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2021-11-15 13:38:19 +03:00
# SelfPrivacy NixOS configuration
This configuration is not self-contained, as it needs to be plugged as an input of a top-level NixOS configuration flake (i.e. This flake outputs the following function:
nixosConfigurations-fun =
{ hardware-configuration # hardware-configuration.nix file
, deployment # deployment.nix file
, userdata # nix attrset, obtained by fromJSON from userdata.json
, top-level-flake # `self`-reference of the top-level flake
, sp-modules # flake inputs of sp-modules flake
which returns one or more attributes, containing NixOS configurations (created with `nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem`). (As of 2024-01-10 there is only a single configuration named `default`.)
## updating flake inputs
We have 2 flake inputs:
- nixpkgs
- selfprivacy-api
Both get updated the same ways.
There are 2 methods:
1. specify input name only in a command, relying on URL inside `flake.nix`
2. specify input name and URL in a command, **overriding** whatever URL is inside `flake.nix` for the input to update (override)
In any case a Nix flake input is specified using some special _references_ syntax, including URLs, revisions, etc, described in manual: Such reference can be used inside `flake.nix` or as an argument to `nix flake` commands. When a new reference is encountered Nix downloads and extracts it to /nix/store.
2024-01-11 00:03:01 +04:00
Before and after running `nix flake lock` (or `nix flake update`) commands you would most likely want to list current inputs using `nix flake metadata`, which are read from `flake.lock` file. Although, Nix should also print a diff between changed references once changed.
`--commit-lock-file` option tells Nix commands to do `git commit flake.lock` automatically, creating a new commit for you.
### method 1: update specific input
$ nix flake lock --update-input nixpkgs
$ nix flake lock --update-input selfprivacy-api
Depending on how "precise" the URL was speficied in `flake.nix`, with _unmodified_ `flake.nix` the result might be:
* URL with `rev` (sha1) parameter => nothing will update (as we're already at exact commit)
* URL with `ref` (branch) parameter => input will update to the latest commit of the specified branch
* URL without `rev` nor `ref` => input will update to the latest commit of a default branch!
2024-01-11 00:03:01 +04:00
Once Nix 2.19 stabilizes, a different command _must_ be used for updating a single input (recursively), like this:
$ nix flake update nixpkgs
### method 2: override specific input
2024-01-11 00:03:01 +04:00
Overriding is more powerful (for non-nested flakes) as it allows to change a flake input reference to anything just in one command (not only update in the bounds of a branch or a repository).
2024-08-12 21:39:02 +03:00
$ nix flake lock --override-input nixpkgs github:nixos/nixpkgs?ref=nixos-24.05
$ nix flake lock --override-input selfprivacy-api git+
2024-01-11 00:03:01 +04:00
Similarly to update mechanism (described above), depending on the "precision" of an URL, its update scope varies accordingly.
Note, that subsequent calls of `nix flake lock --update-input <INPUT>` or `nix flake update` (or `nix flake update INPUT` by Nix 2.19+) will update the input regardless of the prior override. The information about override is stored only in `flake.lock` (`flake.nix` is not altered by Nix).
2024-01-11 00:03:01 +04:00
Note, that override does not update flake inputs recursively (say, you have a flake nested inside your flake input). For recursive updates only `nix flake lock --update-input` and `nix flake update` mechanisms are suitable. However, as of 2024-01-10 none of the SP NixOS configuration inputs contain other flakes, hence override mechanism is fine (don't confuse with top-level flake which has nested inputs).
## Updating other repositories
After changing the `flakes` branch here, you have to modify other repositories, so the new servers start up with the latest version of this config.
### NixOS template
On [selfprivacy-nixos-template]( run the following command:
nix flake update --override-input selfprivacy-nixos-config git+
./.switch-selfprivacy-nixos-config-url git+
And push the changes. Take note of the commit hash.
If you added a new SelfPrivacy module, you have to add it to the `sp-modules` input in `flake.nix` and update the `userdata.json` template.
### NixOS infect
On [selfprivacy-nixos-infect]( modify the commit hash on this line:
readonly CONFIG_URL=""
2024-08-16 14:02:06 +03:00
If you added a new SelfPrivacy module, you have to also edit a `genUserdata` function in `nixos-infect` to set up the new module.
## How to apply a change (e.g. CVE fix) to nixpkgs
### if you can determine which nixpkgs package is affected
- without building from source _(after nixpkgs binary cache is ready)_ - it will use all dependencies from the nixpkgs commit, where the patch is committed:
1. Find a nixpkgs commit, which contains the patched files. It doesn't have to be (but it can be) the commit where the actual patch was introduced, it can be a more recent commit.
2. In [`overlay.nix`](overlay.nix) file write a line inside the existing curly brackets following the following pattern:
PACKAGE_NAME = (builtins.getFlake "github:nixos/nixpkgs/NIXPKGS_COMMIT_SHA1").legacyPackages.${system}.PACKAGE_NAME;
Substitute `PACKAGE_NAME` and `NIXPKGS_COMMIT_SHA1` with affected package name and nixpkgs commit SHA1 (found at step 1), respectively.
3. Commit the [`overlay.nix`](overlay.nix) changes. Configuration is ready to be built.