# Supported sites
 - **0000studio:archive**
 - **0000studio:clip**
 - **17live**
 - **17live:clip**
 - **1News**: 1news.co.nz article videos
 - **1tv**: Первый канал
 - **20min**
 - **23video**
 - **247sports**
 - **24tv.ua**
 - **24video**
 - **3qsdn**: 3Q SDN
 - **3sat**
 - **4tube**
 - **56.com**
 - **6play**
 - **7plus**
 - **8tracks**
 - **91porn**
 - **9c9media**
 - **9gag**: 9GAG
 - **9now.com.au**
 - **abc.net.au**
 - **abc.net.au:iview**
 - **abc.net.au:​iview:showseries**
 - **abcnews**
 - **abcnews:video**
 - **abcotvs**: ABC Owned Television Stations
 - **abcotvs:clips**
 - **AbemaTV**: [*abematv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **AbemaTVTitle**
 - **AcademicEarth:Course**
 - **acast**
 - **acast:channel**
 - **AcFunBangumi**
 - **AcFunVideo**
 - **ADN**: [*animationdigitalnetwork*](## "netrc machine") Animation Digital Network
 - **AdobeConnect**
 - **adobetv**
 - **adobetv:channel**
 - **adobetv:embed**
 - **adobetv:show**
 - **adobetv:video**
 - **AdultSwim**
 - **aenetworks**: A+E Networks: A&E, Lifetime, History.com, FYI Network and History Vault
 - **aenetworks:collection**
 - **aenetworks:show**
 - **AeonCo**
 - **afreecatv**: [*afreecatv*](## "netrc machine") afreecatv.com
 - **afreecatv:live**: [*afreecatv*](## "netrc machine") afreecatv.com
 - **afreecatv:user**
 - **AirMozilla**
 - **AirTV**
 - **AitubeKZVideo**
 - **AliExpressLive**
 - **AlJazeera**
 - **Allocine**
 - **AlphaPorno**
 - **Alsace20TV**
 - **Alsace20TVEmbed**
 - **Alura**: [*alura*](## "netrc machine")
 - **AluraCourse**: [*aluracourse*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Amara**
 - **AmazonMiniTV**
 - **amazonminitv:season**: Amazon MiniTV Season, "minitv:season:" prefix
 - **amazonminitv:series**: Amazon MiniTV Series, "minitv:series:" prefix
 - **AmazonReviews**
 - **AmazonStore**
 - **AMCNetworks**
 - **AmericasTestKitchen**
 - **AmericasTestKitchenSeason**
 - **AmHistoryChannel**
 - **AnchorFMEpisode**
 - **anderetijden**: npo.nl, ntr.nl, omroepwnl.nl, zapp.nl and npo3.nl
 - **Angel**
 - **AnimalPlanet**
 - **ant1newsgr:article**: ant1news.gr articles
 - **ant1newsgr:embed**: ant1news.gr embedded videos
 - **ant1newsgr:watch**: ant1news.gr videos
 - **Anvato**
 - **aol.com**: Yahoo screen and movies
 - **APA**
 - **Aparat**
 - **AppleConnect**
 - **AppleDaily**: 臺灣蘋果日報
 - **ApplePodcasts**
 - **appletrailers**
 - **appletrailers:section**
 - **archive.org**: archive.org video and audio
 - **ArcPublishing**
 - **ARD**
 - **ARD:mediathek**
 - **ARDBetaMediathek**
 - **Arkena**
 - **arte.sky.it**
 - **ArteTV**
 - **ArteTVCategory**
 - **ArteTVEmbed**
 - **ArteTVPlaylist**
 - **AsianCrush**
 - **AsianCrushPlaylist**
 - **AtresPlayer**: [*atresplayer*](## "netrc machine")
 - **AtScaleConfEvent**
 - **ATTTechChannel**
 - **ATVAt**
 - **AudiMedia**
 - **AudioBoom**
 - **Audiodraft:custom**
 - **Audiodraft:generic**
 - **audiomack**
 - **audiomack:album**
 - **Audius**: Audius.co
 - **audius:artist**: Audius.co profile/artist pages
 - **audius:playlist**: Audius.co playlists
 - **audius:track**: Audius track ID or API link. Prepend with "audius:"
 - **AWAAN**
 - **awaan:live**
 - **awaan:season**
 - **awaan:video**
 - **AZMedien**: AZ Medien videos
 - **BaiduVideo**: 百度视频
 - **BanBye**
 - **BanByeChannel**
 - **bandaichannel**
 - **Bandcamp**
 - **Bandcamp:album**
 - **Bandcamp:user**
 - **Bandcamp:weekly**
 - **BannedVideo**
 - **bbc**: [*bbc*](## "netrc machine") BBC
 - **bbc.co.uk**: [*bbc*](## "netrc machine") BBC iPlayer
 - **bbc.co.uk:article**: BBC articles
 - **bbc.co.uk:​iplayer:episodes**
 - **bbc.co.uk:​iplayer:group**
 - **bbc.co.uk:playlist**
 - **BBVTV**: [*bbvtv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **BBVTVLive**: [*bbvtv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **BBVTVRecordings**: [*bbvtv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **BeatBumpPlaylist**
 - **BeatBumpVideo**
 - **Beatport**
 - **Beeg**
 - **BehindKink**
 - **Bellator**
 - **BellMedia**
 - **BerufeTV**
 - **Bet**
 - **bfi:player**
 - **bfmtv**
 - **bfmtv:article**
 - **bfmtv:live**
 - **BibelTV**
 - **Bigflix**
 - **Bigo**
 - **Bild**: Bild.de
 - **BiliBili**
 - **Bilibili category extractor**
 - **BilibiliAudio**
 - **BilibiliAudioAlbum**
 - **BiliBiliBangumi**
 - **BiliBiliBangumiMedia**
 - **BiliBiliPlayer**
 - **BiliBiliSearch**: Bilibili video search; "bilisearch:" prefix
 - **BilibiliSpaceAudio**
 - **BilibiliSpacePlaylist**
 - **BilibiliSpaceVideo**
 - **BiliIntl**: [*biliintl*](## "netrc machine")
 - **biliIntl:series**: [*biliintl*](## "netrc machine")
 - **BiliLive**
 - **BioBioChileTV**
 - **Biography**
 - **BIQLE**
 - **BitChute**
 - **BitChuteChannel**
 - **bitwave:replay**
 - **bitwave:stream**
 - **BlackboardCollaborate**
 - **BleacherReport**
 - **BleacherReportCMS**
 - **blerp**
 - **blogger.com**
 - **Bloomberg**
 - **BokeCC**
 - **BongaCams**
 - **BooyahClips**
 - **BostonGlobe**
 - **Box**
 - **BoxCastVideo**
 - **Bpb**: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
 - **BR**: Bayerischer Rundfunk
 - **BravoTV**
 - **Break**
 - **BreitBart**
 - **brightcove:legacy**
 - **brightcove:new**
 - **BRMediathek**: Bayerischer Rundfunk Mediathek
 - **bt:article**: Bergens Tidende Articles
 - **bt:vestlendingen**: Bergens Tidende - Vestlendingen
 - **Bundesliga**
 - **BusinessInsider**
 - **BuzzFeed**
 - **BYUtv**
 - **CableAV**
 - **Callin**
 - **Caltrans**
 - **CAM4**
 - **Camdemy**
 - **CamdemyFolder**
 - **CamModels**
 - **Camsoda**
 - **CamtasiaEmbed**
 - **CamWithHer**
 - **CanalAlpha**
 - **canalc2.tv**
 - **Canalplus**: mycanal.fr and piwiplus.fr
 - **Canvas**
 - **CanvasEen**: canvas.be and een.be
 - **CarambaTV**
 - **CarambaTVPage**
 - **CartoonNetwork**
 - **cbc.ca**
 - **cbc.ca:player**
 - **CBS**
 - **CBSInteractive**
 - **CBSLocal**
 - **CBSLocalArticle**
 - **cbsnews**: CBS News
 - **cbsnews:embed**
 - **cbsnews:livevideo**: CBS News Live Videos
 - **cbssports**
 - **cbssports:embed**
 - **CCMA**
 - **CCTV**: 央视网
 - **CDA**: [*cdapl*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Cellebrite**
 - **CeskaTelevize**
 - **CGTN**
 - **channel9**: Channel 9
 - **CharlieRose**
 - **Chaturbate**
 - **Chilloutzone**
 - **Chingari**
 - **ChingariUser**
 - **chirbit**
 - **chirbit:profile**
 - **cielotv.it**
 - **Cinchcast**
 - **Cinemax**
 - **CinetecaMilano**
 - **CiscoLiveSearch**
 - **CiscoLiveSession**
 - **ciscowebex**: Cisco Webex
 - **CJSW**
 - **cliphunter**
 - **Clippit**
 - **ClipRs**
 - **Clipsyndicate**
 - **ClipYouEmbed**
 - **CloserToTruth**
 - **CloudflareStream**
 - **Cloudy**
 - **Clubic**
 - **Clyp**
 - **cmt.com**
 - **CNBC**
 - **CNBCVideo**
 - **CNN**
 - **CNNArticle**
 - **CNNBlogs**
 - **CNNIndonesia**
 - **ComedyCentral**
 - **ComedyCentralTV**
 - **CondeNast**: Condé Nast media group: Allure, Architectural Digest, Ars Technica, Bon Appétit, Brides, Condé Nast, Condé Nast Traveler, Details, Epicurious, GQ, Glamour, Golf Digest, SELF, Teen Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Vogue, W Magazine, WIRED
 - **CONtv**
 - **CookingChannel**
 - **Corus**
 - **Coub**
 - **CozyTV**
 - **cp24**
 - **cpac**
 - **cpac:playlist**
 - **Cracked**
 - **Crackle**
 - **Craftsy**
 - **CrooksAndLiars**
 - **CrowdBunker**
 - **CrowdBunkerChannel**
 - **crunchyroll**: [*crunchyroll*](## "netrc machine")
 - **crunchyroll:playlist**: [*crunchyroll*](## "netrc machine")
 - **CSpan**: C-SPAN
 - **CSpanCongress**
 - **CtsNews**: 華視新聞
 - **CTV**
 - **CTVNews**
 - **cu.ntv.co.jp**: Nippon Television Network
 - **CultureUnplugged**
 - **curiositystream**: [*curiositystream*](## "netrc machine")
 - **curiositystream:collections**: [*curiositystream*](## "netrc machine")
 - **curiositystream:series**: [*curiositystream*](## "netrc machine")
 - **CWTV**
 - **Cybrary**: [*cybrary*](## "netrc machine")
 - **CybraryCourse**: [*cybrary*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Daftsex**
 - **DagelijkseKost**: dagelijksekost.een.be
 - **DailyMail**
 - **dailymotion**: [*dailymotion*](## "netrc machine")
 - **dailymotion:playlist**: [*dailymotion*](## "netrc machine")
 - **dailymotion:user**: [*dailymotion*](## "netrc machine")
 - **DailyWire**
 - **DailyWirePodcast**
 - **damtomo:record**
 - **damtomo:video**
 - **daum.net**
 - **daum.net:clip**
 - **daum.net:playlist**
 - **daum.net:user**
 - **daystar:clip**
 - **DBTV**
 - **DctpTv**
 - **DeezerAlbum**
 - **DeezerPlaylist**
 - **defense.gouv.fr**
 - **democracynow**
 - **DestinationAmerica**
 - **DetikEmbed**
 - **DeuxM**
 - **DeuxMNews**
 - **DHM**: Filmarchiv - Deutsches Historisches Museum
 - **Digg**
 - **DigitalConcertHall**: [*digitalconcerthall*](## "netrc machine") DigitalConcertHall extractor
 - **DigitallySpeaking**
 - **Digiteka**
 - **Discovery**
 - **DiscoveryLife**
 - **DiscoveryNetworksDe**
 - **DiscoveryPlus**
 - **DiscoveryPlusIndia**
 - **DiscoveryPlusIndiaShow**
 - **DiscoveryPlusItaly**
 - **DiscoveryPlusItalyShow**
 - **Disney**
 - **DIYNetwork**
 - **dlive:stream**
 - **dlive:vod**
 - **Dotsub**
 - **Douyin**
 - **DouyuShow**
 - **DouyuTV**: 斗鱼
 - **DPlay**
 - **DRBonanza**
 - **Drooble**
 - **Dropbox**
 - **Dropout**: [*dropout*](## "netrc machine")
 - **DropoutSeason**
 - **DrTuber**
 - **drtv**
 - **drtv:live**
 - **drtv:season**
 - **drtv:series**
 - **DTube**
 - **duboku**: www.duboku.io
 - **duboku:list**: www.duboku.io entire series
 - **Dumpert**
 - **dvtv**: http://video.aktualne.cz/
 - **dw**
 - **dw:article**
 - **EaglePlatform**
 - **EbaumsWorld**
 - **Ebay**
 - **EchoMsk**
 - **egghead:course**: egghead.io course
 - **egghead:lesson**: egghead.io lesson
 - **ehftv**
 - **eHow**
 - **EinsUndEinsTV**: [*1und1tv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **EinsUndEinsTVLive**: [*1und1tv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **EinsUndEinsTVRecordings**: [*1und1tv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Einthusan**
 - **eitb.tv**
 - **EllenTube**
 - **EllenTubePlaylist**
 - **EllenTubeVideo**
 - **Elonet**
 - **ElPais**: El País
 - **Embedly**
 - **EMPFlix**
 - **Engadget**
 - **Epicon**
 - **EpiconSeries**
 - **Epoch**
 - **Eporner**
 - **EroProfile**: [*eroprofile*](## "netrc machine")
 - **EroProfile:album**
 - **ertflix**: ERTFLIX videos
 - **ertflix:codename**: ERTFLIX videos by codename
 - **ertwebtv:embed**: ert.gr webtv embedded videos
 - **Escapist**
 - **ESPN**
 - **ESPNArticle**
 - **ESPNCricInfo**
 - **EsriVideo**
 - **Europa**
 - **EuroParlWebstream**
 - **EuropeanTour**
 - **Eurosport**
 - **EUScreen**
 - **EWETV**: [*ewetv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **EWETVLive**: [*ewetv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **EWETVRecordings**: [*ewetv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **ExpoTV**
 - **Expressen**
 - **ExtremeTube**
 - **EyedoTV**
 - **facebook**: [*facebook*](## "netrc machine")
 - **facebook:reel**
 - **FacebookPluginsVideo**
 - **fancode:live**: [*fancode*](## "netrc machine")
 - **fancode:vod**: [*fancode*](## "netrc machine")
 - **faz.net**
 - **fc2**: [*fc2*](## "netrc machine")
 - **fc2:embed**
 - **fc2:live**
 - **Fczenit**
 - **Fifa**
 - **Filmmodu**
 - **filmon**
 - **filmon:channel**
 - **Filmweb**
 - **FiveThirtyEight**
 - **FiveTV**
 - **Flickr**
 - **Folketinget**: Folketinget (ft.dk; Danish parliament)
 - **FoodNetwork**
 - **FootyRoom**
 - **Formula1**
 - **FOX**
 - **FOX9**
 - **FOX9News**
 - **Foxgay**
 - **foxnews**: Fox News and Fox Business Video
 - **foxnews:article**
 - **FoxNewsVideo**
 - **FoxSports**
 - **fptplay**: fptplay.vn
 - **FranceCulture**
 - **FranceInter**
 - **FranceTV**
 - **francetvinfo.fr**
 - **FranceTVSite**
 - **Freesound**
 - **freespeech.org**
 - **freetv:series**
 - **FreeTvMovies**
 - **FrontendMasters**: [*frontendmasters*](## "netrc machine")
 - **FrontendMastersCourse**: [*frontendmasters*](## "netrc machine")
 - **FrontendMastersLesson**: [*frontendmasters*](## "netrc machine")
 - **FujiTVFODPlus7**
 - **Funimation**: [*funimation*](## "netrc machine")
 - **funimation:page**: [*funimation*](## "netrc machine")
 - **funimation:show**: [*funimation*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Funk**
 - **Fusion**
 - **Fux**
 - **FuyinTV**
 - **Gab**
 - **GabTV**
 - **Gaia**: [*gaia*](## "netrc machine")
 - **GameInformer**
 - **GameJolt**
 - **GameJoltCommunity**
 - **GameJoltGame**
 - **GameJoltGameSoundtrack**
 - **GameJoltSearch**
 - **GameJoltUser**
 - **GameSpot**
 - **GameStar**
 - **Gaskrank**
 - **Gazeta**
 - **GDCVault**: [*gdcvault*](## "netrc machine")
 - **GediDigital**
 - **gem.cbc.ca**: [*cbcgem*](## "netrc machine")
 - **gem.cbc.ca:live**
 - **gem.cbc.ca:playlist**
 - **Genius**
 - **GeniusLyrics**
 - **Gettr**
 - **GettrStreaming**
 - **Gfycat**
 - **GiantBomb**
 - **Giga**
 - **GlattvisionTV**: [*glattvisiontv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **GlattvisionTVLive**: [*glattvisiontv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **GlattvisionTVRecordings**: [*glattvisiontv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Glide**: Glide mobile video messages (glide.me)
 - **Globo**: [*globo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **GloboArticle**
 - **glomex**: Glomex videos
 - **glomex:embed**: Glomex embedded videos
 - **Go**
 - **GoDiscovery**
 - **GodTube**
 - **Gofile**
 - **Golem**
 - **goodgame:stream**
 - **google:podcasts**
 - **google:​podcasts:feed**
 - **GoogleDrive**
 - **GoogleDrive:Folder**
 - **GoPlay**: [*goplay*](## "netrc machine")
 - **GoPro**
 - **Goshgay**
 - **GoToStage**
 - **GPUTechConf**
 - **Gronkh**
 - **gronkh:feed**
 - **gronkh:vods**
 - **Groupon**
 - **Harpodeon**
 - **hbo**
 - **HearThisAt**
 - **Heise**
 - **HellPorno**
 - **Helsinki**: helsinki.fi
 - **HentaiStigma**
 - **hetklokhuis**
 - **hgtv.com:show**
 - **HGTVDe**
 - **HGTVUsa**
 - **HiDive**: [*hidive*](## "netrc machine")
 - **HistoricFilms**
 - **history:player**
 - **history:topic**: History.com Topic
 - **hitbox**
 - **hitbox:live**
 - **HitRecord**
 - **hketv**: 香港教育局教育電視 (HKETV) Educational Television, Hong Kong Educational Bureau
 - **Holodex**
 - **HotNewHipHop**
 - **hotstar**
 - **hotstar:playlist**
 - **hotstar:season**
 - **hotstar:series**
 - **Howcast**
 - **HowStuffWorks**
 - **hrfernsehen**
 - **HRTi**: [*hrti*](## "netrc machine")
 - **HRTiPlaylist**: [*hrti*](## "netrc machine")
 - **HSEProduct**
 - **HSEShow**
 - **html5**
 - **Huajiao**: 花椒直播
 - **HuffPost**: Huffington Post
 - **Hungama**
 - **HungamaAlbumPlaylist**
 - **HungamaSong**
 - **huya:live**: huya.com
 - **Hypem**
 - **Hytale**
 - **Icareus**
 - **iflix:episode**
 - **IflixSeries**
 - **ign.com**
 - **IGNArticle**
 - **IGNVideo**
 - **IHeartRadio**
 - **iheartradio:podcast**
 - **Iltalehti**
 - **imdb**: Internet Movie Database trailers
 - **imdb:list**: Internet Movie Database lists
 - **Imgur**
 - **imgur:album**
 - **imgur:gallery**
 - **Ina**
 - **Inc**
 - **IndavideoEmbed**
 - **InfoQ**
 - **Instagram**: [*instagram*](## "netrc machine")
 - **instagram:story**: [*instagram*](## "netrc machine")
 - **instagram:tag**: [*instagram*](## "netrc machine") Instagram hashtag search URLs
 - **instagram:user**: [*instagram*](## "netrc machine") Instagram user profile
 - **InstagramIOS**: IOS instagram:// URL
 - **Internazionale**
 - **InternetVideoArchive**
 - **InvestigationDiscovery**
 - **IPrima**: [*iprima*](## "netrc machine")
 - **IPrimaCNN**
 - **iq.com**: International version of iQiyi
 - **iq.com:album**
 - **iqiyi**: [*iqiyi*](## "netrc machine") 爱奇艺
 - **IslamChannel**
 - **IslamChannelSeries**
 - **IsraelNationalNews**
 - **ITProTV**
 - **ITProTVCourse**
 - **ITTF**
 - **ITV**
 - **ITVBTCC**
 - **ivi**: ivi.ru
 - **ivi:compilation**: ivi.ru compilations
 - **ivideon**: Ivideon TV
 - **IVXPlayer**
 - **Iwara**
 - **iwara:playlist**
 - **iwara:user**
 - **Ixigua**
 - **Izlesene**
 - **Jable**
 - **JablePlaylist**
 - **Jamendo**
 - **JamendoAlbum**
 - **JeuxVideo**
 - **Joj**
 - **Jove**
 - **JWPlatform**
 - **Kakao**
 - **Kaltura**
 - **Kanal2**
 - **KankaNews**
 - **Karaoketv**
 - **KarriereVideos**
 - **Katsomo**
 - **KeezMovies**
 - **KelbyOne**
 - **Ketnet**
 - **khanacademy**
 - **khanacademy:unit**
 - **Kick**
 - **Kicker**
 - **KickStarter**
 - **KickVOD**
 - **KinjaEmbed**
 - **KinoPoisk**
 - **Kommunetv**
 - **KompasVideo**
 - **KonserthusetPlay**
 - **Koo**
 - **KrasView**: Красвью
 - **KTH**
 - **Ku6**
 - **KUSI**
 - **kuwo:album**: 酷我音乐 - 专辑
 - **kuwo:category**: 酷我音乐 - 分类
 - **kuwo:chart**: 酷我音乐 - 排行榜
 - **kuwo:mv**: 酷我音乐 - MV
 - **kuwo:singer**: 酷我音乐 - 歌手
 - **kuwo:song**: 酷我音乐
 - **la7.it**
 - **la7.it:​pod:episode**
 - **la7.it:podcast**
 - **laola1tv**
 - **laola1tv:embed**
 - **LastFM**
 - **LastFMPlaylist**
 - **LastFMUser**
 - **lbry**
 - **lbry:channel**
 - **LCI**
 - **Lcp**
 - **LcpPlay**
 - **Le**: 乐视网
 - **Lecture2Go**
 - **Lecturio**: [*lecturio*](## "netrc machine")
 - **LecturioCourse**: [*lecturio*](## "netrc machine")
 - **LecturioDeCourse**: [*lecturio*](## "netrc machine")
 - **LeFigaroVideoEmbed**
 - **LeFigaroVideoSection**
 - **LEGO**
 - **Lemonde**
 - **Lenta**
 - **LePlaylist**
 - **LetvCloud**: 乐视云
 - **Libsyn**
 - **life**: Life.ru
 - **life:embed**
 - **likee**
 - **likee:user**
 - **limelight**
 - **limelight:channel**
 - **limelight:channel_list**
 - **LineLive**
 - **LineLiveChannel**
 - **LinkedIn**: [*linkedin*](## "netrc machine")
 - **linkedin:learning**: [*linkedin*](## "netrc machine")
 - **linkedin:​learning:course**: [*linkedin*](## "netrc machine")
 - **LinuxAcademy**: [*linuxacademy*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Liputan6**
 - **ListenNotes**
 - **LiTV**
 - **LiveJournal**
 - **livestream**
 - **livestream:original**
 - **Livestreamfails**
 - **Lnk**
 - **LnkGo**
 - **loc**: Library of Congress
 - **LocalNews8**
 - **LoveHomePorn**
 - **LRTStream**
 - **LRTVOD**
 - **Lumni**
 - **lynda**: [*lynda*](## "netrc machine") lynda.com videos
 - **lynda:course**: [*lynda*](## "netrc machine") lynda.com online courses
 - **m6**
 - **MagentaMusik360**
 - **mailru**: Видео@Mail.Ru
 - **mailru:music**: Музыка@Mail.Ru
 - **mailru:​music:search**: Музыка@Mail.Ru
 - **MainStreaming**: MainStreaming Player
 - **MallTV**
 - **mangomolo:live**
 - **mangomolo:video**
 - **MangoTV**: 芒果TV
 - **ManotoTV**: Manoto TV (Episode)
 - **ManotoTVLive**: Manoto TV (Live)
 - **ManotoTVShow**: Manoto TV (Show)
 - **ManyVids**
 - **MaoriTV**
 - **Markiza**
 - **MarkizaPage**
 - **massengeschmack.tv**
 - **Masters**
 - **MatchTV**
 - **MDR**: MDR.DE and KiKA
 - **MedalTV**
 - **media.ccc.de**
 - **media.ccc.de:lists**
 - **Mediaite**
 - **MediaKlikk**
 - **Medialaan**
 - **Mediaset**
 - **MediasetShow**
 - **Mediasite**
 - **MediasiteCatalog**
 - **MediasiteNamedCatalog**
 - **MediaStream**
 - **MediaWorksNZVOD**
 - **Medici**
 - **megaphone.fm**: megaphone.fm embedded players
 - **megatvcom**: megatv.com videos
 - **megatvcom:embed**: megatv.com embedded videos
 - **Meipai**: 美拍
 - **MelonVOD**
 - **META**
 - **metacafe**
 - **Metacritic**
 - **mewatch**
 - **Mgoon**
 - **MiaoPai**
 - **MicrosoftEmbed**
 - **microsoftstream**: Microsoft Stream
 - **mildom**: Record ongoing live by specific user in Mildom
 - **mildom:clip**: Clip in Mildom
 - **mildom:​user:vod**: Download all VODs from specific user in Mildom
 - **mildom:vod**: VOD in Mildom
 - **minds**
 - **minds:channel**
 - **minds:group**
 - **MinistryGrid**
 - **Minoto**
 - **miomio.tv**
 - **mirrativ**
 - **mirrativ:user**
 - **MirrorCoUK**
 - **MiTele**: mitele.es
 - **mixch**
 - **mixch:archive**
 - **mixcloud**
 - **mixcloud:playlist**
 - **mixcloud:user**
 - **MLB**
 - **MLBArticle**
 - **MLBTV**: [*mlb*](## "netrc machine")
 - **MLBVideo**
 - **MLSSoccer**
 - **Mnet**
 - **MNetTV**: [*mnettv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **MNetTVLive**: [*mnettv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **MNetTVRecordings**: [*mnettv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **MochaVideo**
 - **MoeVideo**: LetitBit video services: moevideo.net, playreplay.net and videochart.net
 - **Mofosex**
 - **MofosexEmbed**
 - **Mojvideo**
 - **MonsterSirenHypergryphMusic**
 - **Morningstar**: morningstar.com
 - **Motherless**
 - **MotherlessGroup**
 - **Motorsport**: motorsport.com
 - **MotorTrend**
 - **MotorTrendOnDemand**
 - **MovieClips**
 - **MovieFap**
 - **Moviepilot**
 - **MoviewPlay**
 - **Moviezine**
 - **MovingImage**
 - **MSN**
 - **mtg**: MTG services
 - **mtv**
 - **mtv.de**
 - **mtv.it**
 - **mtv.it:programma**
 - **mtv:video**
 - **mtvjapan**
 - **mtvservices:embedded**
 - **MTVUutisetArticle**
 - **MuenchenTV**: münchen.tv
 - **Murrtube**
 - **MurrtubeUser**: Murrtube user profile
 - **MuseScore**
 - **MusicdexAlbum**
 - **MusicdexArtist**
 - **MusicdexPlaylist**
 - **MusicdexSong**
 - **mva**: Microsoft Virtual Academy videos
 - **mva:course**: Microsoft Virtual Academy courses
 - **Mwave**
 - **MwaveMeetGreet**
 - **Mxplayer**
 - **MxplayerShow**
 - **MyChannels**
 - **MySpace**
 - **MySpace:album**
 - **MySpass**
 - **Myvi**
 - **MyVideoGe**
 - **MyVidster**
 - **MyviEmbed**
 - **n-tv.de**
 - **N1Info:article**
 - **N1InfoAsset**
 - **Nate**
 - **NateProgram**
 - **natgeo:video**
 - **NationalGeographicTV**
 - **Naver**
 - **Naver:live**
 - **navernow**
 - **NBA**
 - **nba:watch**
 - **nba:​watch:collection**
 - **NBAChannel**
 - **NBAEmbed**
 - **NBAWatchEmbed**
 - **NBC**
 - **NBCNews**
 - **nbcolympics**
 - **nbcolympics:stream**
 - **NBCSports**
 - **NBCSportsStream**
 - **NBCSportsVPlayer**
 - **NBCStations**
 - **ndr**: NDR.de - Norddeutscher Rundfunk
 - **ndr:embed**
 - **ndr:​embed:base**
 - **NDTV**
 - **Nebula**: [*watchnebula*](## "netrc machine")
 - **nebula:channel**: [*watchnebula*](## "netrc machine")
 - **nebula:subscriptions**: [*watchnebula*](## "netrc machine")
 - **NerdCubedFeed**
 - **netease:album**: 网易云音乐 - 专辑
 - **netease:djradio**: 网易云音乐 - 电台
 - **netease:mv**: 网易云音乐 - MV
 - **netease:playlist**: 网易云音乐 - 歌单
 - **netease:program**: 网易云音乐 - 电台节目
 - **netease:singer**: 网易云音乐 - 歌手
 - **netease:song**: 网易云音乐
 - **NetPlusTV**: [*netplus*](## "netrc machine")
 - **NetPlusTVLive**: [*netplus*](## "netrc machine")
 - **NetPlusTVRecordings**: [*netplus*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Netverse**
 - **NetversePlaylist**
 - **NetverseSearch**: "netsearch:" prefix
 - **Netzkino**
 - **Newgrounds**
 - **Newgrounds:playlist**
 - **Newgrounds:user**
 - **NewsPicks**
 - **Newstube**
 - **Newsy**
 - **NextMedia**: 蘋果日報
 - **NextMediaActionNews**: 蘋果日報 - 動新聞
 - **NextTV**: 壹電視
 - **Nexx**
 - **NexxEmbed**
 - **NFB**
 - **NFHSNetwork**
 - **nfl.com**
 - **nfl.com:article**
 - **nfl.com:​plus:episode**
 - **nfl.com:​plus:replay**
 - **NhkForSchoolBangumi**
 - **NhkForSchoolProgramList**
 - **NhkForSchoolSubject**: Portal page for each school subjects, like Japanese (kokugo, 国語) or math (sansuu/suugaku or 算数・数学)
 - **NhkVod**
 - **NhkVodProgram**
 - **nhl.com**
 - **nick.com**
 - **nick.de**
 - **nickelodeon:br**
 - **nickelodeonru**
 - **nicknight**
 - **niconico**: [*niconico*](## "netrc machine") ニコニコ動画
 - **niconico:history**: NicoNico user history or likes. Requires cookies.
 - **niconico:playlist**
 - **niconico:series**
 - **niconico:tag**: NicoNico video tag URLs
 - **NiconicoUser**
 - **nicovideo:search**: Nico video search; "nicosearch:" prefix
 - **nicovideo:​search:date**: Nico video search, newest first; "nicosearchdate:" prefix
 - **nicovideo:search_url**: Nico video search URLs
 - **Nintendo**
 - **Nitter**
 - **njoy**: N-JOY
 - **njoy:embed**
 - **NJPWWorld**: [*njpwworld*](## "netrc machine") 新日本プロレスワールド
 - **NobelPrize**
 - **NoicePodcast**
 - **NonkTube**
 - **NoodleMagazine**
 - **Noovo**
 - **Normalboots**
 - **NOSNLArticle**
 - **NosVideo**
 - **Nova**: TN.cz, Prásk.tv, Nova.cz, Novaplus.cz, FANDA.tv, Krásná.cz and Doma.cz
 - **NovaEmbed**
 - **NovaPlay**
 - **nowness**
 - **nowness:playlist**
 - **nowness:series**
 - **Noz**
 - **npo**: npo.nl, ntr.nl, omroepwnl.nl, zapp.nl and npo3.nl
 - **npo.nl:live**
 - **npo.nl:radio**
 - **npo.nl:​radio:fragment**
 - **Npr**
 - **NRK**
 - **NRKPlaylist**
 - **NRKRadioPodkast**
 - **NRKSkole**: NRK Skole
 - **NRKTV**: NRK TV and NRK Radio
 - **NRKTVDirekte**: NRK TV Direkte and NRK Radio Direkte
 - **NRKTVEpisode**
 - **NRKTVEpisodes**
 - **NRKTVSeason**
 - **NRKTVSeries**
 - **NRLTV**
 - **ntv.ru**
 - **Nuvid**
 - **NYTimes**
 - **NYTimesArticle**
 - **NYTimesCooking**
 - **nzherald**
 - **NZOnScreen**
 - **NZZ**
 - **ocw.mit.edu**
 - **OdaTV**
 - **Odnoklassniki**
 - **OfTV**
 - **OfTVPlaylist**
 - **OktoberfestTV**
 - **OlympicsReplay**
 - **on24**: ON24
 - **OnDemandChinaEpisode**
 - **OnDemandKorea**
 - **OneFootball**
 - **OnePlacePodcast**
 - **onet.pl**
 - **onet.tv**
 - **onet.tv:channel**
 - **OnetMVP**
 - **OnionStudios**
 - **Ooyala**
 - **OoyalaExternal**
 - **Opencast**
 - **OpencastPlaylist**
 - **openrec**
 - **openrec:capture**
 - **openrec:movie**
 - **OraTV**
 - **orf:​fm4:story**: fm4.orf.at stories
 - **orf:iptv**: iptv.ORF.at
 - **orf:radio**
 - **orf:tvthek**: ORF TVthek
 - **OsnatelTV**: [*osnateltv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **OsnatelTVLive**: [*osnateltv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **OsnatelTVRecordings**: [*osnateltv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **OutsideTV**
 - **PacktPub**: [*packtpub*](## "netrc machine")
 - **PacktPubCourse**
 - **PalcoMP3:artist**
 - **PalcoMP3:song**
 - **PalcoMP3:video**
 - **pandora.tv**: 판도라TV
 - **Panopto**
 - **PanoptoList**
 - **PanoptoPlaylist**
 - **ParamountNetwork**
 - **ParamountPlus**
 - **ParamountPlusSeries**
 - **Parler**: Posts on parler.com
 - **parliamentlive.tv**: UK parliament videos
 - **Parlview**
 - **Patreon**
 - **PatreonCampaign**
 - **pbs**: Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and member stations: PBS: Public Broadcasting Service, APT - Alabama Public Television (WBIQ), GPB/Georgia Public Broadcasting (WGTV), Mississippi Public Broadcasting (WMPN), Nashville Public Television (WNPT), WFSU-TV (WFSU), WSRE (WSRE), WTCI (WTCI), WPBA/Channel 30 (WPBA), Alaska Public Media (KAKM), Arizona PBS (KAET), KNME-TV/Channel 5 (KNME), Vegas PBS (KLVX), AETN/ARKANSAS ETV NETWORK (KETS), KET (WKLE), WKNO/Channel 10 (WKNO), LPB/LOUISIANA PUBLIC BROADCASTING (WLPB), OETA (KETA), Ozarks Public Television (KOZK), WSIU Public Broadcasting (WSIU), KEET TV (KEET), KIXE/Channel 9 (KIXE), KPBS San Diego (KPBS), KQED (KQED), KVIE Public Television (KVIE), PBS SoCal/KOCE (KOCE), ValleyPBS (KVPT), CONNECTICUT PUBLIC TELEVISION (WEDH), KNPB Channel 5 (KNPB), SOPTV (KSYS), Rocky Mountain PBS (KRMA), KENW-TV3 (KENW), KUED Channel 7 (KUED), Wyoming PBS (KCWC), Colorado Public Television / KBDI 12 (KBDI), KBYU-TV (KBYU), Thirteen/WNET New York (WNET), WGBH/Channel 2 (WGBH), WGBY (WGBY), NJTV Public Media NJ (WNJT), WLIW21 (WLIW), mpt/Maryland Public Television (WMPB), WETA Television and Radio (WETA), WHYY (WHYY), PBS 39 (WLVT), WVPT - Your Source for PBS and More! (WVPT), Howard University Television (WHUT), WEDU PBS (WEDU), WGCU Public Media (WGCU), WPBT2 (WPBT), WUCF TV (WUCF), WUFT/Channel 5 (WUFT), WXEL/Channel 42 (WXEL), WLRN/Channel 17 (WLRN), WUSF Public Broadcasting (WUSF), ETV (WRLK), UNC-TV (WUNC), PBS Hawaii - Oceanic Cable Channel 10 (KHET), Idaho Public Television (KAID), KSPS (KSPS), OPB (KOPB), KWSU/Channel 10 & KTNW/Channel 31 (KWSU), WILL-TV (WILL), Network Knowledge - WSEC/Springfield (WSEC), WTTW11 (WTTW), Iowa Public Television/IPTV (KDIN), Nine Network (KETC), PBS39 Fort Wayne (WFWA), WFYI Indianapolis (WFYI), Milwaukee Public Television (WMVS), WNIN (WNIN), WNIT Public Television (WNIT), WPT (WPNE), WVUT/Channel 22 (WVUT), WEIU/Channel 51 (WEIU), WQPT-TV (WQPT), WYCC PBS Chicago (WYCC), WIPB-TV (WIPB), WTIU (WTIU), CET  (WCET), ThinkTVNetwork (WPTD), WBGU-TV (WBGU), WGVU TV (WGVU), NET1 (KUON), Pioneer Public Television (KWCM), SDPB Television (KUSD), TPT (KTCA), KSMQ (KSMQ), KPTS/Channel 8 (KPTS), KTWU/Channel 11 (KTWU), East Tennessee PBS (WSJK), WCTE-TV (WCTE), WLJT, Channel 11 (WLJT), WOSU TV (WOSU), WOUB/WOUC (WOUB), WVPB (WVPB), WKYU-PBS (WKYU), KERA 13 (KERA), MPBN (WCBB), Mountain Lake PBS (WCFE), NHPTV (WENH), Vermont PBS (WETK), witf (WITF), WQED Multimedia (WQED), WMHT Educational Telecommunications (WMHT), Q-TV (WDCQ), WTVS Detroit Public TV (WTVS), CMU Public Television (WCMU), WKAR-TV (WKAR), WNMU-TV Public TV 13 (WNMU), WDSE - WRPT (WDSE), WGTE TV (WGTE), Lakeland Public Television (KAWE), KMOS-TV - Channels 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 (KMOS), MontanaPBS (KUSM), KRWG/Channel 22 (KRWG), KACV (KACV), KCOS/Channel 13 (KCOS), WCNY/Channel 24 (WCNY), WNED (WNED), WPBS (WPBS), WSKG Public TV (WSKG), WXXI (WXXI), WPSU (WPSU), WVIA Public Media Studios (WVIA), WTVI (WTVI), Western Reserve PBS (WNEO), WVIZ/PBS ideastream (WVIZ), KCTS 9 (KCTS), Basin PBS (KPBT), KUHT / Channel 8 (KUHT), KLRN (KLRN), KLRU (KLRU), WTJX Channel 12 (WTJX), WCVE PBS (WCVE), KBTC Public Television (KBTC)
 - **PearVideo**
 - **PeekVids**
 - **peer.tv**
 - **PeerTube**
 - **PeerTube:Playlist**
 - **peloton**: [*peloton*](## "netrc machine")
 - **peloton:live**: Peloton Live
 - **People**
 - **PerformGroup**
 - **periscope**: Periscope
 - **periscope:user**: Periscope user videos
 - **PhilharmonieDeParis**: Philharmonie de Paris
 - **phoenix.de**
 - **Photobucket**
 - **Piapro**: [*piapro*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Picarto**
 - **PicartoVod**
 - **Piksel**
 - **Pinkbike**
 - **Pinterest**
 - **PinterestCollection**
 - **pixiv:sketch**
 - **pixiv:​sketch:user**
 - **Pladform**
 - **PlanetMarathi**
 - **Platzi**: [*platzi*](## "netrc machine")
 - **PlatziCourse**: [*platzi*](## "netrc machine")
 - **play.fm**
 - **player.sky.it**
 - **PlayPlusTV**: [*playplustv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **PlayStuff**
 - **PlaysTV**
 - **PlaySuisse**
 - **Playtvak**: Playtvak.cz, iDNES.cz and Lidovky.cz
 - **Playvid**
 - **PlayVids**
 - **Playwire**
 - **pluralsight**: [*pluralsight*](## "netrc machine")
 - **pluralsight:course**
 - **PlutoTV**
 - **PodbayFM**
 - **PodbayFMChannel**
 - **Podchaser**
 - **podomatic**
 - **Pokemon**
 - **PokemonWatch**
 - **PokerGo**: [*pokergo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **PokerGoCollection**: [*pokergo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **PolsatGo**
 - **PolskieRadio**
 - **polskieradio:audition**
 - **polskieradio:category**
 - **polskieradio:kierowcow**
 - **polskieradio:legacy**
 - **polskieradio:player**
 - **polskieradio:podcast**
 - **polskieradio:​podcast:list**
 - **Popcorntimes**
 - **PopcornTV**
 - **PornCom**
 - **PornerBros**
 - **Pornez**
 - **PornFlip**
 - **PornHd**
 - **PornHub**: [*pornhub*](## "netrc machine") PornHub and Thumbzilla
 - **PornHubPagedVideoList**: [*pornhub*](## "netrc machine")
 - **PornHubPlaylist**: [*pornhub*](## "netrc machine")
 - **PornHubUser**: [*pornhub*](## "netrc machine")
 - **PornHubUserVideosUpload**: [*pornhub*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Pornotube**
 - **PornoVoisines**
 - **PornoXO**
 - **PornTop**
 - **PornTube**
 - **Pr0gramm**
 - **Pr0grammStatic**
 - **PrankCast**
 - **PremiershipRugby**
 - **PressTV**
 - **ProjectVeritas**
 - **prosiebensat1**: ProSiebenSat.1 Digital
 - **PRXAccount**
 - **PRXSeries**
 - **prxseries:search**: PRX Series Search; "prxseries:" prefix
 - **prxstories:search**: PRX Stories Search; "prxstories:" prefix
 - **PRXStory**
 - **puhutv**
 - **puhutv:serie**
 - **Puls4**
 - **Pyvideo**
 - **QingTing**
 - **qqmusic**: QQ音乐
 - **qqmusic:album**: QQ音乐 - 专辑
 - **qqmusic:playlist**: QQ音乐 - 歌单
 - **qqmusic:singer**: QQ音乐 - 歌手
 - **qqmusic:toplist**: QQ音乐 - 排行榜
 - **QuantumTV**: [*quantumtv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **QuantumTVLive**: [*quantumtv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **QuantumTVRecordings**: [*quantumtv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Qub**
 - **R7**
 - **R7Article**
 - **Radiko**
 - **RadikoRadio**
 - **radio.de**
 - **radiobremen**
 - **radiocanada**
 - **radiocanada:audiovideo**
 - **radiofrance**
 - **RadioJavan**
 - **radiokapital**
 - **radiokapital:show**
 - **RadioZetPodcast**
 - **radlive**
 - **radlive:channel**
 - **radlive:season**
 - **Rai**
 - **RaiNews**
 - **RaiPlay**
 - **RaiPlayLive**
 - **RaiPlayPlaylist**
 - **RaiPlaySound**
 - **RaiPlaySoundLive**
 - **RaiPlaySoundPlaylist**
 - **RaiSudtirol**
 - **RayWenderlich**
 - **RayWenderlichCourse**
 - **RbgTum**
 - **RbgTumCourse**
 - **RBMARadio**
 - **RCS**
 - **RCSEmbeds**
 - **RCSVarious**
 - **RCTIPlus**
 - **RCTIPlusSeries**
 - **RCTIPlusTV**
 - **RDS**: RDS.ca
 - **RedBull**
 - **RedBullEmbed**
 - **RedBullTV**
 - **RedBullTVRrnContent**
 - **Reddit**
 - **RedGifs**
 - **RedGifsSearch**: Redgifs search
 - **RedGifsUser**: Redgifs user
 - **RedTube**
 - **RegioTV**
 - **RENTV**
 - **RENTVArticle**
 - **Restudy**
 - **Reuters**
 - **ReverbNation**
 - **RICE**
 - **RMCDecouverte**
 - **RockstarGames**
 - **Rokfin**: [*rokfin*](## "netrc machine")
 - **rokfin:channel**: Rokfin Channels
 - **rokfin:search**: Rokfin Search; "rkfnsearch:" prefix
 - **rokfin:stack**: Rokfin Stacks
 - **RoosterTeeth**: [*roosterteeth*](## "netrc machine")
 - **RoosterTeethSeries**: [*roosterteeth*](## "netrc machine")
 - **RottenTomatoes**
 - **Rozhlas**
 - **RozhlasVltava**
 - **RTBF**: [*rtbf*](## "netrc machine")
 - **RTDocumentry**
 - **RTDocumentryPlaylist**
 - **rte**: Raidió Teilifís Éireann TV
 - **rte:radio**: Raidió Teilifís Éireann radio
 - **rtl.lu:article**
 - **rtl.lu:tele-vod**
 - **rtl.nl**: rtl.nl and rtlxl.nl
 - **rtl2**
 - **rtl2:you**
 - **rtl2:​you:series**
 - **RTLLuLive**
 - **RTLLuRadio**
 - **RTNews**
 - **RTP**
 - **RTRFM**
 - **RTS**: RTS.ch
 - **rtve.es:alacarta**: RTVE a la carta
 - **rtve.es:audio**: RTVE audio
 - **rtve.es:infantil**: RTVE infantil
 - **rtve.es:live**: RTVE.es live streams
 - **rtve.es:television**
 - **RTVNH**
 - **RTVS**
 - **rtvslo.si**
 - **RUHD**
 - **Rule34Video**
 - **Rumble**
 - **RumbleChannel**
 - **RumbleEmbed**
 - **Ruptly**
 - **rutube**: Rutube videos
 - **rutube:channel**: Rutube channel
 - **rutube:embed**: Rutube embedded videos
 - **rutube:movie**: Rutube movies
 - **rutube:person**: Rutube person videos
 - **rutube:playlist**: Rutube playlists
 - **rutube:tags**: Rutube tags
 - **RUTV**: RUTV.RU
 - **Ruutu**
 - **Ruv**
 - **ruv.is:spila**
 - **safari**: [*safari*](## "netrc machine") safaribooksonline.com online video
 - **safari:api**: [*safari*](## "netrc machine")
 - **safari:course**: [*safari*](## "netrc machine") safaribooksonline.com online courses
 - **Saitosan**
 - **SAKTV**: [*saktv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **SAKTVLive**: [*saktv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **SAKTVRecordings**: [*saktv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **SaltTV**: [*salttv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **SaltTVLive**: [*salttv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **SaltTVRecordings**: [*salttv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **SampleFocus**
 - **Sangiin**: 参議院インターネット審議中継 (archive)
 - **Sapo**: SAPO Vídeos
 - **savefrom.net**
 - **SBS**: sbs.com.au
 - **schooltv**
 - **ScienceChannel**
 - **screen.yahoo:search**: Yahoo screen search; "yvsearch:" prefix
 - **Screen9**
 - **Screencast**
 - **Screencastify**
 - **ScreencastOMatic**
 - **ScrippsNetworks**
 - **scrippsnetworks:watch**
 - **Scrolller**
 - **SCTE**: [*scte*](## "netrc machine")
 - **SCTECourse**: [*scte*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Seeker**
 - **SenateGov**
 - **SenateISVP**
 - **SendtoNews**
 - **Servus**
 - **Sexu**
 - **SeznamZpravy**
 - **SeznamZpravyArticle**
 - **Shahid**: [*shahid*](## "netrc machine")
 - **ShahidShow**
 - **Shared**: shared.sx
 - **ShareVideosEmbed**
 - **ShemarooMe**
 - **ShowRoomLive**
 - **ShugiinItvLive**: 衆議院インターネット審議中継
 - **ShugiinItvLiveRoom**: 衆議院インターネット審議中継 (中継)
 - **ShugiinItvVod**: 衆議院インターネット審議中継 (ビデオライブラリ)
 - **SibnetEmbed**
 - **simplecast**
 - **simplecast:episode**
 - **simplecast:podcast**
 - **Sina**
 - **Skeb**
 - **sky.it**
 - **sky:news**
 - **sky:​news:story**
 - **sky:sports**
 - **sky:​sports:news**
 - **SkylineWebcams**
 - **skynewsarabia:article**
 - **skynewsarabia:video**
 - **SkyNewsAU**
 - **Slideshare**
 - **SlidesLive**
 - **Slutload**
 - **Smotrim**
 - **Snotr**
 - **Sohu**
 - **SonyLIV**: [*sonyliv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **SonyLIVSeries**
 - **soundcloud**: [*soundcloud*](## "netrc machine")
 - **soundcloud:playlist**: [*soundcloud*](## "netrc machine")
 - **soundcloud:related**: [*soundcloud*](## "netrc machine")
 - **soundcloud:search**: [*soundcloud*](## "netrc machine") Soundcloud search; "scsearch:" prefix
 - **soundcloud:set**: [*soundcloud*](## "netrc machine")
 - **soundcloud:trackstation**: [*soundcloud*](## "netrc machine")
 - **soundcloud:user**: [*soundcloud*](## "netrc machine")
 - **soundcloud:​user:permalink**: [*soundcloud*](## "netrc machine")
 - **SoundcloudEmbed**
 - **soundgasm**
 - **soundgasm:profile**
 - **southpark.cc.com**
 - **southpark.cc.com:español**
 - **southpark.de**
 - **southpark.lat**
 - **southpark.nl**
 - **southparkstudios.dk**
 - **SovietsCloset**
 - **SovietsClosetPlaylist**
 - **SpankBang**
 - **SpankBangPlaylist**
 - **Spankwire**
 - **Spiegel**
 - **Sport5**
 - **SportBox**
 - **SportDeutschland**
 - **spotify**: Spotify episodes (**Currently broken**)
 - **spotify:show**: Spotify shows (**Currently broken**)
 - **Spreaker**
 - **SpreakerPage**
 - **SpreakerShow**
 - **SpreakerShowPage**
 - **SpringboardPlatform**
 - **Sprout**
 - **sr:mediathek**: Saarländischer Rundfunk
 - **SRGSSR**
 - **SRGSSRPlay**: srf.ch, rts.ch, rsi.ch, rtr.ch and swissinfo.ch play sites
 - **stanfordoc**: Stanford Open ClassRoom
 - **StarTrek**
 - **startv**
 - **Steam**
 - **SteamCommunityBroadcast**
 - **Stitcher**
 - **StitcherShow**
 - **StoryFire**
 - **StoryFireSeries**
 - **StoryFireUser**
 - **Streamable**
 - **Streamanity**
 - **streamcloud.eu**
 - **StreamCZ**
 - **StreamFF**
 - **StreetVoice**
 - **StretchInternet**
 - **Stripchat**
 - **stv:player**
 - **Substack**
 - **SunPorno**
 - **sverigesradio:episode**
 - **sverigesradio:publication**
 - **SVT**
 - **SVTPage**
 - **SVTPlay**: SVT Play and Öppet arkiv
 - **SVTSeries**
 - **SwearnetEpisode**
 - **SWRMediathek**
 - **Syfy**
 - **SYVDK**
 - **SztvHu**
 - **t-online.de**
 - **Tagesschau**
 - **Tass**
 - **TBS**
 - **TDSLifeway**
 - **Teachable**: [*teachable*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TeachableCourse**: [*teachable*](## "netrc machine")
 - **teachertube**: teachertube.com videos
 - **teachertube:​user:collection**: teachertube.com user and collection videos
 - **TeachingChannel**
 - **Teamcoco**
 - **TeamTreeHouse**: [*teamtreehouse*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TechTalks**
 - **techtv.mit.edu**
 - **TedEmbed**
 - **TedPlaylist**
 - **TedSeries**
 - **TedTalk**
 - **Tele13**
 - **Tele5**
 - **TeleBruxelles**
 - **TelecaribePlay**
 - **Telecinco**: telecinco.es, cuatro.com and mediaset.es
 - **Telegraaf**
 - **telegram:embed**
 - **TeleMB**
 - **Telemundo**
 - **TeleQuebec**
 - **TeleQuebecEmission**
 - **TeleQuebecLive**
 - **TeleQuebecSquat**
 - **TeleQuebecVideo**
 - **TeleTask**
 - **Telewebion**
 - **Tempo**
 - **TennisTV**: [*tennistv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TenPlay**: [*10play*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TF1**
 - **TFO**
 - **TheHoleTv**
 - **TheIntercept**
 - **ThePlatform**
 - **ThePlatformFeed**
 - **TheStar**
 - **TheSun**
 - **ThetaStream**
 - **ThetaVideo**
 - **TheWeatherChannel**
 - **ThisAmericanLife**
 - **ThisAV**
 - **ThisOldHouse**
 - **ThisVid**
 - **ThisVidMember**
 - **ThisVidPlaylist**
 - **ThreeSpeak**
 - **ThreeSpeakUser**
 - **TikTok**
 - **tiktok:effect**: (**Currently broken**)
 - **tiktok:live**
 - **tiktok:sound**: (**Currently broken**)
 - **tiktok:tag**: (**Currently broken**)
 - **tiktok:user**: (**Currently broken**)
 - **tinypic**: tinypic.com videos
 - **TLC**
 - **TMZ**
 - **TNAFlix**
 - **TNAFlixNetworkEmbed**
 - **toggle**
 - **toggo**
 - **Tokentube**
 - **Tokentube:channel**
 - **tokfm:audition**
 - **tokfm:podcast**
 - **ToonGoggles**
 - **tou.tv**: [*toutv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Toypics**: Toypics video
 - **ToypicsUser**: Toypics user profile
 - **TrailerAddict**: (**Currently broken**)
 - **TravelChannel**
 - **Triller**: [*triller*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TrillerUser**: [*triller*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Trilulilu**
 - **Trovo**
 - **TrovoChannelClip**: All Clips of a trovo.live channel; "trovoclip:" prefix
 - **TrovoChannelVod**: All VODs of a trovo.live channel; "trovovod:" prefix
 - **TrovoVod**
 - **TrtCocukVideo**
 - **TrueID**
 - **TruNews**
 - **Truth**
 - **TruTV**
 - **Tube8**
 - **TubeTuGraz**: [*tubetugraz*](## "netrc machine") tube.tugraz.at
 - **TubeTuGrazSeries**: [*tubetugraz*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TubiTv**: [*tubitv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TubiTvShow**
 - **Tumblr**: [*tumblr*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TuneInPodcast**
 - **TuneInPodcastEpisode**
 - **TuneInStation**
 - **TunePk**
 - **Turbo**
 - **tv.dfb.de**
 - **TV2**
 - **TV2Article**
 - **TV2DK**
 - **TV2DKBornholmPlay**
 - **tv2play.hu**
 - **tv2playseries.hu**
 - **TV4**: tv4.se and tv4play.se
 - **TV5MondePlus**: TV5MONDE+
 - **tv5unis**
 - **tv5unis:video**
 - **tv8.it**
 - **TVA**
 - **TVANouvelles**
 - **TVANouvellesArticle**
 - **TVC**
 - **TVCArticle**
 - **TVer**
 - **tvigle**: Интернет-телевидение Tvigle.ru
 - **TVIPlayer**
 - **tvland.com**
 - **TVN24**
 - **TVNet**
 - **TVNoe**
 - **TVNow**
 - **TVNowAnnual**
 - **TVNowFilm**
 - **TVNowNew**
 - **TVNowSeason**
 - **TVNowShow**
 - **tvopengr:embed**: tvopen.gr embedded videos
 - **tvopengr:watch**: tvopen.gr (and ethnos.gr) videos
 - **tvp**: Telewizja Polska
 - **tvp:embed**: Telewizja Polska
 - **tvp:stream**
 - **tvp:vod**
 - **tvp:​vod:series**
 - **TVPlayer**
 - **TVPlayHome**
 - **Tweakers**
 - **TwitCasting**
 - **TwitCastingLive**
 - **TwitCastingUser**
 - **twitch:clips**: [*twitch*](## "netrc machine")
 - **twitch:stream**: [*twitch*](## "netrc machine")
 - **twitch:vod**: [*twitch*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TwitchCollection**: [*twitch*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TwitchVideos**: [*twitch*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TwitchVideosClips**: [*twitch*](## "netrc machine")
 - **TwitchVideosCollections**: [*twitch*](## "netrc machine")
 - **twitter**
 - **twitter:amplify**
 - **twitter:broadcast**
 - **twitter:card**
 - **twitter:shortener**
 - **twitter:spaces**
 - **Txxx**
 - **udemy**: [*udemy*](## "netrc machine")
 - **udemy:course**: [*udemy*](## "netrc machine")
 - **UDNEmbed**: 聯合影音
 - **UFCArabia**: [*ufcarabia*](## "netrc machine")
 - **UFCTV**: [*ufctv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **ukcolumn**
 - **UKTVPlay**
 - **umg:de**: Universal Music Deutschland
 - **Unistra**
 - **Unity**
 - **UnscriptedNewsVideo**
 - **uol.com.br**
 - **uplynk**
 - **uplynk:preplay**
 - **Urort**: NRK P3 Urørt
 - **URPlay**
 - **USANetwork**
 - **USAToday**
 - **ustream**
 - **ustream:channel**
 - **ustudio**
 - **ustudio:embed**
 - **Utreon**
 - **Varzesh3**
 - **Vbox7**
 - **VeeHD**
 - **Veo**
 - **Veoh**
 - **veoh:user**
 - **Vesti**: Вести.Ru
 - **Vevo**
 - **VevoPlaylist**
 - **VGTV**: VGTV, BTTV, FTV, Aftenposten and Aftonbladet
 - **vh1.com**
 - **vhx:embed**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **Viafree**
 - **vice**
 - **vice:article**
 - **vice:show**
 - **Vidbit**
 - **Viddler**
 - **Videa**
 - **video.arnes.si**: Arnes Video
 - **video.google:search**: Google Video search; "gvsearch:" prefix
 - **video.sky.it**
 - **video.sky.it:live**
 - **VideoDetective**
 - **videofy.me**
 - **VideoKen**
 - **VideoKenCategory**
 - **VideoKenPlayer**
 - **VideoKenPlaylist**
 - **VideoKenTopic**
 - **videomore**
 - **videomore:season**
 - **videomore:video**
 - **VideoPress**
 - **Vidio**: [*vidio*](## "netrc machine")
 - **VidioLive**: [*vidio*](## "netrc machine")
 - **VidioPremier**: [*vidio*](## "netrc machine")
 - **VidLii**
 - **viewlift**
 - **viewlift:embed**
 - **Viidea**
 - **viki**: [*viki*](## "netrc machine")
 - **viki:channel**: [*viki*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vimeo**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vimeo:album**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vimeo:channel**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vimeo:group**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vimeo:likes**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine") Vimeo user likes
 - **vimeo:ondemand**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vimeo:pro**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vimeo:review**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine") Review pages on vimeo
 - **vimeo:user**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vimeo:watchlater**: [*vimeo*](## "netrc machine") Vimeo watch later list, ":vimeowatchlater" keyword (requires authentication)
 - **Vimm:recording**
 - **Vimm:stream**
 - **ViMP**
 - **ViMP:Playlist**
 - **Vimple**: Vimple - one-click video hosting
 - **Vine**
 - **vine:user**
 - **Viqeo**
 - **Viu**
 - **viu:ott**: [*viu*](## "netrc machine")
 - **viu:playlist**
 - **ViuOTTIndonesia**
 - **Vivo**: vivo.sx
 - **vk**: [*vk*](## "netrc machine") VK
 - **vk:uservideos**: [*vk*](## "netrc machine") VK - User's Videos
 - **vk:wallpost**: [*vk*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vm.tiktok**
 - **Vocaroo**
 - **Vodlocker**
 - **VODPl**
 - **VODPlatform**
 - **VoiceRepublic**
 - **voicy**
 - **voicy:channel**
 - **VolejTV**
 - **Voot**
 - **VootSeries**
 - **VoxMedia**
 - **VoxMediaVolume**
 - **vpro**: npo.nl, ntr.nl, omroepwnl.nl, zapp.nl and npo3.nl
 - **vqq:series**
 - **vqq:video**
 - **Vrak**
 - **VRT**: VRT NWS, Flanders News, Flandern Info and Sporza
 - **VrtNU**: [*vrtnu*](## "netrc machine") VrtNU.be
 - **vrv**: [*vrv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **vrv:series**
 - **VShare**
 - **VTM**
 - **VTXTV**: [*vtxtv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **VTXTVLive**: [*vtxtv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **VTXTVRecordings**: [*vtxtv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **VuClip**
 - **Vupload**
 - **VVVVID**
 - **VVVVIDShow**
 - **VyboryMos**
 - **Vzaar**
 - **Wakanim**
 - **Walla**
 - **WalyTV**: [*walytv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **WalyTVLive**: [*walytv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **WalyTVRecordings**: [*walytv*](## "netrc machine")
 - **wasdtv:clip**
 - **wasdtv:record**
 - **wasdtv:stream**
 - **washingtonpost**
 - **washingtonpost:article**
 - **wat.tv**
 - **WatchBox**
 - **WatchESPN**
 - **WatchIndianPorn**: Watch Indian Porn
 - **WDR**
 - **wdr:mobile**: (**Currently broken**)
 - **WDRElefant**
 - **WDRPage**
 - **web.archive:vlive**: web.archive.org saved vlive videos
 - **web.archive:youtube**: web.archive.org saved youtube videos, "ytarchive:" prefix
 - **Webcamerapl**
 - **Webcaster**
 - **WebcasterFeed**
 - **WebOfStories**
 - **WebOfStoriesPlaylist**
 - **Weibo**
 - **WeiboMobile**
 - **WeiqiTV**: WQTV
 - **wetv:episode**
 - **WeTvSeries**
 - **whowatch**
 - **wikimedia.org**
 - **Willow**
 - **WimTV**
 - **WinSportsVideo**
 - **Wistia**
 - **WistiaChannel**
 - **WistiaPlaylist**
 - **wnl**: npo.nl, ntr.nl, omroepwnl.nl, zapp.nl and npo3.nl
 - **wordpress:mb.miniAudioPlayer**
 - **wordpress:playlist**
 - **WorldStarHipHop**
 - **wppilot**
 - **wppilot:channels**
 - **WrestleUniversePPV**
 - **WrestleUniverseVOD**
 - **WSJ**: Wall Street Journal
 - **WSJArticle**
 - **WWE**
 - **wyborcza:video**
 - **WyborczaPodcast**
 - **Xanimu**
 - **XBef**
 - **XboxClips**
 - **XFileShare**: XFileShare based sites: Aparat, ClipWatching, GoUnlimited, GoVid, HolaVid, Streamty, TheVideoBee, Uqload, VidBom, vidlo, VidLocker, VidShare, VUp, WolfStream, XVideoSharing
 - **XHamster**
 - **XHamsterEmbed**
 - **XHamsterUser**
 - **ximalaya**: 喜马拉雅FM
 - **ximalaya:album**: 喜马拉雅FM 专辑
 - **xinpianchang**: xinpianchang.com
 - **XMinus**
 - **XNXX**
 - **Xstream**
 - **XTube**
 - **XTubeUser**: XTube user profile
 - **Xuite**: 隨意窩Xuite影音
 - **XVideos**
 - **xvideos:quickies**
 - **XXXYMovies**
 - **Yahoo**: Yahoo screen and movies
 - **yahoo:gyao**
 - **yahoo:​gyao:player**
 - **yahoo:japannews**: Yahoo! Japan News
 - **YandexDisk**
 - **yandexmusic:album**: Яндекс.Музыка - Альбом
 - **yandexmusic:​artist:albums**: Яндекс.Музыка - Артист - Альбомы
 - **yandexmusic:​artist:tracks**: Яндекс.Музыка - Артист - Треки
 - **yandexmusic:playlist**: Яндекс.Музыка - Плейлист
 - **yandexmusic:track**: Яндекс.Музыка - Трек
 - **YandexVideo**
 - **YandexVideoPreview**
 - **YapFiles**
 - **Yappy**
 - **YesJapan**
 - **yinyuetai:video**: 音悦Tai
 - **YleAreena**
 - **Ynet**
 - **YouJizz**
 - **youku**: 优酷
 - **youku:show**
 - **YouNowChannel**
 - **YouNowLive**
 - **YouNowMoment**
 - **YouPorn**
 - **YourPorn**
 - **YourUpload**
 - **youtube**: YouTube
 - **youtube:clip**
 - **youtube:favorites**: YouTube liked videos; ":ytfav" keyword (requires cookies)
 - **youtube:history**: Youtube watch history; ":ythis" keyword (requires cookies)
 - **youtube:​music:search_url**: YouTube music search URLs with selectable sections, e.g. #songs
 - **youtube:notif**: YouTube notifications; ":ytnotif" keyword (requires cookies)
 - **youtube:playlist**: YouTube playlists
 - **youtube:recommended**: YouTube recommended videos; ":ytrec" keyword
 - **youtube:search**: YouTube search; "ytsearch:" prefix
 - **youtube:​search:date**: YouTube search, newest videos first; "ytsearchdate:" prefix
 - **youtube:search_url**: YouTube search URLs with sorting and filter support
 - **youtube:​shorts:pivot:audio**: YouTube Shorts audio pivot (Shorts using audio of a given video)
 - **youtube:stories**: YouTube channel stories; "ytstories:" prefix
 - **youtube:subscriptions**: YouTube subscriptions feed; ":ytsubs" keyword (requires cookies)
 - **youtube:tab**: YouTube Tabs
 - **youtube:user**: YouTube user videos; "ytuser:" prefix
 - **youtube:watchlater**: Youtube watch later list; ":ytwatchlater" keyword (requires cookies)
 - **YoutubeLivestreamEmbed**: YouTube livestream embeds
 - **YoutubeYtBe**: youtu.be
 - **Zapiks**
 - **Zattoo**: [*zattoo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **ZattooLive**: [*zattoo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **ZattooMovies**: [*zattoo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **ZattooRecordings**: [*zattoo*](## "netrc machine")
 - **ZDF**
 - **ZDFChannel**
 - **Zee5**: [*zee5*](## "netrc machine")
 - **zee5:series**
 - **ZeeNews**
 - **ZenYandex**
 - **ZenYandexChannel**
 - **Zhihu**
 - **zingmp3**: zingmp3.vn
 - **zingmp3:album**
 - **zingmp3:chart-home**
 - **zingmp3:chart-music-video**
 - **zingmp3:user**
 - **zingmp3:week-chart**
 - **zoom**
 - **Zype**
 - **generic**: Generic downloader that works on some sites