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update xmonad

This commit is contained in:
horhik 2021-11-28 12:01:32 +03:00
parent 07d4edc7de
commit f5cc2af653
12 changed files with 4684 additions and 30 deletions

View file

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ echo "<fc=$greenDarkerColor>—{$toggl_description(</fc>"$duration"<fc=$greenD
echo "$(toggl_timer)$(wifi)$(battery)$(volume)$(layout)$(diskspace)$(timeanddate)<fc=$greenDarkerColor>—{</fc>$(calendar)<fc=$greenDarkerColor>}——</fc>"
echo "$(wifi)$(battery)$(volume)$(layout)$(diskspace)$(timeanddate)<fc=$greenDarkerColor>—{</fc>$(calendar)<fc=$greenDarkerColor>}——</fc>"
#echo "                                          "

View file

@ -110,6 +110,6 @@ echo "<fc=$greenDarkerColor>—{$toggl_description(</fc>"$duration"<fc=$greenD
echo "$(toggl_timer)$(wifi)$(battery)$(volume)$(layout)$(diskspace)$(timeanddate)<fc=$greenDarkerColor>—{</fc>$(calendar)<fc=$greenDarkerColor>}——</fc>"
echo "$(wifi)$(battery)$(volume)$(layout)$(diskspace)$(timeanddate)<fc=$greenDarkerColor>—{</fc>$(calendar)<fc=$greenDarkerColor>}——</fc>"
#echo "                                          "

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Config {
, sepChar = "%" -- delineator between plugin names and straight text
, alignSep = "][" -- separator between left-right alignment
, template = "<fc=#83a598>——{</fc>%StdinReader%<fc=#83a598>}—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————</fc>][%/home/horhik/.config/xmobar/bin/xmobarstatus%"
, template = "<fc=#83a598>——{</fc>%StdinReader%<fc=#83a598>}—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————</fc>][%/home/horhik/.config/xmobar/bin/xmobarstatus%"
-- general behavior
, lowerOnStart = False -- send to bottom of window stack on start

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-- layout
, sepChar = "%" -- delineator between plugin names and straight text
, alignSep = "][" -- separator between left-right alignment
, template = "<fc=#a89984>--{</fc>%StdinReader%<fc=#a89984>}—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————</fc>][%/home/horhik/.config/xmobar/bin/xmobarstatus2%"
, template = "<fc=#a89984>--{</fc>%StdinReader%<fc=#a89984>}—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————</fc>][%/home/horhik/.config/xmobar/bin/xmobarstatus2%"
-- general behavior
, lowerOnStart = False -- send to bottom of window stack on start

View file

@ -0,0 +1,972 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : GridSelect.Extras
-- Copyright : Clemens Fruhwirth <clemens@endorphin.org>, Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- GridSelect.Extras adds a method to [XMonad.Actions.GridSelect]
-- (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.15/docs/XMonad-Actions-GridSelect.html)
-- that displays a message at the top of the screen while using the normal GridSelect.
module GridSelect.Extras
-- * Usage
-- $usage
-- ** Screenshots
-- $screenshots
-- ** Customizing
-- $customizing
-- * Configuration
, def
, buildDefaultGSConfig
, defaultNavigation
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Foldable
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Arrow
import Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import XMonad hiding ( liftX )
import XMonad.Util.Font
import XMonad.Prompt ( mkUnmanagedWindow )
import XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
import XMonad.Util.Image
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import XMonad.Actions.WindowBringer ( bringWindow )
import Text.Printf
import System.Random ( mkStdGen
, genRange
, next
import Data.Word ( Word8 )
-- $usage
-- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
-- > import qualified GridSelect.Extras
-- Then add a keybinding, e.g.
-- > , ((modm, xK_g), gridselect gsconfig message actions)
-- > where
-- > gridselect = GridSelect.Extras.runSelectedActionWithMessage
-- > gsconfig = GridSelect.Extras.def
-- > message = "Please choose an option:"
-- > actions = [ ("Option #1", unsafeSpawn "notify-send 'Option #1'"),
-- > ("Option #2", unsafeSpawn "notify-send 'Option #2'") ]
-- This module also supports displaying an icon in the message window. To do so, just use 'runSelectedActionWithMessageAndIcon' like so:
-- > , ((modm, xK_g), gridselect gsconfig message icon actions)
-- > where
-- > gridselect = GridSelect.Extras.runSelectedActionWithMessageAndIcon
-- > icon = [[True, False, False],
-- > [False, True, False],
-- > [True, False, True ]]
-- > -- ...
-- $screenshots
-- Selecting an action:
-- <<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/gridselect-extras.png>>
-- $customizing
-- It is possible to customize GridSelect.Extras the same way GridSelect is customized. Please refer to the [GridSelect Documentation](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib-0.15/docs/XMonad-Actions-GridSelect.html) for further information.
-- | The 'Default' instance gives a basic configuration for 'gridselect', with
-- the colorizer chosen based on the type.
-- If you want to replace the 'gs_colorizer' field, use 'buildDefaultGSConfig'
-- instead of 'def' to avoid ambiguous type variables.
data GSConfig a = GSConfig {
gs_cellheight :: Integer,
gs_cellwidth :: Integer,
gs_cellpadding :: Integer,
gs_colorizer :: a -> Bool -> X (String, String),
gs_font :: String,
gs_navigate :: TwoD a (Maybe a),
gs_rearranger :: Rearranger a,
gs_originFractX :: Double,
gs_originFractY :: Double,
gs_bordercolor :: String
-- | That is 'fromClassName' if you are selecting a 'Window', or
-- 'defaultColorizer' if you are selecting a 'String'. The catch-all instance
-- @HasColorizer a@ uses the 'focusedBorderColor' and 'normalBorderColor'
-- colors.
class HasColorizer a where
defaultColorizer :: a -> Bool -> X (String, String)
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasColorizer Window where
defaultColorizer = fromClassName
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasColorizer String where
defaultColorizer = stringColorizer
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasColorizer a where
defaultColorizer _ isFg =
let getColor = if isFg then focusedBorderColor else normalBorderColor
in asks $ (, "black") . getColor . config
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} HasColorizer a => Default (GSConfig a) where
def = buildDefaultGSConfig defaultColorizer
{-# DEPRECATED defaultGSConfig "Use def (from Data.Default, and re-exported from XMonad.Actions.GridSelect) instead." #-}
defaultGSConfig :: HasColorizer a => GSConfig a
defaultGSConfig = def
type TwoDPosition = (Integer, Integer)
type TwoDElementMap a = [(TwoDPosition,(String,a))]
data TwoDState a = TwoDState { td_curpos :: TwoDPosition
, td_availSlots :: [TwoDPosition]
, td_elements :: [(String,a)]
, td_gsconfig :: GSConfig a
, td_font :: XMonadFont
, td_paneX :: Integer
, td_paneY :: Integer
, td_drawingWin :: Window
, td_searchString :: String
, td_elementmap :: TwoDElementMap a
generateElementmap :: TwoDState a -> X (TwoDElementMap a)
generateElementmap s = do
rearrangedElements <- rearranger searchString sortedElements
return $ zip positions rearrangedElements
TwoDState { td_availSlots = positions, td_gsconfig = gsconfig, td_searchString = searchString }
= s
GSConfig { gs_rearranger = rearranger } = gsconfig
-- Filter out any elements that don't contain the searchString (case insensitive)
filteredElements =
L.filter ((searchString `isInfixOfI`) . fst) (td_elements s)
-- Sorts the elementmap
sortedElements = orderElementmap searchString filteredElements
-- Case Insensitive version of isInfixOf
needle `isInfixOfI` haystack = upper needle `isInfixOf` upper haystack
upper = map toUpper
-- | We enforce an ordering such that we will always get the same result. If the
-- elements position changes from call to call of gridselect, then the shown
-- positions will also change when you search for the same string. This is
-- especially the case when using gridselect for showing and switching between
-- workspaces, as workspaces are usually shown in order of last visited. The
-- chosen ordering is "how deep in the haystack the needle is" (number of
-- characters from the beginning of the string and the needle).
orderElementmap :: String -> [(String, a)] -> [(String, a)]
orderElementmap searchString elements = if not $ null searchString
then sortedElements
else elements
upper = map toUpper
-- Calculates a (score, element) tuple where the score is the depth of the (case insensitive) needle.
calcScore element =
( length $ takeWhile (not . isPrefixOf (upper searchString))
(tails . upper . fst $ element)
, element
-- Use the score and then the string as the parameters for comparing, making
-- it consistent even when two strings that score the same, as it will then be
-- sorted by the strings, making it consistent.
compareScore = comparing (\(score, (str, _)) -> (score, str))
sortedElements = map snd . sortBy compareScore $ map calcScore elements
newtype TwoD a b = TwoD { unTwoD :: StateT (TwoDState a) X b }
deriving (Monad,Functor,MonadState (TwoDState a))
instance Applicative (TwoD a) where
(<*>) = ap
pure = return
liftX :: X a1 -> TwoD a a1
liftX = TwoD . lift
evalTwoD :: TwoD a1 a -> TwoDState a1 -> X a
evalTwoD m s = flip evalStateT s $ unTwoD m
diamondLayer :: (Enum a, Num a, Eq a) => a -> [(a, a)]
diamondLayer 0 = [(0, 0)]
diamondLayer n =
-- tr = top right
-- r = ur ++ 90 degree clock-wise rotation of ur
let tr = [ (x, n - x) | x <- [0 .. n - 1] ]
r = tr ++ map (\(x, y) -> (y, -x)) tr
in r ++ map (negate *** negate) r
diamond :: (Enum a, Num a, Eq a) => [(a, a)]
diamond = concatMap diamondLayer [0 ..]
:: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> [(Integer, Integer)]
diamondRestrict x y originX originY =
L.filter (\(x', y') -> abs x' <= x && abs y' <= y)
. map (\(x', y') -> (x' + fromInteger originX, y' + fromInteger originY))
. take 1000
$ diamond
findInElementMap :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe (a, b)
findInElementMap pos = find ((== pos) . fst)
:: Window
-> XMonadFont
-> (String, String)
-> String
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> String
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> Integer
-> X ()
drawWinBox win font (fg, bg) bc ch cw text x y cp = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
gc <- liftIO $ createGC dpy win
bordergc <- liftIO $ createGC dpy win
liftIO $ do
Just fgcolor <- initColor dpy fg
Just bgcolor <- initColor dpy bg
Just bordercolor <- initColor dpy bc
setForeground dpy gc fgcolor
setBackground dpy gc bgcolor
setForeground dpy bordergc bordercolor
fillRectangle dpy
(fromInteger x)
(fromInteger y)
(fromInteger cw)
(fromInteger ch)
drawRectangle dpy
(fromInteger x)
(fromInteger y)
(fromInteger cw)
(fromInteger ch)
stext <- shrinkWhile
(shrinkIt shrinkText)
(\n -> do
size <- liftIO $ textWidthXMF dpy font n
return $ size > fromInteger (cw - (2 * cp))
-- calculate the offset to vertically centre the text based on the ascender and descender
(asc, desc) <- liftIO $ textExtentsXMF font stext
let offset = ((ch - fromIntegral (asc + desc)) `div` 2) + fromIntegral asc
printStringXMF dpy
(fromInteger (x + cp))
(fromInteger (y + offset))
liftIO $ freeGC dpy gc
liftIO $ freeGC dpy bordergc
updateAllElements :: TwoD a ()
updateAllElements = do
s <- get
updateElements (td_elementmap s)
grayoutElements :: Int -> TwoD a ()
grayoutElements skip = do
s <- get
updateElementsWithColorizer grayOnly $ drop skip (td_elementmap s)
where grayOnly _ _ = return ("#808080", "#808080")
updateElements :: TwoDElementMap a -> TwoD a ()
updateElements elementmap = do
s <- get
updateElementsWithColorizer (gs_colorizer (td_gsconfig s)) elementmap
:: (a -> Bool -> X (String, String)) -> TwoDElementMap a -> TwoD a ()
updateElementsWithColorizer colorizer elementmap = do
TwoDState { td_curpos = curpos, td_drawingWin = win, td_gsconfig = gsconfig, td_font = font, td_paneX = paneX, td_paneY = paneY } <-
let cellwidth = gs_cellwidth gsconfig
cellheight = gs_cellheight gsconfig
paneX' = div (paneX - cellwidth) 2
paneY' = div (paneY - cellheight) 2
updateElement (pos@(x, y), (text, element)) = liftX $ do
colors <- colorizer element (pos == curpos)
drawWinBox win
(gs_bordercolor gsconfig)
(paneX' + x * cellwidth)
(paneY' + y * cellheight)
(gs_cellpadding gsconfig)
mapM_ updateElement elementmap
stdHandle :: Event -> TwoD a (Maybe a) -> TwoD a (Maybe a)
stdHandle ButtonEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_x = x, ev_y = y } contEventloop
| t == buttonRelease = do
s@TwoDState { td_paneX = px, td_paneY = py, td_gsconfig = (GSConfig ch cw _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) } <-
let gridX = (fi x - (px - cw) `div` 2) `div` cw
gridY = (fi y - (py - ch) `div` 2) `div` ch
case lookup (gridX, gridY) (td_elementmap s) of
Just (_, el) -> return (Just el)
Nothing -> contEventloop
| otherwise = contEventloop
stdHandle ExposeEvent{} contEventloop = updateAllElements2 >> contEventloop
stdHandle _ contEventloop = contEventloop
-- | Embeds a key handler into the X event handler that dispatches key
-- events to the key handler, while non-key event go to the standard
-- handler.
:: ((KeySym, String, KeyMask) -> TwoD a (Maybe a)) -> TwoD a (Maybe a)
makeXEventhandler keyhandler =
$ \me -> join $ liftX $ withDisplay $ \d -> liftIO $ allocaXEvent $ \e -> do
maskEvent d (exposureMask .|. keyPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask) e
ev <- getEvent e
if ev_event_type ev == keyPress
then do
(ks, s) <- lookupString $ asKeyEvent e
return $ do
mask <- liftX $ cleanMask (ev_state ev)
keyhandler (fromMaybe xK_VoidSymbol ks, s, mask)
else return $ stdHandle ev me
-- | When the map contains (KeySym,KeyMask) tuple for the given event,
-- the associated action in the map associated shadows the default key
-- handler
:: M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) a
-> ((KeySym, String, KeyMask) -> a)
-> (KeySym, String, KeyMask)
-> a
shadowWithKeymap keymap dflt keyEvent@(ks, _, m') =
fromMaybe (dflt keyEvent) (M.lookup (m', ks) keymap)
-- Helper functions to use for key handler functions
-- | Closes gridselect returning the element under the cursor
select :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
select = do
s <- get
return $ snd . snd <$> findInElementMap (td_curpos s) (td_elementmap s)
-- | Closes gridselect returning no element.
cancel :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
cancel = return Nothing
-- | Sets the absolute position of the cursor.
setPos :: (Integer, Integer) -> TwoD a ()
setPos newPos = do
s <- get
let elmap = td_elementmap s
newSelectedEl = findInElementMap newPos (td_elementmap s)
oldPos = td_curpos s
when (isJust newSelectedEl && newPos /= oldPos) $ do
put s { td_curpos = newPos }
updateElements2 (catMaybes [findInElementMap oldPos elmap, newSelectedEl])
-- | Moves the cursor by the offsets specified
move :: (Integer, Integer) -> TwoD a ()
move (dx, dy) = do
s <- get
let (x, y) = td_curpos s
newPos = (x + dx, y + dy)
setPos newPos
moveNext :: TwoD a ()
moveNext = do
position <- gets td_curpos
elems <- gets td_elementmap
let n = length elems
m = case findIndex (\p -> fst p == position) elems of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just k | k == n - 1 -> Just 0
| otherwise -> Just (k + 1)
whenJust m $ \i -> setPos (fst $ elems !! i)
movePrev :: TwoD a ()
movePrev = do
position <- gets td_curpos
elems <- gets td_elementmap
let n = length elems
m = case findIndex (\p -> fst p == position) elems of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just 0 -> Just (n - 1)
Just k -> Just (k - 1)
whenJust m $ \i -> setPos (fst $ elems !! i)
-- | Apply a transformation function the current search string
transformSearchString :: (String -> String) -> TwoD a ()
transformSearchString f = do
s <- get
let oldSearchString = td_searchString s
newSearchString = f oldSearchString
when (newSearchString /= oldSearchString) $ do
-- FIXME curpos might end up outside new bounds
let s' = s { td_searchString = newSearchString }
m <- liftX $ generateElementmap s'
let s'' = s' { td_elementmap = m }
oldLen = length $ td_elementmap s
newLen = length $ td_elementmap s''
-- All the elements in the previous element map should be
-- grayed out, except for those which will be covered by
-- elements in the new element map.
when (newLen < oldLen) $ grayoutElements newLen
put s''
-- | By default gridselect used the defaultNavigation action, which
-- binds left,right,up,down and vi-style h,l,j,k navigation. Return
-- quits gridselect, returning the selected element, while Escape
-- cancels the selection. Slash enters the substring search mode. In
-- substring search mode, every string-associated keystroke is
-- added to a search string, which narrows down the object
-- selection. Substring search mode comes back to regular navigation
-- via Return, while Escape cancels the search. If you want that
-- navigation style, add 'defaultNavigation' as 'gs_navigate' to your
-- 'GSConfig' object. This is done by 'buildDefaultGSConfig' automatically.
defaultNavigation :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
defaultNavigation = makeXEventhandler
$ shadowWithKeymap navKeyMap navDefaultHandler
navKeyMap = M.fromList
[ ((0, xK_Escape) , cancel)
, ((0, xK_Return) , select)
, ((0, xK_slash) , substringSearch defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_Left) , move (-1, 0) >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_h) , move (-1, 0) >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_Right) , move (1, 0) >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_l) , move (1, 0) >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_Down) , move (0, 1) >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_j) , move (0, 1) >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_Up) , move (0, -1) >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_k) , move (0, -1) >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_Tab) , moveNext >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_n) , moveNext >> defaultNavigation)
, ((shiftMask, xK_Tab), movePrev >> defaultNavigation)
, ((0, xK_p) , movePrev >> defaultNavigation)
-- The navigation handler ignores unknown key symbols, therefore we const
navDefaultHandler = const defaultNavigation
-- | This navigation style combines navigation and search into one mode at the cost of losing vi style
-- navigation. With this style, there is no substring search submode,
-- but every typed character is added to the substring search.
navNSearch :: TwoD a (Maybe a)
navNSearch = makeXEventhandler
$ shadowWithKeymap navNSearchKeyMap navNSearchDefaultHandler
navNSearchKeyMap = M.fromList
[ ((0, xK_Escape) , cancel)
, ((0, xK_Return) , select)
, ((0, xK_Left) , move (-1, 0) >> navNSearch)
, ((0, xK_Right) , move (1, 0) >> navNSearch)
, ((0, xK_Down) , move (0, 1) >> navNSearch)
, ((0, xK_Up) , move (0, -1) >> navNSearch)
, ((0, xK_Tab) , moveNext >> navNSearch)
, ((shiftMask, xK_Tab), movePrev >> navNSearch)
, ( (0, xK_BackSpace)
, transformSearchString (\s -> if s == "" then "" else init s)
>> navNSearch
-- The navigation handler ignores unknown key symbols, therefore we const
navNSearchDefaultHandler (_, s, _) = do
transformSearchString (++ s)
-- | Navigation submode used for substring search. It returns to the
-- first argument navigation style when the user hits Return.
substringSearch :: TwoD a (Maybe a) -> TwoD a (Maybe a)
substringSearch returnNavigation = fix $ \me ->
let searchKeyMap = M.fromList
[ ((0, xK_Escape), transformSearchString (const "") >> returnNavigation)
, ((0, xK_Return), returnNavigation)
, ( (0, xK_BackSpace)
, transformSearchString (\s -> if s == "" then "" else init s) >> me
searchDefaultHandler (_, s, _) = do
transformSearchString (++ s)
in makeXEventhandler $ shadowWithKeymap searchKeyMap searchDefaultHandler
-- FIXME probably move that into Utils?
-- Conversion scheme as in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space
hsv2rgb :: Fractional a => (Integer, a, a) -> (a, a, a)
hsv2rgb (h, s, v) =
let hi = div h 60 `mod` 6 :: Integer
f = ((fromInteger h / 60) - fromInteger hi) :: Fractional a => a
q = v * (1 - f)
p = v * (1 - s)
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s)
in case hi of
0 -> (v, t, p)
1 -> (q, v, p)
2 -> (p, v, t)
3 -> (p, q, v)
4 -> (t, p, v)
5 -> (v, p, q)
_ -> error "The world is ending. x mod a >= a."
-- | Default colorizer for Strings
stringColorizer :: String -> Bool -> X (String, String)
stringColorizer s active =
let seed x = toInteger (sum $ map ((* x) . fromEnum) s) :: Integer
(r, g, b) = hsv2rgb
( seed 83 `mod` 360
, fromInteger (seed 191 `mod` 1000) / 2500 + 0.4
, fromInteger (seed 121 `mod` 1000) / 2500 + 0.4
in if active
then return ("#faff69", "black")
else return
( "#" ++ concatMap
(twodigitHex . (round :: Double -> Word8) . (* 256))
[r, g, b]
, "white"
-- | Colorize a window depending on it's className.
fromClassName :: Window -> Bool -> X (String, String)
fromClassName w active = runQuery className w >>= flip defaultColorizer active
twodigitHex :: Word8 -> String
twodigitHex = printf "%02x"
-- | A colorizer that picks a color inside a range,
-- and depending on the window's class.
:: (Word8, Word8, Word8) -- ^ Beginning of the color range
-> (Word8, Word8, Word8) -- ^ End of the color range
-> (Word8, Word8, Word8) -- ^ Background of the active window
-> (Word8, Word8, Word8) -- ^ Inactive text color
-> (Word8, Word8, Word8) -- ^ Active text color
-> Window
-> Bool
-> X (String, String)
colorRangeFromClassName startC endC activeC inactiveT activeT w active = do
classname <- runQuery className w
if active
then return (rgbToHex activeC, rgbToHex activeT)
else return
(rgbToHex $ mix startC endC $ stringToRatio classname, rgbToHex inactiveT)
rgbToHex :: (Word8, Word8, Word8) -> String
rgbToHex (r, g, b) = '#' : twodigitHex r ++ twodigitHex g ++ twodigitHex b
-- | Creates a mix of two colors according to a ratio
-- (1 -> first color, 0 -> second color).
:: (Word8, Word8, Word8)
-> (Word8, Word8, Word8)
-> Double
-> (Word8, Word8, Word8)
mix (r1, g1, b1) (r2, g2, b2) r = (mix' r1 r2, mix' g1 g2, mix' b1 b2)
where mix' a b = truncate $ (fi a * r) + (fi b * (1 - r))
-- | Generates a Double from a string, trying to
-- achieve a random distribution.
-- We create a random seed from the sum of all characters
-- in the string, and use it to generate a ratio between 0 and 1
stringToRatio :: String -> Double
stringToRatio "" = 0
stringToRatio s =
let gen = mkStdGen $ sum $ map fromEnum s
range = (\(a, b) -> b - a) $ genRange gen
randomInt = foldr1 combine $ replicate 20 next
combine f1 f2 g = let (_, g') = f1 g in f2 g'
in fi (fst $ randomInt gen) / fi range
-- | Brings up a 2D grid of elements in the center of the screen, and one can
-- select an element with cursors keys. The selected element is returned.
gridselect :: GSConfig a -> [(String, a)] -> X (Maybe a)
gridselect _ [] = return Nothing
gridselect gsconfig elements = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
rootw <- asks theRoot
scr <- gets $ screenRect . W.screenDetail . W.current . windowset
win <- liftIO $ mkUnmanagedWindow dpy
(defaultScreenOfDisplay dpy)
(rect_x scr)
(rect_y scr)
(rect_width scr)
(rect_height scr)
liftIO $ mapWindow dpy win
liftIO $ selectInput dpy
(exposureMask .|. keyPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask)
status <- io
$ grabKeyboard dpy win True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync currentTime
io $ grabPointer dpy
font <- initXMF (gs_font gsconfig)
let screenWidth = toInteger $ rect_width scr
screenHeight = toInteger $ rect_height scr
selectedElement <- if status == grabSuccess
then do
restriction ss cs =
(fromInteger ss / fromInteger (cs gsconfig) - 1) / 2 :: Double
restrictX = floor $ restriction screenWidth gs_cellwidth
restrictY = floor $ restriction screenHeight gs_cellheight
originPosX =
$ (gs_originFractX gsconfig - (1 / 2))
* 2
* fromIntegral restrictX
originPosY =
$ (gs_originFractY gsconfig - (1 / 2))
* 2
* fromIntegral restrictY
coords = diamondRestrict restrictX restrictY originPosX originPosY
s = TwoDState
{ td_curpos = head coords
, td_availSlots = coords
, td_elements = elements
, td_gsconfig = gsconfig
, td_font = font
, td_paneX = screenWidth
, td_paneY = screenHeight
, td_drawingWin = win
, td_searchString = ""
, td_elementmap = []
m <- generateElementmap s
evalTwoD (updateAllElements >> gs_navigate gsconfig)
(s { td_elementmap = m })
else return Nothing
liftIO $ do
unmapWindow dpy win
destroyWindow dpy win
ungrabPointer dpy currentTime
sync dpy False
releaseXMF font
return selectedElement
-- | Like `gridSelect' but with the current windows and their titles as elements
gridselectWindow :: GSConfig Window -> X (Maybe Window)
gridselectWindow gsconf = windowMap >>= gridselect gsconf
-- | Brings up a 2D grid of windows in the center of the screen, and one can
-- select a window with cursors keys. The selected window is then passed to
-- a callback function.
withSelectedWindow :: (Window -> X ()) -> GSConfig Window -> X ()
withSelectedWindow callback conf = do
mbWindow <- gridselectWindow conf
Data.Foldable.forM_ mbWindow callback
-- case mbWindow of
-- Just w -> callback w
-- Nothing -> return ()
windowMap :: X [(String, Window)]
windowMap = do
ws <- gets windowset
mapM keyValuePair (W.allWindows ws)
where keyValuePair w = (, w) `fmap` decorateName' w
decorateName' :: Window -> X String
decorateName' w = show <$> getName w
-- | Builds a default gs config from a colorizer function.
buildDefaultGSConfig :: (a -> Bool -> X (String, String)) -> GSConfig a
buildDefaultGSConfig col = GSConfig 50
(1 / 2)
(1 / 2)
-- | Brings selected window to the current workspace.
bringSelected :: GSConfig Window -> X ()
bringSelected = withSelectedWindow $ \w -> do
windows (bringWindow w)
XMonad.focus w
windows W.shiftMaster
-- | Switches to selected window's workspace and focuses that window.
goToSelected :: GSConfig Window -> X ()
goToSelected = withSelectedWindow $ windows . W.focusWindow
-- | Select an application to spawn from a given list
spawnSelected :: GSConfig String -> [String] -> X ()
spawnSelected conf lst = gridselect conf (zip lst lst) >>= flip whenJust spawn
-- | Select an action and run it in the X monad
runSelectedAction :: GSConfig (X ()) -> [(String, X ())] -> X ()
runSelectedAction conf actions = do
selectedActionM <- gridselect conf actions
fromMaybe (return ()) selectedActionM
-- case selectedActionM of
-- Just selectedAction -> selectedAction
-- Nothing -> return ()
-- | Select a workspace and view it using the given function
-- (normally 'W.view' or 'W.greedyView')
-- Another option is to shift the current window to the selected workspace:
-- > gridselectWorkspace (\ws -> W.greedyView ws . W.shift ws)
:: GSConfig WorkspaceId -> (WorkspaceId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
gridselectWorkspace conf viewFunc =
gridselectWorkspace' conf (windows . viewFunc)
-- | Select a workspace and run an arbitrary action on it.
gridselectWorkspace' :: GSConfig WorkspaceId -> (WorkspaceId -> X ()) -> X ()
gridselectWorkspace' conf func = withWindowSet $ \ws -> do
let wss =
map W.tag $ W.hidden ws ++ map W.workspace (W.current ws : W.visible ws)
gridselect conf (zip wss wss) >>= flip whenJust func
-- $rearrangers
-- Rearrangers allow for arbitrary post-filter rearranging of the grid
-- elements.
-- For example, to be able to switch to a new dynamic workspace by typing
-- in its name, you can use the following keybinding action:
-- > import XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces (addWorkspace)
-- >
-- > gridselectWorkspace' defaultGSConfig
-- > { gs_navigate = navNSearch
-- > , gs_rearranger = searchStringRearrangerGenerator id
-- > }
-- > addWorkspace
-- | A function taking the search string and a list of elements, and
-- returning a potentially rearranged list of elements.
type Rearranger a = String -> [(String, a)] -> X [(String, a)]
-- | A rearranger that leaves the elements unmodified.
noRearranger :: Rearranger a
noRearranger _ = return
-- | A generator for rearrangers that append a single element based on the
-- search string, if doing so would not be redundant (empty string or value
-- already present).
searchStringRearrangerGenerator :: (String -> a) -> Rearranger a
searchStringRearrangerGenerator f =
let r "" xs = return xs
r s xs | s `elem` map fst xs = return xs
| otherwise = return $ xs ++ [(s, f s)]
in r
-- custom part --
-- | A custom colorizer that colors depending on the title of the grid column
myCustomColorizer :: String -> a -> Bool -> X (String, String)
myCustomColorizer text _ p
| p = pure ("#f44336", "#1a1a1a")
| otherwise = if "MIT" `isInfixOf` text
then pure ("#4caf50", "#1a1a1a")
else if "BIG" `isInfixOf` text
then pure ("#2196f3", "#1a1a1a")
else pure ("#1a1a1a", "gray")
-- | Select an action and run it in the X monad. Furthermore display a message on top of the screen.
:: GSConfig (X ()) -> String -> [[Bool]] -> [(String, X ())] -> X ()
runSelectedActionWithMessageAndIcon conf message icon actions = do
selectedActionM <- gridselectWithMessageAndIcon conf message icon actions
fromMaybe (return ()) selectedActionM
-- case selectedActionM of
-- Just selectedAction -> selectedAction
-- Nothing -> return ()
-- | Brings up a 2D grid of elements in the center of the screen, and one can
-- select an element with cursors keys. The selected element is returned.
:: GSConfig a -> String -> [[Bool]] -> [(String, a)] -> X (Maybe a)
gridselectWithMessageAndIcon _ _ _ [] = return Nothing
gridselectWithMessageAndIcon gsconfig message icon elements =
withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
rootw <- asks theRoot
scr <- gets $ screenRect . W.screenDetail . W.current . windowset
win <- liftIO $ mkUnmanagedWindow dpy
(defaultScreenOfDisplay dpy)
(rect_x scr)
(rect_y scr)
(rect_width scr)
(rect_height scr)
liftIO $ mapWindow dpy win
message_win <- createNewWindow (Rectangle 450 50 1000 60) Nothing "" True
liftIO $ mapWindow dpy message_win
fs <- initXMF "xft:Inconsolata:size=14"
paintTextAndIcons message_win
[CenterLeft 10]
liftIO $ selectInput dpy
(exposureMask .|. keyPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask)
status <- io
$ grabKeyboard dpy win True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync currentTime
io $ grabPointer dpy
font <- initXMF (gs_font gsconfig)
let screenWidth = toInteger $ rect_width scr
screenHeight = toInteger $ rect_height scr
selectedElement <- if status == grabSuccess
then do
restriction ss cs =
(fromInteger ss / fromInteger (cs gsconfig) - 1) / 2 :: Double
restrictX = floor $ restriction screenWidth gs_cellwidth
restrictY = floor $ restriction screenHeight gs_cellheight
originPosX =
$ (gs_originFractX gsconfig - (1 / 2))
* 2
* fromIntegral restrictX
originPosY =
$ (gs_originFractY gsconfig - (1 / 2))
* 2
* fromIntegral restrictY
coords = diamondRestrict restrictX restrictY originPosX originPosY
s = TwoDState
{ td_curpos = head coords
, td_availSlots = coords
, td_elements = elements
, td_gsconfig = gsconfig
, td_font = font
, td_paneX = screenWidth
, td_paneY = screenHeight
, td_drawingWin = win
, td_searchString = ""
, td_elementmap = []
m <- generateElementmap s
evalTwoD (updateAllElements2 >> gs_navigate gsconfig)
(s { td_elementmap = m })
else return Nothing
liftIO $ do
-- unmapWindow dpy message_win
destroyWindow dpy message_win
unmapWindow dpy win
destroyWindow dpy win
ungrabPointer dpy currentTime
sync dpy False
releaseXMF font
return selectedElement
updateAllElements2 :: TwoD a ()
updateAllElements2 = do
s <- get
updateElements2 (td_elementmap s)
updateElements2 :: TwoDElementMap a -> TwoD a ()
updateElements2 elementmap = do
s <- get
updateElementsWithColorizer2 myCustomColorizer elementmap
:: (String -> a -> Bool -> X (String, String))
-> TwoDElementMap a
-> TwoD a ()
updateElementsWithColorizer2 colorizer elementmap = do
TwoDState { td_curpos = curpos, td_drawingWin = win, td_gsconfig = gsconfig, td_font = font, td_paneX = paneX, td_paneY = paneY } <-
let cellwidth = gs_cellwidth gsconfig
cellheight = gs_cellheight gsconfig
paneX' = div (paneX - cellwidth) 2
paneY' = div (paneY - cellheight) 2
updateElement (pos@(x, y), (text, element)) = liftX $ do
-- colors <- colorizer element (pos == curpos)
colors <- colorizer text element (pos == curpos)
drawWinBox win
(gs_bordercolor gsconfig)
(paneX' + x * cellwidth)
(paneY' + y * cellheight)
(gs_cellpadding gsconfig)
mapM_ updateElement elementmap

View file

@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : TaskMonad
-- Copyright : Max magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- TaskMonad bundles a number of tools that can be used to directly interact
-- with taskwarrior from within xmonad. Furthermore, workflows following the
-- Getting Things Done principles are implemented.
module TaskMonad
-- * Installation
-- ** Install with Cabal
-- $installWithCabal
-- ** Install without Cabal
-- $installWithoutCabal
-- * Usage
-- $usage
-- * Step 1: Capture
-- $capture
-- * Step 2 & 3: Clarify & Organize
-- $organize
-- * Step 4: Reflect
-- $reflect
-- * Step 5: Engage
-- $engage
, dueSelect
, tagSelect
, projectSelect
-- * Scratchpad
-- $scratchpad
, taskwarriorScratchpad
-- * All Components
-- $components
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Control.Monad ( filterM )
import XMonad hiding ( liftX )
import XMonad.Util.Font
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Input
import XMonad.Util.Image
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
import qualified GridSelect.Extras
import TaskMonad.Prompt
import TaskMonad.ScratchPad
import TaskMonad.Utils
import TaskMonad.GridSelect
-- $installWithCabal
-- To install TaskMonad from hackage just execute:
-- > cabal update
-- > cabal install TaskMonad
-- Afterwards import TaskMonad in your `xmonad.hs`
-- > import TaskMonad
-- $installWithoutCabal
-- To install Taskmonad without using cabal just download and copy the source code into your `~/.xmonad/-- lib/` folder. The folder structure should afterwards look like this:
-- > .xmonad
-- > |-- lib
-- > | |-- Taskmonad.hs
-- > | |-- Taskmonad
-- > | | |-- GridSelect.hs
-- > | | |-- Prompt.hs
-- > | | |-- ScratchPad.hs
-- > | | `-- Utils.hs
-- > | |-- GridSelect
-- > | | `-- Extras.hs
-- > | `-- ...
-- > |-- xmonad.hs
-- Afterwards import TaskMonad in your `xmonad.hs`
-- > import TaskMonad
-- $usage
-- To get started, add a manage hook for the taskwarrior scratchpad:
-- > import TaskMonad
-- >
-- > -- ...
-- >
-- > ... , manageHook = namedScratchpadManageHook taskwarriorScratchpads
-- After that you can bind the taskwarrior prompt to a key to get started:
-- > ... , ("M-p", taskwarriorPrompt [(\x -> x == "processInbox", processInbox)])
-- You can also bind any other TaskMonad action to a key. For example:
-- > ... , ("M-S-p", taskwarriorScratchpad) -- Opens the taskwarrior scratchpad
-- >
-- > ... , ("M-C-p", taskSelect "status:pending") -- Displays all pending tasks
-- >
-- > ... , ("M-C-S-p", tagSelect) -- Displays all tags
-- In general you can customize the tools ad libitum. A good way to get started is to implement custom actions for the taskwarrior prompt. Please refer to 'taskwarriorPrompt' for further information.
-- $capture
-- You can easily capture tasks, ideas or notes using the 'taskwarriorPrompt' like this:
-- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/capture.png >>
-- $organize
-- You can clarify and organize your tasks using 'processInbox'.
-- It implements the typical Getting Things Done workflow using GridSelects:
-- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/workflow.png >>
-- $reflect
-- You can implement your own custom daily- and weeklyreview routines.
-- For example you can use 'togglePriority' to adjust the priority of tasks
-- during the daily- / weeklyreview like this:
-- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/taskmonad-gridselect.png >>
-- $engage
-- To decide which task to do next, you can use a collection of gridselects.
-- You can use 'tagSelect', 'projectSelect', 'dueSelect' to display a gridselect
-- to filter the tasks by tag, project or due date. However you can also display
-- all pending tasks using 'taskSelect' like this:
-- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/engage.png >>
-- $scratchpad
-- The taskwarrior scratchpad is used to display taskwarrior reports that
-- have been invoked using the taskwarrior prompt. However, you can use the
-- scratchpad at your convenience. Just add a manage hook:
-- > ... , manageHook = namedScratchpadManageHook taskwarriorScratchpads
-- Afterwards you can bind a key to 'taskwarriorScratchpad'. The Scratchpad will look like this
-- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/taskmonad-scratchpad.png >>
-- $components
-- * 'TaskMonad'
-- * 'TaskMonad.Prompt'
-- * 'TaskMonad.Scratchpad'
-- * 'TaskMonad.GridSelect'
-- * 'TaskMonad.Utils'
-- * 'GridSelect.Extras'
-- | Opens a set of gridselects used to process the inbox using the Getting Things Done workflow
processInbox :: X ()
processInbox = io (getTaskwarriorTaskList "+INBOX" ["id", "description"])
>>= \ts -> startInboxProcessing ts
-- | Recursively processes a given list of tasks using the typical GTD workflow.
startInboxProcessing :: [[String]] -> X ()
startInboxProcessing [] = dummyAction
startInboxProcessing (t : ts) = twgs
("Actionable? " ++ t !! 1, [("YES", actionable), ("NO", not_actionable)])
not_actionable = twgs
( "Next Steps: " ++ t !! 1
, [ ("[Back]" , startInboxProcessing (t : ts))
, ("Reference" , moveToFile t ts)
, ("Project Support", moveToFile t ts)
, ("Someday/Later" , somedayLater t ts)
, ("Trash" , trash t ts)
actionable = twgs
( "Does it take multiple steps?"
, [ ("[Back]", startInboxProcessing (t : ts))
, ("YES" , makeProject t ts)
, ("NO" , single_step)
single_step = twgs
( "Does it take less than 2 minutes?"
, [("[Back]", actionable), ("YES", do_it), ("NO", more_than_2_min)]
do_it =
twgs ("Do it now!", [("[Back]", single_step), ("Finished", done t ts)])
more_than_2_min = twgs
( "Next Steps: " ++ t !! 1
, [ ("[Back]" , single_step)
, ("Move to calendar", calendar t ts)
, ("Waiting For" , waitingFor t ts)
, ("Edit Task" , edit_task)
edit_task = twgs
( "How to process task: " ++ head t
, [ ("[Back]" , more_than_2_min)
, ("[Finish]" , startInboxProcessing ts)
, ("Free Editing" , editTaskAction t ts)
, ("Set Tags" , editTaskAction t ts)
, ("Set Description", editTaskAction t ts)
, ("Set Due Date" , editTaskAction t ts)
, ("Set Project" , editTaskAction t ts)
, ("Set Context" , editTaskAction t ts)
-- | Sends a message to the notification daemon
notify :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
notify message = unsafeSpawn $ "notify-send '" ++ message ++ "'"
-- | Opens a GridSelect with a custom message and the taskwarrior icon
twgs :: (String, [(String, X ())]) -> X ()
twgs (message, actions) = GridSelect.Extras.runSelectedActionWithMessageAndIcon
-- | Deletes the current task. Afterwards the remaining tasks will be processed.
:: [String] -- ^ the current task
-> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks
-> X ()
trash t ts = do
runTmuxCommand $ "echo 'yes' | task " ++ head t ++ " delete"
notify $ "Deleted Task:\n\n " ++ (t !! 1)
startInboxProcessing ts
-- | Sets a task to done. Afterwards the remaining tasks will be processed.
:: [String] -- ^ the current task
-> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks
-> X ()
done t ts = do
runTmuxCommand $ "echo 'yes' | task " ++ head t ++ " done"
notify $ "Done Task:\n\n " ++ (t !! 1)
startInboxProcessing ts
-- | Changes the tag of the current task from INBOX to SOMEDAY
-- Afterwards the task will be set as done and the remaining tasks will be processed.
:: [String] -- ^ the current task
-> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks
-> X ()
somedayLater t ts = do
runTmuxCommand $ "task " ++ head t ++ " modify -INBOX +SOMEDAY"
notify $ "Changed Task:\n\n " ++ (t !! 1) ++ "\n\n to Somday/Maybe"
startInboxProcessing ts
-- | Changes the tag of the current task from INBOX to WAITINGFOR
-- Afterwards the remaining tasks will be processed.
:: [String] -- ^ the current task
-> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks
-> X ()
waitingFor t ts = do
runTmuxCommand $ "task " ++ head t ++ " modify -INBOX +WAITINGFOR"
notify $ "Changed Task:\n\n " ++ (t !! 1) ++ "\n\n to Waiting For"
startInboxProcessing ts
-- | Moves the information of the current task to a markdown file.
-- Afterwards the task will be set as done and the remaining tasks will be processed.
:: [String] -- ^ the current task
-> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks
-> X ()
moveToFile t ts = do
$ "task information "
++ head t
++ " >> ~/reference/inbox.md && echo 'yes' | task "
++ head t
++ " done"
$ "Moved the task:\n\n "
++ (t !! 1)
++ "\n\n to the file: \n\n ~/reference/inbox.md.\n \n Please consider editing the file."
startInboxProcessing ts
-- | Opens a customPrompt to create an appointment using
-- [gcalcli](https://github.com/insanum/gcalcli)
-- Afterwards the task will be set as done and the remaining tasks will be processed.
:: [String] -- ^ the current task
-> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks
-> X ()
calendar t ts = customPrompt "gcalcli add" [] (addAndContinue t ts)
addAndContinue t ts x = do
runTmuxCommand ("gcalcli add --noprompt " ++ x)
notify "Created Appointment."
done t ts
-- | Opens a customPrompt to create a project for a given task
-- Afterwards the task will be set as done and the remaining tasks will be processed.
:: [String] -- ^ the current task
-> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks
-> X ()
makeProject t ts = do
notify ("Please create your first task for the project: \n\n " ++ t !! 1)
customPrompt "task add" [] (addAndContinue t ts)
addAndContinue t ts x = do
runTmuxCommand ("task add " ++ x)
done t ts
-- | Opens a customPrompt in order to modify the current taskwarrior task.
-- Afterwards the remaining tasks will be processed.
:: [String] -- ^ the current task
-> [[String]] -- ^ the remaining tasks
-> X ()
editTaskAction t ts = do
notify "Please edit your task."
customPrompt ("task " ++ head t ++ " modify") [] (addAndContinue t ts)
addAndContinue t ts x = do
runTmuxCommand ("task " ++ head t ++ " modify " ++ x)
notify "Edited the task"
startInboxProcessing ts
-- | A dummy action for testing purposes
dummyAction :: X ()
dummyAction = createTWwindow >>= deleteWindow
createTWwindow =
createNewWindow (Rectangle 450 150 1000 60) Nothing "Test" True

View file

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : TaskMonad.GridSelect
-- Copyright : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- TaskMonad.GridSelect uses 'GridSelect.Extras' to display various information from taskwarrior.
module TaskMonad.GridSelect
-- * Screenshot
-- $screenshots
-- * Possible GridSelects
, taskSelectWithConfig
, tagSelect
, tagSelectWithConfig
, projectSelect
, projectSelectWithConfig
, dueSelect
, dueSelectWithConfig
, togglePriority
, togglePriorityWithConfig
-- * Configuration
, buildTWGSConfig
, defaultTWGSConfig
, defaultTWGSExtraConfig
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Control.Monad ( filterM )
import XMonad hiding ( liftX )
import XMonad.Util.Font
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Input
import XMonad.Util.Image
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
import qualified GridSelect.Extras
import TaskMonad.Utils
import TaskMonad.ScratchPad
-- $screenshots
-- 'togglePriority' in action:
-- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/taskmonad-gridselect.png >>
-- | A GridSelect displaying a filtered list of all taskwarrior tasks
:: String -- ^ a filter to be applied, please refer to [TaskWarrior Filter](https://taskwarrior.org/docs/filter.html) for further information
-> GSConfig (X ()) -- ^ the GridSelect config to be used
-> X () -- ^ the gridselect displaying all filtered tasks
taskSelectWithConfig filter gsConfig =
io (getTaskwarriorTaskList filter ["id", "description"]) >>= \bs -> case bs of
[] -> safeSpawn "firefox" []
_ -> runSelectedAction gsConfig . finishGS $ fmap openBuffer bs
finishGS = (("[Finish]", unsafeSpawn "") :)
openBuffer x = (x !! 1, twscratchpad (head x ++ " information"))
-- | A wrapper around 'taskSelectWithConfig' using the default GSConfig
:: String -- ^ a filter to be applied, please refer to [TaskWarrior Filter](https://taskwarrior.org/docs/filter.html) for further information
-> X () -- ^ the gridselect displaying all filtered tasks
taskSelect filter = taskSelectWithConfig filter (buildTWGSConfig 300)
-- | A GridSelect displaying a list of the tags of all pending taskwarrior tasks. After a tag has been selected, a second gridselect showing a filtered list of taskwarrior tasks that have the selected tag will be displayed.
:: (GSConfig (X ()), GSConfig (X ())) -- ^ A tuple containing two GSConfigs. The first one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the list of tags. The second one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the resulting fitlered list of tasks.
-> X () -- ^ a gridSelect displaying a list of the tags of all pending taskwarrior tasks
tagSelectWithConfig (fstGsConfig, sndGsConfig) =
io (getTaskwarriorIds "status:pending" "tags") >>= \bs -> case bs of
[] -> safeSpawn "firefox" []
_ -> runSelectedAction fstGsConfig . finishGS $ fmap openBuffer
(filteredTags bs)
finishGS = (("[Finish]", unsafeSpawn "") :)
openBuffer x = (x, taskSelectWithConfig ("+" ++ x) sndGsConfig)
filteredTags bs = [ x | x <- bs, x `notElem` hiddenTags ]
hiddenTags =
, "DUE"
, "WEEK"
, "YEAR"
, "UDA"
, "nocal"
, "nonag"
, "nocolor"
-- | A wrapper around 'tagSelectWithConfig' using the default GSConfig
tagSelect :: X ()
tagSelect = tagSelectWithConfig (defaultTWGSConfig, buildTWGSConfig 300)
-- | A GridSelect displaying a list of all pending projects. After a project has been selected, a second gridselect showing a filtered list of taskwarrior tasks that belong to the selected project will be displayed.
:: (GSConfig (X ()), GSConfig (X ())) -- ^ A tuple containing two GSConfigs. The first one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the list of pending projects. The second one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the resulting filtered list of tasks.
-> X () -- ^ a GridSelect displaying a list of all pending projects
projectSelectWithConfig (fstGsConfig, sndGsConfig) =
io (getTaskwarriorIds "status:pending" "projects") >>= \bs -> case bs of
[] -> safeSpawn "firefox" []
_ -> runSelectedAction fstGsConfig . finishGS $ fmap openBuffer bs
finishGS = (("[Finish]", unsafeSpawn "") :)
openBuffer x = (x, taskSelectWithConfig ("project:" ++ x) sndGsConfig)
-- | A wrapper around 'projectSelectWithConfig' using the default GSConfig
projectSelect :: X ()
projectSelect =
projectSelectWithConfig (defaultTWGSConfig, buildTWGSConfig 300)
-- | A GridSelect displaying a list of due dates. After a due date has been selected, a second gridselect showing a filtered list of taskwarrior tasks will be displayed.
:: (GSConfig (X ()), GSConfig (X ())) -- ^ A tuple containing two GSConfigs. The first one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the list of due dates. The second one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the resulting filtered list of tasks.
-> X () -- ^ a GridSelect displaying a list of all due dates
dueSelectWithConfig (fstGsConfig, sndGsConfig) = runSelectedAction
actions =
[ ("overdue" , taskSelectWithConfig "+OVERDUE" sndGsConfig)
, ("today" , taskSelectWithConfig "+TODAY" sndGsConfig)
, ("tomorrow", taskSelectWithConfig "+TOMORROW" sndGsConfig)
, ("week" , taskSelectWithConfig "+WEEK" sndGsConfig)
, ("month" , taskSelectWithConfig "+MONTH" sndGsConfig)
, ("year" , taskSelectWithConfig "+YEAR" sndGsConfig)
-- | A wrapper around 'dueSelectWithConfig' using the default GSConfig
dueSelect :: X ()
dueSelect = dueSelectWithConfig (defaultTWGSConfig, buildTWGSConfig 300)
-- | A wrapper around 'togglePriorityWithConfig' using the default GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig
:: String -- ^ the priority that should be toggled
-> X () -- ^ the resulting gridselect
togglePriority = togglePriorityWithConfig (buildTWGSExtraConfig 300)
-- | A gridselect showing all pending tasks. The tasks are colored according to their priority. Selecting a task toggles its priority.
:: GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig (X ()) -- ^ a GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig used for the gridselect
-> String -- ^ the priority that should be toggled
-> X () -- ^ the resulting gridselect
togglePriorityWithConfig gsConfig priority =
io (getTaskwarriorTaskList "+INBOX" ["id", "description", "priority"])
>>= \bs -> case bs of
[] -> safeSpawn "firefox" []
_ ->
("Select " ++ priority ++ "s")
. startEmacs
$ fmap (openBuffer priority) bs
startEmacs = (("[Finish]", safeSpawn "task" []) :)
openBuffer priority x =
( if x !! 2 /= "" then x !! 2 ++ ": " ++ x !! 1 else x !! 1
, toggleP priority x
toggleP priority x = if x !! 2 == priority
then unsafeSpawn ("task " ++ head x ++ " modify priority:")
>> togglePriority priority
else unsafeSpawn ("task " ++ head x ++ " modify priority:" ++ priority)
>> togglePriority priority
-- | Method used to build a GridSelect.Extra.GSConfig by specifying a custom cellwidth
:: Integer -- ^ the cellwidth
-> GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig (X ()) -- ^ the resulting GridSelect.Extra.GSConfig
buildTWGSExtraConfig cellwidth = GridSelect.Extras.def
{ GridSelect.Extras.gs_cellheight = 50
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_cellwidth = cellwidth
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_cellpadding = 10
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_font = "xft:Liberation Mono:size=9:antialias=true"
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_navigate = GridSelect.Extras.defaultNavigation
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_originFractX = 1 / 2
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_originFractY = 1 / 2
-- | Method used to build a GSConfig by specifying a custom cellwidth
:: Integer -- ^ the cellwidth
-> GSConfig (X ()) -- ^ the resulting GSConfig
buildTWGSConfig cellwidth = (buildDefaultGSConfig myColorizer)
{ gs_cellheight = 50
, gs_cellwidth = cellwidth
, gs_cellpadding = 10
, gs_font = "xft:Liberation Mono:size=9:antialias=true"
, gs_navigate = defaultNavigation
, gs_originFractX = 1 / 2
, gs_originFractY = 1 / 2
myColorizer :: a -> Bool -> X (String, String)
myColorizer _ p | p = pure ("#f44336", "#1a1a1a")
| otherwise = pure ("#1a1a1a", "gray")
-- | The default GridSelect.Extra.GSConfig used for taskwarrior GridSelects
defaultTWGSExtraConfig :: GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig (X ())
defaultTWGSExtraConfig = buildTWGSExtraConfig 130
-- | The default GSConfig used for taskwarrior GridSelects
defaultTWGSConfig :: GSConfig (X ())
defaultTWGSConfig = buildTWGSConfig 130

View file

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : TaskMonad.Prompt
-- Copyright : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- TaskMonad.Prompt provides wrappers around [XMonad.Prompt.Input]
-- (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib/docs/XMonad-Prompt-Input.html)
-- for usage with taskwarrior
module TaskMonad.Prompt
( taskwarriorPrompt
-- * Screenshots
-- $screenshots
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Control.Monad ( filterM )
import XMonad hiding ( liftX )
import XMonad.Util.Font
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Input
import XMonad.Util.Image
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Run
import qualified GridSelect.Extras
import TaskMonad.ScratchPad
import TaskMonad.Utils
import TaskMonad.GridSelect ( togglePriority
, defaultTWGSExtraConfig
-- $screenshots
-- TaskMonad.Prompt in action:
-- <<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/taskmonad-prompt.png>>
-- | A wrapper around [XMonad.Prompt.Input]
-- (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib/docs/XMonad-Prompt-Input.html)
-- using a custom 'XPconfig'
:: String -- ^ title that will be displayed in the prompt
-> [String] -- ^ completion list
-> (String -> X ()) -- ^ action that takes the input of the prompt and returns and X ()
-> X () -- ^ the action that shows the prompt
customPrompt name completeList action =
inputPromptWithCompl myXPConfig name (mkComplFunFromList completeList)
?+ action
myXPConfig = def { position = CenteredAt 0.5 0.4
, alwaysHighlight = True
, height = 60
, promptBorderWidth = 1
, font = "xft:Inconsolata:size=14"
, borderColor = "#555555"
, bgColor = "#111111"
-- | A wrapper around 'customPrompt' that can be used to execute taskwarrior
-- as well as custom commands.
-- You can specify a list of tuples which contain
-- custom actions as well as conditions for the custom actions, like this:
-- > taskwarriorPrompt [(\x -> x == "processInput", processInput)]
-- However, if none of the specified actions is true, a default action will be executed.
-- The default action shows taskwarrior reports in a scratchpad and executes all the other commands silently.
:: [(String -> Bool, X ())] -- ^ a list of tuples which contain a condition for an action as well as the action
-> X () -- ^ the resulting TaskWarrior prompt
taskwarriorPrompt possibleActions =
customPrompt "task" defaulttwreports (possiblePromptAction possibleActions)
-- | Recursively goes through a list of conditional actions. If a condition is fulfilled, the
-- related action will be executed, otherwise the next condition in the list will be evaluated.
-- In case no condition is fulfilled the 'defaultTWPromptAction' will finally be executed.
possiblePromptAction [] command = defaultTWPromptAction command
possiblePromptAction (p : ps) command =
if fst p command then snd p else possiblePromptAction ps command
-- | The default action that will be execute in the 'taskwarriorPrompt', if no other action was executed.
defaultTWPromptAction :: String -> X ()
defaultTWPromptAction command = if isTWReport command
then twscratchpad command
else twcommand command
twcommand command = io (execCommandWithOutput "task" command)
>>= \bs -> unsafeSpawn $ "notify-send '" ++ bs ++ "'"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : TaskMonad.ScratchPad
-- Copyright : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- A wrapper around [XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad]
-- (hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib/docs/XMonad-Util-NamedScratchpad.html)
-- that can be used to display taskwarrior commands
module TaskMonad.ScratchPad
-- * Usage
-- $usage
-- * Screenshots
-- $screenshots
, taskwarriorScratchpads
, hideScratchpadAction
, twscratchpad
, runTmuxCommand
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Control.Monad ( filterM )
import XMonad hiding ( liftX )
import XMonad.Util.Font
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Input
import XMonad.Util.Image
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
import qualified GridSelect.Extras
-- $usage
-- Just add a manage hook:
-- > , manageHook = namedScratchpadManageHook taskwarriorScratchpads
-- $screenshots
-- TaskMonad.Scratchpad in action:
-- <<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/taskmonad-scratchpad.png>>
-- | Open the TaskWarrior-ScratchPad
taskwarriorScratchpad :: X ()
taskwarriorScratchpad =
namedScratchpadAction taskwarriorScratchpads "taskwarrior"
-- | The TaskWarrior-Scratchpad which contains a tmux session
taskwarriorScratchpads :: [NamedScratchpad]
taskwarriorScratchpads =
[NS "taskwarrior" spawnTaskwarrior findTerm manageTerm] -- and a second ]
spawnTaskwarrior =
"alacritty" ++ " -t scratchpad" ++ " -e tmux new -A -s tw-scratch"
findTerm = appName =? "scratchpad" -- its window will be named "scratchpad" (see above)
manageTerm = customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0.25 0 0.5 0.6 -- l t w h
-- | Finds named scratchpad configuration by name
findByName :: NamedScratchpads -> String -> Maybe NamedScratchpad
findByName c s = listToMaybe $ filter ((s ==) . name) c
-- | Runs application which should appear in specified scratchpad
runApplication :: NamedScratchpad -> X ()
runApplication = spawn . cmd
-- | Modified version of XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad.hideScratchpadAction
-- which can be used to just show a scratchpad and don't hide it
-- in case it is already shown
:: NamedScratchpads -- ^ Named scratchpads configuration
-> String -- ^ Scratchpad name
-> X ()
hideScratchpadAction confs n
| Just conf <- findByName confs n = withWindowSet $ \s -> do
-- try to find it on the current workspace
filterCurrent <- filterM
(runQuery (query conf))
((maybe [] W.integrate . W.stack . W.workspace . W.current) s)
case filterCurrent of
-- {- The following part is commented out, as it would hide the scratchpad -}
-- (x:_) -> do
-- -- create hidden workspace if it doesn't exist
-- if null (filter ((== scratchpadWorkspaceTag) . W.tag) (W.workspaces s))
-- then addHiddenWorkspace scratchpadWorkspaceTag
-- else return ()
-- -- push window there
-- windows $ W.shiftWin scratchpadWorkspaceTag x
[] -> do
-- try to find it on all workspaces
filterAll <- filterM (runQuery (query conf)) (W.allWindows s)
case filterAll of
(x : _) -> windows $ W.shiftWin (W.currentTag s) x
[] -> runApplication conf
| otherwise = return ()
-- | Send a taskwarrior command to the taskwarrior tmux session and open the taskwarrior scratchpad
twscratchpad :: String -> X ()
twscratchpad command =
runTmuxCommand ("clear && task " ++ command)
>> hideScratchpadAction taskwarriorScratchpads "taskwarrior"
-- | Send a command to the taskwarrior tmux session
runTmuxCommand :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
runTmuxCommand command =
unsafeSpawn $ "tmux send-keys -t tw-scratch.0 '" ++ command ++ "' ENTER"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 287e232e9106dcef03209a91a2d98ad0cad102c7

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders (noBorders, smartBorders)
import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog
import XMonad.Util.Scratchpad
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Brightness as Bright
-- Layouts
import XMonad.Layout.Accordion
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import qualified Data.Map as M
import GruvboxColors as Colors
import TaskMonad
home = "/home/horhik/"
@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_s ), spawn "flameshot gui")
, ((modm .|. mod1Mask , xK_space ), spawn "$HOME/.local/scripts/deadd_notify")
-- change lang
, ((modm, xK_Control_R) , spawn "xkb-switch -n")
, ((modm, xK_Control_R) , spawn "setxkbmap us,ru; xkb-switch -n")
, ((modm, xK_Shift_R) , spawn "xkb-switch -n")
, ((modm, xK_d) , spawn "eww-toggl")
-- toggle fullscreen
@ -191,6 +193,7 @@ myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $
, ((modm .|. shiftMask , xK_d), namedScratchpadAction myScratchpads "todoist")
, ((modm .|. shiftMask , xK_n), namedScratchpadAction myScratchpads "rss_news")
, ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_e), namedScratchpadAction myScratchpads "emacs")
, ((modm , xK_w), taskwarriorPrompt [(\x -> x == "processInbox", processInbox)])
-- | Programs
, ((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_z), spawn "zathura &") -- book reader (zathura)
@ -224,8 +227,8 @@ myKeys conf@(XConfig {XMonad.modMask = modm}) = M.fromList $
, (f, m) <- [(W.view, 0), (W.shift, shiftMask)]]
[ ((0, XF86.xF86XK_MonBrightnessUp ), spawn "light -A 5")
, ((0, XF86.xF86XK_MonBrightnessDown), spawn "light -U 5")
[ ((0, XF86.xF86XK_MonBrightnessUp ), Bright.increase)
, ((0, XF86.xF86XK_MonBrightnessDown), Bright.decrease)
, ((0, XF86.xF86XK_AudioPause ), spawn "playerctl play-pause")
, ((0, XF86.xF86XK_AudioPrev ), spawn "playerctl previous")
, ((0, XF86.xF86XK_AudioMute ), spawn "pulsemixer --toggle-mute")
@ -284,14 +287,14 @@ tall = renamed [Replace "tall"]
$ limitWindows 12
$ mySpacing 0
$ ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []
magnify = renamed [Replace "magnify"]
$ smartBorders
$ addTabs shrinkText myTabTheme
$ subLayout [] (smartBorders Simplest)
$ magnifier
$ limitWindows 12
$ mySpacing 0
$ ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []
-- magnify = renamed [Replace "magnify"]
-- $ smartBorders
-- $ addTabs shrinkText myTabTheme
-- $ subLayout [] (smartBorders Simplest)
-- $ magnifier
-- $ limitWindows 12
-- $ mySpacing 0
-- $ ResizableTall 1 (3/100) (1/2) []
monocle = renamed [Replace "monocle"]
$ noBorders
-- $ addTabs shrinkText myTabTheme
@ -319,15 +322,15 @@ threeCol = renamed [Replace "threeCol"]
$ subLayout [] (smartBorders Simplest)
$ limitWindows 7
$ ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/2)
threeRow = renamed [Replace "threeRow"]
$ smartBorders
$ addTabs shrinkText myTabTheme
$ subLayout [] (smartBorders Simplest)
$ limitWindows 7
-- Mirror takes a layout and rotates it by 90 degrees.
-- So we are applying Mirror to the ThreeCol layout.
$ Mirror
$ ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/2)
-- threeRow = renamed [Replace "threeRow"]
-- $ smartBorders
-- $ addTabs shrinkText myTabTheme
-- $ subLayout [] (smartBorders Simplest)
-- $ limitWindows 7
-- -- Mirror takes a layout and rotates it by 90 degrees.
-- -- So we are applying Mirror to the ThreeCol layout.
-- $ Mirror
-- $ ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/2)
tabs = renamed [Replace "tabs"]
-- I cannot add spacing to this layout because it will
-- add spacing between window and tabs which looks bad.
@ -360,17 +363,13 @@ myShowWNameTheme = def
myLayoutHook = avoidStruts $ mouseResize $ windowArrange $ T.toggleLayouts floats
$ mkToggle (NBFULL ?? NOBORDERS ?? EOT) myDefaultLayout
myDefaultLayout = withBorder myBorderWidth tall
||| noBorders magnify
myDefaultLayout = withBorder myBorderWidth tall
||| monocle
||| floats
||| noBorders tabs
||| grid
||| spirals
||| threeCol
||| threeRow
||| noBorders tallAccordion
||| noBorders wideAccordion
-- Window rules:
@ -394,10 +393,12 @@ myManageHook = (composeAll
, className =? "TerminalDropdown" --> doFloat
, className =? "Nemo" --> doCenter
, title =? "dropdown" --> doFloat
, title =? "scratchpad" --> doFloat
, resource =? "desktop_window" --> doIgnore
, resource =? "kdesktop" --> doIgnore
<+> namedScratchpadManageHook myScratchpads
<+> namedScratchpadManageHook taskwarriorScratchpads
doCenter = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
@ -411,6 +412,7 @@ myManageHook = (composeAll
myScratchpads = [
NS "terminal" spawnTerm findTerm manageTerm
, NS "tw-term" spawnTerm findTerm manageTerm
, NS "htop" "alacritty -t htop -e htop " (title =? "htop") defaultFloating
, NS "pomo" "pomodone" (title =? "PomoDoneApp") defaultFloating
, NS "notion" "notion" (title =? "Notion") defaultFloating
@ -421,6 +423,19 @@ myScratchpads = [
, NS "rss_news" spawnRSS findRSS manageRSS
classTW = "scratchpad"
titleTW = "scratchpad"
spawnTW = "alacritty --t " ++ titleTW ++ " --class " ++ classTW
findTW = title =? titleTW
manageTW = customFloating $ W.RationalRect l t w h
h = 0.3 -- height, 50%
w = 0.2 -- width, 50%
t = 0 -- bottom edge
l = (1 - w) / 2 -- centered left/right
classTerm = "TerminalDropdown"
titleTerm = "!dropdown!"
spawnTerm = "alacritty -t " ++ titleTerm ++ " --class " ++ classTerm
@ -546,6 +561,7 @@ myStartupHook = do
spawnOnce "setxkbmap us,ru &"
spawnOnce "eww daemon"
spawnOnce "nextcloud"
spawnOnce "thunderbird"
spawnOnce "superproductivity"
spawnOnce "syncthing"
spawnOnce "sh ssh-agent bash ; ssh-add ~/.ssh/arch"
@ -558,7 +574,7 @@ myStartupHook = do
-- spawnOnce ("cd /home/horhik/Freenet/downloads/fms; ./fms --daemon &")
spawnOnce "xautolock -time 25 -locker i3lock-fancy-multimonitor -notifier 'xkb-switch -s us' &"
spawnOnce "eval '$(ssh-agent -s)'; ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa &"
spawnOnce "xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --left-of eDP &"
spawnOnce "xrandr --output HDMI-A-0 --right-of eDP &"
-- Now run xmonad with all the defaults we set up.