test(backup): dummy service

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Houkime 2023-02-03 17:04:35 +00:00 committed by Inex Code
parent 9097ba02d7
commit 45ab9423b9
4 changed files with 158 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
"""Class representing Bitwarden service"""
import base64
import typing
from selfprivacy_api.jobs import Job
from selfprivacy_api.services.service import Service, ServiceDnsRecord, ServiceStatus
from selfprivacy_api.utils import ReadUserData, get_domain
from selfprivacy_api.utils.block_devices import BlockDevice
import selfprivacy_api.utils.network as network_utils
from selfprivacy_api.services.test_service.icon import BITWARDEN_ICON
class DummyService(Service):
"""A test service"""
def __init__(self, location):
self.loccation = location
def get_id() -> str:
"""Return service id."""
return "testservice"
def get_display_name() -> str:
"""Return service display name."""
return "Test Service"
def get_description() -> str:
"""Return service description."""
return "A small service used for test purposes. Does nothing."
def get_svg_icon() -> str:
"""Read SVG icon from file and return it as base64 encoded string."""
# return ""
return base64.b64encode(BITWARDEN_ICON.encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
def get_url() -> typing.Optional[str]:
"""Return service url."""
domain = get_domain()
return f"https://password.{domain}"
def is_movable() -> bool:
return True
def is_required() -> bool:
return False
def is_enabled() -> bool:
return True
def get_status() -> ServiceStatus:
Return Bitwarden status from systemd.
Use command return code to determine status.
Return code 0 means service is running.
Return code 1 or 2 means service is in error stat.
Return code 3 means service is stopped.
Return code 4 means service is off.
return 0
def enable():
def disable():
def stop():
def start():
def restart():
def get_configuration():
return {}
def set_configuration(config_items):
return super().set_configuration(config_items)
def get_logs():
return ""
def get_storage_usage() -> int:
storage_usage = 0
return storage_usage
def get_location() -> str:
with ReadUserData() as user_data:
if user_data.get("useBinds", False):
return user_data.get("bitwarden", {}).get("location", "sda1")
return "sda1"
def get_dns_records() -> typing.List[ServiceDnsRecord]:
"""Return list of DNS records for Bitwarden service."""
return [
def move_to_volume(self, volume: BlockDevice) -> Job:

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<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M5.125 2C4.2962 2 3.50134 2.32924 2.91529 2.91529C2.32924 3.50134 2 4.2962 2 5.125L2 18.875C2 19.7038 2.32924 20.4987 2.91529 21.0847C3.50134 21.6708 4.2962 22 5.125 22H18.875C19.7038 22 20.4987 21.6708 21.0847 21.0847C21.6708 20.4987 22 19.7038 22 18.875V5.125C22 4.2962 21.6708 3.50134 21.0847 2.91529C20.4987 2.32924 19.7038 2 18.875 2H5.125ZM6.25833 4.43333H17.7583C17.9317 4.43333 18.0817 4.49667 18.2083 4.62333C18.2688 4.68133 18.3168 4.7511 18.3494 4.82835C18.3819 4.9056 18.3983 4.98869 18.3975 5.0725V12.7392C18.3975 13.3117 18.2858 13.8783 18.0633 14.4408C17.8558 14.9751 17.5769 15.4789 17.2342 15.9383C16.8824 16.3987 16.4882 16.825 16.0567 17.2117C15.6008 17.6242 15.18 17.9667 14.7942 18.24C14.4075 18.5125 14.005 18.77 13.5858 19.0133C13.1667 19.2558 12.8692 19.4208 12.6925 19.5075C12.5158 19.5942 12.375 19.6608 12.2675 19.7075C12.1872 19.7472 12.0987 19.7674 12.0092 19.7667C11.919 19.7674 11.8299 19.7468 11.7492 19.7067C11.6062 19.6429 11.4645 19.5762 11.3242 19.5067C11.0218 19.3511 10.7242 19.1866 10.4317 19.0133C10.0175 18.7738 9.6143 18.5158 9.22333 18.24C8.7825 17.9225 8.36093 17.5791 7.96083 17.2117C7.52907 16.825 7.13456 16.3987 6.7825 15.9383C6.44006 15.4788 6.16141 14.9751 5.95417 14.4408C5.73555 13.9 5.62213 13.3225 5.62 12.7392V5.0725C5.62 4.89917 5.68333 4.75 5.80917 4.6225C5.86726 4.56188 5.93717 4.51382 6.01457 4.48129C6.09196 4.44875 6.17521 4.43243 6.25917 4.43333H6.25833ZM12.0083 6.35V17.7C12.8 17.2817 13.5092 16.825 14.135 16.3333C15.6992 15.1083 16.4808 13.9108 16.4808 12.7392V6.35H12.0083Z" fill="black"/>


(image error) Size: 1.6 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M5.125 2C4.2962 2 3.50134 2.32924 2.91529 2.91529C2.32924 3.50134 2 4.2962 2 5.125L2 18.875C2 19.7038 2.32924 20.4987 2.91529 21.0847C3.50134 21.6708 4.2962 22 5.125 22H18.875C19.7038 22 20.4987 21.6708 21.0847 21.0847C21.6708 20.4987 22 19.7038 22 18.875V5.125C22 4.2962 21.6708 3.50134 21.0847 2.91529C20.4987 2.32924 19.7038 2 18.875 2H5.125ZM6.25833 4.43333H17.7583C17.9317 4.43333 18.0817 4.49667 18.2083 4.62333C18.2688 4.68133 18.3168 4.7511 18.3494 4.82835C18.3819 4.9056 18.3983 4.98869 18.3975 5.0725V12.7392C18.3975 13.3117 18.2858 13.8783 18.0633 14.4408C17.8558 14.9751 17.5769 15.4789 17.2342 15.9383C16.8824 16.3987 16.4882 16.825 16.0567 17.2117C15.6008 17.6242 15.18 17.9667 14.7942 18.24C14.4075 18.5125 14.005 18.77 13.5858 19.0133C13.1667 19.2558 12.8692 19.4208 12.6925 19.5075C12.5158 19.5942 12.375 19.6608 12.2675 19.7075C12.1872 19.7472 12.0987 19.7674 12.0092 19.7667C11.919 19.7674 11.8299 19.7468 11.7492 19.7067C11.6062 19.6429 11.4645 19.5762 11.3242 19.5067C11.0218 19.3511 10.7242 19.1866 10.4317 19.0133C10.0175 18.7738 9.6143 18.5158 9.22333 18.24C8.7825 17.9225 8.36093 17.5791 7.96083 17.2117C7.52907 16.825 7.13456 16.3987 6.7825 15.9383C6.44006 15.4788 6.16141 14.9751 5.95417 14.4408C5.73555 13.9 5.62213 13.3225 5.62 12.7392V5.0725C5.62 4.89917 5.68333 4.75 5.80917 4.6225C5.86726 4.56188 5.93717 4.51382 6.01457 4.48129C6.09196 4.44875 6.17521 4.43243 6.25917 4.43333H6.25833ZM12.0083 6.35V17.7C12.8 17.2817 13.5092 16.825 14.135 16.3333C15.6992 15.1083 16.4808 13.9108 16.4808 12.7392V6.35H12.0083Z" fill="black"/>

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
import pytest
from selfprivacy_api.services.test_service import DummyService
import selfprivacy_api.backup.providers as providers
from selfprivacy_api.backup.providers import AbstractBackupProvider
@ -5,7 +9,17 @@ from selfprivacy_api.backup.providers.backblaze import Backblaze
from selfprivacy_api.graphql.queries.providers import BackupProvider
def test_service(tmpdir):
return DummyService(tmpdir)
def test_select_backend():
provider = providers.get_provider(BackupProvider.BACKBLAZE)
assert provider is not None
assert provider == Backblaze
def test_backup(test_service):
# temporarily incomplete
assert test_service is not None