228 lines
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228 lines
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* Ansible inventory script used at Famedly GmbH for managing many hosts
* Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Famedly GmbH
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart';
class MatrixDefaultLocalizations extends MatrixLocalizations {
const MatrixDefaultLocalizations();
String acceptedTheInvitation(String targetName) =>
'$targetName accepted the invitation';
String activatedEndToEndEncryption(String senderName) =>
'$senderName activated end to end encryption';
String get anyoneCanJoin => 'Anyone can join';
String bannedUser(String senderName, String targetName) =>
'$senderName banned $targetName';
String changedTheChatAvatar(String senderName) =>
'$senderName changed the chat avatar';
String changedTheChatDescriptionTo(String senderName, String content) =>
'$senderName changed the chat description to $content';
String changedTheChatNameTo(String senderName, String content) =>
'$senderName changed the chat name to $content';
String changedTheChatPermissions(String senderName) =>
'$senderName changed the chat permissions';
String changedTheDisplaynameTo(String targetName, String newDisplayname) =>
'$targetName changed the displayname to $newDisplayname';
String changedTheGuestAccessRules(String senderName) =>
'$senderName changed the guest access rules';
String changedTheGuestAccessRulesTo(
String senderName, String localizedString) =>
'$senderName changed the guest access rules to $localizedString';
String changedTheHistoryVisibility(String senderName) =>
'$senderName changed the history visibility';
String changedTheHistoryVisibilityTo(
String senderName, String localizedString) =>
'$senderName changed the history visibility to $localizedString';
String changedTheJoinRules(String senderName) =>
'$senderName changed the join rules';
String changedTheJoinRulesTo(String senderName, String localizedString) =>
'$senderName changed the join rules to $localizedString';
String changedTheProfileAvatar(String targetName) =>
'$targetName changed the profile avatar';
String changedTheRoomAliases(String senderName) =>
'$senderName changed the room aliases';
String changedTheRoomInvitationLink(String senderName) =>
'$senderName changed the room invitation link';
String get channelCorruptedDecryptError =>
'The secure channel has been corrupted';
String couldNotDecryptMessage(String errorText) =>
'Could not decrypt message: $errorText';
String createdTheChat(String senderName) => '$senderName created the chat';
String get emptyChat => 'Empty chat';
String get encryptionNotEnabled => 'Encryption not enabled';
String get fromJoining => 'From joining';
String get fromTheInvitation => 'From the invitation';
String groupWith(String displayname) => 'Group with $displayname';
String get guestsAreForbidden => 'Guests are forbidden';
String get guestsCanJoin => 'Guests can join';
String hasWithdrawnTheInvitationFor(String senderName, String targetName) =>
'$senderName has withdrawn the invitation for $targetName';
String invitedUser(String senderName, String targetName) =>
'$senderName has invited $targetName';
String get invitedUsersOnly => 'Invited users only';
String joinedTheChat(String targetName) => '$targetName joined the chat';
String kicked(String senderName, String targetName) =>
'$senderName kicked $targetName';
String kickedAndBanned(String senderName, String targetName) =>
'$senderName banned $targetName';
String get needPantalaimonWarning => 'Need pantalaimon';
String get noPermission => 'No permission';
String redactedAnEvent(String senderName) => '$senderName redacted an event';
String rejectedTheInvitation(String targetName) =>
'$targetName rejected the invitation';
String removedBy(String calcDisplayname) => 'Removed by $calcDisplayname';
String get roomHasBeenUpgraded => 'Room has been upgraded';
String sentAFile(String senderName) => '$senderName sent a file';
String sentAPicture(String senderName) => '$senderName sent a picture';
String sentASticker(String senderName) => '$senderName sent a sticker';
String sentAVideo(String senderName) => '$senderName sent a video';
String sentAnAudio(String senderName) => '$senderName sent an audio';
String sharedTheLocation(String senderName) =>
'$senderName shared the location';
String unbannedUser(String senderName, String targetName) =>
'$senderName unbanned $targetName';
String get unknownEncryptionAlgorithm => 'Unknown encryption algorithm';
String unknownEvent(String typeKey) => 'Unknown event $typeKey';
String userLeftTheChat(String targetName) => '$targetName left the chat';
String get visibleForAllParticipants => 'Visible for all participants';
String get visibleForEveryone => 'Visible for everyone';
String get you => 'You';
String answeredTheCall(String senderName) {
return 'answeredTheCall';
String endedTheCall(String senderName) {
return 'endedTheCall';
String sentCallInformations(String senderName) {
return 'sentCallInformations';
String startedACall(String senderName) {
return 'startedACall';