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import { Classes, Code, H1, H2, H4 } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import * as React from "react";
import { Page } from "../Page";
export const AboutScreen: React.FC = () => (
<p className={Classes.RUNNING_TEXT}> is a tool to visualize networks and communities on the{" "}
<a href="" target="_blank">
. It works by crawling every instance it can find and aggregating statistics on communication between these.
<H4>Why can't I see details about my instance?</H4>
<p className={Classes.RUNNING_TEXT}>
Currently, only supports Mastodon and Pleroma instances. In addition, instances with 10 or fewer
users won't be scraped -- it's a tool for understanding communities, not individuals.
When is <Code>$OTHER_ACTIVITYPUB_SERVER</Code> going to be added?
<p className={Classes.RUNNING_TEXT}>
Check out{" "}
<a href="" target="_blank">
this GitLab issue
<H4>How do I add my personal instance?</H4>
<p className={Classes.RUNNING_TEXT}>
Send a DM to{" "}
<a href="" target="_blank">
</a>{" "}
on Mastodon. Make sure to send it from the account that's listed as the instance admin.
<H4>How do you calculate the strength of relationships between instances?</H4>
<p className={Classes.RUNNING_TEXT}> scrapes the last 5000 statuses from within the last month on the public timeline of each instance.
It looks at the ratio of
<Code>mentions of an instance / total statuses</Code>. It uses a ratio rather than an absolute number of mentions
to reflect that smaller instances can play a large role in a community.
<p className={Classes.RUNNING_TEXT}>
This site is inspired by several other sites in the same vein:
<ul className={Classes.LIST}>
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<a href="" target="_blank">
Mastodon hashtag network
{" by "}
<a href="" target="_blank">
The source code for is available on{" "}
<a href="" target="_blank">
; issues and pull requests are welcome!