import datetime from .common import InfoExtractor from .redge import RedCDNLivxIE from ..utils import ( clean_html, join_nonempty, js_to_json, strip_or_none, update_url_query, ) from ..utils.traversal import traverse_obj def is_dst(date): last_march = datetime.datetime(date.year, 3, 31) last_october = datetime.datetime(date.year, 10, 31) last_sunday_march = last_march - datetime.timedelta(days=last_march.isoweekday() % 7) last_sunday_october = last_october - datetime.timedelta(days=last_october.isoweekday() % 7) return last_sunday_march.replace(hour=2) <= date <= last_sunday_october.replace(hour=3) def rfc3339_to_atende(date): date = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(date) date = date + datetime.timedelta(hours=1 if is_dst(date) else 0) return int((date.timestamp() - 978307200) * 1000) class SejmIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = ( r'https?://(?:www\.)?sejm\.gov\.pl/[Ss]ejm(?P<term>\d+)\.nsf/transmisje(?:_arch)?\.xsp(?:\?[^#]*)?#(?P<id>[\dA-F]+)', r'https?://(?:www\.)?sejm\.gov\.pl/[Ss]ejm(?P<term>\d+)\.nsf/transmisje(?:_arch)?\.xsp\?(?:[^#]+&)?unid=(?P<id>[\dA-F]+)', r'https?://sejm-embed\.redcdn\.pl/[Ss]ejm(?P<term>\d+)\.nsf/VideoFrame\.xsp/(?P<id>[\dA-F]+)', ) IE_NAME = 'sejm' _TESTS = [{ # multiple cameras, polish SL iterpreter 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '6181EF1AD9CEEBB5C1258A6D006452B5', 'title': '1. posiedzenie Sejmu X kadencji', 'duration': 20145, 'live_status': 'was_live', 'location': 'Sala Posiedzeń', }, 'playlist': [{ 'info_dict': { 'id': 'ENC01-722340000000-722360145000', 'ext': 'mp4', 'duration': 20145, 'title': '1. posiedzenie Sejmu X kadencji - ENC01', 'live_status': 'was_live', }, }, { 'info_dict': { 'id': 'ENC30-722340000000-722360145000', 'ext': 'mp4', 'duration': 20145, 'title': '1. posiedzenie Sejmu X kadencji - ENC30', 'live_status': 'was_live', }, }, { 'info_dict': { 'id': 'ENC31-722340000000-722360145000', 'ext': 'mp4', 'duration': 20145, 'title': '1. posiedzenie Sejmu X kadencji - ENC31', 'live_status': 'was_live', }, }, { 'info_dict': { 'id': 'ENC32-722340000000-722360145000', 'ext': 'mp4', 'duration': 20145, 'title': '1. posiedzenie Sejmu X kadencji - ENC32', 'live_status': 'was_live', }, }, { # sign lang interpreter 'info_dict': { 'id': 'Migacz-ENC01-1-722340000000-722360145000', 'ext': 'mp4', 'duration': 20145, 'title': '1. posiedzenie Sejmu X kadencji - Migacz-ENC01', 'live_status': 'was_live', }, }], }, { 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': '9377A9D65518E9A5C125808E002E9FF2', 'title': 'Debata "Lepsza Polska: obywatelska"', 'description': 'KP .Nowoczesna', 'duration': 8770, 'live_status': 'was_live', 'location': 'sala kolumnowa im. Kazimierza Pużaka (bud. C-D)', }, 'playlist': [{ 'info_dict': { 'id': 'ENC08-1-503831270000-503840040000', 'ext': 'mp4', 'duration': 8770, 'title': 'Debata "Lepsza Polska: obywatelska" - ENC08', 'live_status': 'was_live', }, }], }, { # 7th term is very special, since it does not use redcdn livx 'url': '', 'info_dict': { 'id': 'A6E6D475ECCC6FE5C1257EF90034817F', 'title': 'Konferencja prasowa - Stanowisko SLD ws. składu nowego rządu', 'description': 'SLD - Biuro Prasowe Klubu', 'duration': 514, 'location': 'sala 101/bud. C', 'live_status': 'was_live', }, 'playlist': [{ 'info_dict': { 'id': 'A6E6D475ECCC6FE5C1257EF90034817F', 'ext': 'mp4', 'title': 'Konferencja prasowa - Stanowisko SLD ws. składu nowego rządu', 'duration': 514, }, }], }, { 'url': '', 'only_matching': True, }] def _real_extract(self, url): term, video_id = self._match_valid_url(url).group('term', 'id') frame = self._download_webpage( f'{term}.nsf/VideoFrame.xsp/{video_id}', video_id) # despite it says "transmisje_arch", it works for live streams too! data = self._download_json( f'{term}.nsf/transmisje_arch.xsp/json/{video_id}', video_id) params = data['params'] title = strip_or_none(data.get('title')) if data.get('status') == 'VIDEO_ENDED': live_status = 'was_live' elif data.get('status') == 'VIDEO_PLAYING': live_status = 'is_live' else: live_status = None self.report_warning(f'unknown status: {data.get("status")}') start_time = rfc3339_to_atende(params['start']) # current streams have a stop time of *expected* end of session, but actual times # can change during the transmission. setting a stop_time would artificially # end the stream at that time, while the session actually keeps going. if live_status == 'was_live': stop_time = rfc3339_to_atende(params['stop']) duration = (stop_time - start_time) // 1000 else: stop_time, duration = None, None entries = [] def add_entry(file, legacy_file=False): if not file: return file = self._proto_relative_url(file) if not legacy_file: file = update_url_query(file, {'startTime': start_time}) if stop_time is not None: file = update_url_query(file, {'stopTime': stop_time}) stream_id = self._search_regex(r'/o2/sejm/([^/]+)/[^./]+\.livx', file, 'stream id') common_info = { 'url': file, 'duration': duration, } if legacy_file: entries.append({ **common_info, 'id': video_id, 'title': title, }) else: entries.append({ **common_info, '_type': 'url_transparent', 'ie_key': RedCDNLivxIE.ie_key(), 'id': stream_id, 'title': join_nonempty(title, stream_id, delim=' - '), }) cameras = self._search_json( r'var\s+cameras\s*=', frame, 'camera list', video_id, contains_pattern=r'\[(?s:.+)\]', transform_source=js_to_json, fatal=False) or [] for camera_file in traverse_obj(cameras, (..., 'file', {dict})): if camera_file.get('flv'): add_entry(camera_file['flv']) elif camera_file.get('mp4'): # this is only a thing in 7th term. no streams before, and starting 8th it's redcdn livx add_entry(camera_file['mp4'], legacy_file=True) else: self.report_warning('Unknown camera stream type found') if params.get('mig'): add_entry(self._search_regex(r"var sliUrl\s*=\s*'([^']+)'", frame, 'sign language interpreter url', fatal=False)) return { '_type': 'playlist', 'entries': entries, 'id': video_id, 'title': title, 'description': clean_html(data.get('desc')) or None, 'duration': duration, 'live_status': live_status, 'location': strip_or_none(data.get('location')), }