Clean up boot.lua;

A lot of clean up can happen now that C doesn't push delayed errors to
Lua.  This was happening for Pico and WebVR, neither of which are used

Also default vsync to true but force it off if VR is active.
This commit is contained in:
bjorn 2022-08-12 20:18:55 -07:00
parent 5324ae9a84
commit ad6360d2fd
3 changed files with 26 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ function lovr.boot()
graphics = {
debug = false,
vsync = false,
vsync = true,
stencil = false,
antialias = true,
shadercache = true
@ -219,59 +219,39 @@ function lovr.threaderror(thread, err)
function lovr.log(message, level, tag)
message = message:gsub('\n$', '')
print(message:gsub('\n$', ''))
-- This splits up the string returned by luax_getstack so it looks like the error message plus the string from
-- debug.traceback(). This includes splitting on the newline before 'stack traceback:' and appending a newline
local function splitOnLabelLine(s, t)
local at = s:reverse():find(t:reverse())
if at then
local slen = #s
at = (#s - at - #t + 2)
return s:sub(1, at-2), s:sub(at,slen) .. '\n'
return s, ''
-- lovr will run this function in its own coroutine
return function()
local errored = false -- lovr.errhand may only be called once
local function onerror(e, tb) -- wrapper for errhand to ensure it is only called once
local function abortclean()
return 1
local errored = false
local function onerror(...)
if not errored then
errored = true
return lovr.errhand(e, tb) or abortclean
errored = true -- Ensure errhand is only called once
return lovr.errhand(...) or function() return 1 end
print('Error occurred while trying to display another error:\n' ..
tostring(e) .. formatTraceback(tb or debug.traceback('', 2)))
return abortclean
local message = tostring(...) .. formatTraceback(debug.traceback('', 2))
print('Error occurred while trying to display another error:\n' .. message)
return function() return 1 end
-- Executes lovr.boot and
-- continuation, afterward, will be either's per-frame function, or the result of errhand.
local _, continuation = xpcall(lovr.boot, onerror)
-- thread will be either's step function, or the result of errhand
local _, thread = xpcall(lovr.boot, onerror)
while true do
if type(continuation) == 'string' then -- LuaJIT returns a fixed string if an error occurs in an xpcall error handler
print('Error occurred while trying to display another error: ' .. continuation)
return 1
local ok, result, cookie = xpcall(thread, onerror)
if result and ok then -- If step function returned something, exit coroutine and return to C
return result, cookie
elseif not ok then -- Switch to errhand loop
thread = result
if type(thread) ~= 'function' then
print('Error occurred while trying to display another error:\n' .. tostring(result))
return 1
local ok, result, extra = xpcall(continuation, onerror)
if result and ok then return result, extra -- Result is value returned by function. Return it.
elseif not ok then continuation = result end -- Result is value returned by error handler. Make it the new error handler.
local externerror = coroutine.yield() -- Return control to C code
if externerror then -- A must-report error occurred in the C code
local errorpart, tracepart = splitOnLabelLine(externerror, 'stack traceback:')
continuation = onerror(errorpart, tracepart) -- Switch continuation to lovr.errhand

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@ -106,9 +106,6 @@ typedef struct {
#define luax_checkfloat(L, i) (float) luaL_checknumber(L, i)
#define luax_optfloat(L, i, x) (float) luaL_optnumber(L, i, x)
#define luax_tofloat(L, i) (float) lua_tonumber(L, i)
#define luax_geterror(L) lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_lovrerror")
#define luax_seterror(L) lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_lovrerror")
#define luax_clearerror(L) lua_pushnil(L), luax_seterror(L)
void luax_preload(struct lua_State* L);
void _luax_registertype(struct lua_State* L, const char* name, const struct luaL_Reg* functions, void (*destructor)(void*));

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@ -447,6 +447,9 @@ bool lovrGraphicsInit(GraphicsConfig* config) {
gpu.vk.getPhysicalDevice = lovrHeadsetInterface->getVulkanPhysicalDevice;
gpu.vk.createInstance = lovrHeadsetInterface->createVulkanInstance;
gpu.vk.createDevice = lovrHeadsetInterface->createVulkanDevice;
if (lovrHeadsetInterface->driverType != DRIVER_DESKTOP) {
gpu.vk.vsync = false;