Specifies the time until idle clients should be closed with a GOAWAY frame. PING frames are not considered as activity.
In HTTP2 client:
Specifies the period of time after which a health check will be performed using a ping frame if no frames have been received on the connection. Please note that a ping response is considered a received frame, so if there is no other traffic on the connection, the health check will be executed every interval. If the value is zero, no health check will be performed.
Zero is used by default.
#### ping_timeout
In HTTP2 client:
Specifies the timeout duration after sending a PING frame, within which a response must be received. If a response to the PING frame is not received within the specified timeout duration, the connection will be closed. The default timeout duration is 15 seconds.
If the transport doesn't see any activity after a duration of this time, it pings the client to check if the connection is still active.
In default gRPC server/client:
It has the same behavior as the corresponding setting in HTTP transport.
#### ping_timeout
In standard gRPC server/client:
The timeout that after performing a keepalive check, the client will wait for activity. If no activity is detected, the connection will be closed.
In default gRPC server/client:
It has the same behavior as the corresponding setting in HTTP transport.
#### permit_without_stream
In standard gRPC client:
If enabled, the client transport sends keepalive pings even with no active connections. If disabled, when there are no active connections, `idle_timeout` and `ping_timeout` will be ignored and no keepalive pings will be sent.