
This commit is contained in:
bjorn 2021-02-04 11:25:06 -07:00 committed by Bjorn
parent 025865461c
commit 93ea56155e
15 changed files with 284 additions and 516 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ SRC += src/core/util.c
SRC += src/core/zip.c
# modules
SRC_@(AUDIO) += src/modules/audio/audio.c src/modules/audio/spatializers/dummy_spatializer.c
SRC_@(AUDIO) += src/modules/audio/audio.c src/modules/audio/spatializers/simple_spatializer.c
SRC_@(DATA) += src/modules/data/*.c
SRC_@(EVENT) += src/modules/event/*.c
SRC_@(FILESYSTEM) += src/modules/filesystem/*.c

View File

@ -122,20 +122,6 @@ ifneq (@(CMAKE_DEPS),)
LIBS_macos += $(BUILD)/glfw/src/libglfw.*dylib
LIBS_linux += $(BUILD)/glfw/src/libglfw.*so*
# OpenAL
CFLAGS_@(AUDIO)_win32 += -I$(DEPS)/openal-soft/include
CFLAGS_@(AUDIO)_macos += -I$(DEPS)/openal-soft/include
CFLAGS_@(AUDIO)_linux += -I$(DEPS)/openal-soft/include
CFLAGS_@(AUDIO)_android += -I$(DEPS)/openal-soft/include
LDFLAGS_@(AUDIO)_win32 += -L$(BUILD)/openal/$(CONFIG) -lOpenAL32
LDFLAGS_@(AUDIO)_macos += -L$(BUILD)/openal -lopenal
LDFLAGS_@(AUDIO)_linux += -L$(BUILD)/openal -lopenal
LDFLAGS_@(AUDIO)_android += -L$(BUILD)/lib/arm64-v8a -lopenal
LIBS_@(AUDIO)_win32 += $(BUILD)/openal/$(CONFIG)/OpenAL32.dll
LIBS_@(AUDIO)_macos += $(BUILD)/openal/libopenal.*dylib
LIBS_@(AUDIO)_linux += $(BUILD)/openal/libopenal.*so*
LIBS_@(AUDIO)_android += $(BUILD)/lib/arm64-v8a/libopenal.*so*
# msdfgen
CFLAGS_@(DATA) += -I$(DEPS)/msdfgen
LDFLAGS_@(DATA)_win32 += -L$(BUILD)/lib_msdfgen/$(CONFIG) -lmsdfgen

View File

@ -7,14 +7,49 @@
#include "core/util.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
StringEntry lovrAudioType[] = {
[AUDIO_PLAYBACK] = ENTRY("playback"),
[AUDIO_CAPTURE] = ENTRY("capture"),
{ 0 }
StringEntry lovrTimeUnit[] = {
[UNIT_SECONDS] = ENTRY("seconds"),
[UNIT_FRAMES] = ENTRY("frames"),
{ 0 }
static void onDevice(AudioDevice* device, void* userdata) {
lua_State* L = userdata;
lua_createtable(L, 0, 3);
void* id = lua_newuserdata(L, device->idSize);
memcpy(id, device->id, device->idSize);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "id");
lua_pushstring(L, device->name);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "name");
lua_pushboolean(L, device->isDefault);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "default");
lua_rawseti(L, -2, luax_len(L, -2) + 1);
static int l_lovrAudioGetDevices(lua_State *L) {
AudioType type = luax_checkenum(L, 1, AudioType, "playback");
lovrAudioEnumerateDevices(type, onDevice, L);
return 1;
static int l_lovrAudioSetDevice(lua_State *L) {
AudioType type = luax_checkenum(L, 1, AudioType, "playback");
void* id = lua_touserdata(L, 2);
size_t size = luax_len(L, 2);
uint32_t sampleRate = lua_tointeger(L, 2);
SampleFormat format = luax_checkenum(L, 1, SampleFormat, "f32");
bool success = lovrAudioSetDevice(type, id, size, sampleRate, format);
lua_pushboolean(L, success);
return 1;
static int l_lovrAudioStart(lua_State* L) {
AudioType type = luax_checkenum(L, 1, AudioType, "playback");
bool started = lovrAudioStart(type);
@ -61,8 +96,8 @@ static int l_lovrAudioGetPose(lua_State *L) {
static int l_lovrAudioSetPose(lua_State *L) {
float position[4], orientation[4];
int index = 1;
float position[4], orientation[4];
index = luax_readvec3(L, index, position, NULL);
index = luax_readquat(L, index, orientation, NULL);
lovrAudioSetPose(position, orientation);
@ -75,42 +110,6 @@ static int l_lovrAudioGetCaptureStream(lua_State* L) {
return 1;
static int l_lovrAudioGetDevices(lua_State *L) {
AudioType type = luax_checkenum(L, 1, AudioType, "playback");
AudioDeviceArr *devices = lovrAudioGetDevices(type);
int top = lua_gettop(L);
for (size_t i = 0; i < devices->length; i++) {
AudioDevice *device = &devices->data[i];
luax_pushenum(L, AudioType, device->type);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "type");
lua_pushstring(L, device->name);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "name");
lua_pushboolean(L, device->isDefault);
lua_setfield(L, -2, "isDefault");
lua_rawseti(L, top, i + 1);
return 1;
static int l_lovrAudioUseDevice(lua_State *L) {
AudioType type = luax_checkenum(L, 1, AudioType, "playback");
const char *name = lua_tostring(L, 2);
lovrAudioUseDevice(type, name);
return 0;
static int l_lovrAudioSetCaptureFormat(lua_State *L) {
SampleFormat format = luax_checkenum(L, 1, SampleFormat, "invalid");
int sampleRate = lua_tointeger(L, 2);
lovrAudioSetCaptureFormat(format, sampleRate);
return 0;
static int l_lovrAudioGetSpatializer(lua_State *L) {
lua_pushstring(L, lovrAudioGetSpatializer());
return 1;
@ -144,6 +143,8 @@ static int l_lovrAudioNewSource(lua_State* L) {
static const luaL_Reg lovrAudio[] = {
{ "getDevices", l_lovrAudioGetDevices },
{ "setDevice", l_lovrAudioSetDevice },
{ "start", l_lovrAudioStart },
{ "stop", l_lovrAudioStop },
{ "isStarted", l_lovrAudioIsStarted },
@ -152,9 +153,6 @@ static const luaL_Reg lovrAudio[] = {
{ "getPose", l_lovrAudioGetPose },
{ "setPose", l_lovrAudioSetPose },
{ "getCaptureStream", l_lovrAudioGetCaptureStream },
{ "getDevices", l_lovrAudioGetDevices },
{ "useDevice", l_lovrAudioUseDevice },
{ "setCaptureFormat", l_lovrAudioSetCaptureFormat },
{ "getSpatializer", l_lovrAudioGetSpatializer },
{ "newSource", l_lovrAudioNewSource },
@ -166,30 +164,17 @@ int luaopen_lovr_audio(lua_State* L) {
luax_registertype(L, Source);
const char *spatializer = NULL;
int spatializerMaxSourcesHint = AUDIO_SPATIALIZER_MAX_SOURCES_HINT;
lua_getfield(L, -1, "audio");
if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
lua_getfield(L, -1, "spatializerMaxSourcesHint");
if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER) {
spatializerMaxSourcesHint = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_getfield(L, -1, "spatializer");
if (lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
spatializer = lua_tostring(L, -1);
spatializer = lua_tostring(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_pop(L, 2);
SpatializerConfig config = {
.spatializer = spatializer,
if (lovrAudioInit(config)) {
if (lovrAudioInit(spatializer)) {
lovrAudioSetDevice(AUDIO_PLAYBACK, NULL, 0, 44100, SAMPLE_F32);
luax_atexit(L, lovrAudioDestroy);

View File

@ -6,8 +6,12 @@
static int l_lovrSourcePlay(lua_State* L) {
Source* source = luax_checktype(L, 1, Source);
return 0;
if (lua_isboolean(L, -1)) {
lovrSourceSetLooping(source, lua_toboolean(L, -1));
bool played = lovrSourcePlay(source);
lua_pushboolean(L, played);
return 1;
static int l_lovrSourcePause(lua_State* L) {

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
StringEntry lovrSampleFormat[] = {
[SAMPLE_F32] = ENTRY("f32"),
[SAMPLE_I16] = ENTRY("i16"),
[SAMPLE_INVALID] = ENTRY("invalid"),
{ 0 }

View File

@ -5,12 +5,6 @@
#include "core/util.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
StringEntry lovrTimeUnit[] = {
[UNIT_SECONDS] = ENTRY("seconds"),
[UNIT_SAMPLES] = ENTRY("samples"),
{ 0 }
static int l_lovrSoundDataGetBlob(lua_State* L) {
SoundData* soundData = luax_checktype(L, 1, SoundData);
Blob* blob = soundData->blob;
@ -18,16 +12,10 @@ static int l_lovrSoundDataGetBlob(lua_State* L) {
return 1;
static int l_lovrSoundDataGetDuration(lua_State* L) {
static int l_lovrSoundDataGetFrameCount(lua_State* L) {
SoundData* soundData = luax_checktype(L, 1, SoundData);
TimeUnit units = luax_checkenum(L, 2, TimeUnit, "seconds");
uint32_t frames = lovrSoundDataGetDuration(soundData);
if (units == UNIT_SECONDS) {
lua_pushnumber(L, (double) frames / soundData->sampleRate);
} else {
lua_pushinteger(L, frames);
uint32_t frames = lovrSoundDataGetFrameCount(soundData);
lua_pushinteger(L, frames);
return 1;
@ -41,7 +29,7 @@ static int l_lovrSoundDataRead(lua_State* L) {
int index = 2;
SoundData* dest = luax_totype(L, index, SoundData);
if (dest) index++;
size_t frameCount = lua_type(L, index) == LUA_TNUMBER ? lua_tointeger(L, index++) : lovrSoundDataGetDuration(source);
size_t frameCount = lua_type(L, index) == LUA_TNUMBER ? lua_tointeger(L, index++) : lovrSoundDataGetFrameCount(source);
size_t offset = dest ? luaL_optinteger(L, index, 0) : 0;
bool shouldRelease = false;
if (dest == NULL) {
@ -90,7 +78,7 @@ static int l_lovrSoundDataSetSample(lua_State* L) {
const luaL_Reg lovrSoundData[] = {
{ "getBlob", l_lovrSoundDataGetBlob },
{ "getDuration", l_lovrSoundDataGetDuration },
{ "getFrameCount", l_lovrSoundDataGetFrameCount },
{ "read", l_lovrSoundDataRead },
{ "append", l_lovrSoundDataAppend },
{ "setSample", l_lovrSoundDataSetSample },

View File

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
#ifdef ANDROID
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
#include "miniaudio.h"
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#include "audio/audio.h"
#include "audio/spatializer.h"
#include "data/soundData.h"
#include "data/blob.h"
#include "core/arr.h"
#include "core/ref.h"
#include "core/os.h"
@ -9,7 +8,6 @@
#include "lib/miniaudio/miniaudio.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static const ma_format miniaudioFormats[] = {
[SAMPLE_I16] = ma_format_s16,
@ -19,17 +17,8 @@ static const ma_format miniaudioFormats[] = {
#define PERIOD_LENGTH 128
// To get a record of what the audio callback is playing, define LOVR_DEBUG_AUDIOTAP,
// after running look in the lovr save directory for lovrDebugAudio.raw,
// and open as raw 32-bit stereo floats (Audacity can do this, or Amadeus on Mac)
#include "filesystem/filesystem.h"
#define MAX_SOURCES 64
#define BUFFER_SIZE 256
struct Source {
Source* next;
@ -46,195 +35,129 @@ struct Source {
bool spatial;
typedef struct {
char *deviceName;
uint32_t sampleRate;
SampleFormat format;
} AudioConfig;
static uint32_t outputChannelCountForSource(Source *source) { return source->spatial ? 1 : OUTPUT_CHANNELS; }
static struct {
bool initialized;
ma_context context;
AudioConfig config[2];
ma_device devices[2];
ma_mutex lock;
Source* sources;
SoundData *captureStream;
SoundData* captureStream;
arr_t(ma_data_converter*) converters;
float position[4];
float orientation[4];
Spatializer* spatializer;
bool fixedBuffer;
uint32_t bufferSize;
float *scratchBuffer1, *scratchBuffer2; // Used internally by mix(). Contains bufferSize stereo frames.
float *persistBuffer; // If fixedBuffer, preserves excess audio between frames.
float *persistBufferContent; // Pointer into persistBuffer
uint32_t persistBufferRemaining; // In fixedBuffer mode, how much of the previous frame's mixBuffer was consumed?
bool audiotapWriting;
uint32_t leftoverOffset;
uint32_t leftoverFrames;
float leftovers[BUFFER_SIZE * 2];
} state;
// Device callbacks
// Return value is number of stereo frames in buffer
// Note: output is always equal to scratchBuffer1. This saves a little memory but is ugly.
// count is always less than or equal to the size of scratchBuffer1
static int generateSource(Source* source, float* output, uint32_t count) {
// Scratch buffers: Raw generated audio from source; converted to float by converter
char* raw;
float* aux;
static void onPlayback(ma_device* device, void* out, const void* in, uint32_t count) {
float* output = out;
if (source->spatial) { // In spatial mode, raw and aux are mono and only output is stereo
raw = (char*) state.scratchBuffer1;
aux = state.scratchBuffer2;
} else { // Otherwise, the data converter will produce stereo and aux=output is stereo
raw = (char*) state.scratchBuffer2;
aux = output;
// Consume any leftovers from the previous callback
if (state.leftoverFrames > 0) {
uint32_t leftoverFrames = MIN(count, state.leftoverFrames);
memcpy(output, state.leftovers + state.leftoverOffset * OUTPUT_CHANNELS, leftoverFrames * OUTPUT_CHANNELS * sizeof(float));
state.leftoverOffset += leftoverFrames;
state.leftoverFrames -= leftoverFrames;
output += leftoverFrames * OUTPUT_CHANNELS;
count -= leftoverFrames;
bool sourceFinished = false;
ma_uint64 framesIn = 0;
while (framesIn < count) { // Read from source until raw buffer filled
ma_uint64 framesRequested = count - framesIn;
// FIXME: Buffer size math will break (crash) if channels > 2
ma_uint64 framesRead = source->sound->read(source->sound, source->offset, framesRequested,
raw + framesIn * SampleFormatBytesPerFrame(source->sound->channels, source->sound->format));
framesIn += framesRead;
if (framesRead < framesRequested) {
source->offset = 0;
if (!source->looping) { // Source has reached its final end
sourceFinished = true;
} else {
source->offset += framesRead;
// 1 channel for spatial, 2 otherwise
ma_uint64 framesConverted = framesIn * outputChannelCountForSource(source);
// We assume framesConverted is not changed by calling this and discard its value
ma_data_converter_process_pcm_frames(source->converter, raw, &framesIn, aux, &framesConverted);
ma_uint64 framesOut = framesIn;
if (source->spatial) {
// Fixed buffer mode we have to pad buffer with silence if it underran
if (state.fixedBuffer && sourceFinished) {
memset(aux + framesIn, 0, (count - framesIn) * sizeof(float)); // Note always mono
framesOut = count;
framesOut = state.spatializer->apply(source, aux, output, framesIn, framesOut);
if (count == 0) {
if (sourceFinished) {
return framesOut;
do {
float raw[BUFFER_SIZE * 2];
float aux[BUFFER_SIZE * 2];
float mix[BUFFER_SIZE * 2];
static void onPlayback(ma_device* device, void* outputUntyped, const void* _, uint32_t count) {
float* output = outputUntyped;
float* dst = count >= BUFFER_SIZE ? output : state.leftovers;
int originalCount = count;
// This case means we are in fixedBuffer mode and there was excess data generated last frame
if (state.persistBufferRemaining > 0) {
uint32_t persistConsumed = MIN(count, state.persistBufferRemaining);
memcpy(output, state.persistBufferContent, persistConsumed * OUTPUT_CHANNELS * sizeof(float)); // Stereo frames
// Move forward both the persistBufferContent and output pointers so the right thing happens regardless of which is larger
// persistBufferRemaining being larger than count is deeply unlikely, but it is not impossible
state.persistBufferContent += persistConsumed*OUTPUT_CHANNELS;
state.persistBufferRemaining -= persistConsumed;
output += persistConsumed * OUTPUT_CHANNELS;
count -= persistConsumed;
while (count > 0) { // Mixing will be done in a series of passes
// Usually we mix directly into the output buffer.
// But if we're in fixed buffer mode and the fixed buffer size is bigger than output,
// we mix into persistBuffer and save the excess until next onPlayback() call.
uint32_t passSize;
float* mixBuffer;
bool usingPersistBuffer;
if (state.fixedBuffer) {
usingPersistBuffer = state.bufferSize > count;
passSize = state.bufferSize;
if (usingPersistBuffer) {
mixBuffer = state.persistBuffer;
state.persistBufferRemaining = state.bufferSize;
memset(mixBuffer, 0, state.bufferSize * sizeof(float) * OUTPUT_CHANNELS);
} else {
mixBuffer = output;
state.persistBufferRemaining = 0;
} else {
usingPersistBuffer = false;
mixBuffer = output;
passSize = MIN(count, state.bufferSize); // In non-fixedBuffer mode we can use a buffer smaller than bufferSize, but not larger
if (dst == state.leftovers) {
memset(dst, 0, sizeof(state.leftovers));
// For each Source, remove it if it isn't playing or process it and remove it if it stops
for (Source** list = &state.sources, *source = *list; source != NULL; source = *list) {
bool playing = source->playing;
if (playing) {
// Generate audio
uint32_t generated = generateSource(source, state.scratchBuffer1, passSize);
playing = source->playing; // Can change during generateSource
// Mix and apply volume
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < generated * OUTPUT_CHANNELS; i++) {
mixBuffer[i] += state.scratchBuffer1[i] * source->volume;
// Iterate/manage list
if (playing) {
list = &source->next;
} else {
if (!source->playing) {
*list = source->next;
source->tracked = false;
lovrRelease(Source, source);
uint32_t tailGenerated = state.spatializer->tail(state.scratchBuffer2, state.scratchBuffer1, passSize);
// Mix tail
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tailGenerated * OUTPUT_CHANNELS; i++) {
mixBuffer[i] += state.scratchBuffer1[i];
uint32_t channels = outputChannelCountForSource(source);
uint32_t framesToConvert = BUFFER_SIZE;
uint32_t framesConverted = 0;
while (framesToConvert > 0) {
uint64_t rawCapacity = sizeof(raw) / source->sound->channels / sizeof(float);
uint64_t framesToRead = MIN(ma_data_converter_get_required_input_frame_count(source->converter, framesToConvert), rawCapacity);
uint64_t framesRead = source->sound->read(source->sound, source->offset, framesToRead, raw);
ma_uint64 framesIn = framesRead;
ma_uint64 framesOut = framesToConvert;
ma_data_converter_process_pcm_frames(source->converter, raw, &framesIn, aux + framesConverted * channels, &framesOut);
// assert(framesIn == framesRead);
// assert(framesOut <= framesToConvert);
if (framesRead < framesToRead) {
source->offset = 0;
if (!source->looping) {
source->playing = false;
memset(aux + framesConverted * channels, 0, framesToConvert * channels * sizeof(float));
framesToConvert -= framesOut;
framesConverted += framesOut;
source->offset += framesRead;
if (usingPersistBuffer) { // Copy persist buffer into output (if needed)
// Remember, in this scenario state.persistBuffer is mixBuffer and we just overwrote it in full
memcpy(output, state.persistBuffer, count * OUTPUT_CHANNELS * sizeof(float));
state.persistBufferContent = state.persistBuffer + count * OUTPUT_CHANNELS;
state.persistBufferRemaining -= count;
count = 0;
} else {
output += passSize * OUTPUT_CHANNELS;
count -= passSize;
if (source->spatial) {
state.spatializer->apply(source, aux, mix, BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE);
} else {
memcpy(mix, aux, BUFFER_SIZE * OUTPUT_CHANNELS * sizeof(float));
if (state.audiotapWriting) {
lovrFilesystemWrite("lovrDebugAudio.raw", outputUntyped, originalCount * OUTPUT_CHANNELS * sizeof(float), true);
float volume = source->volume;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < OUTPUT_CHANNELS * BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
dst[i] += mix[i] * volume;
list = &source->next;
// Tail
uint32_t tailCount = state.spatializer->tail(aux, mix, BUFFER_SIZE);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tailCount * OUTPUT_CHANNELS; i++) {
dst[i] += mix[i];
// Copy leftovers to output
if (dst == state.leftovers) {
memcpy(output, state.leftovers, count * OUTPUT_CHANNELS * sizeof(float));
state.leftoverFrames = BUFFER_SIZE - count;
state.leftoverOffset = count;
// Scroll
count -= MIN(count, BUFFER_SIZE);
} while (count > 0);
static void onCapture(ma_device* device, void* output, const void* input, uint32_t frames) {
size_t bytesPerFrame = SampleFormatBytesPerFrame(CAPTURE_CHANNELS, state.config[AUDIO_CAPTURE].format);
size_t bytesPerFrame = SampleFormatBytesPerFrame(CAPTURE_CHANNELS, state.captureStream->format);
lovrSoundDataStreamAppendBuffer(state.captureStream, (float*) input, frames * bytesPerFrame);
@ -244,17 +167,14 @@ static Spatializer* spatializers[] = {
// Entry
bool lovrAudioInit(SpatializerConfig config) {
bool lovrAudioInit(const char* spatializer) {
if (state.initialized) return false;
state.config[AUDIO_PLAYBACK] = (AudioConfig) { .format = SAMPLE_F32, .sampleRate = 44100 };
state.config[AUDIO_CAPTURE] = (AudioConfig) { .format = SAMPLE_F32, .sampleRate = 44100 };
if (ma_context_init(NULL, 0, NULL, &state.context)) {
return false;
@ -262,42 +182,25 @@ bool lovrAudioInit(SpatializerConfig config) {
int mutexStatus = ma_mutex_init(&state.lock);
lovrAssert(mutexStatus == MA_SUCCESS, "Failed to create audio mutex");
SpatializerConfigIn spatializerConfigIn = {
.maxSourcesHint = config.spatializerMaxSourcesHint,
.fixedBuffer = CALLBACK_LENGTH,
.sampleRate = state.config[AUDIO_PLAYBACK].sampleRate
SpatializerConfig spatializerConfig = {
.maxSourcesHint = MAX_SOURCES,
.fixedBuffer = BUFFER_SIZE,
.sampleRate = 44100
SpatializerConfigOut spatializerConfigOut = { 0 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(spatializers) / sizeof(spatializers[0]); i++) {
if (config.spatializer && strcmp(config.spatializer, spatializers[i]->name)) {
if (spatializer && strcmp(spatializer, spatializers[i]->name)) {
if (spatializers[i]->init(spatializerConfigIn, &spatializerConfigOut)) {
if (spatializers[i]->init(spatializerConfig)) {
state.spatializer = spatializers[i];
lovrAssert(state.spatializer, "Must have at least one spatializer");
state.fixedBuffer = spatializerConfigOut.needFixedBuffer;
state.bufferSize = state.fixedBuffer ? CALLBACK_LENGTH : 1024;
state.scratchBuffer1 = malloc(state.bufferSize * sizeof(float) * OUTPUT_CHANNELS);
state.scratchBuffer2 = malloc(state.bufferSize * sizeof(float) * OUTPUT_CHANNELS);
if (state.fixedBuffer) {
state.persistBuffer = malloc(state.bufferSize * sizeof(float) * OUTPUT_CHANNELS);
state.persistBufferRemaining = 0;
lovrFilesystemWrite("lovrDebugAudio.raw", NULL, 0, false); // Erase file
state.audiotapWriting = true;
return state.initialized = true;
@ -315,94 +218,77 @@ void lovrAudioDestroy() {
memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
bool lovrAudioInitDevice(AudioType type) {
ma_device_info* playbackDevices;
ma_uint32 playbackDeviceCount;
ma_device_info* captureDevices;
ma_uint32 captureDeviceCount;
ma_result gettingStatus = ma_context_get_devices(&state.context, &playbackDevices, &playbackDeviceCount, &captureDevices, &captureDeviceCount);
lovrAssert(gettingStatus == MA_SUCCESS, "Failed to enumerate audio devices during initialization: %s (%d)", ma_result_description(gettingStatus), gettingStatus);
const char* lovrAudioGetSpatializer() {
return state.spatializer->name;
static LOVR_THREAD_LOCAL struct {
AudioType type;
AudioDeviceCallback* callback;
} enumerateContext;
static ma_bool32 enumerateCallback(ma_context* context, ma_device_type type, const ma_device_info* info, void* userdata) {
if (type == (enumerateContext.type == AUDIO_PLAYBACK ? ma_device_type_playback : ma_device_type_capture)) {
AudioDevice device = {
.id = &info->id,
.idSize = sizeof(info->id),
.name = info->name,
.isDefault = info->isDefault
enumerateContext.callback(&device, userdata);
return MA_TRUE;
void lovrAudioEnumerateDevices(AudioType type, AudioDeviceCallback* callback, void* userdata) {
enumerateContext.type = type;
enumerateContext.callback = callback;
ma_context_enumerate_devices(&state.context, enumerateCallback, userdata);
bool lovrAudioSetDevice(AudioType type, void* id, size_t size, uint32_t sampleRate, SampleFormat format) {
if (id && size != sizeof(ma_device_id)) return false;
#ifdef ANDROID
// XX<nevyn> miniaudio doesn't seem to be happy to set a specific device an android (fails with
// error -2 on device init). Since there is only one playback and one capture device in OpenSL,
// we can just set this to NULL and make this call a no-op.
id = NULL;
ma_device_config config;
if (type == AUDIO_PLAYBACK) {
ma_device_type deviceType = ma_device_type_playback;
config = ma_device_config_init(deviceType);
lovrAssert(state.config[AUDIO_PLAYBACK].format == OUTPUT_FORMAT, "Only f32 playback format currently supported");
config.playback.format = miniaudioFormats[state.config[AUDIO_PLAYBACK].format];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < playbackDeviceCount && state.config[AUDIO_PLAYBACK].deviceName; i++) {
if (strcmp(playbackDevices[i].name, state.config[AUDIO_PLAYBACK].deviceName) == 0) {
config.playback.pDeviceID = &playbackDevices[i].id;
if (state.config[AUDIO_PLAYBACK].deviceName && config.playback.pDeviceID == NULL) {
lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "audio", "No audio playback device called '%s'; falling back to default.", state.config[AUDIO_PLAYBACK].deviceName);
lovrAssert(sampleRate == 44100, "");
lovrAssert(format == SAMPLE_F32, "");
config = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_playback);
config.playback.pDeviceID = (ma_device_id*) id;
config.playback.format = miniaudioFormats[format];
config.playback.channels = OUTPUT_CHANNELS;
} else {
ma_device_type deviceType = ma_device_type_capture;
config = ma_device_config_init(deviceType);
config.capture.format = miniaudioFormats[state.config[AUDIO_CAPTURE].format];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < captureDeviceCount && state.config[AUDIO_CAPTURE].deviceName; i++) {
if (strcmp(captureDevices[i].name, state.config[AUDIO_CAPTURE].deviceName) == 0) {
config.capture.pDeviceID = &captureDevices[i].id;
if (state.config[AUDIO_CAPTURE].deviceName && config.capture.pDeviceID == NULL) {
lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "audio", "No audio capture device called '%s'; falling back to default.", state.config[AUDIO_CAPTURE].deviceName);
config = ma_device_config_init(ma_device_type_capture);
config.capture.pDeviceID = (ma_device_id*) id;
config.capture.format = miniaudioFormats[format];
config.capture.channels = CAPTURE_CHANNELS;
lovrRelease(SoundData, state.captureStream);
state.captureStream = lovrSoundDataCreateStream(sampleRate * 1., CAPTURE_CHANNELS, sampleRate, format);
config.periodSizeInFrames = PERIOD_LENGTH;
config.periods = 3;
config.sampleRate = sampleRate;
config.performanceProfile = ma_performance_profile_low_latency;
config.dataCallback = callbacks[type];
config.sampleRate = state.config[type].sampleRate;
ma_result err = ma_device_init(&state.context, &config, &state.devices[type]);
if (err != MA_SUCCESS) {
lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "audio", "Failed to enable %s audio device: %s (%d)\n", type == AUDIO_PLAYBACK ? "playback" : "capture", ma_result_description(err), err);
return false;
if (type == AUDIO_CAPTURE) {
lovrRelease(SoundData, state.captureStream);
state.captureStream = lovrSoundDataCreateStream(state.config[type].sampleRate * 1.0, CAPTURE_CHANNELS, state.config[type].sampleRate, state.config[type].format);
if (!state.captureStream) {
lovrLog(LOG_WARN, "audio", "Failed to init audio device %d\n", type);
return false;
return true;
ma_result result = ma_device_init(&state.context, &config, &state.devices[type]);
return result == MA_SUCCESS;
bool lovrAudioStart(AudioType type) {
ma_uint32 deviceState = state.devices[type].state;
if (deviceState == MA_STATE_UNINITIALIZED) {
if (!lovrAudioInitDevice(type)) {
if (type == AUDIO_CAPTURE) {
// by default, lovrAudioStart will be retried from boot.lua upon permission granted event
return false;
return ma_device_start(&state.devices[type]) == MA_SUCCESS;
@ -411,7 +297,7 @@ bool lovrAudioStop(AudioType type) {
bool lovrAudioIsStarted(AudioType type) {
return ma_device_get_state(&state.devices[type]) == MA_STATE_STARTED;
return ma_device_is_started(&state.devices[type]);
float lovrAudioGetVolume() {
@ -437,78 +323,6 @@ struct SoundData* lovrAudioGetCaptureStream() {
return state.captureStream;
AudioDeviceArr* lovrAudioGetDevices(AudioType type) {
ma_device_info* playbackDevices;
ma_uint32 playbackDeviceCount;
ma_device_info* captureDevices;
ma_uint32 captureDeviceCount;
ma_result gettingStatus = ma_context_get_devices(&state.context, &playbackDevices, &playbackDeviceCount, &captureDevices, &captureDeviceCount);
lovrAssert(gettingStatus == MA_SUCCESS, "Failed to enumerate audio devices: %s (%d)", ma_result_description(gettingStatus), gettingStatus);
ma_uint32 count = type == AUDIO_PLAYBACK ? playbackDeviceCount : captureDeviceCount;
ma_device_info* madevices = type == AUDIO_PLAYBACK ? playbackDevices : captureDevices;
AudioDeviceArr* devices = calloc(1, sizeof(AudioDeviceArr));
devices->capacity = devices->length = count;
devices->data = calloc(count, sizeof(AudioDevice));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
ma_device_info* mainfo = &madevices[i];
AudioDevice* lovrInfo = &devices->data[i];
lovrInfo->name = strdup(mainfo->name);
lovrInfo->type = type;
lovrInfo->isDefault = mainfo->isDefault;
return devices;
void lovrAudioFreeDevices(AudioDeviceArr *devices) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < devices->length; i++) {
free((void*) devices->data[i].name);
void lovrAudioSetCaptureFormat(SampleFormat format, uint32_t sampleRate) {
if (sampleRate) state.config[AUDIO_CAPTURE].sampleRate = sampleRate;
if (format != SAMPLE_INVALID) state.config[AUDIO_CAPTURE].format = format;
// restart device if needed
ma_uint32 previousState = state.devices[AUDIO_CAPTURE].state;
if (previousState != MA_STATE_UNINITIALIZED) {
if (previousState == MA_STATE_STARTED) {
void lovrAudioUseDevice(AudioType type, const char* deviceName) {
#ifdef ANDROID
// XX<nevyn> miniaudio doesn't seem to be happy to set a specific device an android (fails with
// error -2 on device init). Since there is only one playback and one capture device in OpenSL,
// we can just set this to NULL and make this call a no-op.
deviceName = NULL;
state.config[type].deviceName = deviceName ? strdup(deviceName) : NULL;
// restart device if needed
ma_uint32 previousState = state.devices[type].state;
if (previousState != MA_STATE_UNINITIALIZED) {
if (previousState == MA_STATE_STARTED) {
const char* lovrAudioGetSpatializer() {
return state.spatializer->name;
// Source
Source* lovrSourceCreate(SoundData* sound, bool spatial) {
@ -536,7 +350,7 @@ Source* lovrSourceCreate(SoundData* sound, bool spatial) {
config.channelsIn = sound->channels;
config.channelsOut = outputChannelCountForSource(source);
config.sampleRateIn = sound->sampleRate;
config.sampleRateOut = state.config[AUDIO_PLAYBACK].sampleRate;
config.sampleRateOut = 44100;
ma_data_converter* converter = malloc(sizeof(ma_data_converter));
ma_result converterStatus = ma_data_converter_init(&config, converter);
@ -557,7 +371,7 @@ void lovrSourceDestroy(void* ref) {
lovrRelease(SoundData, source->sound);
void lovrSourcePlay(Source* source) {
bool lovrSourcePlay(Source* source) {
source->playing = true;
@ -570,6 +384,7 @@ void lovrSourcePlay(Source* source) {
return true;
void lovrSourcePause(Source* source) {
@ -578,7 +393,7 @@ void lovrSourcePause(Source* source) {
void lovrSourceStop(Source* source) {
lovrSourceSetTime(source, 0, UNIT_SAMPLES);
lovrSourceSetTime(source, 0, UNIT_FRAMES);
bool lovrSourceIsPlaying(Source* source) {
@ -621,8 +436,7 @@ void lovrSourceSetPose(Source *source, float position[4], float orientation[4])
double lovrSourceGetDuration(Source* source, TimeUnit units) {
uint32_t frames = lovrSoundDataGetDuration(source->sound);
return units == UNIT_SECONDS ? (double) frames / source->sound->sampleRate : frames;
return units == UNIT_SECONDS ? (double) source->sound->frames / source->sound->sampleRate : source->sound->frames;
double lovrSourceGetTime(Source* source, TimeUnit units) {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "data/soundData.h"
#include "core/arr.h"
#pragma once
@ -15,21 +13,25 @@ typedef enum {
} AudioType;
typedef struct {
const char *spatializer;
int spatializerMaxSourcesHint;
} SpatializerConfig;
typedef enum {
} TimeUnit;
typedef struct {
AudioType type;
const char *name;
size_t idSize;
const void* id;
const char* name;
bool isDefault;
} AudioDevice;
typedef arr_t(AudioDevice) AudioDeviceArr;
typedef void AudioDeviceCallback(AudioDevice* device, void* userdata);
bool lovrAudioInit(SpatializerConfig config);
bool lovrAudioInit(const char* spatializer);
void lovrAudioDestroy(void);
const char* lovrAudioGetSpatializer(void);
void lovrAudioEnumerateDevices(AudioType type, AudioDeviceCallback* callback, void* userdata);
bool lovrAudioSetDevice(AudioType type, void* id, size_t size, uint32_t sampleRate, uint32_t format);
bool lovrAudioStart(AudioType type);
bool lovrAudioStop(AudioType type);
bool lovrAudioIsStarted(AudioType type);
@ -38,17 +40,12 @@ void lovrAudioSetVolume(float volume);
void lovrAudioGetPose(float position[4], float orientation[4]);
void lovrAudioSetPose(float position[4], float orientation[4]);
struct SoundData* lovrAudioGetCaptureStream(void);
AudioDeviceArr* lovrAudioGetDevices(AudioType type);
void lovrAudioFreeDevices(AudioDeviceArr* devices);
void lovrAudioUseDevice(AudioType type, const char* deviceName);
void lovrAudioSetCaptureFormat(SampleFormat format, uint32_t sampleRate);
const char* lovrAudioGetSpatializer(void);
// Source
Source* lovrSourceCreate(struct SoundData* soundData, bool spatial);
void lovrSourceDestroy(void* ref);
void lovrSourcePlay(Source* source);
bool lovrSourcePlay(Source* source);
void lovrSourcePause(Source* source);
void lovrSourceStop(Source* source);
bool lovrSourceIsPlaying(Source* source);

View File

@ -5,15 +5,11 @@ typedef struct {
int maxSourcesHint;
int fixedBuffer;
int sampleRate;
} SpatializerConfigIn;
typedef struct {
bool needFixedBuffer;
} SpatializerConfigOut;
} SpatializerConfig;
typedef struct {
// return true on success
bool (*init)(SpatializerConfigIn configIn, SpatializerConfigOut *configOut);
bool (*init)(SpatializerConfig config);
void (*destroy)(void);
// input is mono, output is interleaved stereo, framesIn is mono frames, framesOut is stereo frames.
@ -30,10 +26,11 @@ typedef struct {
void (*sourceCreate)(Source* source);
void (*sourceDestroy)(Source* source);
bool buffered;
const char* name;
} Spatializer;
extern Spatializer dummySpatializer;
extern Spatializer simpleSpatializer;
extern Spatializer oculusSpatializer;

View File

@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ struct {
bool poseLockInited;
} state;
static bool oculus_spatializer_init(SpatializerConfigIn configIn, SpatializerConfigOut* configOut) {
static bool oculus_spatializer_init(SpatializerConfig config) {
// Initialize own state
state.sampleRate = configIn.sampleRate;
configOut->needFixedBuffer = true;
state.sourceMax = configIn.maxSourcesHint;
state.sampleRate = config.sampleRate;
state.sourceMax = config.maxSourcesHint;
state.sources = calloc(state.sourceMax, sizeof(SourceRecord));
if (!state.poseLockInited) {
@ -42,14 +41,14 @@ static bool oculus_spatializer_init(SpatializerConfigIn configIn, SpatializerCon
// Initialize Oculus
ovrAudioContextConfiguration config = { 0 };
ovrAudioContextConfiguration contextConfig = { 0 };
config.acc_Size = sizeof( config );
config.acc_MaxNumSources = state.sourceMax;
config.acc_SampleRate = state.sampleRate;
config.acc_BufferLength = configIn.fixedBuffer; // Stereo
contextConfig.acc_Size = sizeof(contextConfig);
contextConfig.acc_MaxNumSources = state.sourceMax;
contextConfig.acc_SampleRate = state.sampleRate;
contextConfig.acc_BufferLength = config.fixedBuffer; // Stereo
if (ovrAudio_CreateContext(&state.context, &config) != ovrSuccess) {
if (ovrAudio_CreateContext(&state.context, &contextConfig) != ovrSuccess) {
return false;
@ -226,12 +225,13 @@ static void oculus_spatializer_source_destroy(Source *source) {
Spatializer oculusSpatializer = {
oculus_spatializer_source_destroy, // Need noop
.init = oculus_spatializer_init,
.destroy = oculus_spatializer_destroy,
.apply = oculus_spatializer_source_apply,
.tail = oculus_spatializer_tail,
.setListenerPose = oculus_spatializer_setListenerPose,
.sourceCreate = oculus_spatializer_source_create,
.sourceDestroy = oculus_spatializer_source_destroy, // Need noop
.buffered = true,
.name = "oculus"

View File

@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ static struct {
float listener[16];
} state;
bool dummy_spatializer_init(SpatializerConfigIn configIn, SpatializerConfigOut* configOut) {
bool simple_spatializer_init(SpatializerConfig config) {
return true;
void dummy_spatializer_destroy(void) {
void simple_spatializer_destroy(void) {
uint32_t dummy_spatializer_source_apply(Source* source, const float* input, float* output, uint32_t frames, uint32_t _frames) {
uint32_t simple_spatializer_source_apply(Source* source, const float* input, float* output, uint32_t frames, uint32_t _frames) {
float sourcePos[4], sourceOrientation[4];
lovrSourceGetPose(source, sourcePos, sourceOrientation);
@ -40,31 +40,32 @@ uint32_t dummy_spatializer_source_apply(Source* source, const float* input, floa
return frames;
uint32_t dummy_spatializer_tail(float* scratch, float* output, uint32_t frames) {
uint32_t simple_spatializer_tail(float* scratch, float* output, uint32_t frames) {
return 0;
void dummy_spatializer_setListenerPose(float position[4], float orientation[4]) {
void simple_spatializer_setListenerPose(float position[4], float orientation[4]) {
mat4_translate(state.listener, position[0], position[1], position[2]);
mat4_rotateQuat(state.listener, orientation);
void dummy_spatializer_source_create(Source* source) {
void simple_spatializer_source_create(Source* source) {
void dummy_spatializer_source_destroy(Source* source) {
void simple_spatializer_source_destroy(Source* source) {
Spatializer dummySpatializer = {
Spatializer simpleSpatializer = {
.init = simple_spatializer_init,
.destroy = simple_spatializer_destroy,
.apply = simple_spatializer_source_apply,
.tail = simple_spatializer_tail,
.setListenerPose = simple_spatializer_setListenerPose,
.sourceCreate = simple_spatializer_source_create,
.sourceDestroy = simple_spatializer_source_destroy,
.buffered = false,
.name = "simple"

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ static const ma_format miniAudioFormat[] = {
[SAMPLE_F32] = ma_format_f32
static const ma_format sampleSizes[] = {
static const size_t sampleSizes[] = {
[SAMPLE_I16] = 2,
[SAMPLE_F32] = 4
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ static uint32_t lovrSoundDataReadMp3(SoundData* soundData, uint32_t offset, uint
static uint32_t lovrSoundDataReadRing(SoundData* soundData, uint32_t offset, uint32_t count, void* data) {
uint8_t* charData = (uint8_t*)data;
uint8_t* charData = (uint8_t*) data;
size_t bytesPerFrame = SampleFormatBytesPerFrame(soundData->channels, soundData->format);
size_t totalRead = 0;
while (count > 0) {
@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ static uint32_t lovrSoundDataReadRing(SoundData* soundData, uint32_t offset, uin
SoundData* lovrSoundDataCreateRaw(uint32_t frameCount, uint32_t channelCount, uint32_t sampleRate, SampleFormat format, struct Blob* blob) {
lovrAssert(format != SAMPLE_INVALID, "Invalid format");
SoundData* soundData = lovrAlloc(SoundData);
soundData->format = format;
soundData->sampleRate = sampleRate;
@ -111,7 +110,6 @@ SoundData* lovrSoundDataCreateRaw(uint32_t frameCount, uint32_t channelCount, ui
SoundData* lovrSoundDataCreateStream(uint32_t bufferSizeInFrames, uint32_t channels, uint32_t sampleRate, SampleFormat format) {
lovrAssert(format != SAMPLE_INVALID, "Invalid format");
SoundData* soundData = lovrAlloc(SoundData);
soundData->format = format;
soundData->sampleRate = sampleRate;
@ -203,24 +201,24 @@ size_t lovrSoundDataStreamAppendSound(SoundData* soundData, SoundData* src) {
return lovrSoundDataStreamAppendBlob(soundData, src->blob);
void lovrSoundDataSetSample(SoundData* soundData, size_t index, float value) {
void lovrSoundDataSetSample(SoundData* soundData, uint32_t index, float value) {
lovrAssert(soundData->blob && soundData->read == lovrSoundDataReadRaw, "Source SoundData must have static PCM data and not be a stream");
lovrAssert(index < soundData->frames, "Sample index out of range");
lovrAssert(index < soundData->frames * soundData->channels, "Sample index out of range");
switch (soundData->format) {
case SAMPLE_I16: ((int16_t*) soundData->blob->data)[index] = value * SHRT_MAX; break;
case SAMPLE_F32: ((float*) soundData->blob->data)[index] = value; break;
default: lovrThrow("Unsupported SoundData format %d\n", soundData->format); break;
default: lovrThrow("Unreachable"); break;
bool lovrSoundDataIsStream(SoundData *soundData) {
return soundData->read == lovrSoundDataReadRing;
uint32_t lovrSoundDataGetDuration(SoundData *soundData) {
uint32_t lovrSoundDataGetFrameCount(SoundData *soundData) {
if (lovrSoundDataIsStream(soundData)) {
return ma_pcm_rb_available_read(soundData->ring);
} else {
return soundData->frames;
bool lovrSoundDataIsStream(SoundData *soundData) {
return soundData->read == lovrSoundDataReadRing;

View File

@ -11,15 +11,9 @@ typedef uint32_t SoundDataReader(struct SoundData* soundData, uint32_t offset, u
typedef enum {
} SampleFormat;
typedef enum {
} TimeUnit;
size_t SampleFormatBytesPerFrame(int channelCount, SampleFormat fmt);
typedef struct SoundData {
@ -41,6 +35,6 @@ void lovrSoundDataDestroy(void* ref);
size_t lovrSoundDataStreamAppendBuffer(SoundData* soundData, const void* buffer, size_t byteSize);
size_t lovrSoundDataStreamAppendBlob(SoundData* soundData, struct Blob* blob);
size_t lovrSoundDataStreamAppendSound(SoundData* soundData, SoundData *src);
void lovrSoundDataSetSample(SoundData* soundData, size_t index, float value);
uint32_t lovrSoundDataGetDuration(SoundData* soundData);
void lovrSoundDataSetSample(SoundData* soundData, uint32_t index, float value);
uint32_t lovrSoundDataGetFrameCount(SoundData* soundData);
bool lovrSoundDataIsStream(SoundData* soundData);

View File

@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ function lovr.boot()
function lovr.permission(permission, granted)
if permission == "audiocapture" and granted then"capture")
if permission == 'audiocapture' and granted then'capture')
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ function
if and lovr.headset then
if lovr.update then lovr.update(dt) end
if then