Fewer unnecessary crawls

This commit is contained in:
Tao Bojlén 2019-08-07 12:41:29 +00:00
parent c01e324e91
commit cf9ac30b1e
4 changed files with 141 additions and 41 deletions

View file

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
### Changed ### Changed
- Crawl instances that are down or unrecognized less often.
### Deprecated ### Deprecated
### Removed ### Removed

View file

@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ config :logger, :console,
# Use Jason for JSON parsing in Phoenix # Use Jason for JSON parsing in Phoenix
config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason
config :gollum,
refresh_secs: 86_400,
lazy_refresh: true,
user_agent: "fediverse.space crawler"
config :ex_twilio, config :ex_twilio,
account_sid: System.get_env("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"), account_sid: System.get_env("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"),
auth_token: System.get_env("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN") auth_token: System.get_env("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN")
@ -60,7 +65,7 @@ config :backend, :crawler,
status_count_limit: 5000, status_count_limit: 5000,
personal_instance_threshold: 10, personal_instance_threshold: 10,
crawl_interval_mins: 60, crawl_interval_mins: 60,
crawl_workers: 100, crawl_workers: 50,
blacklist: [ blacklist: [
"gab.best", "gab.best",
"4chan.icu" "4chan.icu"

View file

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ config :backend, :crawler,
status_count_limit: 100, status_count_limit: 100,
personal_instance_threshold: 5, personal_instance_threshold: 5,
crawl_interval_mins: 60, crawl_interval_mins: 60,
crawl_workers: 50, crawl_workers: 10,
blacklist: [ blacklist: [
"gab.best", "gab.best",
"4chan.icu" "4chan.icu"

View file

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ defmodule Backend.Crawler.StaleInstanceManager do
instance_count = instance_count =
Instance Instance
|> where([i], not is_nil(i.version))
|> select([i], count(i.domain)) |> select([i], count(i.domain))
|> Repo.one() |> Repo.one()
@ -49,48 +48,14 @@ defmodule Backend.Crawler.StaleInstanceManager do
Process.send_after(self(), :queue_stale_domains, 60_000) Process.send_after(self(), :queue_stale_domains, 60_000)
end end
# TODO: crawl instances with a blocking robots.txt less often (daily?)
defp queue_stale_domains() do defp queue_stale_domains() do
interval = -1 * get_config(:crawl_interval_mins)
# Get domains that have never been crawled and where the last crawl is past the threshold
crawls_subquery =
|> select([c], %{
instance_domain: c.instance_domain,
most_recent_crawl: max(c.inserted_at),
crawl_count: count(c.id)
|> where([c], is_nil(c.error))
|> group_by([c], c.instance_domain)
stale_domains = stale_domains =
Instance get_live_domains_to_crawl()
|> join(:left, [i], c in subquery(crawls_subquery), on: i.domain == c.instance_domain) |> MapSet.union(get_dead_domains_to_crawl())
|> where( |> MapSet.union(get_new_domains_to_crawl())
[i, c],
(c.most_recent_crawl < datetime_add(^NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), ^interval, "minute") or
is_nil(c.crawl_count)) and not i.opt_out
|> select([i], i.domain)
|> Repo.all()
|> MapSet.new()
# Don't add a domain that's already in the queue # Don't add a domain that's already in the queue
domains_in_queue = domains_in_queue = get_domains_in_queue(stale_domains)
Honeydew.filter(:crawl_queue, fn job ->
is_pending_crawl_job = match?(%Honeydew.Job{completed_at: nil, task: {:run, [_]}}, job)
if is_pending_crawl_job do
%Honeydew.Job{completed_at: nil, task: {:run, [d]}} = job
MapSet.member?(stale_domains, d)
|> Enum.map(fn %Honeydew.Job{task: {:run, [d]}} -> d end)
|> MapSet.new()
domains_to_queue = MapSet.difference(stale_domains, domains_in_queue) domains_to_queue = MapSet.difference(stale_domains, domains_in_queue)
Logger.debug("Adding #{MapSet.size(domains_to_queue)} stale domains to queue.") Logger.debug("Adding #{MapSet.size(domains_to_queue)} stale domains to queue.")
@ -102,4 +67,132 @@ defmodule Backend.Crawler.StaleInstanceManager do
defp add_to_queue(domain) do defp add_to_queue(domain) do
{:run, [domain]} |> Honeydew.async(:crawl_queue) {:run, [domain]} |> Honeydew.async(:crawl_queue)
end end
# Handles instances where the most recent crawl was successful
@spec get_live_domains_to_crawl() :: MapSet.t()
defp get_live_domains_to_crawl() do
interval_mins = -1 * get_config(:crawl_interval_mins)
most_recent_crawl_subquery =
|> select([c], %{
instance_domain: c.instance_domain,
inserted_at: max(c.inserted_at)
|> group_by([c], c.instance_domain)
|> join(:left, [i], most_recent_crawl in subquery(most_recent_crawl_subquery),
on: i.domain == most_recent_crawl.instance_domain
# Joining on a timestamp is really gross, but since we're joining on a timestamp in the same table, we should be OK.
|> join(:left, [i, most_recent_crawl], crawls in Crawl,
i.domain == crawls.instance_domain and most_recent_crawl.inserted_at == crawls.inserted_at
|> where(
[i, most_recent_crawl, crawls],
is_nil(crawls.error) and
most_recent_crawl.inserted_at <
datetime_add(^NaiveDateTime.utc_now(), ^interval_mins, "minute") and not i.opt_out
|> select([i], i.domain)
|> Repo.all()
|> MapSet.new()
# Handles instances that have never been crawled at all.
@spec get_new_domains_to_crawl() :: MapSet.t()
defp get_new_domains_to_crawl() do
all_crawls_subquery =
|> select([c], %{
instance_domain: c.instance_domain,
crawl_count: count(c.id)
|> group_by([c], c.instance_domain)
|> join(:left, [i], c in subquery(all_crawls_subquery), on: i.domain == c.instance_domain)
|> where([i, c], (is_nil(c.crawl_count) or c.crawl_count == 0) and not i.opt_out)
|> select([i], i.domain)
|> Repo.all()
|> MapSet.new()
# Handles instances where the previous crawl(s) were unsuccessful.
# These are crawled with an increasing delay
@spec get_dead_domains_to_crawl() :: MapSet.t()
defp get_dead_domains_to_crawl() do
now = get_now()
interval_mins = -1 * get_config(:crawl_interval_mins)
most_recent_successful_crawl_subquery =
|> select([c], %{
instance_domain: c.instance_domain,
timestamp: max(c.inserted_at)
|> where([c], is_nil(c.error))
|> group_by([c], c.instance_domain)
|> join(
most_recent_successful_crawl in subquery(most_recent_successful_crawl_subquery),
on: i.domain == most_recent_successful_crawl.instance_domain
|> join(:left, [i, most_recent_successful_crawl_subquery], crawls in Crawl,
on: i.domain == crawls.instance_domain
|> select([i, most_recent_successful_crawl, crawls], %{
domain: i.domain,
most_recent_crawl: max(crawls.inserted_at),
failed_crawls: count(crawls.id)
|> group_by([i, most_recent_successful_crawl, crawls], i.domain)
|> where(
[i, most_recent_successful_crawl, crawls],
crawls.inserted_at > most_recent_successful_crawl.timestamp and not i.opt_out
|> Repo.all()
# We now have a list of domains, the # of failed crawls, and the most recent crawl timestamp.
# Now we filter down to those that should be crawled now.
|> Enum.map(fn %{
domain: domain,
most_recent_crawl: most_recent_crawl,
failed_crawls: failed_crawls
} ->
# The interval is never more than 24 hours
curr_interval = min(1440, interval_mins * :math.pow(2, failed_crawls))
next_crawl = NaiveDateTime.add(most_recent_crawl, curr_interval * 60, :second)
domain: domain,
next_crawl: next_crawl
|> Enum.filter(fn %{next_crawl: next_crawl} ->
NaiveDateTime.compare(now, next_crawl) == :gt
|> Enum.map(fn %{domain: domain} -> domain end)
|> MapSet.new()
@spec get_domains_in_queue(MapSet.t()) :: MapSet.t()
defp get_domains_in_queue(domains) do
Honeydew.filter(:crawl_queue, fn job ->
is_pending_crawl_job = match?(%Honeydew.Job{completed_at: nil, task: {:run, [_]}}, job)
if is_pending_crawl_job do
%Honeydew.Job{completed_at: nil, task: {:run, [d]}} = job
MapSet.member?(domains, d)
|> Enum.map(fn %Honeydew.Job{task: {:run, [d]}} -> d end)
|> MapSet.new()
end end