import collections import contextlib import itertools import re from html.parser import HTMLParser from .utils import orderedSet from .compat import compat_HTMLParseError class HTMLTagParser(HTMLParser): """HTML parser which acts as iterator returns found elements as instances of Tag nested elements will be returned before its parents strict=True raises compat_HTMLParseError on malformed html two modes of usage: # as an lazy iterator: for tag_obj in HTMLTagParser(html): tag_obj.text_and_html() # or return a list with all found tag objects # this is faster by factor 2-5 compared to iteration for tag_obj in HTMLTagParser(html).taglist(): tag_obj.text_and_html() """ STRICT = False ANY_TAG_REGEX = re.compile(r'''<(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^"'>])*?>''') CLOSING_TAG_REGEX = re.compile(r']+(?:\s*>)?') VOID_TAGS = { 'area', 'base', 'br', 'col', 'embed', 'hr', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr', } class Tag: __slots__ = 'name', 'string', 'start', 'start_len', 'stop', 'attrs' def __init__(self, name, *, string='', start=None, stop=None, attrs=()): = name self.string = string self.start = start self.start_len = 0 self.stop = stop self.attrs = tuple(attrs) def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)!r})' def __eq__(self, other): return == other def html(self): return self.string[self.start:self.stop] def text_and_html(self): assert isinstance(self.start, int) if not self.start_len: match = HTMLTagParser.ANY_TAG_REGEX.match(self.string[self.start:]) assert match self.start_len = len( if self.stop is None: return '', self.string[self.start: self.start + self.start_len] html = self.html() cidx = html.rindex('') or tag in self.VOID_TAGS: if self.callback(obj) is not False: self.found_tags.append(obj) return else: obj = None self.tagstack.appendleft(obj or tag) handle_startendtag = handle_starttag def handle_endtag(self, tag): if '<' in tag: if self.STRICT: raise compat_HTMLParseError(f'malformed closing tag {tag!r}') tag = tag[:tag.index('<')] try: idx = self.tagstack.index(tag) if self.STRICT and idx: open_tags = ''.join(f'' for tag in itertools.islice(self.tagstack, idx)) raise compat_HTMLParseError( f'malnested closing tag {tag!r}, expected after {open_tags!r}') tag_obj = self.tagstack[idx] self.tagstack.remove(tag) if not isinstance(tag_obj, str): # since we landed here we'll always find a closing tag match = self.CLOSING_TAG_REGEX.match(self.rawdata[self._offset:]) tag_obj.stop = self._offset + match.end() if self.callback(tag_obj) is not False: self.found_tags.append(tag_obj) except ValueError as exc: if isinstance(exc, compat_HTMLParseError): raise elif self.STRICT: raise compat_HTMLParseError(f'stray closing tag {tag!r}') class ClassParser(HTMLTagParser): def __init__(self, attribute, matchfunc, stop): super().__init__() self.search_attr = attribute self.matchfunc = matchfunc self.stop = stop self.processing = 0 def predicate(self, tag, attrs): if self.processing <= 0 and self.stop is not None and self._offset > self.stop: self.abort() string = dict(attrs).get(self.search_attr, '') if self.matchfunc(string): self.processing += 1 return True return False def callback(self, tag_obj): if self.stop is None: self.abort(tag_obj) self.processing -= 1 @classmethod def get_elements_html_by_class(cls, class_name, html): regex = re.compile(rf'[\w\- ]*\b{re.escape(class_name)}\b') it = re.finditer(rf'<.+ class=[\'"]{regex.pattern}', html) start = stop = None for match in it: if start is None: start = match.start() else: stop = match.end() if start is None: return [] parser = cls('class', lambda x: regex.match(x), stop) return [tag.html() for tag in parser.taglist(html[start:])] class FirstMatchingElementParser(HTMLTagParser): def __init__(self, matchfunc): super().__init__() self.matchfunc = matchfunc self.found = False def predicate(self, tag, attrs): if not self.found and self.matchfunc(tag, attrs): self.found = True return True return False def callback(self, obj): self.abort(obj) @classmethod def get_element_text_and_html_by_tag(cls, tag, html): """ For the first element with the specified tag in the given HTML document return its content (text) and the whole element (html) """ parser = cls(lambda _tag, _: _tag == tag) for tag_obj in parser.taglist(html): return tag_obj.text_and_html() raise compat_HTMLParseError(f'tag {tag} not found')