2020-05-06 12:21:54 +02:00
import ' package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart ' ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
import ' package:flutter/material.dart ' ;
import ' package:intl/intl.dart ' ;
import ' messages_all.dart ' ;
2020-05-07 07:52:40 +02:00
class AppLocalizationsDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate < L10n > {
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
const AppLocalizationsDelegate ( ) ;
@ override
bool isSupported ( Locale locale ) {
2020-07-18 15:49:14 +02:00
return [
' en ' ,
' de ' ,
' hu ' ,
' pl ' ,
' fr ' ,
' cs ' ,
' es ' ,
' sk ' ,
' gl ' ,
' hr ' ,
' ja ' ,
' ru ' ,
] . contains ( locale . languageCode ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
@ override
2020-05-07 07:52:40 +02:00
Future < L10n > load ( Locale locale ) {
return L10n . load ( locale ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
@ override
2020-05-07 07:52:40 +02:00
bool shouldReload ( LocalizationsDelegate < L10n > old ) {
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
return false ;
2020-05-07 07:52:40 +02:00
class L10n extends MatrixLocalizations {
L10n ( this . localeName ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
2020-05-07 07:52:40 +02:00
static Future < L10n > load ( Locale locale ) {
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
final String name =
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
locale . countryCode = = null ? locale . languageCode : locale . toString ( ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
final String localeName = Intl . canonicalizedLocale ( name ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
return initializeMessages ( localeName ) . then ( ( bool _ ) {
Intl . defaultLocale = localeName ;
2020-05-07 07:52:40 +02:00
return L10n ( localeName ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
} ) ;
2020-05-07 07:52:40 +02:00
static L10n of ( BuildContext context ) {
return Localizations . of < L10n > ( context , L10n ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
final String localeName ;
/* <=============> Translations <=============> */
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get about = > Intl . message ( " About " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get accept = > Intl . message ( " Accept " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String acceptedTheInvitation ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username accepted the invitation " ,
name: " acceptedTheInvitation " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
2020-02-16 09:56:17 +01:00
String get account = > Intl . message ( " Account " ) ;
String get accountInformations = > Intl . message ( " Account informations " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String activatedEndToEndEncryption ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username activated end to end encryption " ,
name: " activatedEndToEndEncryption " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String get addGroupDescription = > Intl . message ( " Add a group description " ) ;
String get admin = > Intl . message ( " Admin " ) ;
String get alias = > Intl . message ( " alias " ) ;
String get alreadyHaveAnAccount = > Intl . message ( " Already have an account? " ) ;
String get anyoneCanJoin = > Intl . message ( " Anyone can join " ) ;
String get archive = > Intl . message ( " Archive " ) ;
String get archivedRoom = > Intl . message ( " Archived Room " ) ;
String get areGuestsAllowedToJoin = >
Intl . message ( " Are guest users allowed to join " ) ;
2020-02-16 09:16:47 +01:00
String get areYouSure = > Intl . message ( " Are you sure? " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get askSSSSCache = > Intl . message (
" Please enter your secure store passphrase or recovery key to cache the keys. " ,
name: " askSSSSCache " ) ;
String get askSSSSSign = > Intl . message (
" To be able to sign the other person, please enter your secure store passphrase or recovery key. " ,
name: " askSSSSSign " ) ;
String get askSSSSVerify = > Intl . message (
" Please enter your secure store passphrase or recovery key to verify your session. " ,
name: " askSSSSVerify " ) ;
String askVerificationRequest ( String username ) = >
Intl . message ( " Accept this verification request from $ username ? " ,
name: " askVerificationRequest " , args: [ username ] ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get authentication = > Intl . message ( " Authentication " ) ;
String get avatarHasBeenChanged = > Intl . message ( " Avatar has been changed " ) ;
String get banFromChat = > Intl . message ( " Ban from chat " ) ;
String get banned = > Intl . message ( " Banned " ) ;
String bannedUser ( String username , String targetName ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username banned $ targetName " ,
name: " bannedUser " ,
args: [ username , targetName ] ,
) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get blockDevice = > Intl . message ( " Block Device " ) ;
2020-04-12 10:35:45 +02:00
String byDefaultYouWillBeConnectedTo ( String homeserver ) = > Intl . message (
' By default you will be connected to $ homeserver ' ,
name: ' byDefaultYouWillBeConnectedTo ' ,
args: [ homeserver ] ,
) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get cachedKeys = >
Intl . message ( " Successfully cached keys! " , name: " cachedKeys " ) ;
2020-03-15 11:27:51 +01:00
String get cancel = > Intl . message ( " Cancel " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String changedTheChatAvatar ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username changed the chat avatar " ,
name: " changedTheChatAvatar " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String changedTheChatNameTo ( String username , String chatname ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username changed the chat name to: ' $ chatname ' " ,
name: " changedTheChatNameTo " ,
args: [ username , chatname ] ,
) ;
String changedTheChatDescriptionTo ( String username , String description ) = >
Intl . message (
" $ username changed the chat description to: ' $ description ' " ,
name: " changedTheChatDescriptionTo " ,
args: [ username , description ] ,
) ;
String changedTheChatPermissions ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username changed the chat permissions " ,
name: " changedTheChatPermissions " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String changedTheDisplaynameTo ( String username , String displayname ) = >
Intl . message (
" $ username changed the displayname to: $ displayname " ,
name: " changedTheDisplaynameTo " ,
args: [ username , displayname ] ,
) ;
2020-04-12 10:35:45 +02:00
String get changeTheHomeserver = > Intl . message ( ' Change the homeserver ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String changedTheGuestAccessRules ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username changed the guest access rules " ,
name: " changedTheGuestAccessRules " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String changedTheGuestAccessRulesTo ( String username , String rules ) = >
Intl . message (
" $ username changed the guest access rules to: $ rules " ,
name: " changedTheGuestAccessRulesTo " ,
args: [ username , rules ] ,
) ;
String changedTheHistoryVisibility ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username changed the history visibility " ,
name: " changedTheHistoryVisibility " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String changedTheHistoryVisibilityTo ( String username , String rules ) = >
Intl . message (
" $ username changed the history visibility to: $ rules " ,
name: " changedTheHistoryVisibilityTo " ,
args: [ username , rules ] ,
) ;
String changedTheJoinRules ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username changed the join rules " ,
name: " changedTheJoinRules " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String changedTheJoinRulesTo ( String username , String joinRules ) = >
Intl . message (
" $ username changed the join rules to: $ joinRules " ,
name: " changedTheJoinRulesTo " ,
args: [ username , joinRules ] ,
) ;
String changedTheProfileAvatar ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username changed the profile avatar " ,
name: " changedTheProfileAvatar " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String changedTheRoomAliases ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username changed the room aliases " ,
name: " changedTheRoomAliases " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String changedTheRoomInvitationLink ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username changed the invitation link " ,
name: " changedTheRoomInvitationLink " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String get changelog = > Intl . message ( " Changelog " ) ;
String get changeTheNameOfTheGroup = >
Intl . message ( " Change the name of the group " ) ;
2020-04-03 20:24:25 +02:00
String get changeWallpaper = > Intl . message ( " Change wallpaper " ) ;
2020-02-22 20:05:04 +01:00
String get changeTheServer = > Intl . message ( " Change the server " ) ;
2020-02-22 08:27:08 +01:00
String get channelCorruptedDecryptError = >
Intl . message ( " The encryption has been corrupted " ) ;
2020-05-09 11:36:41 +00:00
String get chat = > Intl . message ( ' Chat ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get chatDetails = > Intl . message ( ' Chat details ' ) ;
2020-04-12 10:35:45 +02:00
String get chooseAStrongPassword = > Intl . message ( " Choose a strong password " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get chooseAUsername = > Intl . message ( " Choose a username " ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get close = > Intl . message ( " Close " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get compareEmojiMatch = > Intl . message (
" Compare and make sure the following emoji match those of the other device: " ,
name: " compareEmojiMatch " ) ;
String get compareNumbersMatch = > Intl . message (
" Compare and make sure the following numbers match those of the other device: " ,
name: " compareNumbersMatch " ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get confirm = > Intl . message ( " Confirm " ) ;
2020-04-12 10:35:45 +02:00
String get connect = > Intl . message ( ' Connect ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get connectionAttemptFailed = >
Intl . message ( " Connection attempt failed " ) ;
String get contactHasBeenInvitedToTheGroup = >
Intl . message ( " Contact has been invited to the group " ) ;
String get contentViewer = > Intl . message ( " Content viewer " ) ;
String get copiedToClipboard = > Intl . message ( " Copied to clipboard " ) ;
2020-01-27 10:59:03 +01:00
String get copy = > Intl . message ( " Copy " ) ;
2020-05-06 12:21:54 +02:00
String couldNotDecryptMessage ( String error ) = > Intl . message (
" Could not decrypt message: $ error " ,
name: " couldNotDecryptMessage " ,
args: [ error ] ,
) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get couldNotSetAvatar = > Intl . message ( " Could not set avatar " ) ;
String get couldNotSetDisplayname = >
Intl . message ( " Could not set displayname " ) ;
String countParticipants ( String count ) = > Intl . message (
" $ count participants " ,
name: " countParticipants " ,
args: [ count ] ,
) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get create = > Intl . message ( " Create " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get createAccountNow = > Intl . message ( " Create account now " ) ;
String createdTheChat ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username created the chat " ,
name: " createdTheChat " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get createNewGroup = > Intl . message ( " Create new group " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get crossSigningDisabled = >
Intl . message ( " Cross-Signing is disabled " , name: " crossSigningDisabled " ) ;
String get crossSigningEnabled = >
Intl . message ( " Cross-Signing is enabled " , name: " crossSigningEnabled " ) ;
2020-06-18 18:31:58 +00:00
String get currentlyActive = > Intl . message ( ' Currently active ' ) ;
2020-05-15 17:57:53 +00:00
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String dateAndTimeOfDay ( String date , String timeOfDay ) = > Intl . message (
" $ date , $ timeOfDay " ,
name: " dateAndTimeOfDay " ,
args: [ date , timeOfDay ] ,
) ;
String dateWithoutYear ( String month , String day ) = > Intl . message (
" $ month - $ day " ,
name: " dateWithoutYear " ,
args: [ month , day ] ,
) ;
String dateWithYear ( String year , String month , String day ) = > Intl . message (
" $ year - $ month - $ day " ,
name: " dateWithYear " ,
args: [ year , month , day ] ,
) ;
String get delete = > Intl . message ( " Delete " ) ;
String get deleteMessage = > Intl . message ( " Delete message " ) ;
2020-02-22 08:27:08 +01:00
String get deny = > Intl . message ( " Deny " ) ;
String get device = > Intl . message ( " Device " ) ;
2020-02-19 16:23:13 +01:00
String get devices = > Intl . message ( " Devices " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get discardPicture = > Intl . message ( " Discard picture " ) ;
String get displaynameHasBeenChanged = >
Intl . message ( " Displayname has been changed " ) ;
2020-03-13 21:58:48 +01:00
String get downloadFile = > Intl . message ( " Download file " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get editDisplayname = > Intl . message ( " Edit displayname " ) ;
2020-05-12 07:02:33 +00:00
String get emoteSettings = > Intl . message ( ' Emote Settings ' ) ;
String get emoteShortcode = > Intl . message ( ' Emote shortcode ' ) ;
String get emoteWarnNeedToPick = >
Intl . message ( ' You need to pick an emote shortcode and an image! ' ,
name: ' emoteWarnNeedToPick ' ) ;
String get emoteExists = >
Intl . message ( ' Emote already exists! ' , name: ' emoteExists ' ) ;
String get emoteInvalid = >
Intl . message ( ' Invalid emote shortcode! ' , name: ' emoteInvalid ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get emptyChat = > Intl . message ( " Empty chat " ) ;
2020-02-04 14:42:35 +01:00
String get enableEncryptionWarning = > Intl . message (
" You won't be able to disable the encryption anymore. Are you sure? " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get encryption = > Intl . message ( " Encryption " ) ;
2020-02-04 14:42:35 +01:00
String get encryptionAlgorithm = > Intl . message ( " Encryption algorithm " ) ;
2020-02-22 08:27:08 +01:00
String get encryptionNotEnabled = > Intl . message ( " Encryption is not enabled " ) ;
2020-02-04 14:42:35 +01:00
String get end2endEncryptionSettings = >
Intl . message ( " End-to-end encryption settings " ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get enterAGroupName = > Intl . message ( " Enter a group name " ) ;
String get enterAUsername = > Intl . message ( " Enter a username " ) ;
2020-04-12 10:35:45 +02:00
String get enterYourHomeserver = > Intl . message ( ' Enter your homeserver ' ) ;
2020-03-13 21:58:48 +01:00
String get fileName = > Intl . message ( " File name " ) ;
String get fileSize = > Intl . message ( " File size " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get fluffychat = > Intl . message ( " FluffyChat " ) ;
String get forward = > Intl . message ( ' Forward ' ) ;
String get friday = > Intl . message ( " Friday " ) ;
String get fromJoining = > Intl . message ( " From joining " ) ;
String get fromTheInvitation = > Intl . message ( " From the invitation " ) ;
String get group = > Intl . message ( " Group " ) ;
String get groupDescription = > Intl . message ( " Group description " ) ;
String get groupDescriptionHasBeenChanged = >
Intl . message ( " Group description has been changed " ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get groupIsPublic = > Intl . message ( " Group is public " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String groupWith ( String displayname ) = > Intl . message (
" Group with $ displayname " ,
name: " groupWith " ,
args: [ displayname ] ,
) ;
String get guestsAreForbidden = > Intl . message ( " Guests are forbidden " ) ;
String get guestsCanJoin = > Intl . message ( " Guests can join " ) ;
String hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor ( String username , String targetName ) = >
Intl . message (
" $ username has withdrawn the invitation for $ targetName " ,
name: " hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor " ,
args: [ username , targetName ] ,
) ;
String get help = > Intl . message ( " Help " ) ;
String get homeserverIsNotCompatible = >
Intl . message ( " Homeserver is not compatible " ) ;
2020-02-19 16:23:13 +01:00
String get id = > Intl . message ( " ID " ) ;
2020-02-22 08:27:08 +01:00
String get identity = > Intl . message ( " Identity " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get incorrectPassphraseOrKey = >
Intl . message ( " Incorrect passphrase or recovery key " ,
name: " incorrectPassphraseOrKey " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get inviteContact = > Intl . message ( " Invite contact " ) ;
String inviteContactToGroup ( String groupName ) = > Intl . message (
" Invite contact to $ groupName " ,
name: " inviteContactToGroup " ,
args: [ groupName ] ,
) ;
String get invited = > Intl . message ( " Invited " ) ;
2020-02-10 18:41:43 +01:00
String inviteText ( String username , String link ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username invited you to FluffyChat. \n 1. Install FluffyChat: http://fluffy.chat \n 2. Sign up or sign in \n 3. Open the invite link: $ link " ,
name: " inviteText " ,
args: [ username , link ] ,
) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String invitedUser ( String username , String targetName ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username invited $ targetName " ,
name: " invitedUser " ,
args: [ username , targetName ] ,
) ;
String get invitedUsersOnly = > Intl . message ( " Invited users only " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get isDeviceKeyCorrect = >
Intl . message ( " Is the following device key correct? " ,
name: " isDeviceKeyCorrect " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get isTyping = > Intl . message ( " is typing... " ) ;
2020-04-08 17:43:07 +02:00
String get editJitsiInstance = > Intl . message ( ' Edit Jitsi instance ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String joinedTheChat ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username joined the chat " ,
name: " joinedTheChat " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
2020-06-27 13:24:19 +02:00
String get joinRoom = > Intl . message ( ' Join room ' ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get keysCached = > Intl . message ( " Keys are cached " , name: " keysCached " ) ;
String get keysMissing = >
Intl . message ( " Keys are missing " , name: " keysMissing " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String kicked ( String username , String targetName ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username kicked $ targetName " ,
name: " kicked " ,
args: [ username , targetName ] ,
) ;
String kickedAndBanned ( String username , String targetName ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username kicked and banned $ targetName " ,
name: " kickedAndBanned " ,
args: [ username , targetName ] ,
) ;
String get kickFromChat = > Intl . message ( " Kick from chat " ) ;
String get leave = > Intl . message ( ' Leave ' ) ;
String get leftTheChat = > Intl . message ( " Left the chat " ) ;
String get logout = > Intl . message ( " Logout " ) ;
String userLeftTheChat ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username left the chat " ,
name: " userLeftTheChat " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
2020-05-06 18:31:38 +02:00
String lastActiveAgo ( String localizedTimeShort ) = > Intl . message (
2020-05-06 19:26:59 +02:00
" Last active: $ localizedTimeShort " ,
2020-05-06 18:31:38 +02:00
name: " lastActiveAgo " ,
args: [ localizedTimeShort ] ,
) ;
2020-02-19 16:23:13 +01:00
String get lastSeenIp = > Intl . message ( " Last seen IP " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get license = > Intl . message ( " License " ) ;
String get loadingPleaseWait = > Intl . message ( " Loading... Please wait " ) ;
2020-05-09 09:30:03 +02:00
String get loadMore = > Intl . message ( ' Load more... ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String loadCountMoreParticipants ( String count ) = > Intl . message (
" Load $ count more participants " ,
name: " loadCountMoreParticipants " ,
args: [ count ] ,
) ;
String get login = > Intl . message ( " Login " ) ;
2020-04-12 10:35:45 +02:00
String logInTo ( String homeserver ) = > Intl . message (
' Log in to $ homeserver ' ,
name: ' logInTo ' ,
args: [ homeserver ] ,
) ;
2020-02-16 11:41:08 +01:00
String get makeAModerator = > Intl . message ( " Make a moderator " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get makeAnAdmin = > Intl . message ( " Make an admin " ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get makeSureTheIdentifierIsValid = >
Intl . message ( " Make sure the identifier is valid " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get messageWillBeRemovedWarning = >
Intl . message ( " Message will be removed for all participants " ) ;
String get moderator = > Intl . message ( " Moderator " ) ;
String get monday = > Intl . message ( " Monday " ) ;
String get muteChat = > Intl . message ( ' Mute chat ' ) ;
2020-02-04 14:42:35 +01:00
String get needPantalaimonWarning = > Intl . message (
" Please be aware that you need Pantalaimon to use end-to-end encryption for now. " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get newMessageInFluffyChat = >
Intl . message ( ' New message in FluffyChat ' ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get newPrivateChat = > Intl . message ( " New private chat " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get newVerificationRequest = >
Intl . message ( " New verification request! " , name: " newVerificationRequest " ) ;
String get noCrossSignBootstrap = > Intl . message (
" Fluffychat currently does not support enabling Cross-Signing. Please enable it from within Riot. " ,
name: " noCrossSignBootstrap " ) ;
String get noMegolmBootstrap = > Intl . message (
" Fluffychat currently does not support enabling Online Key Backup. Please enable it from within Riot. " ,
name: " noMegolmBootstrap " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get noGoogleServicesWarning = > Intl . message (
" It seems that you have no google services on your phone. That's a good decision for your privacy! To receive push notifications in FluffyChat we recommend using microG: https://microg.org/ " ) ;
2020-02-04 14:42:35 +01:00
String get none = > Intl . message ( " None " ) ;
2020-05-12 07:02:33 +00:00
String get noEmotesFound = > Intl . message ( ' No emotes found. 😕 ' ) ;
2020-02-22 08:27:08 +01:00
String get noPermission = > Intl . message ( " No permission " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get noRoomsFound = > Intl . message ( " No rooms found... " ) ;
String get notSupportedInWeb = > Intl . message ( " Not supported in web " ) ;
2020-02-09 15:15:29 +01:00
String numberSelected ( String number ) = >
Intl . message ( " $ number selected " , name: " numberSelected " , args: [ number ] ) ;
2020-05-12 07:02:33 +00:00
String get ok = > Intl . message ( ' ok ' ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get onlineKeyBackupDisabled = >
Intl . message ( " Online Key Backup is disabled " ,
name: " onlineKeyBackupDisabled " ) ;
String get onlineKeyBackupEnabled = >
Intl . message ( " Online Key Backup is enabled " ,
name: " onlineKeyBackupEnabled " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get oopsSomethingWentWrong = >
Intl . message ( " Oops something went wrong... " ) ;
2020-05-07 11:13:54 +02:00
String get openAppToReadMessages = > Intl . message ( ' Open app to read messages ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get openCamera = > Intl . message ( ' Open camera ' ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get optionalGroupName = > Intl . message ( " (Optional) Group name " ) ;
2020-02-04 14:42:35 +01:00
String get participatingUserDevices = >
Intl . message ( " Participating user devices " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get passphraseOrKey = >
Intl . message ( " passphrase or recovery key " , name: " passphraseOrKey " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get password = > Intl . message ( " Password " ) ;
2020-05-12 07:02:33 +00:00
String get pickImage = > Intl . message ( ' Pick image ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String play ( String fileName ) = > Intl . message (
" Play $ fileName " ,
name: " play " ,
args: [ fileName ] ,
) ;
String get pleaseChooseAUsername = > Intl . message ( " Please choose a username " ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get pleaseEnterAMatrixIdentifier = >
Intl . message ( ' Please enter a matrix identifier ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get pleaseEnterYourPassword = >
Intl . message ( " Please enter your password " ) ;
String get pleaseEnterYourUsername = >
Intl . message ( " Please enter your username " ) ;
2020-02-22 20:05:04 +01:00
String get publicRooms = > Intl . message ( " Public Rooms " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get reject = > Intl . message ( " Reject " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get rejoin = > Intl . message ( " Rejoin " ) ;
2020-05-09 11:36:41 +00:00
String get renderRichContent = > Intl . message ( " Render rich message content " ) ;
2020-03-15 11:27:51 +01:00
String get recording = > Intl . message ( " Recording " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String redactedAnEvent ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username redacted an event " ,
name: " redactedAnEvent " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String rejectedTheInvitation ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username rejected the invitation " ,
name: " rejectedTheInvitation " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
2020-02-19 16:23:13 +01:00
String get removeAllOtherDevices = > Intl . message ( " Remove all other devices " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String removedBy ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" Removed by $ username " ,
name: " removedBy " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
2020-02-19 16:23:13 +01:00
String get removeDevice = > Intl . message ( " Remove device " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get removeExile = > Intl . message ( " Remove exile " ) ;
String get revokeAllPermissions = > Intl . message ( " Revoke all permissions " ) ;
String get remove = > Intl . message ( " Remove " ) ;
String get removeMessage = > Intl . message ( ' Remove message ' ) ;
2020-02-09 15:15:29 +01:00
String get reply = > Intl . message ( ' Reply ' ) ;
2020-02-22 08:27:08 +01:00
String get requestPermission = > Intl . message ( ' Request permission ' ) ;
String get requestToReadOlderMessages = >
Intl . message ( " Request to read older messages " ) ;
2020-05-17 10:29:03 +02:00
String get roomHasBeenUpgraded = > Intl . message ( ' Room has been upgraded ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get saturday = > Intl . message ( " Saturday " ) ;
String get share = > Intl . message ( " Share " ) ;
String sharedTheLocation ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username shared the location " ,
name: " sharedTheLocation " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String get searchForAChat = > Intl . message ( " Search for a chat " ) ;
2020-05-15 17:57:53 +00:00
String get lastSeenLongTimeAgo = > Intl . message ( ' Seen a long time ago ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String seenByUser ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" Seen by $ username " ,
name: " seenByUser " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String seenByUserAndUser ( String username , String username2 ) = > Intl . message (
" Seen by $ username and $ username2 " ,
name: " seenByUserAndUser " ,
args: [ username , username2 ] ,
) ;
String seenByUserAndCountOthers ( String username , String count ) = >
Intl . message (
" Seen by $ username and $ count others " ,
name: " seenByUserAndCountOthers " ,
args: [ username , count ] ,
) ;
2020-03-15 11:27:51 +01:00
String get send = > Intl . message ( " Send " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get sendAMessage = > Intl . message ( " Send a message " ) ;
String get sendFile = > Intl . message ( ' Send file ' ) ;
String get sendImage = > Intl . message ( ' Send image ' ) ;
String sentAFile ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username sent a file " ,
name: " sentAFile " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String sentAnAudio ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username sent an audio " ,
name: " sentAnAudio " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String sentAPicture ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username sent a picture " ,
name: " sentAPicture " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String sentASticker ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username sent a sticker " ,
name: " sentASticker " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String sentAVideo ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username sent a video " ,
name: " sentAVideo " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get sessionVerified = >
Intl . message ( " Session is verified " , name: " sessionVerified " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get setAProfilePicture = > Intl . message ( " Set a profile picture " ) ;
String get setGroupDescription = > Intl . message ( " Set group description " ) ;
String get setInvitationLink = > Intl . message ( " Set invitation link " ) ;
2020-04-26 18:15:48 +02:00
String get setStatus = > Intl . message ( ' Set status ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get settings = > Intl . message ( " Settings " ) ;
String get signUp = > Intl . message ( " Sign up " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get skip = > Intl . message ( " Skip " ) ;
2020-02-16 14:57:50 +00:00
String get changeTheme = > Intl . message ( " Change your style " ) ;
String get systemTheme = > Intl . message ( " System " ) ;
2020-04-26 18:15:48 +02:00
String get statusExampleMessage = > Intl . message ( " How are you today? " ) ;
2020-02-16 14:57:50 +00:00
String get lightTheme = > Intl . message ( " Light " ) ;
String get darkTheme = > Intl . message ( " Dark " ) ;
String get useAmoledTheme = > Intl . message ( " Use Amoled compatible colors? " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get sourceCode = > Intl . message ( " Source code " ) ;
String get startYourFirstChat = > Intl . message ( " Start your first chat :-) " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get submit = > Intl . message ( " Submit " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get sunday = > Intl . message ( " Sunday " ) ;
String get donate = > Intl . message ( " Donate " ) ;
String get tapToShowMenu = > Intl . message ( " Tap to show menu " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get theyDontMatch = > Intl . message ( " They Don't Match " ) ;
String get theyMatch = > Intl . message ( " They Match " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get thisRoomHasBeenArchived = >
Intl . message ( " This room has been archived. " ) ;
String get thursday = > Intl . message ( " Thursday " ) ;
String timeOfDay (
String hours12 , String hours24 , String minutes , String suffix ) = >
Intl . message (
" $ hours12 : $ minutes $ suffix " ,
name: " timeOfDay " ,
args: [ hours12 , hours24 , minutes , suffix ] ,
) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get title = > Intl . message (
' FluffyChat ' ,
name: ' title ' ,
desc: ' Title for the application ' ,
locale: localeName ,
) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get tryToSendAgain = > Intl . message ( " Try to send again " ) ;
String get tuesday = > Intl . message ( " Tuesday " ) ;
String unbannedUser ( String username , String targetName ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username unbanned $ targetName " ,
name: " unbannedUser " ,
args: [ username , targetName ] ,
) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get unblockDevice = > Intl . message ( " Unblock Device " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get unmuteChat = > Intl . message ( ' Unmute chat ' ) ;
2020-02-19 16:23:13 +01:00
String get unknownDevice = > Intl . message ( " Unknown device " ) ;
2020-02-22 08:27:08 +01:00
String get unknownEncryptionAlgorithm = >
Intl . message ( " Unknown encryption algorithm " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get unknownSessionVerify = >
Intl . message ( " Unknown session, please verify " ,
name: " unknownSessionVerify " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String unknownEvent ( String type ) = > Intl . message (
" Unknown event ' $ type ' " ,
name: " unknownEvent " ,
args: [ type ] ,
) ;
2020-05-07 11:13:54 +02:00
String unreadChats ( String unreadCount ) = > Intl . message (
" $ unreadCount unread chats " ,
name: " unreadChats " ,
args: [ unreadCount ] ,
) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String unreadMessages ( String unreadEvents ) = > Intl . message (
" $ unreadEvents unread messages " ,
name: " unreadMessages " ,
args: [ unreadEvents ] ,
) ;
String unreadMessagesInChats ( String unreadEvents , String unreadChats ) = >
Intl . message (
" $ unreadEvents unread messages in $ unreadChats chats " ,
name: " unreadMessagesInChats " ,
args: [ unreadEvents , unreadChats ] ,
) ;
String userAndOthersAreTyping ( String username , String count ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username and $ count others are typing... " ,
name: " userAndOthersAreTyping " ,
args: [ username , count ] ,
) ;
String userAndUserAreTyping ( String username , String username2 ) = >
Intl . message (
" $ username and $ username2 are typing... " ,
name: " userAndUserAreTyping " ,
args: [ username , username2 ] ,
) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get username = > Intl . message ( " Username " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String userIsTyping ( String username ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username is typing... " ,
name: " userIsTyping " ,
args: [ username ] ,
) ;
String userSentUnknownEvent ( String username , String type ) = > Intl . message (
" $ username sent a $ type event " ,
name: " userSentUnknownEvent " ,
args: [ username , type ] ,
) ;
2020-02-22 08:27:08 +01:00
String get verify = > Intl . message ( " Verify " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get verifyManual = >
Intl . message ( " Verify Manually " , name: " verifyManual " ) ;
String get verifiedSession = >
Intl . message ( " Successfully verified session! " , name: " verifiedSession " ) ;
String get verifyStart = >
Intl . message ( " Start Verification " , name: " verifyStart " ) ;
String get verifySuccess = >
Intl . message ( " You successfully verified! " , name: " verifySuccess " ) ;
String get verifyTitle = >
Intl . message ( " Verifying other account " , name: " verifyTitle " ) ;
String get verifyUser = > Intl . message ( " Verify User " ) ;
2020-04-08 17:43:07 +02:00
String get videoCall = > Intl . message ( ' Video call ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get visibleForAllParticipants = >
Intl . message ( " Visible for all participants " ) ;
String get visibleForEveryone = > Intl . message ( " Visible for everyone " ) ;
String get visibilityOfTheChatHistory = >
Intl . message ( " Visibility of the chat history " ) ;
2020-03-15 11:27:51 +01:00
String get voiceMessage = > Intl . message ( " Voice message " ) ;
2020-06-25 14:29:06 +00:00
String get waitingPartnerAcceptRequest = >
Intl . message ( " Waiting for partner to accept the request... " ,
name: " waitingPartnerAcceptRequest " ) ;
String get waitingPartnerEmoji = >
Intl . message ( " Waiting for partner to accept the emoji... " ,
name: " waitingPartnerEmoji " ) ;
String get waitingPartnerNumbers = >
Intl . message ( " Waiting for partner to accept the numbers... " ,
name: " waitingPartnerNumbers " ) ;
2020-04-03 20:24:25 +02:00
String get wallpaper = > Intl . message ( " Wallpaper " ) ;
2020-02-15 09:20:08 +01:00
String get warningEncryptionInBeta = > Intl . message (
" End to end encryption is currently in Beta! Use at your own risk! " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get wednesday = > Intl . message ( " Wednesday " ) ;
2020-04-12 11:12:56 +02:00
String get welcomeText = > Intl . message (
' Welcome to the cutest instant messenger in the matrix network. ' ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get whoIsAllowedToJoinThisGroup = >
Intl . message ( " Who is allowed to join this group " ) ;
String get writeAMessage = > Intl . message ( " Write a message... " ) ;
2020-02-04 14:42:35 +01:00
String get yes = > Intl . message ( " Yes " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get you = > Intl . message ( " You " ) ;
String get youAreInvitedToThisChat = >
Intl . message ( " You are invited to this chat " ) ;
String get youAreNoLongerParticipatingInThisChat = >
Intl . message ( " You are no longer participating in this chat " ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get youCannotInviteYourself = >
Intl . message ( " You cannot invite yourself " ) ;
2020-01-20 13:46:39 +01:00
String get youHaveBeenBannedFromThisChat = >
Intl . message ( " You have been banned from this chat " ) ;
2020-01-20 09:50:49 +01:00
String get yourOwnUsername = > Intl . message ( " Your own username " ) ;