import itertools from .common import InfoExtractor from ..compat import compat_str from ..utils import ( ExtractorError, smuggle_url, str_or_none, traverse_obj, unified_strdate, unsmuggle_url, ) class VoicyBaseIE(InfoExtractor): def _extract_from_playlist_data(self, value): voice_id = compat_str(value.get('PlaylistId')) upload_date = unified_strdate(value.get('Published'), False) items = [self._extract_single_article(voice_data) for voice_data in value['VoiceData']] return { '_type': 'multi_video', 'entries': items, 'id': voice_id, 'title': compat_str(value.get('PlaylistName')), 'uploader': value.get('SpeakerName'), 'uploader_id': str_or_none(value.get('SpeakerId')), 'channel': value.get('ChannelName'), 'channel_id': str_or_none(value.get('ChannelId')), 'upload_date': upload_date, } def _extract_single_article(self, entry): formats = [{ 'url': entry['VoiceHlsFile'], 'format_id': 'hls', 'ext': 'm4a', 'acodec': 'aac', 'vcodec': 'none', 'protocol': 'm3u8_native', }, { 'url': entry['VoiceFile'], 'format_id': 'mp3', 'ext': 'mp3', 'acodec': 'mp3', 'vcodec': 'none', }] self._sort_formats(formats) return { 'id': compat_str(entry.get('ArticleId')), 'title': entry.get('ArticleTitle'), 'description': entry.get('MediaName'), 'formats': formats, } def _call_api(self, url, video_id, **kwargs): response = self._download_json(url, video_id, **kwargs) if response.get('Status') != 0: message = traverse_obj(response, ('Value', 'Error', 'Message'), expected_type=compat_str) if not message: message = 'There was a error in the response: %d' % response.get('Status') raise ExtractorError(message, expected=False) return response.get('Value') class VoicyIE(VoicyBaseIE): IE_NAME = 'voicy' _VALID_URL = r'https?://voicy\.jp/channel/(?P<channel_id>\d+)/(?P<id>\d+)' ARTICLE_LIST_API_URL = '' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '122754', 'title': '1/21(木)声日記:ついに原稿終わった!!', 'uploader': 'ちょまど@ ITエンジニアなオタク', 'uploader_id': '7339', }, 'playlist_mincount': 9, }] def _real_extract(self, url): mobj = self._match_valid_url(url) assert mobj voice_id ='id') channel_id ='channel_id') url, article_list = unsmuggle_url(url) if not article_list: article_list = self._call_api(self.ARTICLE_LIST_API_URL % (channel_id, voice_id), voice_id) return self._extract_from_playlist_data(article_list) class VoicyChannelIE(VoicyBaseIE): IE_NAME = 'voicy:channel' _VALID_URL = r'https?://voicy\.jp/channel/(?P<id>\d+)' PROGRAM_LIST_API_URL = '' _TESTS = [{ 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '7339', 'title': 'ゆるふわ日常ラジオ #ちょまラジ', 'uploader': 'ちょまど@ ITエンジニアなオタク', 'uploader_id': '7339', }, 'playlist_mincount': 54, }] @classmethod def suitable(cls, url): return not VoicyIE.suitable(url) and super().suitable(url) def _entries(self, channel_id): pager = '' for count in itertools.count(1): article_list = self._call_api(self.PROGRAM_LIST_API_URL % (channel_id, pager), channel_id, note='Paging #%d' % count) playlist_data = article_list.get('PlaylistData') if not playlist_data: break yield from playlist_data last = playlist_data[-1] pager = '&pid=%d&p_date=%s&play_count=%s' % (last['PlaylistId'], last['Published'], last['PlayCount']) def _real_extract(self, url): channel_id = self._match_id(url) articles = self._entries(channel_id) first_article = next(articles, None) title = traverse_obj(first_article, ('ChannelName', ), expected_type=compat_str) speaker_name = traverse_obj(first_article, ('SpeakerName', ), expected_type=compat_str) if not title and speaker_name: title = 'Uploads from %s' % speaker_name if not title: title = 'Uploads from channel ID %s' % channel_id articles = itertools.chain([first_article], articles) if first_article else articles playlist = ( self.url_result(smuggle_url('' % (channel_id, value['PlaylistId']), value), VoicyIE.ie_key()) for value in articles) return { '_type': 'playlist', 'entries': playlist, 'id': channel_id, 'title': title, 'channel': speaker_name, 'channel_id': channel_id, }