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This commit is contained in:
bjorn 2016-10-14 17:47:38 -07:00
parent a521cdaa68
commit 61b18a847a
2 changed files with 1 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
=== ===
LÖVR lets you make VR games with Lua! LÖVR lets you make VR games with Lua! See <>.
Example Example
--- ---
@ -25,11 +25,6 @@ end
Drag the `myGame` folder onto a shortcut to `lovr.exe`. You should see a spinning purple cube! Drag the `myGame` folder onto a shortcut to `lovr.exe`. You should see a spinning purple cube!
Some basic reference documentation exists in [``](doc/
Supported Hardware Supported Hardware
--- ---

View File

@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
- `isPresent = isPresent()` - Whether or not the headset is connected and available for use.
- `getType()` - "Vive" for the Vive or "Rift" for the Oculus Rift. Currently only Vive is
- `renderTo(callback)` - Render to the headset using a function. The callback function will be
called twice, once for each eye. This function sets the correct transformation and projection
matrices before rendering.
- `x, y, z = getPosition()` - Get the position of the headset, in meters.
- `angle, axisX, axisY, axisZ = getOrientation()` - Get the orientation of the headset, returned in
angle/axis format (radians).
- `vx, vy, vz = getVelocity()` - Get the velocity of the headset.
- `x, y, z = getAngularVelocity()` - Get the angular velocity of the headset.
- `setClipDistance(number near, number far)` - Set the clip distance of the virtual camera.
- `near, far = getClipDistance()` - Retrieve the clip distance of the virtual camera.
- `width, depth = getTrackingSize()` - Dimensions for the rectangle enclosing the available play
area, in meters.
- `isVisible = isBoundsVisible()` - Whether or not the boundary grid is currently visible.
- `setBoundsVisible(boolean isVisible)` - Request the boundary grid to be shown or hidden.
- `Controller = lovr.headset.getController(string hand)` - Return a controller object for the specified hand.
`hand` is "left" or "right".
- `isPresent = Controller:isPresent` - Whether or not the controller is connected and available for
- `x, y, z = Controller:getPosition()`
- `angle, axisX, axisY, axisZ = Controller:getOrientation()`
Note: The headset module requires SteamVR to properly function. It can be disabled using a
`conf.lua` file:
-- conf.lua
function lovr.conf(t)
t.modules.headset = false
- `, x, y, z, size, angle, axisX, axisY, axisZ)`
- `mode` is either "fill" or "line".
- `x`, `y`, `z` default to 0.
- `size` defaults to 1.0.
- `angle` is in radians.
- `axis` values should represent a normalized vector to rotate the cube around.
- `, x, y, z, size, normalX, normalY, normalZ)`
- `mode` is either "fill" or "line".
- `x`, `y`, `z` default to 0.
- `size` defaults to 1.0.
- `normal` direction defaults to `(0, 1, 0)` (flat plane on the "ground").
- ``
- Coordinates need `x`, `y`, and `z` components, and can be specified as arguments or as a single
Setup and transforms:
- `reset()`, `clear(color, depth)`, `present()` - These are generally called automatically by
- `push`, `pop`, `origin`, `translate(x, y, z)`, `rotate(angle, axisX, axisY, axisZ)`, `scale(x, y, z)`
- `setProjection(near, far, fov)` - FOV is in radians
- `getWidth`, `getHeight`, `getDimensions` - Return the dimensions of the window in pixels.
Graphics state: All setters have corresponding getters
- `setColor(r, g, b, a)` - Color channels are from 0 to 255.
- `setColorMask(r, g, b, a)` - Boolean values determine which color channels are manipulated when
- `setScissor(x, y, w, h)` - Or use `nil` to disable the scissor.
- `setLineWidth(width)` - Currently at the whim of graphics driver support.
- `setPolygonWinding(winding)` - Either "clockwise" or "counterclockwise".
- `setCullingEnabled(isEnabled)` and `isCullingEnabled()`
- `Shader = vertex, string fragment)` - Creates a new shader. Some
uniforms are automatically available:
- `lovrTransform` is a `mat4` containing the current View * Model matrix.
- `lovrProjection` is a `mat4` containing the current projection matrix.
- `lovrColor` is the color set by ``.
- Source for the default shader:
shader =[[
void main() {
gl_Position = lovrProjection * lovrTransform * vec4(, 1.0);
]], [[
void main() {
color = lovrColor;
- `Shader:send(string uniformName, number/table value)` - Send a value to a Shader's uniform. Vectors and
matrices should be flat tables.
- `Buffer =, mode, usage)`
- `size` is the number of vertices in the buffer.
- `mode` is the draw mode. Supported draw modes are "points", "strip", "triangles", and "fan".
The default draw mode is "fan".
- `usage` is a string indicating how the Buffer is intended to be used. It can be "static",
"dynamic", or "stream". The default is "dynamic".
- `Buffer:draw()` - Draws the buffer.
- `Buffer:setDrawMode(mode)` - Sets the draw mode.
- `Buffer:setVertex(index, x, y, z)` - Set the value of a vertex.
- `Buffer:setVertexMap(map)` - Set the draw order of the vertices. It is possible to re-use
- `Buffer:setDrawRange(start, count)` - Limits the vertices drawn to a subset of the total.
- `Buffer:getVertexCount()` - Retrieve the number of vertices in the Buffer.
- `poll` - Automatically called on every update by ``.
- `quit` - Quits the game.
- `dt = step()` - Measures the time since this function was last called. This is called
automatically by `` every tick and passed to `lovr.update`.
- `sleep(duration)` - Sleeps for the specified number of seconds.