World:newMeshCollider uses luax_readmesh;

This is a breaking API change -- instead of a table of tables, a flat
table of coordinates must be used.
This commit is contained in:
bjorn 2021-03-25 12:28:42 -06:00
parent 6413a6eda2
commit 61ef2747ee
1 changed files with 20 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -114,31 +114,28 @@ static int l_lovrWorldNewSphereCollider(lua_State* L) {
static int l_lovrWorldNewMeshCollider(lua_State* L) {
World* world = luax_checktype(L, 1, World);
luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TTABLE);
luaL_checktype(L, 3, LUA_TTABLE);
int vertexCount = luax_len(L, 2);
int indexCount = luax_len(L, 3);
float* vertices = malloc(sizeof(float) * vertexCount * 3);
unsigned* indices = malloc(sizeof(unsigned) * indexCount);
for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
lua_rawgeti(L, 2, i + 1);
lovrAssert(lua_istable(L, -1), "Each vertex must be a table of coordinates");
lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 1); // x
vertices[i * 3 + 0] = luaL_optnumber(L, -1, 0.);
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 2); // y
vertices[i * 3 + 1] = luaL_optnumber(L, -1, 0.);
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_rawgeti(L, -1, 3); // z
vertices[i * 3 + 2] = luaL_optnumber(L, -1, 0.);
lua_pop(L, 2);
for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) {
lua_rawgeti(L, 3, i + 1);
indices[i] = luaL_checkinteger(L, -1) - 1;
lua_pop(L, 1);
float* vertices;
uint32_t* indices;
uint32_t vertexCount;
uint32_t indexCount;
bool shouldFree;
luax_readmesh(L, 2, &vertices, &vertexCount, &indices, &indexCount, &shouldFree);
// If we do not own the mesh data, we must make a copy
// ode's trimesh collider needs to own the triangle info for the lifetime of the geom
// Note that if shouldFree is true, we don't free the data and let the physics module do it when
// the collider/shape is destroyed
if (!shouldFree) {
float* v = vertices;
uint32_t* i = indices;
vertices = malloc(3 * vertexCount * sizeof(float));
indices = malloc(indexCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
lovrAssert(vertices && indices, "Out of memory");
memcpy(vertices, v, 3 * vertexCount * sizeof(float));
memcpy(indices, i, indexCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
Collider* collider = lovrColliderCreate(world, 0, 0, 0);
MeshShape* shape = lovrMeshShapeCreate(vertexCount, vertices, indexCount, indices);
lovrColliderAddShape(collider, shape);