2024-04-22 02:04:16 +03:00

53 lines
1.8 KiB

{{- /* Make sure that we are enclosed within a tabpane shortcode block */ -}}
{{ with $.Parent -}}
{{ if ne $.Parent.Name "tabpane" -}}
{{ errorf "shortcode 'tab' must be used within a 'tabpane' block" -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ $header := "Tab" -}}
{{ if and (not .IsNamedParams) (.Get 0) -}}
{{ $header = (.Get 0) -}}
{{ else -}}
{{/* Prefill header if not given as named or unnamed parameter */ -}}
{{ $header = default (printf "Tab %v" ( add $.Ordinal 1)) (.Get "header") -}}
{{ end -}}
{{/* store all tab info in dict tab */ -}}
{{ $tab := dict "header" $header -}}
{{ with $.Get "lang" -}}
{{ $tab = merge $tab (dict "language" ($.Get "lang")) -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ with $.Get "highlight" -}}
{{ $tab = merge $tab (dict "highlight" ($.Get "highlight")) -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ with $.Get "text" -}}
{{ if ne ( printf "%T" . ) "bool" -}}
{{ errorf "shortcode tab: parameter 'text' must be either true or false" -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ $tab = merge $tab (dict "text" ($.Get "text")) -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ with $.Get "right" -}}
{{ if ne ( printf "%T" . ) "bool" -}}
{{ errorf "shortcode tab: parameter 'right' must be either true or false" -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ $tab = merge $tab (dict "rightpush" ($.Get "right")) -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ with $.Get "disabled" -}}
{{ if ne ( printf "%T" . ) "bool" -}}
{{ errorf "shortcode tab: parameter 'disabled' must be either true or false" -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ $tab = merge $tab (dict "disabled" ($.Get "disabled")) -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ with $.Inner -}}
{{/* Trim any leading and trailing newlines from .Inner, this avoids
spurious lines during syntax highlighting */ -}}
{{ $tab = merge $tab (dict "content" $.Inner) -}}
{{ end -}}
{{/* add dict tab to parent's scratchpad */ -}}
{{ with .Parent -}}
{{ $.Parent.Scratch.SetInMap "tabs" (printf "%02v" $.Ordinal) $tab -}}
{{ end -}}