2024-04-26 01:15:39 +03:00

33 lines
1.7 KiB

{{ define "main" }}
<div class="td-content">
<main class="taxonomy-taxonomy-page">
<h1>{{ with .Data.Singular }}{{ . | humanize }}: {{ end }}<span>{{ .Title }}</span></h1>
{{ .Content }}
{{ range .Pages }}
{{ $manualLink := cond (isset .Params "manuallink") .Params.manualLink ( cond (isset .Params "manuallinkrelref") (relref . .Params.manualLinkRelref) .RelPermalink) }}
<article class="card article-teaser article-type-{{ with .Type }}{{ ( urlize . ) }}{{ end }}">
<h3><a href="{{ $manualLink }}"{{ with .Params.manualLinkTitle }} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ with .Params.manualLinkTarget }} target="{{ . }}"{{ if eq . "_blank" }} rel="noopener"{{ end }}{{ end }}>{{- .Title -}}</a></h3>
{{ if not .Site.Params.ui.taxonomy_breadcrumb_disable -}}
{{/* Use breadcrumb partial, but remove attributes that are invalid or inappropriate in this page-summary context. */ -}}
{{ partial "breadcrumb.html" .
| replaceRE ` aria-\w+=\".*?\"|(breadcrumb-item) active` "$1" | safeHTML
{{ end -}}
<p>{{ .Description | markdownify }}</p>
<header class="article-meta">
{{ partial "taxonomy_terms_article_wrapper.html" . -}}
{{ if (and (not .Params.hide_readingtime) (.Site.Params.ui.readingtime.enable)) -}}
{{ partial "reading-time.html" . -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end }}
<a href="{{ with .Site.GetPage (printf "/%s" ( lower .Data.Plural )) }}{{ .Permalink }}{{ end }}" class="all-taxonomy-terms">{{ humanize ( T "ui_all" ) }} {{ with .Data.Plural }}{{ . | humanize }}{{ end }}</a>
{{ end }}