| `with_quic` | ✔ | Build with QUIC support, see [QUIC and HTTP3 DNS transports](/configuration/dns/server/), [Naive inbound](/configuration/inbound/naive/), [Hysteria Inbound](/configuration/inbound/hysteria/), [Hysteria Outbound](/configuration/outbound/hysteria/) and [V2Ray Transport#QUIC](/configuration/shared/v2ray-transport#quic). |
| `with_grpc` | ✖️ | Build with standard gRPC support, see [V2Ray Transport#gRPC](/configuration/shared/v2ray-transport#grpc). |
| `with_dhcp` | ✔ | Build with DHCP support, see [DHCP DNS transport](/configuration/dns/server/). |
| `with_wireguard` | ✔ | Build with WireGuard support, see [WireGuard outbound](/configuration/outbound/wireguard/). |
| `with_ech` | ✔ | Build with TLS ECH extension support for TLS outbound, see [TLS](/configuration/shared/tls#ech). |
| `with_utls` | ✔ | Build with [uTLS](https://github.com/refraction-networking/utls) support for TLS outbound, see [TLS](/configuration/shared/tls#utls). |
| `with_reality_server` | ✔ | Build with reality TLS server support, see [TLS](/configuration/shared/tls/). |
| `with_acme` | ✔ | Build with ACME TLS certificate issuer support, see [TLS](/configuration/shared/tls/). |
| `with_clash_api` | ✔ | Build with Clash API support, see [Experimental](/configuration/experimental#clash-api-fields). |
| `with_v2ray_api` | ✖️ | Build with V2Ray API support, see [Experimental](/configuration/experimental#v2ray-api-fields). |
| `with_gvisor` | ✔ | Build with gVisor support, see [Tun inbound](/configuration/inbound/tun#stack) and [WireGuard outbound](/configuration/outbound/wireguard#system_interface). |
| `with_embedded_tor` (CGO required) | ✖️ | Build with embedded Tor support, see [Tor outbound](/configuration/outbound/tor/). |
| `with_lwip` (CGO required) | ✖️ | Build with LWIP Tun stack support, see [Tun inbound](/configuration/inbound/tun#stack). |