2019-06-09 13:57:33 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 2019 Zender & Kurtz GbR.
* Authors:
* Christian Pauly <krille@famedly.com>
* Marcel Radzio <mtrnord@famedly.com>
* This file is part of famedlysdk.
* famedlysdk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* famedlysdk is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2019-06-21 09:46:53 +02:00
* along with famedlysdk. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2019-06-09 13:57:33 +02:00
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:core';
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
import 'package:famedlysdk/src/AccountData.dart';
import 'package:famedlysdk/src/Presence.dart';
2019-10-02 11:33:01 +00:00
import 'package:famedlysdk/src/StoreAPI.dart';
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
import 'package:famedlysdk/src/sync/UserUpdate.dart';
2019-10-18 11:05:07 +00:00
import 'package:famedlysdk/src/utils/MatrixFile.dart';
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
import 'Connection.dart';
2019-06-21 13:30:39 +02:00
import 'Room.dart';
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
import 'RoomList.dart';
2019-10-02 11:33:01 +00:00
//import 'Store.dart';
2019-06-11 13:09:26 +02:00
import 'User.dart';
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
import 'requests/SetPushersRequest.dart';
import 'responses/ErrorResponse.dart';
2019-06-21 07:41:09 +00:00
import 'responses/PushrulesResponse.dart';
2019-11-30 10:36:30 +01:00
import 'utils/Profile.dart';
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
2019-09-02 10:33:32 +02:00
typedef AccountDataEventCB = void Function(AccountData accountData);
typedef PresenceCB = void Function(Presence presence);
2019-06-09 14:33:25 +02:00
/// Represents a Matrix client to communicate with a
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
/// [Matrix](https://matrix.org) homeserver and is the entry point for this
/// SDK.
class Client {
/// Handles the connection for this client.
Connection connection;
/// Optional persistent store for all data.
2019-10-02 11:33:01 +00:00
StoreAPI store;
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
2019-10-02 11:33:01 +00:00
Client(this.clientName, {this.debug = false, this.store}) {
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
connection = Connection(this);
2019-10-02 11:33:01 +00:00
if (this.clientName != "testclient") store = null; //Store(this);
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
connection.onLoginStateChanged.stream.listen((loginState) {
print("LoginState: ${loginState.toString()}");
2019-06-12 13:43:14 +02:00
/// Whether debug prints should be displayed.
final bool debug;
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
/// The required name for this client.
final String clientName;
/// The homeserver this client is communicating with.
String homeserver;
/// The Matrix ID of the current logged user.
String userID;
/// This is the access token for the matrix client. When it is undefined, then
/// the user needs to sign in first.
String accessToken;
/// This points to the position in the synchronization history.
String prevBatch;
/// The device ID is an unique identifier for this device.
String deviceID;
/// The device name is a human readable identifier for this device.
String deviceName;
/// Which version of the matrix specification does this server support?
List<String> matrixVersions;
/// Wheither the server supports lazy load members.
bool lazyLoadMembers = false;
/// Returns the current login state.
bool isLogged() => accessToken != null;
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
/// A list of all rooms the user is participating or invited.
2019-08-07 11:38:51 +02:00
RoomList roomList;
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
/// Key/Value store of account data.
Map<String, AccountData> accountData = {};
/// Presences of users by a given matrix ID
Map<String, Presence> presences = {};
2019-08-08 10:31:39 +02:00
/// Callback will be called on account data updates.
AccountDataEventCB onAccountData;
/// Callback will be called on presences.
PresenceCB onPresence;
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
void handleUserUpdate(UserUpdate userUpdate) {
if (userUpdate.type == "account_data") {
AccountData newAccountData = AccountData.fromJson(userUpdate.content);
accountData[newAccountData.typeKey] = newAccountData;
2019-08-08 10:31:39 +02:00
if (onAccountData != null) onAccountData(newAccountData);
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
if (userUpdate.type == "presence") {
Presence newPresence = Presence.fromJson(userUpdate.content);
2019-08-08 10:31:39 +02:00
presences[newPresence.sender] = newPresence;
if (onPresence != null) onPresence(newPresence);
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
2019-08-08 09:58:37 +02:00
Map<String, dynamic> get directChats =>
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
accountData["m.direct"] != null ? accountData["m.direct"].content : {};
/// Returns the (first) room ID from the store which is a private chat with the user [userId].
/// Returns null if there is none.
2019-08-29 11:12:14 +02:00
String getDirectChatFromUserId(String userId) {
if (accountData["m.direct"] != null &&
accountData["m.direct"].content[userId] is List<dynamic> &&
accountData["m.direct"].content[userId].length > 0) {
if (roomList.getRoomById(accountData["m.direct"].content[userId][0]) !=
null) return accountData["m.direct"].content[userId][0];
(accountData["m.direct"].content[userId] as List<dynamic>)
type: HTTPType.PUT,
action: "/client/r0/user/${userID}/account_data/m.direct",
data: directChats);
return getDirectChatFromUserId(userId);
2019-09-30 12:03:34 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < roomList.rooms.length; i++)
if (roomList.rooms[i].membership == Membership.invite &&
roomList.rooms[i].states[userID]?.senderId == userId &&
roomList.rooms[i].states[userID].content["is_direct"] == true)
return roomList.rooms[i].id;
2019-08-29 11:12:14 +02:00
return null;
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
/// Checks the supported versions of the Matrix protocol and the supported
/// login types. Returns false if the server is not compatible with the
/// client. Automatically sets [matrixVersions] and [lazyLoadMembers].
Future<bool> checkServer(serverUrl) async {
homeserver = serverUrl;
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
final versionResp = await connection.jsonRequest(
type: HTTPType.GET, action: "/client/versions");
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
if (versionResp is ErrorResponse) {
connection.onError.add(ErrorResponse(errcode: "NO_RESPONSE", error: ""));
return false;
final List<String> versions = List<String>.from(versionResp["versions"]);
if (versions == null) {
connection.onError.add(ErrorResponse(errcode: "NO_RESPONSE", error: ""));
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {
2019-08-06 09:47:09 +00:00
if (versions[i] == "r0.5.0")
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
else if (i == versions.length - 1) {
connection.onError.add(ErrorResponse(errcode: "NO_SUPPORT", error: ""));
return false;
matrixVersions = versions;
if (versionResp.containsKey("unstable_features") &&
versionResp["unstable_features"].containsKey("m.lazy_load_members")) {
lazyLoadMembers = versionResp["unstable_features"]["m.lazy_load_members"]
? true
: false;
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
final loginResp = await connection.jsonRequest(
type: HTTPType.GET, action: "/client/r0/login");
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
if (loginResp is ErrorResponse) {
return false;
final List<dynamic> flows = loginResp["flows"];
for (int i = 0; i < flows.length; i++) {
if (flows[i].containsKey("type") &&
flows[i]["type"] == "m.login.password")
else if (i == flows.length - 1) {
connection.onError.add(ErrorResponse(errcode: "NO_SUPPORT", error: ""));
return false;
return true;
/// Handles the login and allows the client to call all APIs which require
/// authentication. Returns false if the login was not successful.
Future<bool> login(String username, String password) async {
2019-06-11 13:09:26 +02:00
final loginResp = await connection
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
.jsonRequest(type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/client/r0/login", data: {
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
"type": "m.login.password",
"user": username,
"identifier": {
"type": "m.id.user",
"user": username,
"password": password,
"initial_device_display_name": "Famedly Talk"
if (loginResp is ErrorResponse) {
return false;
final userID = loginResp["user_id"];
final accessToken = loginResp["access_token"];
if (userID == null || accessToken == null) {
connection.onError.add(ErrorResponse(errcode: "NO_SUPPORT", error: ""));
await connection.connect(
newToken: accessToken,
newUserID: userID,
newHomeserver: homeserver,
newDeviceName: "",
newDeviceID: "",
newMatrixVersions: matrixVersions,
newLazyLoadMembers: lazyLoadMembers);
return true;
/// Sends a logout command to the homeserver and clears all local data,
/// including all persistent data from the store.
Future<void> logout() async {
2019-06-11 13:09:26 +02:00
final dynamic resp = await connection.jsonRequest(
2019-10-09 11:16:26 +00:00
type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/client/r0/logout");
2019-06-14 08:09:37 +02:00
if (resp is ErrorResponse) connection.onError.add(resp);
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00
await connection.clear();
2019-11-30 10:36:30 +01:00
/// Get the combined profile information for this user. This API may be used to
/// fetch the user's own profile information or other users; either locally
/// or on remote homeservers.
Future<Profile> getProfileFromUserId(String userId) async {
final dynamic resp = await connection.jsonRequest(
type: HTTPType.GET, action: "/client/r0/profile/${userId}");
if (resp is ErrorResponse) {
return null;
return Profile.fromJson(resp);
2019-09-19 14:00:17 +00:00
/// Creates a new [RoomList] object.
RoomList getRoomList(
2019-11-29 16:19:32 +00:00
{onRoomListUpdateCallback onUpdate,
2019-06-25 12:06:26 +02:00
onRoomListInsertCallback onInsert,
2019-09-19 14:00:17 +00:00
onRoomListRemoveCallback onRemove}) {
2019-11-29 16:19:32 +00:00
List<Room> rooms = roomList.rooms;
2019-06-21 13:30:39 +02:00
return RoomList(
client: this,
2019-11-29 16:19:32 +00:00
onlyLeft: false,
2019-06-21 13:30:39 +02:00
onUpdate: onUpdate,
onInsert: onInsert,
onRemove: onRemove,
rooms: rooms);
2019-11-29 16:19:32 +00:00
Future<RoomList> get archive async {
RoomList archiveList = RoomList(client: this, rooms: [], onlyLeft: true);
String syncFilters =
String action = "/client/r0/sync?filter=$syncFilters&timeout=0";
final syncResp =
await connection.jsonRequest(type: HTTPType.GET, action: action);
if (!(syncResp is ErrorResponse)) await connection.handleSync(syncResp);
return archiveList;
2019-09-19 14:00:17 +00:00
2019-11-29 16:19:32 +00:00
/// Searches in the roomList and in the archive for a room with the given [id].
Room getRoomById(String id) => roomList.getRoomById(id);
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
Future<dynamic> joinRoomById(String id) async {
return await connection.jsonRequest(
type: HTTPType.POST, action: "/client/r0/join/$id");
2019-07-26 14:46:23 +02:00
/// Loads the contact list for this user excluding the user itself.
/// Currently the contacts are found by discovering the contacts of
/// the famedlyContactDiscovery room, which is
2019-07-26 14:00:12 +02:00
/// defined by the autojoin room feature in Synapse.
2019-07-26 14:46:23 +02:00
Future<List<User>> loadFamedlyContacts() async {
2019-07-26 14:07:29 +00:00
List<User> contacts = [];
2019-08-07 12:06:28 +02:00
Room contactDiscoveryRoom = roomList
2019-07-26 14:00:12 +02:00
2019-07-26 14:07:29 +00:00
if (contactDiscoveryRoom != null)
contacts = await contactDiscoveryRoom.requestParticipants();
2019-10-14 13:20:03 +00:00
else {
2019-10-14 16:50:10 +00:00
Map<String, bool> userMap = {};
2019-10-14 13:20:03 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < roomList.rooms.length; i++) {
List<User> roomUsers = roomList.rooms[i].getParticipants();
2019-10-14 16:50:10 +00:00
for (int j = 0; j < roomUsers.length; j++) {
if (userMap[roomUsers[j].id] != true) contacts.add(roomUsers[j]);
userMap[roomUsers[j].id] = true;
2019-10-14 13:20:03 +00:00
2019-07-26 14:00:12 +02:00
return contacts;
2019-09-26 14:53:08 +00:00
@Deprecated('Please use [createRoom] instead!')
Future<String> createGroup(List<User> users) => createRoom(invite: users);
2019-06-11 13:09:26 +02:00
/// Creates a new group chat and invites the given Users and returns the new
2019-09-26 14:53:08 +00:00
/// created room ID. If [params] are provided, invite will be ignored. For the
/// moment please look at https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.5.0#post-matrix-client-r0-createroom
/// to configure [params].
Future<String> createRoom(
{List<User> invite, Map<String, dynamic> params}) async {
2019-06-11 13:09:26 +02:00
List<String> inviteIDs = [];
2019-09-30 12:03:34 +00:00
if (params == null && invite != null)
2019-09-27 04:57:04 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < invite.length; i++) inviteIDs.add(invite[i].id);
2019-06-11 13:09:26 +02:00
2019-06-14 08:09:37 +02:00
final dynamic resp = await connection.jsonRequest(
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
type: HTTPType.POST,
2019-06-11 13:09:26 +02:00
action: "/client/r0/createRoom",
2019-09-26 14:53:08 +00:00
data: params == null
? {
"invite": inviteIDs,
: params);
2019-06-11 13:09:26 +02:00
2019-06-14 08:09:37 +02:00
if (resp is ErrorResponse) {
return null;
2019-06-11 13:09:26 +02:00
return resp["room_id"];
2019-06-21 07:41:09 +00:00
2019-09-09 13:22:02 +00:00
/// Uploads a new user avatar for this user. Returns ErrorResponse if something went wrong.
2019-10-18 11:05:07 +00:00
Future<dynamic> setAvatar(MatrixFile file) async {
2019-09-09 13:22:02 +00:00
final uploadResp = await connection.upload(file);
if (uploadResp is ErrorResponse) return uploadResp;
final setAvatarResp = await connection.jsonRequest(
type: HTTPType.PUT,
action: "/client/r0/profile/$userID/avatar_url",
data: {"avatar_url": uploadResp});
if (setAvatarResp is ErrorResponse) return setAvatarResp;
return null;
2019-06-21 07:41:09 +00:00
/// Fetches the pushrules for the logged in user.
/// These are needed for notifications on Android
Future<PushrulesResponse> getPushrules() async {
final dynamic resp = await connection.jsonRequest(
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
type: HTTPType.GET,
2019-07-18 18:47:59 +02:00
action: "/client/r0/pushrules/",
2019-06-21 07:41:09 +00:00
if (resp is ErrorResponse) {
return null;
return PushrulesResponse.fromJson(resp);
2019-06-25 15:33:56 +02:00
/// This endpoint allows the creation, modification and deletion of pushers for this user ID.
2019-07-24 09:59:29 +02:00
Future<dynamic> setPushers(SetPushersRequest data) async {
2019-06-25 15:33:56 +02:00
final dynamic resp = await connection.jsonRequest(
2019-07-12 09:26:07 +00:00
type: HTTPType.POST,
2019-06-25 15:33:56 +02:00
action: "/client/r0/pushers/set",
2019-07-18 15:21:19 +00:00
data: data.toJson(),
2019-06-25 15:33:56 +02:00
if (resp is ErrorResponse) {
2019-07-24 09:59:29 +02:00
return resp;
2019-06-25 15:33:56 +02:00
2019-06-09 12:16:48 +02:00