import collections import contextlib import itertools import re from html.parser import HTMLParser from .compat import compat_HTMLParseError from .utils import orderedSet def iter_find(string, sub: str): size = len(sub) idx = -size while True: idx = string.find(sub, idx + size) if idx == -1: return yield idx class HTMLCommentRanges: """computes the offsets of HTML comments comments start with '' encountered note: markers within quotes are not ignored """ def __init__(self, html): self._range_iter = self.ranges(html) self._range = next(self._range_iter, None) self._last_offset = 0 @staticmethod def ranges(string, sopen=''): assert not (sopen.startswith(sclose) or sclose.startswith(sopen)) open_iter = iter_find(string, sopen) close_len = len(sclose) close_iter = (idx + close_len for idx in iter_find(string, sclose)) next_open = next(open_iter, None) next_close = next(close_iter, None) while True: if next_open is None: return while next_close is not None and next_open > next_close: next_close = next(close_iter, None) yield slice(next_open, next_close) if next_close is None: return while next_open is not None and next_open < next_close: next_open = next(open_iter, None) def __contains__(self, offset): assert isinstance(offset, int) assert offset >= self._last_offset, 'offset must be in increasing order' self._last_offset = offset while self._range and self._range.stop is not None and offset >= self._range.stop: self._range = next(self._range_iter, None) return not (self._range is None or offset < self._range.start) class HTMLTagParser(HTMLParser): """HTML parser which returns found elements as instances of 'Tag' when STRICT=True can raise compat_HTMLParseError() on malformed HTML elements usage: parser = HTMLTagParser() for tag_obj in parser.taglist(html): tag_obj.text_and_html() """ STRICT = False ANY_TAG_REGEX = re.compile(r'''<(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^"'>])*?>''') VOID_TAGS = { 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr', } class Tag: __slots__ = 'name', 'string', 'attrs', '_openrange', '_closerange' def __init__(self, name, *, string='', attrs=()): = name self.string = string self.attrs = tuple(attrs) self._openrange = None self._closerange = None def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)!r})' def __eq__(self, other): return == other def openrange(self, offset, startlen=0): if isinstance(offset, slice): self._openrange = offset else: self._openrange = slice(offset, offset + startlen) def closerange(self, offset, stoplen=0): if isinstance(offset, slice): self._closerange = offset else: self._closerange = slice(offset, offset + stoplen) def opentag(self): return self.string[self._openrange] if self._openrange else '' def html(self): if not self._openrange: return '' if self._closerange: return self.string[self._openrange.start:self._closerange.stop] return self.string[self._openrange] def text(self): if self._openrange and self._closerange: return self.string[self._openrange.stop:self._closerange.start] return '' def text_and_html(self): return self.text(), self.html() class AbortException(Exception): pass def __init__(self): self.tagstack = collections.deque() self._nestedtags = [[]] super().__init__() self._offset = self.offset def predicate(self, tag, attrs): """ return True for every encountered opening tag that should be processed """ return True def callback(self, tag_obj): """ this will be called when the requested tag is closed """ def reset(self): super().reset() self.tagstack.clear() def taglist(self, data, reset=True, depth_first=False): """ parse data and return found tag objects @param data: html string @param reset: reset state @param depth_first: return order: as opened (False), as closed (True), nested (None) @return: list of Tag objects """ def flatten(_list, first=True): rlist = _list if first or not depth_first else itertools.chain(_list[1:], _list[:1]) for item in rlist: if isinstance(item, list): yield from flatten(item, first=False) else: yield item if reset: self.reset() with contextlib.suppress(HTMLTagParser.AbortException): self.feed(data) if self.STRICT and self.tagstack: orphans = ', '.join(map(repr, map(str, orderedSet(self.tagstack, lazy=True)))) raise compat_HTMLParseError(f'unclosed tag {orphans}') taglist = self._nestedtags[0] if depth_first is None else list(flatten(self._nestedtags[0])) self._nestedtags = [[]] return taglist def updatepos(self, i, j): offset = self._offset = super().updatepos(i, j) return offset def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): try: # we use internal variable for performance reasons tag_text = getattr(self, '_HTMLParser__starttag_text') except AttributeError: tag_text = HTMLTagParser.ANY_TAG_REGEX.match(self.rawdata[self._offset:]).group() tag_obj = tag tag_is_open = not (tag_text.endswith('/>') or tag in self.VOID_TAGS) if self.predicate(tag, attrs): tag_obj = self.Tag(tag, string=self.rawdata, attrs=attrs) tag_obj.openrange(self._offset, len(tag_text)) if tag_is_open: nesting = [tag_obj] self._nestedtags[-1].append(nesting) self._nestedtags.append(nesting) else: self._nestedtags[-1].append(tag_obj) self.callback(tag_obj) if tag_is_open: self.tagstack.appendleft(tag_obj) handle_startendtag = handle_starttag def handle_endtag(self, tag): if '<' in tag: if self.STRICT: raise compat_HTMLParseError(f'malformed closing tag {tag!r}') tag = tag[:tag.index('<')] try: idx = self.tagstack.index(tag) if self.STRICT and idx: open_tags = ''.join(f'' for tag in itertools.islice(self.tagstack, idx)) raise compat_HTMLParseError( f'malnested closing tag {tag!r}, expected after {open_tags!r}') tag_obj = self.tagstack[idx] self.tagstack.remove(tag) if isinstance(tag_obj, self.Tag): close_idx = self.rawdata.find('>', self._offset) + 1 tag_obj.closerange(self._offset, close_idx - self._offset) self._nestedtags.pop() self.callback(tag_obj) except ValueError as exc: if isinstance(exc, compat_HTMLParseError): raise if self.STRICT: raise compat_HTMLParseError(f'stray closing tag {tag!r}') from exc class MatchingElementParser(HTMLTagParser): """ optimized version of HTMLTagParser """ def __init__(self, matchfunc): super().__init__() self.matchfunc = matchfunc self.found_none = True def reset(self): super().reset() self.found_none = True def callback(self, tag_obj): raise self.AbortException() def predicate(self, tag, attrs): if self.found_none and self.matchfunc(tag, attrs): self.found_none = False return True return False @staticmethod def class_value_regex(class_name): return rf'[\w\s\-]*(?"'\\]|"[^"\\]*"|'[^'\\]*')*)? \s{re.escape(attribute)}\s*=\s*(?P<_q>['"])(?-x:{value_regex})(?P=_q) ''' @classmethod def iter_tags(cls, regex, html, *, matchfunc): comments = HTMLCommentRanges(html) parser = cls(matchfunc) for match in re.finditer(regex, html): if match.start() not in comments: yield from parser.taglist(html[match.start():], reset=True) @classmethod def tags_by_name(cls, tag, html): def matchfunc(tag_str, _attrs): return tag_str == tag tag_regex = rf'''<\s*{re.escape(tag)}(?:\s(?:[^>"'\\]|"[^"\\]*"|'[^'\\]*')*)?>''' yield from cls.iter_tags(tag_regex, html, matchfunc=matchfunc) @classmethod def tags_by_attribute(cls, attribute, value, html, *, tag=r'[\w:.-]+', escape_value=True): def matchfunc(_tag_str, attrs): return any(attr == attribute and re.fullmatch(value, value_str) for attr, value_str in attrs) tag_regex = cls.matching_tag_regex(tag, attribute, value, escape_value) yield from cls.iter_tags(tag_regex, html, matchfunc=matchfunc) @classmethod def extract_attributes(cls, html): attr_dict = {} def matchfunc(_tag, attrs): attr_dict.update(attrs) raise cls.AbortException() with contextlib.suppress(cls.AbortException): cls(matchfunc).feed(html) return attr_dict @classmethod def get_elements_text_and_html_by_tag(cls, tag, html): return [tag.text_and_html() for tag in cls.tags_by_name(tag, html)] @classmethod def get_element_text_and_html_by_tag(cls, tag, html): tag = next(cls.tags_by_name(tag, html), None) return tag and tag.text_and_html() @classmethod def get_elements_text_and_html_by_attribute(cls, *args, **kwargs): return [tag.text_and_html() for tag in cls.tags_by_attribute(*args, **kwargs)] @classmethod def get_elements_by_attribute(cls, *args, **kwargs): return [tag.text_and_html()[0] for tag in cls.tags_by_attribute(*args, **kwargs)] @classmethod def get_elements_html_by_attribute(cls, *args, **kwargs): return [tag.html() for tag in cls.tags_by_attribute(*args, **kwargs)] @classmethod def get_element_by_attribute(cls, *args, **kwargs): tag = next(cls.tags_by_attribute(*args, **kwargs), None) return tag and tag.text() @classmethod def get_element_html_by_attribute(cls, *args, **kwargs): tag = next(cls.tags_by_attribute(*args, **kwargs), None) return tag and tag.html() @classmethod def get_elements_by_class(cls, class_name, html): value = cls.class_value_regex(class_name) return [tag.text() for tag in cls.tags_by_attribute('class', value, html, escape_value=False)] @classmethod def get_elements_html_by_class(cls, class_name, html): value = cls.class_value_regex(class_name) return [tag.html() for tag in cls.tags_by_attribute('class', value, html, escape_value=False)] @classmethod def get_elements_text_and_html_by_class(cls, class_name, html): value = cls.class_value_regex(class_name) return [tag.text() for tag in cls.tags_by_attribute('class', value, html, escape_value=False)] @classmethod def get_element_html_by_class(cls, class_name, html): value = cls.class_value_regex(class_name) tag = next(cls.tags_by_attribute('class', value, html, escape_value=False), None) return tag and tag.html() @classmethod def get_element_by_class(cls, class_name, html): value = cls.class_value_regex(class_name) tag = next(cls.tags_by_attribute('class', value, html, escape_value=False), None) return tag and tag.text()