mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 19:23:51 +00:00
Update vision protocol
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 92 additions and 53 deletions
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ func NewVLESS(ctx context.Context, router adapter.Router, logger log.ContextLogg
ctx: ctx,
users: options.Users,
service := vless.NewService[int](adapter.NewUpstreamContextHandler(inbound.newConnection, inbound.newPacketConnection, inbound))
service := vless.NewService[int](logger, adapter.NewUpstreamContextHandler(inbound.newConnection, inbound.newPacketConnection, inbound))
service.UpdateUsers(common.MapIndexed(inbound.users, func(index int, _ option.VLESSUser) int {
return index
}), common.Map(inbound.users, func(it option.VLESSUser) string {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func NewVLESS(ctx context.Context, router adapter.Router, logger log.ContextLogg
return nil, E.New("unknown packet encoding: ", options.PacketEncoding)
outbound.client, err = vless.NewClient(options.UUID, options.Flow)
outbound.client, err = vless.NewClient(options.UUID, options.Flow, logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
E "github.com/sagernet/sing/common/exceptions"
M "github.com/sagernet/sing/common/metadata"
N "github.com/sagernet/sing/common/network"
@ -16,11 +17,12 @@ import (
type Client struct {
key [16]byte
flow string
key [16]byte
flow string
logger logger.Logger
func NewClient(userId string, flow string) (*Client, error) {
func NewClient(userId string, flow string, logger logger.Logger) (*Client, error) {
user := uuid.FromStringOrNil(userId)
if user == uuid.Nil {
user = uuid.NewV5(user, userId)
@ -30,12 +32,12 @@ func NewClient(userId string, flow string) (*Client, error) {
return nil, E.New("unsupported flow: " + flow)
return &Client{user, flow}, nil
return &Client{user, flow, logger}, nil
func (c *Client) prepareConn(conn net.Conn) (net.Conn, error) {
if c.flow == FlowVision {
vConn, err := NewVisionConn(conn, c.key)
vConn, err := NewVisionConn(conn, c.key, c.logger)
if err != nil {
return nil, E.Cause(err, "initialize vision")
@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ var (
tlsClientHandShakeStart = []byte{0x16, 0x03}
tlsServerHandShakeStart = []byte{0x16, 0x03, 0x03}
tlsApplicationDataStart = []byte{0x17, 0x03, 0x03}
commandPaddingContinue byte = 0
commandPaddingEnd byte = 1
commandPaddingDirect byte = 2
var tls13CipherSuiteDic = map[uint16]string{
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
E "github.com/sagernet/sing/common/exceptions"
M "github.com/sagernet/sing/common/metadata"
N "github.com/sagernet/sing/common/network"
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import (
type Service[T any] struct {
userMap map[[16]byte]T
logger logger.Logger
handler Handler
@ -28,8 +30,9 @@ type Handler interface {
func NewService[T any](handler Handler) *Service[T] {
func NewService[T any](logger logger.Logger, handler Handler) *Service[T] {
return &Service[T]{
logger: logger,
handler: handler,
@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ func (s *Service[T]) NewConnection(ctx context.Context, conn net.Conn, metadata
switch request.Flow {
case "":
case FlowVision:
protocolConn, err = NewVisionConn(conn, request.UUID)
protocolConn, err = NewVisionConn(conn, request.UUID, s.logger)
if err != nil {
return E.Cause(err, "initialize vision")
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import (
E "github.com/sagernet/sing/common/exceptions"
N "github.com/sagernet/sing/common/network"
@ -37,26 +38,27 @@ type VisionConn struct {
input *bytes.Reader
rawInput *bytes.Buffer
netConn net.Conn
logger logger.Logger
userUUID [16]byte
isTLS bool
numberOfPacketToFilter int
isTLS12orAbove bool
remainingServerHello int32
cipher uint16
enableXTLS bool
filterTlsApplicationData bool
directWrite bool
writeUUID bool
filterUUID bool
remainingContent int
remainingPadding int
currentCommand int
directRead bool
remainingReader io.Reader
userUUID [16]byte
isTLS bool
numberOfPacketToFilter int
isTLS12orAbove bool
remainingServerHello int32
cipher uint16
enableXTLS bool
isPadding bool
directWrite bool
writeUUID bool
withinPaddingBuffers bool
remainingContent int
remainingPadding int
currentCommand int
directRead bool
remainingReader io.Reader
func NewVisionConn(conn net.Conn, userUUID [16]byte) (*VisionConn, error) {
func NewVisionConn(conn net.Conn, userUUID [16]byte, logger logger.Logger) (*VisionConn, error) {
var (
loaded bool
reflectType reflect.Type
@ -75,19 +77,21 @@ func NewVisionConn(conn net.Conn, userUUID [16]byte) (*VisionConn, error) {
input, _ := reflectType.FieldByName("input")
rawInput, _ := reflectType.FieldByName("rawInput")
return &VisionConn{
Conn: conn,
writer: bufio.NewVectorisedWriter(conn),
input: (*bytes.Reader)(unsafe.Pointer(reflectPointer + input.Offset)),
rawInput: (*bytes.Buffer)(unsafe.Pointer(reflectPointer + rawInput.Offset)),
netConn: netConn,
userUUID: userUUID,
numberOfPacketToFilter: 8,
remainingServerHello: -1,
filterTlsApplicationData: true,
writeUUID: true,
filterUUID: true,
remainingContent: -1,
remainingPadding: -1,
Conn: conn,
writer: bufio.NewVectorisedWriter(conn),
input: (*bytes.Reader)(unsafe.Pointer(reflectPointer + input.Offset)),
rawInput: (*bytes.Buffer)(unsafe.Pointer(reflectPointer + rawInput.Offset)),
netConn: netConn,
logger: logger,
userUUID: userUUID,
numberOfPacketToFilter: 8,
remainingServerHello: -1,
isPadding: true,
writeUUID: true,
withinPaddingBuffers: true,
remainingContent: -1,
remainingPadding: -1,
}, nil
@ -97,6 +101,7 @@ func (c *VisionConn) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if err == io.EOF {
c.remainingReader = nil
if n > 0 {
err = nil
@ -109,13 +114,15 @@ func (c *VisionConn) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
buffer := p[:n]
if c.filterUUID && (c.isTLS || c.numberOfPacketToFilter > 0) {
if c.withinPaddingBuffers || c.numberOfPacketToFilter > 0 {
buffers := c.unPadding(buffer)
if c.remainingContent == 0 && c.remainingPadding == 0 {
if c.currentCommand == 1 {
c.filterUUID = false
c.withinPaddingBuffers = false
c.remainingContent = -1
c.remainingPadding = -1
} else if c.currentCommand == 2 {
c.filterUUID = false
c.withinPaddingBuffers = false
c.directRead = true
inputBuffer, err := io.ReadAll(c.input)
@ -130,9 +137,17 @@ func (c *VisionConn) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
buffers = append(buffers, rawInputBuffer)
} else if c.currentCommand != 0 {
c.logger.Trace("XtlsRead readV")
} else if c.currentCommand == 0 {
c.withinPaddingBuffers = true
} else {
return 0, E.New("unknown command ", c.currentCommand)
} else if c.remainingContent > 0 || c.remainingPadding > 0 {
c.withinPaddingBuffers = true
} else {
c.withinPaddingBuffers = false
if c.numberOfPacketToFilter > 0 {
@ -151,27 +166,27 @@ func (c *VisionConn) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if c.numberOfPacketToFilter > 0 {
if c.isTLS && c.filterTlsApplicationData {
if c.isPadding {
inputLen := len(p)
buffers := reshapeBuffer(p)
var specIndex int
for i, buffer := range buffers {
if buffer.Len() > 6 && bytes.Equal(tlsApplicationDataStart, buffer.To(3)) {
var command byte = 1
if c.isTLS && buffer.Len() > 6 && bytes.Equal(tlsApplicationDataStart, buffer.To(3)) {
var command byte = commandPaddingEnd
if c.enableXTLS {
c.directWrite = true
specIndex = i
command = 2
command = commandPaddingDirect
c.filterTlsApplicationData = false
c.isPadding = false
buffers[i] = c.padding(buffer, command)
} else if !c.isTLS12orAbove && c.numberOfPacketToFilter == 0 {
c.filterTlsApplicationData = false
buffers[i] = c.padding(buffer, 0x01)
} else if !c.isTLS12orAbove && c.numberOfPacketToFilter <= 1 {
c.isPadding = false
buffers[i] = c.padding(buffer, commandPaddingEnd)
buffers[i] = c.padding(buffer, 0x00)
buffers[i] = c.padding(buffer, commandPaddingContinue)
if c.directWrite {
encryptedBuffer := buffers[:specIndex+1]
@ -181,6 +196,7 @@ func (c *VisionConn) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
buffers = buffers[specIndex+1:]
c.writer = bufio.NewVectorisedWriter(c.netConn)
c.logger.Trace("XtlsWrite writeV ", specIndex, " ", buf.LenMulti(encryptedBuffer), " ", len(buffers))
time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond) // wtf
err = c.writer.WriteVectorised(buffers)
@ -209,10 +225,13 @@ func (c *VisionConn) filterTLS(buffers [][]byte) {
sessionIdLen := int32(buffer[43])
cipherSuite := buffer[43+sessionIdLen+1 : 43+sessionIdLen+3]
c.cipher = uint16(cipherSuite[0])<<8 | uint16(cipherSuite[1])
} else {
c.logger.Trace("XtlsFilterTls short server hello, tls 1.2 or older? ", len(buffer), " ", c.remainingServerHello)
} else if bytes.Equal(tlsClientHandShakeStart, buffer[:2]) && buffer[5] == 1 {
c.isTLS = true
c.logger.Trace("XtlsFilterTls found tls client hello! ", len(buffer))
if c.remainingServerHello > 0 {
@ -226,13 +245,18 @@ func (c *VisionConn) filterTLS(buffers [][]byte) {
if ok && cipher != "TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256" {
c.enableXTLS = true
c.logger.Trace("XtlsFilterTls found tls 1.3! ", len(buffer), " ", c.cipher, " ", c.enableXTLS)
c.numberOfPacketToFilter = 0
} else if c.remainingServerHello == 0 {
c.logger.Trace("XtlsFilterTls found tls 1.2! ", len(buffer))
c.numberOfPacketToFilter = 0
if c.numberOfPacketToFilter == 0 {
c.logger.Trace("XtlsFilterTls stop filtering ", len(buffer))
@ -242,9 +266,12 @@ func (c *VisionConn) padding(buffer *buf.Buffer, command byte) *buf.Buffer {
if buffer != nil {
contentLen = buffer.Len()
if contentLen < 900 {
if contentLen < 900 && c.isTLS {
l, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(500))
paddingLen = int(l.Int64()) + 900 - contentLen
} else {
l, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, big.NewInt(256))
paddingLen = int(l.Int64())
newBuffer := buf.New()
if c.writeUUID {
@ -257,6 +284,7 @@ func (c *VisionConn) padding(buffer *buf.Buffer, command byte) *buf.Buffer {
c.logger.Trace("XtlsPadding ", contentLen, " ", paddingLen, " ", command)
return newBuffer
@ -267,6 +295,7 @@ func (c *VisionConn) unPadding(buffer []byte) [][]byte {
bufferIndex = 16
c.remainingContent = 0
c.remainingPadding = 0
c.currentCommand = 0
if c.remainingContent == -1 && c.remainingPadding == -1 {
@ -284,6 +313,7 @@ func (c *VisionConn) unPadding(buffer []byte) [][]byte {
c.remainingContent = int(paddingInfo[1])<<8 | int(paddingInfo[2])
c.remainingPadding = int(paddingInfo[3])<<8 | int(paddingInfo[4])
bufferIndex += 5
c.logger.Trace("Xtls Unpadding new block ", bufferIndex, " ", c.remainingContent, " padding ", c.remainingPadding, " ", c.currentCommand)
} else if c.remainingContent > 0 {
end := c.remainingContent
Add table
Reference in a new issue