first SSSS stuff
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 845 additions and 10 deletions
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart';
import 'event.dart';
import 'room.dart';
import 'ssss.dart';
import 'sync/event_update.dart';
import 'sync/room_update.dart';
import 'sync/user_update.dart';
@ -79,6 +80,8 @@ class Client {
bool enableE2eeRecovery;
SSSS ssss;
/// Create a client
/// clientName = unique identifier of this client
/// debug: Print debug output?
@ -86,6 +89,7 @@ class Client {
/// enableE2eeRecovery: Enable additional logic to try to recover from bad e2ee sessions
{this.debug = false, this.database, this.enableE2eeRecovery = false}) {
ssss = SSSS(this);
|||| {
print('LoginState: ${loginState.toString()}');
@ -1146,6 +1150,9 @@ class Client {
if (toDeviceEvent.type.startsWith('m.key.verification.')) {
if (toDeviceEvent.type.startsWith('m.secret.')) {
@ -2013,12 +2020,16 @@ class Client {
Map<String, dynamic> message, {
bool encrypted = true,
List<User> toUsers,
bool onlyVerified = false,
}) async {
if (encrypted && !encryptionEnabled) return;
// Don't send this message to blocked devices.
// Don't send this message to blocked devices, and if specified onlyVerified
// then only send it to verified devices
if (deviceKeys.isNotEmpty) {
deviceKeys.removeWhere((DeviceKeys deviceKeys) =>
deviceKeys.blocked || deviceKeys.deviceId == deviceID);
deviceKeys.blocked ||
deviceKeys.deviceId == deviceID ||
(onlyVerified && !deviceKeys.verified));
if (deviceKeys.isEmpty) return;
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ class Database extends _$Database {
if (from == 3) {
await m.createTable(userCrossSigningKeys);
await m.createIndex(userCrossSigningKeysIndex);
await m.createTable(ssssCache);
// mark all keys as outdated so that the cross signing keys will be fetched
await m.issueCustomQuery(
'UPDATE user_device_keys SET outdated = true');
@ -125,6 +126,14 @@ class Database extends _$Database {
return res.first;
Future<DbSSSSCache> getSSSSCache(int clientId, String type) async {
final res = await dbGetSSSSCache(clientId, type).get();
if (res.isEmpty) {
return null;
return res.first;
Future<List<sdk.Room>> getRoomList(sdk.Client client,
{bool onlyLeft = false}) async {
final res = await (select(rooms)
@ -416,10 +425,14 @@ class Database extends _$Database {
..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(olmSessions)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(userCrossSigningKeys)
..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(userDeviceKeysKey)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(userDeviceKeys)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(ssssCache)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(clients)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
@ -4801,6 +4801,263 @@ class Presences extends Table with TableInfo<Presences, DbPresence> {
bool get dontWriteConstraints => true;
class DbSSSSCache extends DataClass implements Insertable<DbSSSSCache> {
final int clientId;
final String type;
final String keyId;
final String content;
{@required this.clientId,
@required this.type,
@required this.keyId,
@required this.content});
factory DbSSSSCache.fromData(Map<String, dynamic> data, GeneratedDatabase db,
{String prefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = prefix ?? '';
final intType = db.typeSystem.forDartType<int>();
final stringType = db.typeSystem.forDartType<String>();
return DbSSSSCache(
type: stringType.mapFromDatabaseResponse(data['${effectivePrefix}type']),
Map<String, Expression> toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) {
final map = <String, Expression>{};
if (!nullToAbsent || clientId != null) {
map['client_id'] = Variable<int>(clientId);
if (!nullToAbsent || type != null) {
map['type'] = Variable<String>(type);
if (!nullToAbsent || keyId != null) {
map['key_id'] = Variable<String>(keyId);
if (!nullToAbsent || content != null) {
map['content'] = Variable<String>(content);
return map;
factory DbSSSSCache.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json,
{ValueSerializer serializer}) {
serializer ??= moorRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer;
return DbSSSSCache(
clientId: serializer.fromJson<int>(json['client_id']),
type: serializer.fromJson<String>(json['type']),
keyId: serializer.fromJson<String>(json['key_id']),
content: serializer.fromJson<String>(json['content']),
Map<String, dynamic> toJson({ValueSerializer serializer}) {
serializer ??= moorRuntimeOptions.defaultSerializer;
return <String, dynamic>{
'client_id': serializer.toJson<int>(clientId),
'type': serializer.toJson<String>(type),
'key_id': serializer.toJson<String>(keyId),
'content': serializer.toJson<String>(content),
DbSSSSCache copyWith(
{int clientId, String type, String keyId, String content}) =>
clientId: clientId ?? this.clientId,
type: type ?? this.type,
keyId: keyId ?? this.keyId,
content: content ?? this.content,
String toString() {
return (StringBuffer('DbSSSSCache(')
..write('clientId: $clientId, ')
..write('type: $type, ')
..write('keyId: $keyId, ')
..write('content: $content')
int get hashCode => $mrjf($mrjc(clientId.hashCode,
$mrjc(type.hashCode, $mrjc(keyId.hashCode, content.hashCode))));
bool operator ==(dynamic other) =>
identical(this, other) ||
(other is DbSSSSCache &&
other.clientId == this.clientId &&
other.type == this.type &&
other.keyId == this.keyId &&
other.content == this.content);
class SsssCacheCompanion extends UpdateCompanion<DbSSSSCache> {
final Value<int> clientId;
final Value<String> type;
final Value<String> keyId;
final Value<String> content;
const SsssCacheCompanion({
this.clientId = const Value.absent(),
this.type = const Value.absent(),
this.keyId = const Value.absent(),
this.content = const Value.absent(),
@required int clientId,
@required String type,
@required String keyId,
@required String content,
}) : clientId = Value(clientId),
type = Value(type),
keyId = Value(keyId),
content = Value(content);
static Insertable<DbSSSSCache> custom({
Expression<int> clientId,
Expression<String> type,
Expression<String> keyId,
Expression<String> content,
}) {
return RawValuesInsertable({
if (clientId != null) 'client_id': clientId,
if (type != null) 'type': type,
if (keyId != null) 'key_id': keyId,
if (content != null) 'content': content,
SsssCacheCompanion copyWith(
{Value<int> clientId,
Value<String> type,
Value<String> keyId,
Value<String> content}) {
return SsssCacheCompanion(
clientId: clientId ?? this.clientId,
type: type ?? this.type,
keyId: keyId ?? this.keyId,
content: content ?? this.content,
Map<String, Expression> toColumns(bool nullToAbsent) {
final map = <String, Expression>{};
if (clientId.present) {
map['client_id'] = Variable<int>(clientId.value);
if (type.present) {
map['type'] = Variable<String>(type.value);
if (keyId.present) {
map['key_id'] = Variable<String>(keyId.value);
if (content.present) {
map['content'] = Variable<String>(content.value);
return map;
class SsssCache extends Table with TableInfo<SsssCache, DbSSSSCache> {
final GeneratedDatabase _db;
final String _alias;
SsssCache(this._db, [this._alias]);
final VerificationMeta _clientIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('clientId');
GeneratedIntColumn _clientId;
GeneratedIntColumn get clientId => _clientId ??= _constructClientId();
GeneratedIntColumn _constructClientId() {
return GeneratedIntColumn('client_id', $tableName, false,
$customConstraints: 'NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id)');
final VerificationMeta _typeMeta = const VerificationMeta('type');
GeneratedTextColumn _type;
GeneratedTextColumn get type => _type ??= _constructType();
GeneratedTextColumn _constructType() {
return GeneratedTextColumn('type', $tableName, false,
$customConstraints: 'NOT NULL');
final VerificationMeta _keyIdMeta = const VerificationMeta('keyId');
GeneratedTextColumn _keyId;
GeneratedTextColumn get keyId => _keyId ??= _constructKeyId();
GeneratedTextColumn _constructKeyId() {
return GeneratedTextColumn('key_id', $tableName, false,
$customConstraints: 'NOT NULL');
final VerificationMeta _contentMeta = const VerificationMeta('content');
GeneratedTextColumn _content;
GeneratedTextColumn get content => _content ??= _constructContent();
GeneratedTextColumn _constructContent() {
return GeneratedTextColumn('content', $tableName, false,
$customConstraints: 'NOT NULL');
List<GeneratedColumn> get $columns => [clientId, type, keyId, content];
SsssCache get asDslTable => this;
String get $tableName => _alias ?? 'ssss_cache';
final String actualTableName = 'ssss_cache';
VerificationContext validateIntegrity(Insertable<DbSSSSCache> instance,
{bool isInserting = false}) {
final context = VerificationContext();
final data = instance.toColumns(true);
if (data.containsKey('client_id')) {
clientId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['client_id'], _clientIdMeta));
} else if (isInserting) {
if (data.containsKey('type')) {
_typeMeta, type.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['type'], _typeMeta));
} else if (isInserting) {
if (data.containsKey('key_id')) {
_keyIdMeta, keyId.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['key_id'], _keyIdMeta));
} else if (isInserting) {
if (data.containsKey('content')) {
content.isAcceptableOrUnknown(data['content'], _contentMeta));
} else if (isInserting) {
return context;
Set<GeneratedColumn> get $primaryKey => <GeneratedColumn>{};
DbSSSSCache map(Map<String, dynamic> data, {String tablePrefix}) {
final effectivePrefix = tablePrefix != null ? '$tablePrefix.' : null;
return DbSSSSCache.fromData(data, _db, prefix: effectivePrefix);
SsssCache createAlias(String alias) {
return SsssCache(_db, alias);
List<String> get customConstraints => const ['UNIQUE(client_id, type)'];
bool get dontWriteConstraints => true;
class DbFile extends DataClass implements Insertable<DbFile> {
final String mxcUri;
final Uint8List bytes;
@ -5087,6 +5344,8 @@ abstract class _$Database extends GeneratedDatabase {
Index _presencesIndex;
Index get presencesIndex => _presencesIndex ??= Index('presences_index',
'CREATE INDEX presences_index ON presences(client_id);');
SsssCache _ssssCache;
SsssCache get ssssCache => _ssssCache ??= SsssCache(this);
Files _files;
Files get files => _files ??= Files(this);
DbClient _rowToDbClient(QueryRow row) {
@ -5498,6 +5757,36 @@ abstract class _$Database extends GeneratedDatabase {
Future<int> storeSSSSCache(
int client_id, String type, String key_id, String content) {
return customInsert(
'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ssss_cache (client_id, type, key_id, content) VALUES (:client_id, :type, :key_id, :content)',
variables: [
updates: {ssssCache},
DbSSSSCache _rowToDbSSSSCache(QueryRow row) {
return DbSSSSCache(
clientId: row.readInt('client_id'),
type: row.readString('type'),
keyId: row.readString('key_id'),
content: row.readString('content'),
Selectable<DbSSSSCache> dbGetSSSSCache(int client_id, String type) {
return customSelect(
'SELECT * FROM ssss_cache WHERE client_id = :client_id AND type = :type',
variables: [Variable.withInt(client_id), Variable.withString(type)],
readsFrom: {ssssCache}).map(_rowToDbSSSSCache);
Future<int> insertClient(
String name,
String homeserver_url,
@ -5924,6 +6213,7 @@ abstract class _$Database extends GeneratedDatabase {
@ -74,6 +74,14 @@ CREATE TABLE inbound_group_sessions (
) AS DbInboundGroupSession;
CREATE INDEX inbound_group_sessions_index ON inbound_group_sessions(client_id);
CREATE TABLE ssss_cache (
client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id),
content TEXT NOT NULL,
UNIQUE(client_id, type)
) AS DbSSSSCache;
client_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES clients(client_id),
room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
@ -186,6 +194,8 @@ setVerifiedUserCrossSigningKey: UPDATE user_cross_signing_keys SET verified = :v
setBlockedUserCrossSigningKey: UPDATE user_cross_signing_keys SET blocked = :blocked WHERE client_id = :client_id AND user_id = :user_id AND public_key = :public_key;
storeUserCrossSigningKey: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO user_cross_signing_keys (client_id, user_id, public_key, content, verified, blocked) VALUES (:client_id, :user_id, :public_key, :content, :verified, :blocked);
removeUserCrossSigningKey: DELETE FROM user_cross_signing_keys WHERE client_id = :client_id AND user_id = :user_id AND public_key = :public_key;
storeSSSSCache: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ssss_cache (client_id, type, key_id, content) VALUES (:client_id, :type, :key_id, :content);
dbGetSSSSCache: SELECT * FROM ssss_cache WHERE client_id = :client_id AND type = :type;
insertClient: INSERT INTO clients (name, homeserver_url, token, user_id, device_id, device_name, prev_batch, olm_account) VALUES (:name, :homeserver_url, :token, :user_id, :device_id, :device_name, :prev_batch, :olm_account);
ensureRoomExists: INSERT OR IGNORE INTO rooms (client_id, room_id, membership) VALUES (:client_id, :room_id, :membership);
setRoomPrevBatch: UPDATE rooms SET prev_batch = :prev_batch WHERE client_id = :client_id AND room_id = :room_id;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:encrypt/encrypt.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import "package:base58check/base58.dart";
import 'package:password_hash/password_hash.dart';
import 'package:random_string/random_string.dart';
import 'client.dart';
import 'account_data.dart';
import 'utils/device_keys_list.dart';
import 'utils/to_device_event.dart';
const CACHE_TYPES = <String>[
const ZERO_STR =
const base58 = const Base58Codec(BASE58_ALPHABET);
const OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX = [0x8B, 0x01];
const OLM_PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH = 32; // TODO: fetch from dart-olm
const AES_BLOCKSIZE = 16;
class SSSS {
final Client client;
final pendingShareRequests = <String, _ShareRequest>{};
static _DerivedKeys deriveKeys(Uint8List key, String name) {
final zerosalt = Uint8List(8);
final prk = Hmac(sha256, zerosalt).convert(key);
final b = Uint8List(1);
b[0] = 1;
final aesKey = Hmac(sha256, prk.bytes).convert(utf8.encode(name) + b);
b[0] = 2;
final a = aesKey.bytes + utf8.encode(name) + b;
final hmacKey =
Hmac(sha256, prk.bytes).convert(aesKey.bytes + utf8.encode(name) + b);
return _DerivedKeys(aesKey: aesKey.bytes, hmacKey: hmacKey.bytes);
static _Encrypted encryptAes(String data, Uint8List key, String name,
[String ivStr]) {
Uint8List iv;
if (ivStr != null) {
iv = base64.decode(ivStr);
} else {
iv = Uint8List.fromList(SecureRandom(16).bytes);
// we need to clear bit 63 of the IV
iv[8] &= 0x7f;
final keys = deriveKeys(key, name);
// workaround for
var plain = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode(data));
final bytesMissing = AES_BLOCKSIZE - (plain.lengthInBytes % AES_BLOCKSIZE);
if (bytesMissing != AES_BLOCKSIZE) {
// we want to be able to modify it
final oldPlain = plain;
plain = Uint8List(plain.lengthInBytes + bytesMissing);
for (var i = 0; i < oldPlain.lengthInBytes; i++) {
plain[i] = oldPlain[i];
var ciphertext = AES(Key(keys.aesKey), mode: AESMode.ctr, padding: null)
.encrypt(plain, iv: IV(iv)).bytes;
if (bytesMissing != AES_BLOCKSIZE) {
// chop off those extra bytes again
ciphertext = ciphertext.sublist(0, plain.length - bytesMissing);
final hmac = Hmac(sha256, keys.hmacKey).convert(ciphertext);
return _Encrypted(
iv: base64.encode(iv),
ciphertext: base64.encode(ciphertext),
mac: base64.encode(hmac.bytes));
static String decryptAes(_Encrypted data, Uint8List key, String name) {
final keys = deriveKeys(key, name);
final hmac = base64
.encode(Hmac(sha256, keys.hmacKey)
.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '');
if (hmac != data.mac.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '')) {
throw 'Bad MAC';
// workaround for
var cipher = base64.decode(data.ciphertext);
final bytesMissing = AES_BLOCKSIZE - (cipher.lengthInBytes % AES_BLOCKSIZE);
if (bytesMissing != AES_BLOCKSIZE) {
// we want to be able to modify it
final oldCipher = cipher;
cipher = Uint8List(cipher.lengthInBytes + bytesMissing);
for (var i = 0; i < oldCipher.lengthInBytes; i++) {
cipher[i] = oldCipher[i];
final decipher = AES(Key(keys.aesKey), mode: AESMode.ctr, padding: null).decrypt(
iv: IV(base64.decode(data.iv)));
if (bytesMissing != AES_BLOCKSIZE) {
// chop off those extra bytes again
return String.fromCharCodes(decipher.sublist(0, decipher.length - bytesMissing));
return String.fromCharCodes(decipher);
static Uint8List decodeRecoveryKey(String recoveryKey) {
final result = base58.decode(recoveryKey.replaceAll(' ', ''));
var parity = 0;
for (final b in result) {
parity ^= b;
if (parity != 0) {
throw 'Incorrect parity';
for (var i = 0; i < OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX.length; i++) {
if (result[i] != OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX[i]) {
throw 'Incorrect prefix';
if (result.length !=
throw 'Incorrect length';
return Uint8List.fromList(result.sublist(OLM_RECOVERY_KEY_PREFIX.length,
static Uint8List keyFromPassword(String password, _PasswordInfo info) {
if (info.algorithm != 'm.pbkdf2') {
throw 'Unknown algorithm';
final generator = PBKDF2(hashAlgorithm: sha512);
return Uint8List.fromList(generator.generateKey(
password, info.salt, info.iterations, info.bits != null ? info.bits / 8 : 32));
String get defaultKeyId {
final keyData = client.accountData['m.secret_storage.default_key'];
if (keyData == null || !(keyData.content['key'] is String)) {
return null;
return keyData.content['key'];
AccountData getKey(String keyId) {
return client.accountData['m.secret_storage.key.${keyId}'];
bool checkKey(Uint8List key, AccountData keyData) {
final info = keyData.content;
if (info['algorithm'] == 'm.secret_storage.v1.aes-hmac-sha2') {
if ((info['mac'] is String) && (info['iv'] is String)) {
final encrypted = encryptAes(ZERO_STR, key, '', info['iv']);
return info['mac'].replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '') ==
encrypted.mac.replaceAll(RegExp(r'=+$'), '');
} else {
// no real information about the key, assume it is valid
return true;
} else {
throw 'Unknown Algorithm';
Future<String> getCached(String type) async {
if (client.database == null) {
return null;
final ret = await client.database.getSSSSCache(, type);
if (ret == null) {
return null;
// check if it is still valid
final keys = keyIdsFromType(type);
if (keys.contains(ret.keyId)) {
return ret.content;
return null;
Future<String> getStored(String type, String keyId, Uint8List key) async {
final secretInfo = client.accountData[type];
if (secretInfo == null) {
throw 'Not found';
if (!(secretInfo.content['encrypted'] is Map)) {
throw 'Content is not encrypted';
if (!(secretInfo.content['encrypted'][keyId] is Map)) {
throw 'Wrong / unknown key';
final enc = secretInfo.content['encrypted'][keyId];
final encryptInfo = _Encrypted(
iv: enc['iv'], ciphertext: enc['ciphertext'], mac: enc['mac']);
final decrypted = decryptAes(encryptInfo, key, type);
if (CACHE_TYPES.contains(type) && client.database != null) {
// cache the thing
await client.database.storeSSSSCache(, type, keyId, decrypted);
return decrypted;
Future<void> store(
String type, String secret, String keyId, Uint8List key) async {
final encrypted = encryptAes(secret, key, type);
final content = <String, dynamic>{
'encrypted': <String, dynamic>{},
content['encrypted'][keyId] = <String, dynamic>{
'iv': encrypted.iv,
'ciphertext': encrypted.ciphertext,
'mac': encrypted.mac,
// store the thing in your account data
await client.jsonRequest(
type: HTTPType.PUT,
action: '/client/r0/user/${client.userID}/account_data/${type}',
data: content,
if (CACHE_TYPES.contains(type) && client.database != null) {
// cache the thing
await client.database.storeSSSSCache(, type, keyId, secret);
Future<void> maybeRequestAll(List<DeviceKeys> devices) async {
for (final type in CACHE_TYPES) {
final secret = await getCached(type);
if (secret == null) {
await request(type, devices);
Future<void> request(String type, List<DeviceKeys> devices) async {
// only send to own, verified devices
print('[SSSS] Requesting type ${type}...');
devices.removeWhere((DeviceKeys d) =>
d.userId != client.userID ||
!d.verified ||
d.blocked ||
d.deviceId == client.deviceID);
if (devices.isEmpty) {
print('[SSSS] Warn: No devices');
final requestId =
randomString(512) +;
final request = _ShareRequest(
requestId: requestId,
type: type,
devices: devices,
pendingShareRequests[requestId] = request;
await client.sendToDevice(devices, 'm.secret.request', {
'action': 'request',
'requesting_device_id': client.deviceID,
'request_id': requestId,
'name': type,
Future<void> handleToDeviceEvent(ToDeviceEvent event) async {
if (event.type == 'm.secret.request') {
// got a request to share a secret
print('[SSSS] Received sharing request...');
if (event.sender != client.userID ||
!client.userDeviceKeys.containsKey(client.userID)) {
print('[SSSS] Not sent by us');
return; // we aren't asking for it ourselves, so ignore
if (event.content['action'] != 'request') {
print('[SSSS] it is actually a cancelation');
return; // not actually requesting, so ignore
final device = client.userDeviceKeys[client.userID]
if (device == null || !device.verified || device.blocked) {
print('[SSSS] Unknown / unverified devices, ignoring');
return; // nope....unknown or untrusted device
// alright, all seems fine...let's check if we actually have the secret they are asking for
final type = event.content['name'];
final secret = await getCached(type);
if (secret == null) {
print('[SSSS] We don\'t have the secret for ${type} ourself, ignoring');
return; // seems like we don't have this, either
// okay, all checks out...time to share this secret!
print('[SSSS] Replying with secret for ${type}');
await client.sendToDevice(
'request_id': event.content['request_id'],
'secret': secret,
} else if (event.type == 'm.secret.send') {
// receiving a secret we asked for
print('[SSSS] Received shared secret...');
if (event.sender != client.userID ||
!pendingShareRequests.containsKey(event.content['request_id'])) {
print('[SSSS] Not by us or unknown request');
return; // we have no idea what we just received
final request = pendingShareRequests[event.content['request_id']];
// alright, as we received a known request id we know that it must have originated from a trusted source
if (!(event.content['secret'] is String)) {
print('[SSSS] Secret wasn\'t a string');
return; // the secret wasn't a string....wut?
if (request.start.add(Duration(minutes: 15)).isBefore( {
print('[SSSS] Request is too far in the past');
return; // our request is more than 15min in the past...better not trust it anymore
print('[SSSS] Secret for type ${request.type} is ok, storing it');
if (client.database != null) {
final keyId = keyIdFromType(request.type);
if (keyId != null) {
await client.database.storeSSSSCache(
||||, request.type, keyId, event.content['secret']);
Set<String> keyIdsFromType(String type) {
final data = client.accountData[type];
if (data == null) {
return null;
if (data.content['encrypted'] is Map) {
final keys = Set<String>();
String maybeKey;
for (final key in data.content['encrypted'].keys) {
return keys;
return null;
String keyIdFromType(String type) {
final keys = keyIdsFromType(type);
if (keys == null || keys.isEmpty) {
return null;
if (keys.contains(defaultKeyId)) {
return defaultKeyId;
return keys.first;
OpenSSSS open([String identifier]) {
if (identifier == null) {
identifier = defaultKeyId;
if (identifier == null) {
throw 'Dont know what to open';
final keyToOpen = keyIdFromType(identifier) ?? identifier;
if (keyToOpen == null) {
throw 'No key found to open';
final key = getKey(keyToOpen);
if (key == null) {
throw 'Unknown key to open';
return OpenSSSS(ssss: this, keyId: keyToOpen, keyData: key);
class _ShareRequest {
final String requestId;
final String type;
final List<DeviceKeys> devices;
final DateTime start;
_ShareRequest({this.requestId, this.type, this.devices})
: start =;
class _Encrypted {
final String iv;
final String ciphertext;
final String mac;
_Encrypted({this.iv, this.ciphertext, this.mac});
class _DerivedKeys {
final Uint8List aesKey;
final Uint8List hmacKey;
_DerivedKeys({this.aesKey, this.hmacKey});
class _PasswordInfo {
final String algorithm;
final String salt;
final int iterations;
final int bits;
_PasswordInfo({this.algorithm, this.salt, this.iterations, this.bits});
class OpenSSSS {
final SSSS ssss;
final String keyId;
final AccountData keyData;
OpenSSSS({this.ssss, this.keyId, this.keyData});
Uint8List privateKey;
bool get isUnlocked => privateKey != null;
void unlock({String password, String recoveryKey}) {
if (password != null) {
privateKey = SSSS.keyFromPassword(
algorithm: keyData.content['passphrase']['algorithm'],
salt: keyData.content['passphrase']['salt'],
iterations: keyData.content['passphrase']['iterations'],
bits: keyData.content['passphrase']['bits']));
} else if (recoveryKey != null) {
privateKey = SSSS.decodeRecoveryKey(recoveryKey);
} else {
throw 'Nothing specified';
// verify the validity of the key
if (!ssss.checkKey(privateKey, keyData)) {
privateKey = null;
throw 'Inalid key';
Future<String> getStored(String type) async {
return await ssss.getStored(type, keyId, privateKey);
@ -132,7 +132,8 @@ class KeyVerification {
Future<void> start() async {
if (room == null) {
transactionId = randomString(512);
transactionId =
randomString(512) +;
await send('m.key.verification.request', {
@ -323,16 +324,31 @@ class KeyVerification {
// okay, we reached this far, so all the devices are verified!
var verifiedMasterKey = false;
final verifiedUserDevices = <DeviceKeys>[];
for (final verifyDeviceId in verifiedDevices) {
if (client.userDeviceKeys[userId].deviceKeys
.containsKey(verifyDeviceId)) {
await client.userDeviceKeys[userId].deviceKeys[verifyDeviceId]
final key = client.userDeviceKeys[userId].deviceKeys[verifyDeviceId];
await key.setVerified(true);
} else if (client.userDeviceKeys[userId].crossSigningKeys
.containsKey(verifyDeviceId)) {
await client.userDeviceKeys[userId].crossSigningKeys[verifyDeviceId]
// TODO: sign the other persons master key
final key =
await key.setVerified(true);
if (key.usage.contains('master')) {
verifiedMasterKey = true;
if (verifiedMasterKey) {
if (userId == client.userID) {
// it was our own master key, let's request the cross signing keys
// we do it in the background, thus no await needed here
} else {
// it was someone elses master key, let's sign it
@ -36,6 +36,13 @@ packages:
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "1.6.0"
dependency: transitive
name: asn1lib
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "0.6.4"
dependency: transitive
@ -43,6 +50,13 @@ packages:
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "2.4.1"
dependency: "direct main"
name: base58check
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "1.0.1"
dependency: transitive
@ -134,6 +148,13 @@ packages:
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "0.1.4"
dependency: transitive
name: clock
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "1.0.1"
dependency: transitive
@ -163,7 +184,7 @@ packages:
source: hosted
version: "0.13.9"
dependency: transitive
dependency: "direct main"
name: crypto
url: ""
@ -183,6 +204,13 @@ packages:
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "1.3.6"
dependency: "direct main"
name: encrypt
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "4.0.1"
dependency: transitive
@ -397,6 +425,13 @@ packages:
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "1.9.3"
dependency: "direct main"
name: password_hash
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "2.0.0"
dependency: transitive
@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ dependencies:
html_unescape: ^1.0.1+3
moor: ^3.0.2
random_string: ^2.0.1
encrypt: ^4.0.1
crypto: ^2.1.4
base58check: ^1.0.1
password_hash: ^2.0.0
@ -33,4 +37,4 @@ dev_dependencies:
moor_generator: ^3.0.0
build_runner: ^1.5.2
pedantic: ^1.9.0
moor_ffi: ^0.5.0
moor_ffi: ^0.5.0
Add table
Reference in a new issue