mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 17:03:49 +00:00
fix gitea,nextcloud,roundcube: evaluate without auth module
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 490 additions and 454 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
{ config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }:
sp = config.selfprivacy;
stateDir =
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ let
is-auth-enabled = config.selfprivacy.modules.auth.enable or false;
is-auth-enabled = sp.modules.auth.enable or false;
oauth-client-id = "forgejo";
auth-passthru = config.passthru.selfprivacy.auth;
oauth2-provider-name = auth-passthru.oauth2-provider-name;
@ -189,250 +189,261 @@ in
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
fileSystems = lib.mkIf sp.useBinds {
"/var/lib/gitea" = {
device = "/volumes/${cfg.location}/gitea";
options = [ "bind" ];
services.gitea.enable = false;
services.forgejo = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.forgejo;
inherit stateDir;
user = "gitea";
group = "gitea";
database = {
type = "sqlite3";
host = "";
name = "gitea";
user = "gitea";
path = "${stateDir}/data/gitea.db";
createDatabase = true;
# ssh = {
# enable = true;
# clonePort = 22;
# };
lfs = {
enable = cfg.enableLfs;
contentDir = "${stateDir}/lfs";
repositoryRoot = "${stateDir}/repositories";
# cookieSecure = true;
settings = {
APP_NAME = "${cfg.appName}";
server = {
DOMAIN = "${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}";
ROOT_URL = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}/";
HTTP_PORT = 3000;
mailer = {
ENABLED = false;
ui = {
DEFAULT_THEME = cfg.defaultTheme;
picture = {
admin = {
repository = {
FORCE_PRIVATE = cfg.forcePrivate;
session = {
log = {
ROOT_PATH = "${stateDir}/log";
LEVEL = if cfg.debug then "Warn" else "Trace";
service = {
DISABLE_REGISTRATION = cfg.disableRegistration;
REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = cfg.requireSigninView;
} // lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs is-auth-enabled {
service = {
DISABLE_REGISTRATION = cfg.disableRegistration;
REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = cfg.requireSigninView;
# disallow explore page and access to private repositories, but allow public
"service.explore".REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = true;
# TODO control via selfprivacy parameter
# "service.explore".DISABLE_USERS_PAGE = true;
oauth2_client = {
REDIRECT_URI = redirect-uri;
OPENID_CONNECT_SCOPES = "email openid profile";
# doesn't work if LDAP auth source is not active!
"cron.sync_external_users" = {
ENABLED = true;
RUN_AT_START = true;
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [
fileSystems = lib.mkIf sp.useBinds {
"/var/lib/gitea" = {
device = "/volumes/${cfg.location}/gitea";
options = [ "bind" ];
users.users.gitea = {
home = "${stateDir}";
useDefaultShell = true;
group = "gitea";
isSystemUser = true;
users.groups.gitea = { };
services.nginx.virtualHosts."${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}" = {
useACMEHost = sp.domain;
forceSSL = true;
extraConfig = ''
add_header Strict-Transport-Security $hsts_header;
#add_header Content-Security-Policy "script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none';" always;
add_header 'Referrer-Policy' 'origin-when-cross-origin';
add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
proxy_cookie_path / "/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=strict";
'' + lib.strings.optionalString is-auth-enabled ''
rewrite ^/user/login$ /user/oauth2/${oauth2-provider-name} last;
# FIXME is it needed?
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
locations = {
"/" = {
proxyPass = "";
systemd = {
services.gitea.enable = false;
services.forgejo = {
unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = lib.mkIf sp.useBinds "/volumes/${cfg.location}/gitea";
serviceConfig = {
Slice = "gitea.slice";
enable = true;
package = pkgs.forgejo;
inherit stateDir;
user = "gitea";
group = "gitea";
database = {
type = "sqlite3";
host = "";
name = "gitea";
user = "gitea";
path = "${stateDir}/data/gitea.db";
createDatabase = true;
preStart =
exe = lib.getExe config.services.forgejo.package;
# FIXME skip-tls-verify, bind-password
ldapConfigArgs = ''
--name LDAP \
--active \
--security-protocol LDAPS \
--skip-tls-verify \
--host '${auth-passthru.ldap-host}' \
--port '${toString auth-passthru.ldap-port}' \
--user-search-base '${auth-passthru.ldap-base-dn}' \
--user-filter '(&(class=person)(memberof=${users-group})(name=%s))' \
--admin-filter '(&(class=person)(memberof=${admins-group}))' \
--username-attribute name \
--firstname-attribute name \
--surname-attribute displayname \
--email-attribute mail \
--public-ssh-key-attribute sshPublicKey \
--bind-dn 'dn=token' \
--bind-password "$(cat ${kanidm-service-account-token-fp})" \
# ssh = {
# enable = true;
# clonePort = 22;
# };
lfs = {
enable = cfg.enableLfs;
contentDir = "${stateDir}/lfs";
repositoryRoot = "${stateDir}/repositories";
# cookieSecure = true;
settings = {
APP_NAME = "${cfg.appName}";
server = {
DOMAIN = "${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}";
ROOT_URL = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}/";
HTTP_PORT = 3000;
mailer = {
ENABLED = false;
ui = {
DEFAULT_THEME = cfg.defaultTheme;
picture = {
admin = {
repository = {
FORCE_PRIVATE = cfg.forcePrivate;
session = {
log = {
ROOT_PATH = "${stateDir}/log";
LEVEL = if cfg.debug then "Warn" else "Trace";
service = {
DISABLE_REGISTRATION = cfg.disableRegistration;
REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = cfg.requireSigninView;
users.users.gitea = {
home = "${stateDir}";
useDefaultShell = true;
group = "gitea";
isSystemUser = true;
users.groups.gitea = { };
services.nginx.virtualHosts."${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}" = {
useACMEHost = sp.domain;
forceSSL = true;
extraConfig = ''
add_header Strict-Transport-Security $hsts_header;
#add_header Content-Security-Policy "script-src 'self'; object-src 'none'; base-uri 'none';" always;
add_header 'Referrer-Policy' 'origin-when-cross-origin';
add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
proxy_cookie_path / "/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=strict";
locations = {
"/" = {
proxyPass = "";
systemd = {
services.forgejo = {
unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = lib.mkIf sp.useBinds "/volumes/${cfg.location}/gitea";
serviceConfig = {
Slice = "gitea.slice";
slices.gitea = {
description = "Forgejo service slice";
# the following part is active only when "auth" module is enabled
(options.selfprivacy.modules ? "auth")
(lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled {
services.forgejo.settings = {
service = {
DISABLE_REGISTRATION = cfg.disableRegistration;
REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = cfg.requireSigninView;
# disallow explore page and access to private repositories, but allow public
"service.explore".REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = true;
# TODO control via selfprivacy parameter
# "service.explore".DISABLE_USERS_PAGE = true;
oauth2_client = {
REDIRECT_URI = redirect-uri;
OPENID_CONNECT_SCOPES = "email openid profile";
# doesn't work if LDAP auth source is not active!
"cron.sync_external_users" = {
ENABLED = true;
RUN_AT_START = true;
systemd.services.forgejo = {
preStart =
exe = lib.getExe config.services.forgejo.package;
# FIXME skip-tls-verify, bind-password
ldapConfigArgs = ''
--name LDAP \
--active \
--security-protocol LDAPS \
--skip-tls-verify \
--host '${auth-passthru.ldap-host}' \
--port '${toString auth-passthru.ldap-port}' \
--user-search-base '${auth-passthru.ldap-base-dn}' \
--user-filter '(&(class=person)(memberof=${users-group})(name=%s))' \
--admin-filter '(&(class=person)(memberof=${admins-group}))' \
--username-attribute name \
--firstname-attribute name \
--surname-attribute displayname \
--email-attribute mail \
--public-ssh-key-attribute sshPublicKey \
--bind-dn 'dn=token' \
--bind-password "$(cat ${kanidm-service-account-token-fp})" \
oauthConfigArgs = ''
--name "${oauth2-provider-name}" \
--provider openidConnect \
--key forgejo \
--secret "$(<${kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp})" \
--group-claim-name groups \
--admin-group admins \
--auto-discover-url '${auth-passthru.oauth2-discovery-url oauth-client-id}'
lib.mkAfter ''
set -o xtrace
# Check if LDAP is already configured
ldap_line="$(${exe} admin auth list | grep LDAP | head -n 1)"
if [[ -n "$ldap_line" ]]; then
# update ldap config
id="$(echo "$ldap_line" | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk '{print $1}')"
${exe} admin auth update-ldap --id "$id" ${ldapConfigArgs}
# initially configure ldap
${exe} admin auth add-ldap ${ldapConfigArgs}
oauth_line="$(${exe} admin auth list | grep "${oauth2-provider-name}" | head -n 1)"
if [[ -n "$oauth_line" ]]; then
id="$(echo "$oauth_line" | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk '{print $1}')"
${exe} admin auth update-oauth --id "$id" ${oauthConfigArgs}
${exe} admin auth add-oauth ${oauthConfigArgs}
oauthConfigArgs = ''
--name "${oauth2-provider-name}" \
--provider openidConnect \
--key forgejo \
--secret "$(<${kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp})" \
--group-claim-name groups \
--admin-group admins \
--auto-discover-url '${auth-passthru.oauth2-discovery-url oauth-client-id}'
lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled (lib.mkAfter ''
set -o xtrace
# Check if LDAP is already configured
ldap_line="$(${exe} admin auth list | grep LDAP | head -n 1)"
if [[ -n "$ldap_line" ]]; then
# update ldap config
id="$(echo "$ldap_line" | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk '{print $1}')"
${exe} admin auth update-ldap --id "$id" ${ldapConfigArgs}
# initially configure ldap
${exe} admin auth add-ldap ${ldapConfigArgs}
oauth_line="$(${exe} admin auth list | grep "${oauth2-provider-name}" | head -n 1)"
if [[ -n "$oauth_line" ]]; then
id="$(echo "$oauth_line" | ${pkgs.gawk}/bin/awk '{print $1}')"
${exe} admin auth update-oauth --id "$id" ${oauthConfigArgs}
${exe} admin auth add-oauth ${oauthConfigArgs}
# TODO consider passing oauth consumer service to auth module instead
requires = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled
[ auth-passthru.oauth2-systemd-service ];
slices.gitea = {
description = "Forgejo service slice";
# for ExecStartPost script to have access to /run/keys/*
users.groups.keys.members =
lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled [ config.services.forgejo.group ];
systemd.services.kanidm.serviceConfig.ExecStartPre =
lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled [
("-+" + kanidmExecStartPreScriptRoot)
("-" + kanidmExecStartPreScript)
systemd.services.kanidm.serviceConfig.ExecStartPost =
lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled
(lib.mkAfter [ ("-" + kanidmExecStartPostScript) ]);
services.kanidm.provision = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled {
groups = {
"${admins-group}".members = [ "sp.admins" ];
"${users-group}".members = [ admins-group ];
systems.oauth2.forgejo = {
displayName = "Forgejo";
originUrl = redirect-uri;
originLanding = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}/";
basicSecretFile = kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp;
# when true, name is passed to a service instead of name@domain
preferShortUsername = true;
allowInsecureClientDisablePkce = true; # FIXME is it needed?
scopeMaps = {
"${users-group}" = [
# TODO consider passing oauth consumer service to auth module instead
requires = [ auth-passthru.oauth2-systemd-service ];
removeOrphanedClaimMaps = true;
# NOTE https://github.com/oddlama/kanidm-provision/issues/15
# add more scopes when a user is a member of specific group
# currently not possible due to https://github.com/kanidm/kanidm/issues/2882#issuecomment-2564490144
# supplementaryScopeMaps."${admins-group}" =
# [ "read:admin" "write:admin" ];
claimMaps.groups = {
joinType = "array";
valuesByGroup.${admins-group} = [ "admins" ];
# for ExecStartPost script to have access to /run/keys/*
users.groups.keys.members = [ config.services.forgejo.group ];
systemd.services.kanidm.serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = [
("-+" + kanidmExecStartPreScriptRoot)
("-" + kanidmExecStartPreScript)
systemd.services.kanidm.serviceConfig.ExecStartPost =
lib.mkAfter [ ("-" + kanidmExecStartPostScript) ];
services.nginx.virtualHosts."${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}" = {
extraConfig = lib.mkAfter ''
rewrite ^/user/login$ /user/oauth2/${oauth2-provider-name} last;
# FIXME is it needed?
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
services.kanidm.provision = {
groups = {
"${admins-group}".members = [ "sp.admins" ];
"${users-group}".members = [ admins-group ];
systems.oauth2.forgejo = {
displayName = "Forgejo";
originUrl = redirect-uri;
originLanding = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}/";
basicSecretFile = kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp;
# when true, name is passed to a service instead of name@domain
preferShortUsername = true;
allowInsecureClientDisablePkce = true; # FIXME is it needed?
scopeMaps = {
"${users-group}" = [
removeOrphanedClaimMaps = true;
# NOTE https://github.com/oddlama/kanidm-provision/issues/15
# add more scopes when a user is a member of specific group
# currently not possible due to https://github.com/kanidm/kanidm/issues/2882#issuecomment-2564490144
# supplementaryScopeMaps."${admins-group}" =
# [ "read:admin" "write:admin" ];
claimMaps.groups = {
joinType = "array";
valuesByGroup.${admins-group} = [ "admins" ];
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
{ config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }:
inherit (import ./common.nix config)
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ let
hostName = "${cfg.subdomain}.${sp.domain}";
auth-passthru = config.passthru.selfprivacy.auth;
is-auth-enabled = config.selfprivacy.modules.auth.enable or false;
is-auth-enabled = sp.modules.nextcloud.enableSso;
cfg = sp.modules.nextcloud;
ldap_scheme_and_host = "ldaps://${auth-passthru.ldap-host}";
@ -104,6 +104,15 @@ in
type = "enable";
enableSso = (lib.mkOption {
default = false;
type = lib.types.bool;
description = "Enable SSO for Nextcloud";
}) // {
meta = {
type = "enable";
location = (lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.str;
description = "Nextcloud location";
@ -140,36 +149,139 @@ in
config = lib.mkIf sp.modules.nextcloud.enable {
fileSystems = lib.mkIf sp.useBinds {
"/var/lib/nextcloud" = {
device = "/volumes/${cfg.location}/nextcloud";
options = [
# config = lib.mkIf sp.modules.nextcloud.enable
config = lib.mkIf sp.modules.nextcloud.enable (lib.mkMerge [
fileSystems = lib.mkIf sp.useBinds {
"/var/lib/nextcloud" = {
device = "/volumes/${cfg.location}/nextcloud";
options = [
# for ExecStartPost script to have access to /run/keys/*
users.groups.keys.members =
lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled [ nextcloud-setup-group ];
# for ExecStartPost script to have access to /run/keys/*
users.groups.keys.members =
lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled [ nextcloud-setup-group ];
# not needed, due to turnOffCertCheck=1 in used_ldap
# users.groups.${config.security.acme.certs.${domain}.group}.members =
# [ config.services.phpfpm.pools.nextcloud.user ];
# not needed, due to turnOffCertCheck=1 in used_ldap
# users.groups.${config.security.acme.certs.${domain}.group}.members =
# [ config.services.phpfpm.pools.nextcloud.user ];
systemd = {
services = {
phpfpm-nextcloud.serviceConfig.Slice = lib.mkForce "nextcloud.slice";
nextcloud-setup = {
serviceConfig.Slice = "nextcloud.slice";
serviceConfig.Group = config.services.phpfpm.pools.nextcloud.group;
path = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled [ pkgs.jq ];
script = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled ''
systemd = {
services = {
phpfpm-nextcloud.serviceConfig.Slice = lib.mkForce "nextcloud.slice";
nextcloud-setup = {
serviceConfig.Slice = "nextcloud.slice";
serviceConfig.Group = config.services.phpfpm.pools.nextcloud.group;
kanidm.serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled
(lib.mkAfter [
("-+" + kanidmExecStartPreScriptRoot)
("-" + kanidmExecStartPreScript)
kanidm.serviceConfig.ExecStartPost = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled
(lib.mkAfter [ ("-" + kanidmExecStartPostScript) ]);
nextcloud-cron.serviceConfig.Slice = "nextcloud.slice";
nextcloud-update-db.serviceConfig.Slice = "nextcloud.slice";
nextcloud-update-plugins.serviceConfig.Slice = "nextcloud.slice";
nextcloud-secrets = {
before = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ];
requiredBy = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
path = with pkgs; [ coreutils jq ];
script = ''
databasePassword=$(jq -re '.modules.nextcloud.databasePassword' ${secrets-filepath})
adminPassword=$(jq -re '.modules.nextcloud.adminPassword' ${secrets-filepath})
install -C -m 0440 -o nextcloud -g nextcloud -DT \
<(printf "%s\n" "$databasePassword") \
install -C -m 0440 -o nextcloud -g nextcloud -DT \
<(printf "%s\n" "$adminPassword") \
slices.nextcloud = {
description = "Nextcloud service slice";
services.nextcloud = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.nextcloud29;
inherit hostName;
# Use HTTPS for links
https = true;
# auto-update Nextcloud Apps
autoUpdateApps.enable = true;
# set what time makes sense for you
autoUpdateApps.startAt = "05:00:00";
phpOptions.display_errors = "Off";
settings = {
# further forces Nextcloud to use HTTPS
overwriteprotocol = "https";
} // lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs is-auth-enabled {
loglevel = 0;
# log_type = "file";
social_login_auto_redirect = false;
allow_local_remote_servers = true;
allow_user_to_change_display_name = false;
lost_password_link = "disabled";
allow_multiple_user_backends = false;
user_oidc = {
single_logout = true;
use_pkce = true;
auto_provision = true;
soft_auto_provision = true;
disable_account_creation = false;
config = {
dbtype = "sqlite";
dbuser = "nextcloud";
dbname = "nextcloud";
dbpassFile = db-pass-filepath;
# TODO review whether admin user is needed at all - admin group works
adminpassFile = admin-pass-filepath;
adminuser = "admin";
secretFile = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled nextcloud-secret-file;
services.nginx.virtualHosts.${hostName} = {
useACMEHost = sp.domain;
forceSSL = true;
#locations."/".extraConfig = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled ''
# # FIXME does not work
# rewrite ^/login$ /apps/user_oidc/login/1 last;
# show an error instead of a blank page on Nextcloud PHP/FastCGI error
locations."~ \\.php(?:$|/)".extraConfig = ''
error_page 500 502 503 504 ${pkgs.nginx}/html/50x.html;
# the following part is active only when "auth" module is enabled
(options.selfprivacy.modules ? "auth")
(lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled {
systemd.services.nextcloud-setup = {
path = [ pkgs.jq ];
script = ''
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
${lib.strings.optionalString cfg.debug "set -o xtrace"}
@ -266,123 +378,29 @@ in
# TODO consider passing oauth consumer service to auth module instead
requires = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled
[ auth-passthru.oauth2-systemd-service ];
requires = [ auth-passthru.oauth2-systemd-service ];
kanidm.serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled
(lib.mkAfter [
("-+" + kanidmExecStartPreScriptRoot)
("-" + kanidmExecStartPreScript)
kanidm.serviceConfig.ExecStartPost = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled
(lib.mkAfter [ ("-" + kanidmExecStartPostScript) ]);
nextcloud-cron.serviceConfig.Slice = "nextcloud.slice";
nextcloud-update-db.serviceConfig.Slice = "nextcloud.slice";
nextcloud-update-plugins.serviceConfig.Slice = "nextcloud.slice";
nextcloud-secrets = {
before = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ];
requiredBy = [ "nextcloud-setup.service" ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
path = with pkgs; [ coreutils jq ];
script = ''
databasePassword=$(jq -re '.modules.nextcloud.databasePassword' ${secrets-filepath})
adminPassword=$(jq -re '.modules.nextcloud.adminPassword' ${secrets-filepath})
install -C -m 0440 -o nextcloud -g nextcloud -DT \
<(printf "%s\n" "$databasePassword") \
install -C -m 0440 -o nextcloud -g nextcloud -DT \
<(printf "%s\n" "$adminPassword") \
services.kanidm.provision = {
groups = {
"${admins-group}".members = [ "sp.admins" ];
"${users-group}".members = [ admins-group ];
systems.oauth2.${oauth-client-id} = {
displayName = "Nextcloud";
originUrl = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}/apps/user_oidc/code";
originLanding = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}/";
basicSecretFile = kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp;
# when true, name is passed to a service instead of name@domain
preferShortUsername = true;
allowInsecureClientDisablePkce = false;
scopeMaps.${users-group} = [ "email" "openid" "profile" ];
removeOrphanedClaimMaps = true;
claimMaps.groups = {
joinType = "array";
valuesByGroup.${admins-group} = [ "admin" ];
slices.nextcloud = {
description = "Nextcloud service slice";
services.nextcloud = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.nextcloud29;
inherit hostName;
# Use HTTPS for links
https = true;
# auto-update Nextcloud Apps
autoUpdateApps.enable = true;
# set what time makes sense for you
autoUpdateApps.startAt = "05:00:00";
phpOptions.display_errors = "Off";
settings = {
# further forces Nextcloud to use HTTPS
overwriteprotocol = "https";
} // lib.attrsets.optionalAttrs is-auth-enabled {
loglevel = 0;
# log_type = "file";
social_login_auto_redirect = false;
allow_local_remote_servers = true;
allow_user_to_change_display_name = false;
lost_password_link = "disabled";
allow_multiple_user_backends = false;
user_oidc = {
single_logout = true;
use_pkce = true;
auto_provision = true;
soft_auto_provision = true;
disable_account_creation = false;
config = {
dbtype = "sqlite";
dbuser = "nextcloud";
dbname = "nextcloud";
dbpassFile = db-pass-filepath;
# TODO review whether admin user is needed at all - admin group works
adminpassFile = admin-pass-filepath;
adminuser = "admin";
secretFile = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled nextcloud-secret-file;
services.nginx.virtualHosts.${hostName} = {
useACMEHost = sp.domain;
forceSSL = true;
#locations."/".extraConfig = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled ''
# # FIXME does not work
# rewrite ^/login$ /apps/user_oidc/login/1 last;
# show an error instead of a blank page on Nextcloud PHP/FastCGI error
locations."~ \\.php(?:$|/)".extraConfig = ''
error_page 500 502 503 504 ${pkgs.nginx}/html/50x.html;
services.kanidm.provision = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled {
groups = {
"${admins-group}".members = [ "sp.admins" ];
"${users-group}".members = [ admins-group ];
systems.oauth2.${oauth-client-id} = {
displayName = "Nextcloud";
originUrl = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}/apps/user_oidc/code";
originLanding = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}/";
basicSecretFile = kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp;
# when true, name is passed to a service instead of name@domain
preferShortUsername = true;
allowInsecureClientDisablePkce = false;
scopeMaps.${users-group} = [ "email" "openid" "profile" ];
removeOrphanedClaimMaps = true;
claimMaps.groups = {
joinType = "array";
valuesByGroup.${admins-group} = [ "admin" ];
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
{ config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }:
domain = config.selfprivacy.domain;
cfg = config.selfprivacy.modules.roundcube;
@ -48,74 +48,81 @@ in
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
services.roundcube = {
enable = true;
# this is the url of the vhost, not necessarily the same as the fqdn of
# the mailserver
hostName = "${cfg.subdomain}.${config.selfprivacy.domain}";
extraConfig = ''
# starttls needed for authentication, so the fqdn required to match
# the certificate
$config['smtp_host'] = "tls://${config.mailserver.fqdn}";
$config['smtp_user'] = "%u";
$config['smtp_pass'] = "%p";
'' + lib.strings.optionalString is-auth-enabled ''
$config['oauth_provider'] = 'generic';
$config['oauth_provider_name'] = '${auth-passthru.oauth2-provider-name}';
$config['oauth_client_id'] = '${oauth-client-id}';
$config['oauth_client_secret'] = "$(<${kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp})";
$config['oauth_auth_uri'] = 'https://${auth-fqdn}/ui/oauth2';
$config['oauth_token_uri'] = 'https://${auth-fqdn}/oauth2/token';
$config['oauth_identity_uri'] = 'https://${auth-fqdn}/oauth2/openid/${oauth-client-id}/userinfo';
$config['oauth_scope'] = 'email profile openid'; # FIXME
$config['oauth_auth_parameters'] = [];
$config['oauth_identity_fields'] = ['email'];
$config['oauth_login_redirect'] = true;
$config['auto_create_user'] = true;
$config['oauth_verify_peer'] = false; # FIXME
# $config['oauth_pkce'] = 'S256'; # FIXME
services.nginx.virtualHosts."${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}" = {
forceSSL = true;
useACMEHost = domain;
enableACME = false;
systemd.slices.roundcube.description = "Roundcube service slice";
systemd.services.kanidm = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled {
serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = lib.mkAfter [
("-+" + kanidmExecStartPreScriptRoot)
("-" + kanidmExecStartPreScript)
requires = [ auth-passthru.oauth2-systemd-service ];
services.kanidm.provision = lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled {
groups = {
"sp.roundcube.admins".members = [ "sp.admins" ];
"sp.roundcube.users".members = [ "sp.roundcube.admins" ];
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable (lib.mkMerge [
services.roundcube = {
enable = true;
# this is the url of the vhost, not necessarily the same as the fqdn of
# the mailserver
hostName = "${cfg.subdomain}.${config.selfprivacy.domain}";
extraConfig = ''
# starttls needed for authentication, so the fqdn required to match
# the certificate
$config['smtp_host'] = "tls://${config.mailserver.fqdn}";
$config['smtp_user'] = "%u";
$config['smtp_pass'] = "%p";
systems.oauth2.roundcube = {
displayName = "Roundcube";
originUrl = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}/index.php/login/oauth";
originLanding = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}/";
basicSecretFile = kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp;
# when true, name is passed to a service instead of name@domain
preferShortUsername = false;
allowInsecureClientDisablePkce = true; # FIXME is it needed?
scopeMaps = {
"sp.roundcube.users" = [
services.nginx.virtualHosts."${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}" = {
forceSSL = true;
useACMEHost = domain;
enableACME = false;
systemd.slices.roundcube.description = "Roundcube service slice";
# the following part is active only when "auth" module is enabled
(options.selfprivacy.modules ? "auth")
(lib.mkIf is-auth-enabled {
services.roundcube.extraConfig = lib.mkAfter ''
$config['oauth_provider'] = 'generic';
$config['oauth_provider_name'] = '${auth-passthru.oauth2-provider-name}';
$config['oauth_client_id'] = '${oauth-client-id}';
$config['oauth_client_secret'] = "$(<${kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp})";
$config['oauth_auth_uri'] = 'https://${auth-fqdn}/ui/oauth2';
$config['oauth_token_uri'] = 'https://${auth-fqdn}/oauth2/token';
$config['oauth_identity_uri'] = 'https://${auth-fqdn}/oauth2/openid/${oauth-client-id}/userinfo';
$config['oauth_scope'] = 'email profile openid'; # FIXME
$config['oauth_auth_parameters'] = [];
$config['oauth_identity_fields'] = ['email'];
$config['oauth_login_redirect'] = true;
$config['auto_create_user'] = true;
$config['oauth_verify_peer'] = false; # FIXME
# $config['oauth_pkce'] = 'S256'; # FIXME
systemd.services.kanidm = {
serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = lib.mkAfter [
("-+" + kanidmExecStartPreScriptRoot)
("-" + kanidmExecStartPreScript)
requires = [ auth-passthru.oauth2-systemd-service ];
removeOrphanedClaimMaps = true;
services.kanidm.provision = {
groups = {
"sp.roundcube.admins".members = [ "sp.admins" ];
"sp.roundcube.users".members = [ "sp.roundcube.admins" ];
systems.oauth2.roundcube = {
displayName = "Roundcube";
originUrl = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}/index.php/login/oauth";
originLanding = "https://${cfg.subdomain}.${domain}/";
basicSecretFile = kanidm-oauth-client-secret-fp;
# when true, name is passed to a service instead of name@domain
preferShortUsername = false;
allowInsecureClientDisablePkce = true; # FIXME is it needed?
scopeMaps = {
"sp.roundcube.users" = [
removeOrphanedClaimMaps = true;
Add table
Reference in a new issue