
629 lines
24 KiB

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:moor/moor.dart';
import 'package:olm/olm.dart' as olm;
import '../../famedlysdk.dart' as sdk;
import '../../matrix_api.dart' as api;
import '../../matrix_api.dart';
import '../room.dart';
import '../utils/logs.dart';
part 'database.g.dart';
extension MigratorExtension on Migrator {
Future<void> createIndexIfNotExists(Index index) async {
try {
await createIndex(index);
} catch (err) {
if (!err.toString().toLowerCase().contains('already exists')) {
Future<void> createTableIfNotExists(TableInfo<Table, DataClass> table) async {
try {
await createTable(table);
} catch (err) {
if (!err.toString().toLowerCase().contains('already exists')) {
Future<void> addColumnIfNotExists(
TableInfo<Table, DataClass> table, GeneratedColumn column) async {
try {
await addColumn(table, column);
} catch (err) {
if (!err.toString().toLowerCase().contains('duplicate column name')) {
include: {'database.moor'},
class Database extends _$Database {
Database(QueryExecutor e) : super(e);
Database.connect(DatabaseConnection connection) : super.connect(connection);
int get schemaVersion => 6;
int get maxFileSize => 1 * 1024 * 1024;
MigrationStrategy get migration => MigrationStrategy(
onCreate: (Migrator m) {
return m.createAll();
onUpgrade: (Migrator m, int from, int to) async {
// this appears to be only called once, so multiple consecutive upgrades have to be handled appropriately in here
if (from == 1) {
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(userDeviceKeysIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(userDeviceKeysKeyIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(olmSessionsIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(outboundGroupSessionsIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(inboundGroupSessionsIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(roomsIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(eventsIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(roomStatesIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(accountDataIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(roomAccountDataIndex);
await m.createIndexIfNotExists(presencesIndex);
if (from == 2) {
await m.deleteTable('outbound_group_sessions');
await m.createTable(outboundGroupSessions);
if (from == 3) {
await m.createTableIfNotExists(userCrossSigningKeys);
await m.createTableIfNotExists(ssssCache);
// mark all keys as outdated so that the cross signing keys will be fetched
await m.issueCustomQuery(
'UPDATE user_device_keys SET outdated = true');
if (from == 4) {
await m.addColumnIfNotExists(olmSessions, olmSessions.lastReceived);
if (from == 5) {
await m.addColumnIfNotExists(
inboundGroupSessions, inboundGroupSessions.uploaded);
await m.addColumnIfNotExists(
inboundGroupSessions, inboundGroupSessions.senderKey);
await m.addColumnIfNotExists(
inboundGroupSessions, inboundGroupSessions.senderClaimedKeys);
beforeOpen: (_) async {
if (executor.dialect == SqlDialect.sqlite) {
final ret = await customSelect('PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL').get();
if (ret.isNotEmpty) {
Logs.info('[Moor] Switched database to mode ' +
Future<DbClient> getClient(String name) async {
final res = await dbGetClient(name).get();
if (res.isEmpty) return null;
return res.first;
Future<Map<String, sdk.DeviceKeysList>> getUserDeviceKeys(
sdk.Client client) async {
final deviceKeys = await getAllUserDeviceKeys(client.id).get();
if (deviceKeys.isEmpty) {
return {};
final deviceKeysKeys = await getAllUserDeviceKeysKeys(client.id).get();
final crossSigningKeys = await getAllUserCrossSigningKeys(client.id).get();
final res = <String, sdk.DeviceKeysList>{};
for (final entry in deviceKeys) {
res[entry.userId] = sdk.DeviceKeysList.fromDb(
deviceKeysKeys.where((k) => k.userId == entry.userId).toList(),
crossSigningKeys.where((k) => k.userId == entry.userId).toList(),
return res;
Future<Map<String, List<olm.Session>>> getOlmSessions(
int clientId, String userId) async {
final raw = await getAllOlmSessions(clientId).get();
if (raw.isEmpty) {
return {};
final res = <String, List<olm.Session>>{};
for (final row in raw) {
if (!res.containsKey(row.identityKey)) {
res[row.identityKey] = [];
try {
var session = olm.Session();
session.unpickle(userId, row.pickle);
} catch (e, s) {
'[LibOlm] Could not unpickle olm session: ' + e.toString(), s);
return res;
Future<DbOutboundGroupSession> getDbOutboundGroupSession(
int clientId, String roomId) async {
final res = await dbGetOutboundGroupSession(clientId, roomId).get();
if (res.isEmpty) {
return null;
return res.first;
Future<List<DbInboundGroupSession>> getDbInboundGroupSessions(
int clientId, String roomId) async {
return await dbGetInboundGroupSessionKeys(clientId, roomId).get();
Future<DbInboundGroupSession> getDbInboundGroupSession(
int clientId, String roomId, String sessionId) async {
final res =
await dbGetInboundGroupSessionKey(clientId, roomId, sessionId).get();
if (res.isEmpty) {
return null;
return res.first;
Future<DbSSSSCache> getSSSSCache(int clientId, String type) async {
final res = await dbGetSSSSCache(clientId, type).get();
if (res.isEmpty) {
return null;
return res.first;
Future<List<sdk.Room>> getRoomList(sdk.Client client,
{bool onlyLeft = false}) async {
final res = await (select(rooms)
..where((t) => onlyLeft
? t.membership.equals('leave')
: t.membership.equals('leave').not()))
final resStates = await getImportantRoomStates(
client.id, client.importantStateEvents.toList())
final resAccountData = await getAllRoomAccountData(client.id).get();
final roomList = <sdk.Room>[];
final allMembersToPostload = <String, Set<String>>{};
for (final r in res) {
final room = await sdk.Room.getRoomFromTableRow(
states: resStates.where((rs) => rs.roomId == r.roomId),
roomAccountData: resAccountData.where((rs) => rs.roomId == r.roomId),
// let's see if we need any m.room.member events
final membersToPostload = <String>{};
// the lastEvent message preview might have an author we need to fetch, if it is a group chat
if (room.getState(EventTypes.Message) != null && !room.isDirectChat) {
// if the room has no name and no canonical alias, its name is calculated
// based on the heroes of the room
if (room.getState(EventTypes.RoomName) == null &&
room.getState(EventTypes.RoomCanonicalAlias) == null &&
room.mHeroes != null) {
// we don't have a name and no canonical alias, so we'll need to
// post-load the heroes
membersToPostload.addAll(room.mHeroes.where((h) => h.isNotEmpty));
// okay, only load from the database if we actually have stuff to load
if (membersToPostload.isNotEmpty) {
// save it for loading later
allMembersToPostload[room.id] = membersToPostload;
// now we postload all members, if thre are any
if (allMembersToPostload.isNotEmpty) {
// we will generate a query to fetch as many events as possible at once, as that
// significantly improves performance. However, to prevent too large queries from being constructed,
// we limit to only fetching 500 rooms at once.
// This value might be fine-tune-able to be larger (and thus increase performance more for very large accounts),
// however this very conservative value should be on the safe side.
const MAX_ROOMS_PER_QUERY = 500;
// as we iterate over our entries in separate chunks one-by-one we use an iterator
// which persists accross the chunks, and thus we just re-sume iteration at the place
// we prreviously left off.
final entriesIterator = allMembersToPostload.entries.iterator;
// now we iterate over all our 500-room-chunks...
for (var i = 0;
i < allMembersToPostload.keys.length;
// query the current chunk and build the query
final membersRes = await (select(roomStates)
..where((s) {
// all chunks have to have the reight client id and must be of type `m.room.member`
final basequery = s.clientId.equals(client.id) &
// this is where the magic happens. Here we build a query with the form
// OR room_id = '!roomId1' AND state_key IN ('@member') OR room_id = '!roomId2' AND state_key IN ('@member')
// subqueries holds our query fragment
Expression<bool> subqueries;
// here we iterate over our chunk....we musn't forget to progress our iterator!
// we must check for if our chunk is done *before* progressing the
// iterator, else we might progress it twice around chunk edges, missing on rooms
for (var j = 0;
j < MAX_ROOMS_PER_QUERY && entriesIterator.moveNext();
j++) {
final entry = entriesIterator.current;
// builds room_id = '!roomId1' AND state_key IN ('@member')
final q =
s.roomId.equals(entry.key) & s.stateKey.isIn(entry.value);
// adds it either as the start of subqueries or as a new OR condition to it
if (subqueries == null) {
subqueries = q;
} else {
subqueries = subqueries | q;
// combinde the basequery with the subquery together, giving our final query
return basequery & subqueries;
// now that we got all the entries from the database, set them as room states
for (final dbMember in membersRes) {
final room = roomList.firstWhere((r) => r.id == dbMember.roomId);
final event = sdk.Event.fromDb(dbMember, room);
return roomList;
Future<Map<String, api.BasicEvent>> getAccountData(int clientId) async {
final newAccountData = <String, api.BasicEvent>{};
final rawAccountData = await getAllAccountData(clientId).get();
for (final d in rawAccountData) {
var content = sdk.Event.getMapFromPayload(d.content);
// there was a bug where it stored the entire event, not just the content
// in the databse. This is the temporary fix for those affected by the bug
if (content['content'] is Map && content['type'] is String) {
content = content['content'];
// and save
await storeAccountData(clientId, d.type, jsonEncode(content));
newAccountData[d.type] = api.BasicEvent(
content: content,
type: d.type,
return newAccountData;
/// Stores a RoomUpdate object in the database. Must be called inside of
/// [transaction].
final Set<String> _ensuredRooms = {};
Future<void> storeRoomUpdate(int clientId, sdk.RoomUpdate roomUpdate,
[sdk.Room oldRoom]) async {
final setKey = '${clientId};${roomUpdate.id}';
if (roomUpdate.membership != api.Membership.leave) {
if (!_ensuredRooms.contains(setKey)) {
await ensureRoomExists(clientId, roomUpdate.id,
} else {
await removeRoom(clientId, roomUpdate.id);
var doUpdate = oldRoom == null;
if (!doUpdate) {
doUpdate = roomUpdate.highlight_count != oldRoom.highlightCount ||
roomUpdate.notification_count != oldRoom.notificationCount ||
roomUpdate.membership.toString().split('.').last !=
oldRoom.membership.toString().split('.').last ||
(roomUpdate.summary?.mJoinedMemberCount != null &&
roomUpdate.summary.mJoinedMemberCount !=
oldRoom.mInvitedMemberCount) ||
(roomUpdate.summary?.mInvitedMemberCount != null &&
roomUpdate.summary.mJoinedMemberCount !=
oldRoom.mJoinedMemberCount) ||
(roomUpdate.summary?.mHeroes != null &&
roomUpdate.summary.mHeroes.join(',') !=
if (doUpdate) {
await (update(rooms)
..where((r) =>
r.roomId.equals(roomUpdate.id) & r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
highlightCount: Value(roomUpdate.highlight_count),
notificationCount: Value(roomUpdate.notification_count),
membership: Value(roomUpdate.membership.toString().split('.').last),
joinedMemberCount: roomUpdate.summary?.mJoinedMemberCount != null
? Value(roomUpdate.summary.mJoinedMemberCount)
: Value.absent(),
invitedMemberCount: roomUpdate.summary?.mInvitedMemberCount != null
? Value(roomUpdate.summary.mInvitedMemberCount)
: Value.absent(),
heroes: roomUpdate.summary?.mHeroes != null
? Value(roomUpdate.summary.mHeroes.join(','))
: Value.absent(),
// Is the timeline limited? Then all previous messages should be
// removed from the database!
if (roomUpdate.limitedTimeline) {
await removeRoomEvents(clientId, roomUpdate.id);
await updateRoomSortOrder(0.0, 0.0, clientId, roomUpdate.id);
await setRoomPrevBatch(roomUpdate.prev_batch, clientId, roomUpdate.id);
/// Stores an EventUpdate object in the database. Must be called inside of
/// [transaction].
Future<void> storeEventUpdate(
int clientId, sdk.EventUpdate eventUpdate) async {
if (eventUpdate.type == 'ephemeral') return;
final eventContent = eventUpdate.content;
final type = eventUpdate.type;
final chatId = eventUpdate.roomID;
// Get the state_key for state events
String stateKey;
if (eventContent['state_key'] is String) {
stateKey = eventContent['state_key'];
if (eventUpdate.eventType == EventTypes.Redaction) {
await redactMessage(clientId, eventUpdate);
if (type == 'timeline' || type == 'history') {
// calculate the status
var status = 2;
if (eventContent['unsigned'] is Map<String, dynamic> &&
eventContent['unsigned'][MessageSendingStatusKey] is num) {
status = eventContent['unsigned'][MessageSendingStatusKey];
if (eventContent['status'] is num) status = eventContent['status'];
if ((status == 1 || status == -1) &&
eventContent['unsigned'] is Map<String, dynamic> &&
eventContent['unsigned']['transaction_id'] is String) {
final allOldEvents =
await getEvent(clientId, eventContent['event_id'], chatId).get();
if (allOldEvents.isNotEmpty) {
// we were likely unable to change transaction_id -> event_id.....because the event ID already exists!
// So, we try to fetch the old event
// the transaction id event will automatically be deleted further down
final oldEvent = allOldEvents.first;
// do we update the status? We should allow 0 -> -1 updates and status increases
if (status > oldEvent.status ||
(oldEvent.status == 0 && status == -1)) {
// update the status
await updateEventStatusOnly(
status, clientId, eventContent['event_id'], chatId);
} else {
// status changed and we have an old transaction id --> update event id and stuffs
try {
await updateEventStatus(status, eventContent['event_id'], clientId,
eventContent['unsigned']['transaction_id'], chatId);
} catch (err) {
// we could not update the transaction id to the event id....so it already exists
// as we just tried to fetch the event previously this is a race condition if the event comes down sync in the mean time
// that means that the status we already have in the database is likely more accurate
// than our status. So, we just ignore this error
} else {
DbEvent oldEvent;
if (type == 'history') {
final allOldEvents =
await getEvent(clientId, eventContent['event_id'], chatId).get();
if (allOldEvents.isNotEmpty) {
oldEvent = allOldEvents.first;
await storeEvent(
oldEvent?.sortOrder ?? eventUpdate.sortOrder,
eventContent['origin_server_ts'] != null
? DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
: DateTime.now(),
json.encode(eventContent['unsigned'] ?? ''),
// is there a transaction id? Then delete the event with this id.
if (status != -1 &&
status != 0 &&
eventUpdate.content['unsigned'] is Map &&
eventUpdate.content['unsigned']['transaction_id'] is String) {
await removeEvent(clientId,
eventUpdate.content['unsigned']['transaction_id'], chatId);
if (type == 'history') return;
if (type != 'account_data' &&
((stateKey is String) ||
[EventTypes.Message, EventTypes.Sticker, EventTypes.Encrypted]
.contains(eventUpdate.eventType))) {
final now = DateTime.now();
await storeRoomState(
eventContent['event_id'] ?? now.millisecondsSinceEpoch.toString(),
eventUpdate.sortOrder ?? 0.0,
eventContent['origin_server_ts'] != null
? DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
: now,
json.encode(eventContent['unsigned'] ?? ''),
json.encode(eventContent['prev_content'] ?? ''),
stateKey ?? '',
} else if (type == 'account_data') {
await storeRoomAccountData(
Future<sdk.Event> getEventById(
int clientId, String eventId, sdk.Room room) async {
final event = await getEvent(clientId, eventId, room.id).get();
if (event.isEmpty) {
return null;
return sdk.Event.fromDb(event.first, room);
Future<bool> redactMessage(int clientId, sdk.EventUpdate eventUpdate) async {
final events = await getEvent(
clientId, eventUpdate.content['redacts'], eventUpdate.roomID)
var success = false;
for (final dbEvent in events) {
final event = sdk.Event.fromDb(dbEvent, null);
event.setRedactionEvent(sdk.Event.fromJson(eventUpdate.content, null));
final changes1 = await updateEvent(
json.encode(event.unsigned ?? ''),
json.encode(event.content ?? ''),
json.encode(event.prevContent ?? ''),
final changes2 = await updateEvent(
json.encode(event.unsigned ?? ''),
json.encode(event.content ?? ''),
json.encode(event.prevContent ?? ''),
if (changes1 == 1 && changes2 == 1) success = true;
return success;
Future<void> forgetRoom(int clientId, String roomId) async {
final setKey = '${clientId};${roomId}';
await (delete(rooms)
..where((r) => r.roomId.equals(roomId) & r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(events)
..where((r) => r.roomId.equals(roomId) & r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(roomStates)
..where((r) => r.roomId.equals(roomId) & r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(roomAccountData)
..where((r) => r.roomId.equals(roomId) & r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
Future<void> clearCache(int clientId) async {
await (delete(presences)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(roomAccountData)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(accountData)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(roomStates)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(events)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(rooms)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(outboundGroupSessions)
..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await storePrevBatch(null, clientId);
Future<void> clear(int clientId) async {
await clearCache(clientId);
await (delete(inboundGroupSessions)
..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(ssssCache)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(olmSessions)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(userCrossSigningKeys)
..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(userDeviceKeysKey)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(userDeviceKeys)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId)))
await (delete(ssssCache)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
await (delete(clients)..where((r) => r.clientId.equals(clientId))).go();
Future<sdk.User> getUser(int clientId, String userId, sdk.Room room) async {
final res = await dbGetUser(clientId, userId, room.id).get();
if (res.isEmpty) {
return null;
return sdk.Event.fromDb(res.first, room).asUser;
Future<List<sdk.User>> getUsers(int clientId, sdk.Room room) async {
final res = await dbGetUsers(clientId, room.id).get();
final ret = <sdk.User>[];
for (final r in res) {
ret.add(sdk.Event.fromDb(r, room).asUser);
return ret;
Future<List<sdk.Event>> getEventList(int clientId, sdk.Room room) async {
final res = await dbGetEventList(clientId, room.id).get();
final eventList = <sdk.Event>[];
for (final r in res) {
eventList.add(sdk.Event.fromDb(r, room));
return eventList;
Future<Uint8List> getFile(String mxcUri) async {
final res = await dbGetFile(mxcUri).get();
if (res.isEmpty) return null;
return res.first.bytes;