
267 lines
8.8 KiB

// first we import a few needed things again
import {
} from "mx-puppet-bridge";
import { VK, AttachmentType, MessageForwardsCollection } from "vk-io";
import { MessagesForeignMessage, MessagesMessageAttachment } from "vk-io/lib/api/schemas/objects";
import { VkPuppet } from "./vk";
// here we create our log instance
const log = new Log("VKPuppet:attachment-handler");
// this interface is to hold all data on a single puppet
interface IEchoPuppet {
// this is usually a client class that connects to the remote protocol
// as we just echo back, unneeded in our case
client: VK;
// tslint:disable-next-line: no-any
data: any; // and let's keep a copy of the data associated with a puppet
export class AttachmentsHandler {
private puppet: IEchoPuppet;
private puppetBridge: PuppetBridge;
constructor(puppet: IEchoPuppet, puppetBridge: PuppetBridge) {
this.puppet = puppet;
this.puppetBridge = puppetBridge;
public getBiggestImage(images: object[]): any {
let maxImageResolution = 0;
let biggestImage: any = null;
images.forEach((image: object) => {
if (maxImageResolution < (image["width"] + image["height"])) {
maxImageResolution = image["width"] + image["height"];
biggestImage = image;
return biggestImage;
public async handlePhotoAttachment(params: IReceiveParams, attachment: MessagesMessageAttachment) {
try {
if ( {
// VK API is weird. Very weird.
const biggestImage = this.getBiggestImage(
const url: string = biggestImage["url"] || "";
if (url === "") {
log.error(`Image not found in ${attachment["photo"]}`);
await this.puppetBridge.sendFileDetect(params, url);
} else {
await this.puppetBridge.sendFileDetect(params, attachment["largeSizeUrl"]);
} catch (err) {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: `Image: ${attachment["image"]["largeSizeUrl"]}`,
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
public async handleStickerAttachment(params: IReceiveParams, attachment: MessagesMessageAttachment) {
try {
if ( {
await this.puppetBridge.sendFileDetect(
params, attachment["sticker"]["images_with_background"][4]["url"],
} else {
await this.puppetBridge.sendFileDetect(params, attachment["imagesWithBackground"][4]["url"]);
} catch (err) {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: `Sticker: ${attachment["imagesWithBackground"][4]["url"]}`,
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
public async handleAudioMessage(params: IReceiveParams, attachment: MessagesMessageAttachment) {
const audioUrl: string = attachment["oggUrl"] || attachment["url"] || attachment["link_ogg"];
if (audioUrl === undefined || audioUrl === "") {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: "Audio messages aren't supported yet",
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
} else {
try {
await this.puppetBridge.sendAudio(params, audioUrl);
} catch (err) {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: `Audio message: ${audioUrl}`,
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
if (attachment["transcript"] !== undefined) {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: "[Transcript]" + attachment["transcript"],
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
public async handleAudio(params: IReceiveParams, attachment: MessagesMessageAttachment) {
const audioUrl: string = attachment["url"];
if (audioUrl === undefined || audioUrl === "") {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: "Audio in messages aren't supported yet",
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
} else {
try {
await this.puppetBridge.sendAudio(params, audioUrl);
} catch (err) {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: `Audio: ${attachment["title"]} by ${attachment["artist"]} ${audioUrl}`,
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
public async handleDocument(params: IReceiveParams, attachment: MessagesMessageAttachment) {
try {
if ( {
await this.puppetBridge.sendFileDetect(params, attachment["doc"]["url"], attachment["doc"]["title"]);
} else {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: `Document: ${attachment["url"]}`,
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
} catch (err) {
if ( {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: `Document: ${attachment["doc"]["url"]}`,
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
} else {
const opts: IMessageEvent = {
body: `Document: ${attachment["url"]}`,
await this.puppetBridge.sendMessage(params, opts);
public async handleForwards(
vkPuppet: VkPuppet, puppetId: number, messageBody: string,
params: IReceiveParams, forwards: MessageForwardsCollection | MessagesForeignMessage[],
) {
let formatted = `${messageBody}\n`;
for (const f of forwards) {
const user = await vkPuppet.getRemoteUser(puppetId, Number(f.senderId));
formatted += `> <[${}](${user.externalUrl})>\n`;
f.text?.split("\n").forEach((element) => {
formatted += `> ${element}\n`;
if (f.attachments !== undefined && f.attachments.length !== 0) {
f.attachments?.forEach(async (attachment) => {
switch (attachment.type) {
case AttachmentType.PHOTO:
formatted += `> 🖼️ [Photo](${attachment["largeSizeUrl"]})\n`;
case AttachmentType.STICKER:
formatted += `> 🖼️ [Sticker](${attachment["imagesWithBackground"][4]["url"]})\n`;
case AttachmentType.AUDIO_MESSAGE:
formatted += `> 🗣️ [Audio message](${attachment["oggUrl"]})\n`;
case AttachmentType.AUDIO:
formatted += `> 🗣️ [Audio message](${attachment["oggUrl"] ?? attachment["url"]})\n`;
case AttachmentType.DOCUMENT:
formatted += `> 📁 [File ${attachment["title"]}](${attachment["url"]})\n`;
case AttachmentType.LINK:
formatted += `> 🔗 [ ${attachment["title"] ? attachment["title"] : attachment["url"]} ](${attachment["url"]})\n`;
formatted += `> ❓️ Unhandled attachment of type ${attachment.type}\n`;
if (f.hasForwards) {
await this.handleForwards(vkPuppet, puppetId, "", params, f.forwards)
).trim().split("\n").forEach((element) => {
formatted += `> ${element}\n`;
formatted += "\n";
return formatted;
public async handleForwardsAsUser(
vkPuppet: VkPuppet, puppetId: number, messageBody: string,
params: IReceiveParams, forwards: MessageForwardsCollection | MessagesForeignMessage[],
) {
let formatted = `${messageBody}\n`;
for (const f of forwards) {
const user = await vkPuppet.getRemoteUser(puppetId, Number(f.from_id));
formatted += `> <[${}](${user.externalUrl})>\n`;
f.text?.split("\n").forEach((element) => {
formatted += `> ${element}\n`;
if (f.attachments !== undefined && f.attachments.length !== 0) {
f.attachments?.forEach(async (attachment) => {
switch (attachment.type) {
case AttachmentType.PHOTO:
formatted += `> 🖼️ [Photo](${this.getBiggestImage(attachment[attachment.type]["sizes"])["url"]})\n`;
case AttachmentType.STICKER:
formatted += `> 🖼️ [Sticker](${this.getBiggestImage(attachment[attachment.type]["images_with_background"])["url"]})\n`;
case AttachmentType.AUDIO_MESSAGE:
formatted += `> 🗣️ [Audio message](${attachment[attachment.type]["link_ogg"]}) \n`;
if (attachment[attachment.type]["transcript"] !== undefined) {
formatted += `> > [Transcript] ${attachment[attachment.type]["transcript"]}`;
case AttachmentType.DOCUMENT:
formatted += `> 📁 [File ${attachment[attachment.type]["title"]}](${attachment[attachment.type]["url"]})\n`;
case AttachmentType.LINK:
formatted += `> 🔗 [ ${attachment["title"] ? attachment["title"] : attachment["url"]} ](${attachment["url"]})\n`;
case AttachmentType.WALL:
const wallpost = await vkPuppet.renderWallPost(puppetId, attachment);
formatted += wallpost.split("\n").forEach((element) => {
formatted += `> ${element}\n`;
formatted += `> ❓️ Unhandled attachment of type ${attachment.type}\n`;
if (f.fwd_messages !== undefined) {
await this.handleForwardsAsUser(vkPuppet, puppetId, "", params, f.fwd_messages)
).trim().split("\n").forEach((element) => {
formatted += `> ${element}\n`;
formatted += "\n";
return formatted;