Start Texture;

This commit is contained in:
bjorn 2022-04-29 20:38:34 -07:00
parent e53ddfa03b
commit 4be958195d
3 changed files with 202 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ typedef struct gpu_texture gpu_texture;
typedef struct gpu_stream gpu_stream;
size_t gpu_sizeof_buffer(void);
size_t gpu_sizeof_texture(void);
// Buffer

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#include "graphics/graphics.h"
#include "data/image.h"
#include "core/gpu.h"
#include "core/os.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
@ -15,6 +17,13 @@ struct Buffer {
char* pointer;
struct Texture {
uint32_t ref;
gpu_texture* gpu;
gpu_texture* renderView;
TextureInfo info;
struct Pass {
uint32_t ref;
PassInfo info;
@ -43,6 +52,7 @@ static struct {
static void* tempAlloc(size_t size);
static void beginFrame(void);
static gpu_stream* getTransfers(void);
static size_t measureTexture(TextureFormat format, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t d);
static void onMessage(void* context, const char* message, bool severe);
// Entry
@ -182,7 +192,7 @@ void lovrGraphicsWait() {
Buffer* lovrGraphicsGetBuffer(BufferInfo* info, void** data) {
uint32_t size = info->length * info->stride;
lovrCheck(size > 0, "Buffer size can not be zero");
lovrCheck(size <= 1 << 30, "Max buffer size is 16GB");
lovrCheck(size <= 1 << 30, "Max buffer size is 1GB");
Buffer* buffer = tempAlloc(sizeof(Buffer) + gpu_sizeof_buffer());
buffer->ref = 1;
@ -271,6 +281,97 @@ void lovrBufferClear(Buffer* buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size) {
// Texture
Texture* lovrTextureCreate(TextureInfo* info) {
uint32_t limits[] = {
[TEXTURE_2D] = state.limits.textureSize2D,
[TEXTURE_CUBE] = state.limits.textureSizeCube,
[TEXTURE_ARRAY] = state.limits.textureSize2D,
[TEXTURE_VOLUME] = state.limits.textureSize3D
uint32_t limit = limits[info->type];
uint32_t mips = log2(MAX(MAX(info->width, info->height), (info->type == TEXTURE_VOLUME ? info->depth : 1))) + 1;
uint8_t supports = state.features.formats[info->format];
lovrCheck(info->width > 0, "Texture width must be greater than zero");
lovrCheck(info->height > 0, "Texture height must be greater than zero");
lovrCheck(info->depth > 0, "Texture depth must be greater than zero");
lovrCheck(info->width <= limit, "Texture %s exceeds the limit for this texture type (%d)", "width", limit);
lovrCheck(info->height <= limit, "Texture %s exceeds the limit for this texture type (%d)", "height", limit);
lovrCheck(info->depth <= limit || info->type != TEXTURE_VOLUME, "Texture %s exceeds the limit for this texture type (%d)", "depth", limit);
lovrCheck(info->depth <= state.limits.textureLayers || info->type != TEXTURE_ARRAY, "Texture %s exceeds the limit for this texture type (%d)", "depth", limit);
lovrCheck(info->depth == 1 || info->type != TEXTURE_2D, "2D textures must have a depth of 1");
lovrCheck(info->depth == 6 || info->type != TEXTURE_CUBE, "Cubemaps must have a depth of 6");
lovrCheck(info->width == info->height || info->type != TEXTURE_CUBE, "Cubemaps must be square");
lovrCheck(measureTexture(info->format, info->width, info->height, info->depth) < 1 << 30, "Memory for a Texture can not exceed 1GB");
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || info->samples == 4, "Currently, Texture multisample count must be 1 or 4");
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || info->type != TEXTURE_CUBE, "Cubemaps can not be multisampled");
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || info->type != TEXTURE_VOLUME, "Volume textures can not be multisampled");
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || ~info->usage & TEXTURE_STORAGE, "Currently, Textures with the 'storage' flag can not be multisampled");
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || info->mipmaps == 1, "Multisampled textures can only have 1 mipmap");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_SAMPLE || (supports & GPU_FEATURE_SAMPLE), "GPU does not support the 'sample' flag for this format");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER || (supports & GPU_FEATURE_RENDER), "GPU does not support the 'render' flag for this format");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_STORAGE || (supports & GPU_FEATURE_STORAGE), "GPU does not support the 'storage' flag for this format");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER || info->width <= state.limits.renderSize[0], "Texture has 'render' flag but its size exceeds the renderSize limit");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER || info->height <= state.limits.renderSize[1], "Texture has 'render' flag but its size exceeds the renderSize limit");
lovrCheck(info->mipmaps == ~0u || info->mipmaps <= mips, "Texture has more than the max number of mipmap levels for its size (%d)", mips);
lovrCheck((info->format < FORMAT_BC1 || info->format > FORMAT_BC7) || state.features.textureBC, "%s textures are not supported on this GPU", "BC");
lovrCheck(info->format < FORMAT_ASTC_4x4 || state.features.textureASTC, "%s textures are not supported on this GPU", "ASTC");
Texture* texture = calloc(1, sizeof(Texture) + gpu_sizeof_texture());
lovrAssert(texture, "Out of memory");
texture->ref = 1;
texture->gpu = (gpu_texture*) (texture + 1);
texture->info = *info;
texture->info.mipmaps = CLAMP(texture->info.mipmaps, 1, mips);
gpu_texture_init(texture->gpu, &(gpu_texture_info) {
.type = (gpu_texture_type) info->type,
.format = (gpu_texture_format) info->format,
.size = { info->width, info->height, info->depth },
.mipmaps = texture->info.mipmaps,
.samples = MAX(info->samples, 1),
.usage =
((info->usage & TEXTURE_SAMPLE) ? GPU_TEXTURE_SAMPLE : 0) |
((info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER) ? GPU_TEXTURE_RENDER : 0) |
.srgb = info->srgb,
.handle = info->handle,
.label = info->label
// Automatically create a renderable view for renderable non-volume textures
if (info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER && info->type != TEXTURE_VOLUME && info->depth <= state.limits.renderSize[2]) {
if (info->mipmaps == 1) {
texture->renderView = texture->gpu;
} else {
gpu_texture_view_info view = {
.source = texture->gpu,
.layerCount = info->depth,
.levelCount = 1
texture->renderView = malloc(gpu_sizeof_texture());
lovrAssert(texture->renderView, "Out of memory");
lovrAssert(gpu_texture_init_view(texture->renderView, &view), "Failed to create texture view");
return texture;
void lovrTextureDestroy(void* ref) {
Texture* texture = ref;
lovrRelease(texture->info.parent, lovrTextureDestroy);
if (texture->renderView && texture->renderView != texture->gpu) gpu_texture_destroy(texture->renderView);
if (texture->gpu) gpu_texture_destroy(texture->gpu);
// Pass
Pass* lovrGraphicsGetPass(PassInfo* info) {
@ -324,6 +425,56 @@ static gpu_stream* getTransfers(void) {
return state.transfers->stream;
// Returns number of bytes of a 3D texture region of a given format
static size_t measureTexture(TextureFormat format, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t d) {
switch (format) {
case FORMAT_R8: return w * h * d;
case FORMAT_RG8:
case FORMAT_R16:
case FORMAT_R16F:
case FORMAT_RGB565:
case FORMAT_D16: return w * h * d * 2;
case FORMAT_RG16:
case FORMAT_RG16F:
case FORMAT_R32F:
case FORMAT_RG11B10F:
case FORMAT_RGB10A2:
case FORMAT_D24S8:
case FORMAT_D32F: return w * h * d * 4;
case FORMAT_RG32F: return w * h * d * 8;
case FORMAT_RGBA32F: return w * h * d * 16;
case FORMAT_BC1:
case FORMAT_BC2:
case FORMAT_BC3:
case FORMAT_BC7:
case FORMAT_ASTC_4x4: return ((w + 3) / 4) * ((h + 3) / 4) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_5x4: return ((w + 4) / 5) * ((h + 3) / 4) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_5x5: return ((w + 4) / 5) * ((h + 4) / 5) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_6x5: return ((w + 5) / 6) * ((h + 4) / 5) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_6x6: return ((w + 5) / 6) * ((h + 5) / 6) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_8x5: return ((w + 7) / 8) * ((h + 4) / 5) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_8x6: return ((w + 7) / 8) * ((h + 5) / 6) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_8x8: return ((w + 7) / 8) * ((h + 7) / 8) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_10x5: return ((w + 9) / 10) * ((h + 4) / 5) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_10x6: return ((w + 9) / 10) * ((h + 5) / 6) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_10x8: return ((w + 9) / 10) * ((h + 7) / 8) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_10x10: return ((w + 9) / 10) * ((h + 9) / 10) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_12x10: return ((w + 11) / 12) * ((h + 9) / 10) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_12x12: return ((w + 11) / 12) * ((h + 11) / 12) * d * 16;
default: lovrUnreachable();
static void onMessage(void* context, const char* message, bool severe) {
if (severe) {
lovrLog(LOG_ERROR, "GPU", message);

View File

@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
#pragma once
struct Image;
typedef struct Buffer Buffer;
typedef struct Texture Texture;
typedef struct Pass Pass;
typedef struct {
@ -142,6 +145,52 @@ bool lovrBufferIsTemporary(Buffer* buffer);
void* lovrBufferMap(Buffer* buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size);
void lovrBufferClear(Buffer* buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size);
// Texture
typedef enum {
} TextureType;
enum {
TEXTURE_SAMPLE = (1 << 0),
TEXTURE_RENDER = (1 << 1),
TEXTURE_COPY = (1 << 3)
typedef struct {
Texture* parent;
TextureType type;
uint32_t layerIndex;
uint32_t layerCount;
uint32_t levelIndex;
uint32_t levelCount;
} TextureViewInfo;
typedef struct {
Texture* parent;
TextureType type;
uint32_t usage;
uint32_t format;
uint32_t width;
uint32_t height;
uint32_t depth;
uint32_t mipmaps;
uint32_t samples;
bool srgb;
uintptr_t handle;
struct Image** images;
const char* label;
} TextureInfo;
Texture* lovrTextureCreate(TextureInfo* info);
Texture* lovrTextureCreateView(TextureViewInfo* view);
void lovrTextureDestroy(void* ref);
const TextureInfo* lovrTextureGetInfo(Texture* texture);
// Pass
typedef enum {