# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import random import re from .common import InfoExtractor from ..utils import ExtractorError, try_get, compat_str, str_or_none from ..compat import compat_urllib_parse_unquote class AudiusBaseIE(InfoExtractor): _API_BASE = None _API_V = '/v1' def _get_response_data(self, response): if isinstance(response, dict): response_data = response.get('data') if response_data is not None: return response_data if len(response) == 1 and 'message' in response: raise ExtractorError('API error: %s' % response['message'], expected=True) raise ExtractorError('Unexpected API response') def _select_api_base(self): """Selecting one of the currently available API hosts""" response = super(AudiusBaseIE, self)._download_json( 'https://api.audius.co/', None, note='Requesting available API hosts', errnote='Unable to request available API hosts') hosts = self._get_response_data(response) if isinstance(hosts, list): self._API_BASE = random.choice(hosts) return raise ExtractorError('Unable to get available API hosts') @staticmethod def _prepare_url(url, title): """ Audius removes forward slashes from the uri, but leaves backslashes. The problem is that the current version of Chrome replaces backslashes in the address bar with a forward slashes, so if you copy the link from there and paste it into youtube-dl, you won't be able to download anything from this link, since the Audius API won't be able to resolve this url """ url = compat_urllib_parse_unquote(url) title = compat_urllib_parse_unquote(title) if '/' in title or '%2F' in title: fixed_title = title.replace('/', '%5C').replace('%2F', '%5C') return url.replace(title, fixed_title) return url def _api_request(self, path, item_id=None, note='Downloading JSON metadata', errnote='Unable to download JSON metadata', expected_status=None): if self._API_BASE is None: self._select_api_base() try: response = super(AudiusBaseIE, self)._download_json( '%s%s%s' % (self._API_BASE, self._API_V, path), item_id, note=note, errnote=errnote, expected_status=expected_status) except ExtractorError as exc: # some of Audius API hosts may not work as expected and return HTML if 'Failed to parse JSON' in compat_str(exc): raise ExtractorError('An error occurred while receiving data. Try again', expected=True) raise exc return self._get_response_data(response) def _resolve_url(self, url, item_id): return self._api_request('/resolve?url=%s' % url, item_id, expected_status=404) class AudiusIE(AudiusBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)https?://(?:www\.)?(?:audius\.co/(?P[\w\d-]+)(?!/album|/playlist)/(?P\S+))''' _TESTS = [ { # URL from Chrome address bar which replace backslash to forward slash 'url': 'https://audius.co/test_acc/t%D0%B5%D0%B5%D0%B5est-1.%5E_%7B%7D/%22%3C%3E.%E2%84%96~%60-198631', 'md5': '92c35d3e754d5a0f17eef396b0d33582', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'xd8gY', 'title': '''Tеееest/ 1.!@#$%^&*()_+=[]{};'\\\":<>,.?/№~`''', 'ext': 'mp3', 'description': 'Description', 'duration': 30, 'track': '''Tеееest/ 1.!@#$%^&*()_+=[]{};'\\\":<>,.?/№~`''', 'artist': 'test', 'genre': 'Electronic', 'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*\.jpg', 'view_count': int, 'like_count': int, 'repost_count': int, } }, { # Regular track 'url': 'https://audius.co/voltra/radar-103692', 'md5': '491898a0a8de39f20c5d6a8a80ab5132', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'KKdy2', 'title': 'RADAR', 'ext': 'mp3', 'duration': 318, 'track': 'RADAR', 'artist': 'voltra', 'genre': 'Trance', 'thumbnail': r're:https?://.*\.jpg', 'view_count': int, 'like_count': int, 'repost_count': int, } }, ] _ARTWORK_MAP = { "150x150": 150, "480x480": 480, "1000x1000": 1000 } def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) uploader, title, track_id = mobj.groups() if track_id is None: url = self._prepare_url(url, title) track_data = self._resolve_url(url, title) else: # API link track_data = self._api_request('/tracks/%s' % track_id, track_id) if not isinstance(track_data, dict): raise ExtractorError('Unexpected API response') track_id = track_data.get('id') if track_id is None: raise ExtractorError('Unable to get ID of the track') artworks_data = track_data.get('artwork') thumbnails = [] if isinstance(artworks_data, dict): for quality_key, thumbnail_url in artworks_data.items(): thumbnail = { "url": thumbnail_url } quality_code = self._ARTWORK_MAP.get(quality_key) if quality_code is not None: thumbnail['preference'] = quality_code thumbnails.append(thumbnail) return { 'id': track_id, 'title': track_data.get('title', title), 'url': '%s/v1/tracks/%s/stream' % (self._API_BASE, track_id), 'ext': 'mp3', 'description': track_data.get('description'), 'duration': track_data.get('duration'), 'track': track_data.get('title'), 'artist': try_get(track_data, lambda x: x['user']['name'], compat_str), 'genre': track_data.get('genre'), 'thumbnails': thumbnails, 'view_count': track_data.get('play_count'), 'like_count': track_data.get('favorite_count'), 'repost_count': track_data.get('repost_count'), } class AudiusPlaylistIE(AudiusBaseIE): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?audius\.co/(?P<uploader>[\w\d-]+)/(?:album|playlist)/(?P<title>\S+)' IE_NAME = 'audius:playlist' _TEST = { 'url': 'https://audius.co/test_acc/playlist/test-playlist-22910', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'DNvjN', 'title': 'test playlist', 'description': 'Test description\n\nlol', }, 'playlist_count': 175, } def _build_playlist(self, tracks): entries = [] for track in tracks: if not isinstance(track, dict): raise ExtractorError('Unexpected API response') track_id = str_or_none(track.get('id')) if not track_id: raise ExtractorError('Unable to get track ID from playlist') entries.append(self.url_result( '%s%s/tracks/%s' % (self._API_BASE, self._API_V, track_id), ie=AudiusIE.ie_key(), video_id=track_id)) return entries def _real_extract(self, url): self._select_api_base() mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url) uploader, title = mobj.groups() url = self._prepare_url(url, title) playlist_response = self._resolve_url(url, title) if not isinstance(playlist_response, list) or len(playlist_response) != 1: raise ExtractorError('Unexpected API response') playlist_data = playlist_response[0] if not isinstance(playlist_data, dict): raise ExtractorError('Unexpected API response') playlist_id = playlist_data.get('id') if playlist_id is None: raise ExtractorError('Unable to get playlist ID') playlist_tracks = self._api_request( '/playlists/%s/tracks' % playlist_id, title, note='Downloading playlist tracks metadata', errnote='Unable to download playlist tracks metadata') if not isinstance(playlist_tracks, list): raise ExtractorError('Unexpected API response') entries = self._build_playlist(playlist_tracks) return self.playlist_result(entries, playlist_id, playlist_data.get('playlist_name', title), playlist_data.get('description'))