!) { getPlaylist(id: $id) { title summary } }''' _GRAPHQL_GETPLAYLISTVIDEOS_QUERY = ''' query GetPlaylistVideos($id: String!, $limit: Float, $offset: Float) { getPlaylist(id: $id) { videos(limit: $limit, offset: $offset) { ...DisplayVideoFields } } } fragment DisplayVideoFields on Video { _id }''' _GRAPHQL_QUERIES = { 'GetVideoAndComments': _GRAPHQL_GETMETADATA_QUERY, 'GetVideo': _GRAPHQL_GETMETADATA_FALLBACK_QUERY, 'GetCommentReplies': _GRAPHQL_GETCOMMENTSREPLIES_QUERY, 'GetChannel': _GRAPHQL_GETCHANNEL_QUERY, 'GetChannelVideos': _GRAPHQL_GETCHANNELVIDEOS_QUERY, 'GetPlaylist': _GRAPHQL_GETPLAYLIST_QUERY, 'GetPlaylistVideos': _GRAPHQL_GETPLAYLISTVIDEOS_QUERY, } _API_HEADERS = { 'apollographql-client-name': 'banned-web', 'apollographql-client-version': '1.3', 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Origin': '', 'User-Agent': 'bannedVideoFrontEnd', } def _call_api(self, video_id, operation, note, variables=None): return self._download_json( '', video_id, note=note, headers=self._API_HEADERS, data=json.dumps({ 'variables': variables or {'id': video_id}, 'operationName': operation, 'query': self._GRAPHQL_QUERIES[operation], }).encode('utf8')).get('data') def _paginate(self, playlist_id, query): for i in itertools.count(0): page_json = self._call_api( playlist_id, query, f'Downloading playlist page {i + 1}', {'id': playlist_id, 'limit': 1000, 'offset': 1000 * i}) videos = traverse_obj(page_json, (..., 'videos', ...), expected_type=dict) for v in videos: yield v['_id'] if not videos: return class BannedVideoIE(BannedVideoBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?banned\.video/watch\?id=(?P[0-f]{24})' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'md5': '14b6e81d41beaaee2215cd75c6ed56e4', 'info_dict': { 'id': '5e7a859644e02200c6ef5f11', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'China Discovers Origin of Corona Virus: Issues Emergency Statement', 'thumbnail': r're:^https?://(?:www\.)?assets\', 'description': 'md5:560d96f02abbebe6c6b78b47465f6b28', 'upload_date': '20200324', 'timestamp': 1585087895, }, }] def _get_comments(self, video_id, comments, comment_data): yield from comments for comment in comment_data.copy(): comment_id = comment.get('_id') if comment.get('replyCount') > 0: reply_json = self._call_api( video_id, 'GetCommentReplies', f'Downloading replies for comment {comment_id}', {'id': comment_id}) for reply in reply_json.get('getCommentReplies'): yield self._parse_comment(reply, comment_id) @staticmethod def _parse_comment(comment_data, parent): return { 'id': comment_data.get('_id'), 'text': comment_data.get('content'), 'author': try_get(comment_data, lambda x: x['user']['username']), 'author_id': try_get(comment_data, lambda x: x['user']['_id']), 'timestamp': unified_timestamp(comment_data.get('createdAt')), 'parent': parent, 'like_count': try_get(comment_data, lambda x: x['voteCount']['positive']), } def _real_extract(self, url): video_id = self._match_id(url) video_json = self._call_api(video_id, 'GetVideoAndComments', 'Downloading video metadata') if not video_json: video_json = self._call_api(video_id, 'GetVideo', 'Downloading video metadata (fallback)') video_info = video_json['getVideo'] is_live = video_info.get('live') comments = [self._parse_comment(comment, 'root') for comment in video_json.get('getVideoComments', [])] formats = [{ 'format_id': 'direct', 'quality': 1, 'url': video_info.get('directUrl'), 'ext': 'mp4', }] if url_or_none(video_info.get('directUrl')) else [] if video_info.get('streamUrl') and not'\.mp4$', video_info.get('streamUrl') or ''): formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats( video_info.get('streamUrl'), video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native', m3u8_id='hls', live=True)) return { 'id': video_id, 'title': video_info.get('title')[:-1], 'formats': formats, 'is_live': is_live, 'description': video_info.get('summary'), 'channel': try_get(video_info, lambda x: x['channel']['title']), 'channel_id': try_get(video_info, lambda x: x['channel']['_id']), 'view_count': int_or_none(video_info.get('playCount')), 'thumbnail': url_or_none(video_info.get('largeImage')), 'duration': float_or_none(video_info.get('videoDuration')), 'timestamp': unified_timestamp(video_info.get('createdAt')), 'tags': [tag.get('name') for tag in video_info.get('tags')], 'availability': self._availability(is_unlisted=video_info.get('unlisted')), 'comments': comments, '__post_extractor': self.extract_comments(video_id, comments, video_json.get('getVideoComments')), } class BannedVideoChannelIE(BannedVideoBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?banned\.video/channel/(?P[\w-]+)' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'playlist_mincount': 9810, 'info_dict': { 'id': '5b9301172abf762e22bc22fd', 'title': 'War Room With Owen Shroyer', 'description': 'md5:821d45563613ec1f5a2b68046d13e2ff', 'thumbnail': '', }, }, { 'url': '', 'playlist_mincount': 21, 'info_dict': { 'thumbnail': '', 'id': '64598c46b1e3f80b32930313', 'title': 'The Best of Tucker Carlson ', 'description': 'Channel dedicated to Tucker', }, }] def _real_extract(self, url): channel_info = self._call_api( self._match_id(url), 'GetChannel', 'Downloading channel metadata')['getChannelByIdOrTitle'] channel_id = channel_info['_id'] return self.playlist_result( [self.url_result(f'{vid}', url_transparent=True) for vid in self._paginate(channel_id, 'GetChannelVideos')], channel_id, channel_info['title'], channel_info.get('summary'), thumbnail=channel_info.get('coverImage')) class BannedVideoPlaylistIE(BannedVideoBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?banned\.video/playlist/(?P[\w-]+)' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'playlist_mincount': 1507, 'info_dict': { 'title': 'Full Alex Jones Shows', 'id': '5d81058ce2ea200013c01580', 'description': '', }, }, { 'url': '', 'playlist_mincount': 92, 'info_dict': { 'title': 'Owen Shroyer Man On The Street Interviews', 'id': '5db8bac40d7a4400199b73ca', 'description': '', }, }] def _real_extract(self, url): playlist_id = self._match_id(url) playlist_info = self._call_api(playlist_id, 'GetPlaylist', 'Downloading playlist metadata')['getPlaylist'] return self.playlist_result( [self.url_result(f'{vid}', url_transparent=True) for vid in self._paginate(playlist_id, 'GetPlaylistVideos')], playlist_id, playlist_info['title'], playlist_info.get('summary'))