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synced 2025-03-20 13:29:36 +00:00
* Add session context outbounds as slice slice is needed for dialer proxy where two outbounds work on top of each other There are two sets of target addr for example It also enable Xtls to correctly do splice copy by checking both outbounds are ready to do direct copy * Fill outbound tag info * Splice now checks capalibility from all outbounds * Fix unit tests
549 lines
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549 lines
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// Package proxy contains all proxies used by Xray.
// To implement an inbound or outbound proxy, one needs to do the following:
// 1. Implement the interface(s) below.
// 2. Register a config creator through common.RegisterConfig.
package proxy
import (
var (
Tls13SupportedVersions = []byte{0x00, 0x2b, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04}
TlsClientHandShakeStart = []byte{0x16, 0x03}
TlsServerHandShakeStart = []byte{0x16, 0x03, 0x03}
TlsApplicationDataStart = []byte{0x17, 0x03, 0x03}
Tls13CipherSuiteDic = map[uint16]string{
0x1301: "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256",
0x1302: "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
0x1303: "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256",
0x1304: "TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256",
0x1305: "TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256",
const (
TlsHandshakeTypeClientHello byte = 0x01
TlsHandshakeTypeServerHello byte = 0x02
CommandPaddingContinue byte = 0x00
CommandPaddingEnd byte = 0x01
CommandPaddingDirect byte = 0x02
// An Inbound processes inbound connections.
type Inbound interface {
// Network returns a list of networks that this inbound supports. Connections with not-supported networks will not be passed into Process().
Network() []net.Network
// Process processes a connection of given network. If necessary, the Inbound can dispatch the connection to an Outbound.
Process(context.Context, net.Network, stat.Connection, routing.Dispatcher) error
// An Outbound process outbound connections.
type Outbound interface {
// Process processes the given connection. The given dialer may be used to dial a system outbound connection.
Process(context.Context, *transport.Link, internet.Dialer) error
// UserManager is the interface for Inbounds and Outbounds that can manage their users.
type UserManager interface {
// AddUser adds a new user.
AddUser(context.Context, *protocol.MemoryUser) error
// RemoveUser removes a user by email.
RemoveUser(context.Context, string) error
type GetInbound interface {
GetInbound() Inbound
type GetOutbound interface {
GetOutbound() Outbound
// TrafficState is used to track uplink and downlink of one connection
// It is used by XTLS to determine if switch to raw copy mode, It is used by Vision to calculate padding
type TrafficState struct {
UserUUID []byte
NumberOfPacketToFilter int
EnableXtls bool
IsTLS12orAbove bool
IsTLS bool
Cipher uint16
RemainingServerHello int32
// reader link state
WithinPaddingBuffers bool
ReaderSwitchToDirectCopy bool
RemainingCommand int32
RemainingContent int32
RemainingPadding int32
CurrentCommand int
// write link state
IsPadding bool
WriterSwitchToDirectCopy bool
func NewTrafficState(userUUID []byte) *TrafficState {
return &TrafficState{
UserUUID: userUUID,
NumberOfPacketToFilter: 8,
EnableXtls: false,
IsTLS12orAbove: false,
IsTLS: false,
Cipher: 0,
RemainingServerHello: -1,
WithinPaddingBuffers: true,
ReaderSwitchToDirectCopy: false,
RemainingCommand: -1,
RemainingContent: -1,
RemainingPadding: -1,
CurrentCommand: 0,
IsPadding: true,
WriterSwitchToDirectCopy: false,
// VisionReader is used to read xtls vision protocol
// Note Vision probably only make sense as the inner most layer of reader, since it need assess traffic state from origin proxy traffic
type VisionReader struct {
trafficState *TrafficState
ctx context.Context
func NewVisionReader(reader buf.Reader, state *TrafficState, context context.Context) *VisionReader {
return &VisionReader{
Reader: reader,
trafficState: state,
ctx: context,
func (w *VisionReader) ReadMultiBuffer() (buf.MultiBuffer, error) {
buffer, err := w.Reader.ReadMultiBuffer()
if !buffer.IsEmpty() {
if w.trafficState.WithinPaddingBuffers || w.trafficState.NumberOfPacketToFilter > 0 {
mb2 := make(buf.MultiBuffer, 0, len(buffer))
for _, b := range buffer {
newbuffer := XtlsUnpadding(b, w.trafficState, w.ctx)
if newbuffer.Len() > 0 {
mb2 = append(mb2, newbuffer)
buffer = mb2
if w.trafficState.RemainingContent > 0 || w.trafficState.RemainingPadding > 0 || w.trafficState.CurrentCommand == 0 {
w.trafficState.WithinPaddingBuffers = true
} else if w.trafficState.CurrentCommand == 1 {
w.trafficState.WithinPaddingBuffers = false
} else if w.trafficState.CurrentCommand == 2 {
w.trafficState.WithinPaddingBuffers = false
w.trafficState.ReaderSwitchToDirectCopy = true
} else {
newError("XtlsRead unknown command ", w.trafficState.CurrentCommand, buffer.Len()).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(w.ctx))
if w.trafficState.NumberOfPacketToFilter > 0 {
XtlsFilterTls(buffer, w.trafficState, w.ctx)
return buffer, err
// VisionWriter is used to write xtls vision protocol
// Note Vision probably only make sense as the inner most layer of writer, since it need assess traffic state from origin proxy traffic
type VisionWriter struct {
trafficState *TrafficState
ctx context.Context
writeOnceUserUUID []byte
func NewVisionWriter(writer buf.Writer, state *TrafficState, context context.Context) *VisionWriter {
w := make([]byte, len(state.UserUUID))
copy(w, state.UserUUID)
return &VisionWriter{
Writer: writer,
trafficState: state,
ctx: context,
writeOnceUserUUID: w,
func (w *VisionWriter) WriteMultiBuffer(mb buf.MultiBuffer) error {
if w.trafficState.NumberOfPacketToFilter > 0 {
XtlsFilterTls(mb, w.trafficState, w.ctx)
if w.trafficState.IsPadding {
if len(mb) == 1 && mb[0] == nil {
mb[0] = XtlsPadding(nil, CommandPaddingContinue, &w.writeOnceUserUUID, true, w.ctx) // we do a long padding to hide vless header
return w.Writer.WriteMultiBuffer(mb)
mb = ReshapeMultiBuffer(w.ctx, mb)
longPadding := w.trafficState.IsTLS
for i, b := range mb {
if w.trafficState.IsTLS && b.Len() >= 6 && bytes.Equal(TlsApplicationDataStart, b.BytesTo(3)) {
if w.trafficState.EnableXtls {
w.trafficState.WriterSwitchToDirectCopy = true
var command byte = CommandPaddingContinue
if i == len(mb) - 1 {
command = CommandPaddingEnd
if w.trafficState.EnableXtls {
command = CommandPaddingDirect
mb[i] = XtlsPadding(b, command, &w.writeOnceUserUUID, true, w.ctx)
w.trafficState.IsPadding = false // padding going to end
longPadding = false
} else if !w.trafficState.IsTLS12orAbove && w.trafficState.NumberOfPacketToFilter <= 1 { // For compatibility with earlier vision receiver, we finish padding 1 packet early
w.trafficState.IsPadding = false
mb[i] = XtlsPadding(b, CommandPaddingEnd, &w.writeOnceUserUUID, longPadding, w.ctx)
var command byte = CommandPaddingContinue
if i == len(mb) - 1 && !w.trafficState.IsPadding {
command = CommandPaddingEnd
if w.trafficState.EnableXtls {
command = CommandPaddingDirect
mb[i] = XtlsPadding(b, command, &w.writeOnceUserUUID, longPadding, w.ctx)
return w.Writer.WriteMultiBuffer(mb)
// ReshapeMultiBuffer prepare multi buffer for padding stucture (max 21 bytes)
func ReshapeMultiBuffer(ctx context.Context, buffer buf.MultiBuffer) buf.MultiBuffer {
needReshape := 0
for _, b := range buffer {
if b.Len() >= buf.Size-21 {
needReshape += 1
if needReshape == 0 {
return buffer
mb2 := make(buf.MultiBuffer, 0, len(buffer)+needReshape)
toPrint := ""
for i, buffer1 := range buffer {
if buffer1.Len() >= buf.Size-21 {
index := int32(bytes.LastIndex(buffer1.Bytes(), TlsApplicationDataStart))
if index < 21 || index > buf.Size-21 {
index = buf.Size / 2
buffer2 := buf.New()
buffer1.Resize(0, index)
mb2 = append(mb2, buffer1, buffer2)
toPrint += " " + strconv.Itoa(int(buffer1.Len())) + " " + strconv.Itoa(int(buffer2.Len()))
} else {
mb2 = append(mb2, buffer1)
toPrint += " " + strconv.Itoa(int(buffer1.Len()))
buffer[i] = nil
buffer = buffer[:0]
newError("ReshapeMultiBuffer ", toPrint).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
return mb2
// XtlsPadding add padding to eliminate length siganature during tls handshake
func XtlsPadding(b *buf.Buffer, command byte, userUUID *[]byte, longPadding bool, ctx context.Context) *buf.Buffer {
var contentLen int32 = 0
var paddingLen int32 = 0
if b != nil {
contentLen = b.Len()
if contentLen < 900 && longPadding {
l, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(500))
if err != nil {
newError("failed to generate padding").Base(err).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
paddingLen = int32(l.Int64()) + 900 - contentLen
} else {
l, err := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(256))
if err != nil {
newError("failed to generate padding").Base(err).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
paddingLen = int32(l.Int64())
if paddingLen > buf.Size-21-contentLen {
paddingLen = buf.Size - 21 - contentLen
newbuffer := buf.New()
if userUUID != nil {
*userUUID = nil
newbuffer.Write([]byte{command, byte(contentLen >> 8), byte(contentLen), byte(paddingLen >> 8), byte(paddingLen)})
if b != nil {
b = nil
newError("XtlsPadding ", contentLen, " ", paddingLen, " ", command).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
return newbuffer
// XtlsUnpadding remove padding and parse command
func XtlsUnpadding(b *buf.Buffer, s *TrafficState, ctx context.Context) *buf.Buffer {
if s.RemainingCommand == -1 && s.RemainingContent == -1 && s.RemainingPadding == -1 { // inital state
if b.Len() >= 21 && bytes.Equal(s.UserUUID, b.BytesTo(16)) {
s.RemainingCommand = 5
} else {
return b
newbuffer := buf.New()
for b.Len() > 0 {
if s.RemainingCommand > 0 {
data, err := b.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return newbuffer
switch s.RemainingCommand {
case 5:
s.CurrentCommand = int(data)
case 4:
s.RemainingContent = int32(data)<<8
case 3:
s.RemainingContent = s.RemainingContent | int32(data)
case 2:
s.RemainingPadding = int32(data)<<8
case 1:
s.RemainingPadding = s.RemainingPadding | int32(data)
newError("Xtls Unpadding new block, content ", s.RemainingContent, " padding ", s.RemainingPadding, " command ", s.CurrentCommand).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
} else if s.RemainingContent > 0 {
len := s.RemainingContent
if b.Len() < len {
len = b.Len()
data, err := b.ReadBytes(len)
if err != nil {
return newbuffer
s.RemainingContent -= len
} else { // remainingPadding > 0
len := s.RemainingPadding
if b.Len() < len {
len = b.Len()
s.RemainingPadding -= len
if s.RemainingCommand <= 0 && s.RemainingContent <= 0 && s.RemainingPadding <= 0 { // this block done
if s.CurrentCommand == 0 {
s.RemainingCommand = 5
} else {
s.RemainingCommand = -1 // set to initial state
s.RemainingContent = -1
s.RemainingPadding = -1
if b.Len() > 0 { // shouldn't happen
b = nil
return newbuffer
// XtlsFilterTls filter and recognize tls 1.3 and other info
func XtlsFilterTls(buffer buf.MultiBuffer, trafficState *TrafficState, ctx context.Context) {
for _, b := range buffer {
if b == nil {
if b.Len() >= 6 {
startsBytes := b.BytesTo(6)
if bytes.Equal(TlsServerHandShakeStart, startsBytes[:3]) && startsBytes[5] == TlsHandshakeTypeServerHello {
trafficState.RemainingServerHello = (int32(startsBytes[3])<<8 | int32(startsBytes[4])) + 5
trafficState.IsTLS12orAbove = true
trafficState.IsTLS = true
if b.Len() >= 79 && trafficState.RemainingServerHello >= 79 {
sessionIdLen := int32(b.Byte(43))
cipherSuite := b.BytesRange(43+sessionIdLen+1, 43+sessionIdLen+3)
trafficState.Cipher = uint16(cipherSuite[0])<<8 | uint16(cipherSuite[1])
} else {
newError("XtlsFilterTls short server hello, tls 1.2 or older? ", b.Len(), " ", trafficState.RemainingServerHello).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
} else if bytes.Equal(TlsClientHandShakeStart, startsBytes[:2]) && startsBytes[5] == TlsHandshakeTypeClientHello {
trafficState.IsTLS = true
newError("XtlsFilterTls found tls client hello! ", buffer.Len()).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
if trafficState.RemainingServerHello > 0 {
end := trafficState.RemainingServerHello
if end > b.Len() {
end = b.Len()
trafficState.RemainingServerHello -= b.Len()
if bytes.Contains(b.BytesTo(end), Tls13SupportedVersions) {
v, ok := Tls13CipherSuiteDic[trafficState.Cipher]
if !ok {
v = "Old cipher: " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(trafficState.Cipher), 16)
} else if v != "TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256" {
trafficState.EnableXtls = true
newError("XtlsFilterTls found tls 1.3! ", b.Len(), " ", v).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
trafficState.NumberOfPacketToFilter = 0
} else if trafficState.RemainingServerHello <= 0 {
newError("XtlsFilterTls found tls 1.2! ", b.Len()).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
trafficState.NumberOfPacketToFilter = 0
newError("XtlsFilterTls inconclusive server hello ", b.Len(), " ", trafficState.RemainingServerHello).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
if trafficState.NumberOfPacketToFilter <= 0 {
newError("XtlsFilterTls stop filtering", buffer.Len()).WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
// UnwrapRawConn support unwrap stats, tls, utls, reality and proxyproto conn and get raw tcp conn from it
func UnwrapRawConn(conn net.Conn) (net.Conn, stats.Counter, stats.Counter) {
var readCounter, writerCounter stats.Counter
if conn != nil {
statConn, ok := conn.(*stat.CounterConnection)
if ok {
conn = statConn.Connection
readCounter = statConn.ReadCounter
writerCounter = statConn.WriteCounter
if xc, ok := conn.(*tls.Conn); ok {
conn = xc.NetConn()
} else if utlsConn, ok := conn.(*tls.UConn); ok {
conn = utlsConn.NetConn()
} else if realityConn, ok := conn.(*reality.Conn); ok {
conn = realityConn.NetConn()
} else if realityUConn, ok := conn.(*reality.UConn); ok {
conn = realityUConn.NetConn()
if pc, ok := conn.(*proxyproto.Conn); ok {
conn = pc.Raw()
// 8192 > 4096, there is no need to process pc's bufReader
return conn, readCounter, writerCounter
// CopyRawConnIfExist use the most efficient copy method.
// - If caller don't want to turn on splice, do not pass in both reader conn and writer conn
// - writer are from *transport.Link
func CopyRawConnIfExist(ctx context.Context, readerConn net.Conn, writerConn net.Conn, writer buf.Writer, timer signal.ActivityUpdater) error {
readerConn, readCounter, _ := UnwrapRawConn(readerConn)
writerConn, _, writeCounter := UnwrapRawConn(writerConn)
reader := buf.NewReader(readerConn)
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" && runtime.GOOS != "android" {
return readV(ctx, reader, writer, timer, readCounter)
tc, ok := writerConn.(*net.TCPConn)
if !ok || readerConn == nil || writerConn == nil {
return readV(ctx, reader, writer, timer, readCounter)
inbound := session.InboundFromContext(ctx)
if inbound == nil || inbound.CanSpliceCopy == 3 {
return readV(ctx, reader, writer, timer, readCounter)
outbounds := session.OutboundsFromContext(ctx)
if len(outbounds) == 0 {
return readV(ctx, reader, writer, timer, readCounter)
for _, ob := range outbounds {
if ob.CanSpliceCopy == 3 {
return readV(ctx, reader, writer, timer, readCounter)
for {
inbound := session.InboundFromContext(ctx)
outbounds := session.OutboundsFromContext(ctx)
var splice = inbound.CanSpliceCopy == 1
for _, ob := range outbounds {
if ob.CanSpliceCopy != 1 {
splice = false
if splice {
newError("CopyRawConn splice").WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
statWriter, _ := writer.(*dispatcher.SizeStatWriter)
//runtime.Gosched() // necessary
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) // without this, there will be a rare ssl error for freedom splice
w, err := tc.ReadFrom(readerConn)
if readCounter != nil {
readCounter.Add(w) // outbound stats
if writeCounter != nil {
writeCounter.Add(w) // inbound stats
if statWriter != nil {
statWriter.Counter.Add(w) // user stats
if err != nil && errors.Cause(err) != io.EOF {
return err
return nil
buffer, err := reader.ReadMultiBuffer()
if !buffer.IsEmpty() {
if readCounter != nil {
if werr := writer.WriteMultiBuffer(buffer); werr != nil {
return werr
if err != nil {
return err
func readV(ctx context.Context, reader buf.Reader, writer buf.Writer, timer signal.ActivityUpdater, readCounter stats.Counter) error {
newError("CopyRawConn readv").WriteToLog(session.ExportIDToError(ctx))
if err := buf.Copy(reader, writer, buf.UpdateActivity(timer), buf.AddToStatCounter(readCounter)); err != nil {
return newError("failed to process response").Base(err)
return nil