Improve error messages; Add comments;

This commit is contained in:
bjorn 2023-11-17 22:36:42 -08:00
parent 427ad25120
commit 6edd4ec049
1 changed files with 23 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -54,10 +54,13 @@ local conf = {
function lovr.boot()
lovr.filesystem = require('lovr.filesystem')
-- See if there's a ZIP archive fused to the executable, and set up the fused CLI if it exists
local bundle, root = lovr.filesystem.getBundlePath()
local fused = lovr.filesystem.mount(bundle, nil, true, root)
local cli = lovr.filesystem.isFile('arg.lua') and assert(pcall(require, 'arg')) and lovr.arg and lovr.arg(arg)
local source, main = bundle, 'main.lua'
-- Implement a barebones CLI if there is no bundled CLI/project
if not fused then
if arg[1] and not arg[1]:match('^%-') then
@ -75,21 +78,30 @@ function lovr.boot()
-- Figure out source archive and main module. CLI places source at arg[0]
local source, main
if cli or not fused then
if arg[0] and arg[0]:match('[^/\\]+%.lua$') then
source = arg[0]:match('[/\\]') and arg[0]:match('(.+)[/\\][^/\\]+$') or '.'
main = arg[0]:match('[^/\\]+%.lua$')
source = arg[0]
main = 'main.lua'
elseif fused then
source = bundle
main = 'main.lua'
local ok, failure
-- Mount source archive, make sure it's got the main file, and load conf.lua
local ok, failure = true, nil
if source ~= bundle and not lovr.filesystem.mount(source) then
failure = ('Couldn\'t find path %q, or it wasn\'t a valid zip archive.'):format(source)
failure = ('Failed to load project at %q\nMake sure the path or archive is valid.'):format(source)
elseif not lovr.filesystem.isFile(main) then
failure = ('No %s file found in %q.'):format(main, source:match('[^/\\]+[/\\]?$'))
local location = source == '.' and '' or (' in %q'):format(source:match('[^/\\]+[/\\]?$'))
failure = ('No %s file found%s.\nThe project may be packaged incorrectly.'):format(main, location)
if lovr.filesystem.isFile('conf.lua') then ok, failure = pcall(require, 'conf') end
@ -99,12 +111,16 @@ function lovr.boot()
lovr.filesystem.setIdentity(conf.identity, conf.saveprecedence)
if not failure and cli then ok, failure = pcall(cli, conf) end
-- CLI gets a chance to use/modify conf and handle arguments
if ok and not failure and cli then ok, failure = pcall(cli, conf) end
-- Boot!
for module in pairs(conf.modules) do
if conf.modules[module] then
local ok, result = pcall(require, 'lovr.' .. module)
if not ok then
local loaded, result = pcall(require, 'lovr.' .. module)
if not loaded then
lovr.log('warn', string.format('Could not load module %q: %s', module, result))
lovr[module] = result