vrapi: lovr.headset.newModel and lovr.headset.animate;

This commit is contained in:
bjorn 2020-08-06 18:00:54 -06:00
parent 634dcc2119
commit c20c5508b4
2 changed files with 256 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "event/event.h"
#include "graphics/canvas.h"
#include "graphics/graphics.h"
#include "graphics/model.h"
#include "core/maf.h"
#include "core/os.h"
#include "core/ref.h"
@ -44,9 +45,10 @@ static struct {
uint32_t swapchainLength;
uint32_t swapchainIndex;
Canvas* canvases[4];
ovrInputTrackedRemoteCapabilities controllerInfo[2];
ovrTracking tracking[3];
ovrHandPose handPose[2];
ovrInputCapabilityHeader hands[2];
ovrInputStateTrackedRemote input[2];
ovrInputStateHand handInput[2];
uint32_t changedButtons[2];
float hapticStrength[2];
float hapticDuration[2];
@ -183,43 +185,36 @@ static const float* vrapi_getBoundsGeometry(uint32_t* count) {
return state.boundaryPoints;
static bool getTracking(Device device, ovrTracking* tracking) {
if (device == DEVICE_HEAD) {
*tracking = vrapi_GetPredictedTracking(state.session, state.displayTime);
return true;
} else if (device == DEVICE_HAND_LEFT || device == DEVICE_HAND_RIGHT) {
ovrInputCapabilityHeader* header = &state.controllerInfo[device - DEVICE_HAND_LEFT].Header;
if (header->Type == ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote) {
return vrapi_GetInputTrackingState(state.session, header->DeviceID, state.displayTime, tracking) == ovrSuccess;
return false;
static bool vrapi_getPose(Device device, float* position, float* orientation) {
ovrTracking tracking;
if (!getTracking(device, &tracking)) {
return false;
ovrPosef* pose;
bool valid;
uint32_t index = device - DEVICE_HAND_LEFT;
if (index < 2 && state.hands[index].Type == ovrControllerType_Hand) {
pose = &state.handPose[index].RootPose;
valid = state.handPose[index].HandConfidence == ovrConfidence_HIGH;
} else {
ovrTracking* tracking = &state.tracking[device];
pose = &tracking->HeadPose.Pose;
ovrPosef* pose = &tracking.HeadPose.Pose;
vec3_set(position, pose->Position.x, pose->Position.y + state.offset, pose->Position.z);
quat_init(orientation, &pose->Orientation.x);
return valid;
static bool vrapi_getVelocity(Device device, float* velocity, float* angularVelocity) {
ovrTracking tracking;
if (!getTracking(device, &tracking)) {
if (device != DEVICE_HEAD && device != DEVICE_HAND_LEFT && device != DEVICE_HAND_RIGHT) {
return false;
ovrVector3f* linear = &tracking.HeadPose.LinearVelocity;
ovrVector3f* angular = &tracking.HeadPose.AngularVelocity;
ovrTracking* tracking = &state.tracking[device];
ovrVector3f* linear = &tracking->HeadPose.LinearVelocity;
ovrVector3f* angular = &tracking->HeadPose.AngularVelocity;
vec3_set(velocity, linear->x, linear->y, linear->z);
vec3_set(angularVelocity, angular->x, angular->y, angular->z);
static bool vrapi_isDown(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* down, bool* changed) {
@ -232,7 +227,7 @@ static bool vrapi_isDown(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* down, bool* c
return false;
if (state.controllerInfo[device - DEVICE_HAND_LEFT].Header.Type != ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote) {
if (state.hands[device - DEVICE_HAND_LEFT].Type != ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote) {
return false;
@ -271,7 +266,7 @@ static bool vrapi_isTouched(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* touched) {
return false;
if (state.controllerInfo[device - DEVICE_HAND_LEFT].Header.Type != ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote) {
if (state.hands[device - DEVICE_HAND_LEFT].Type != ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote) {
return false;
@ -340,11 +335,204 @@ static bool vrapi_vibrate(Device device, float strength, float duration, float f
static struct ModelData* vrapi_newModelData(Device device, bool animated) {
return NULL;
if (device != DEVICE_HAND_LEFT && device != DEVICE_HAND_RIGHT) {
return NULL;
if (state.hands[device - DEVICE_HAND_LEFT].Type != ovrControllerType_Hand) {
return NULL;
ovrHandSkeleton skeleton;
skeleton.Header.Version = ovrHandVersion_1;
ovrHandedness hand = device == DEVICE_HAND_LEFT ? VRAPI_HAND_LEFT : VRAPI_HAND_RIGHT;
if (vrapi_GetHandSkeleton(state.session, hand, &skeleton.Header) != ovrSuccess) {
return NULL;
ovrHandMesh* mesh = malloc(sizeof(ovrHandMesh));
float* inverseBindMatrices = malloc(ovrHandBone_MaxSkinnable * 16 * sizeof(float));
lovrAssert(mesh && inverseBindMatrices, "Out of memory");
mesh->Header.Version = ovrHandVersion_1;
if (vrapi_GetHandMesh(state.session, hand, &mesh->Header) != ovrSuccess) {
return NULL;
ModelData* model = lovrAlloc(ModelData);
model->blobCount = 2;
model->bufferCount = 6;
model->attributeCount = 6;
model->primitiveCount = 1;
model->skinCount = 1;
model->jointCount = ovrHandBone_MaxSkinnable;
model->childCount = ovrHandBone_MaxSkinnable + 1;
model->nodeCount = 2 + model->jointCount;
model->blobs[0] = lovrBlobCreate(mesh, sizeof(ovrHandMesh), "Oculus Hand Mesh");
model->blobs[1] = lovrBlobCreate(inverseBindMatrices, model->jointCount * 16 * sizeof(float), "Hand Mesh Inverse Bind Matrices");
model->buffers[0] = (ModelBuffer) {
.data = (char*) mesh->VertexPositions,
.size = sizeof(mesh->VertexPositions),
.stride = sizeof(mesh->VertexPositions[0])
model->buffers[1] = (ModelBuffer) {
.data = (char*) mesh->VertexNormals,
.size = sizeof(mesh->VertexNormals),
.stride = sizeof(mesh->VertexNormals[0]),
model->buffers[2] = (ModelBuffer) {
.data = (char*) mesh->VertexUV0,
.size = sizeof(mesh->VertexUV0),
.stride = sizeof(mesh->VertexUV0[0]),
model->buffers[3] = (ModelBuffer) {
.data = (char*) mesh->BlendIndices,
.size = sizeof(mesh->BlendIndices),
.stride = sizeof(mesh->BlendIndices[0]),
model->buffers[4] = (ModelBuffer) {
.data = (char*) mesh->BlendWeights,
.size = sizeof(mesh->BlendWeights),
.stride = sizeof(mesh->BlendWeights[0]),
model->buffers[5] = (ModelBuffer) {
.data = (char*) mesh->Indices,
.size = sizeof(mesh->Indices),
.stride = sizeof(mesh->Indices[0])
model->attributes[0] = (ModelAttribute) { .buffer = 0, .type = F32, .components = 3 };
model->attributes[1] = (ModelAttribute) { .buffer = 1, .type = F32, .components = 3 };
model->attributes[2] = (ModelAttribute) { .buffer = 2, .type = F32, .components = 2 };
model->attributes[3] = (ModelAttribute) { .buffer = 3, .type = I16, .components = 4 };
model->attributes[4] = (ModelAttribute) { .buffer = 4, .type = F32, .components = 4 };
model->attributes[5] = (ModelAttribute) { .buffer = 5, .type = U16, .count = mesh->NumIndices };
model->primitives[0] = (ModelPrimitive) {
.attributes = {
[ATTR_POSITION] = &model->attributes[0],
[ATTR_NORMAL] = &model->attributes[1],
[ATTR_TEXCOORD] = &model->attributes[2],
[ATTR_BONES] = &model->attributes[3],
[ATTR_WEIGHTS] = &model->attributes[4]
.indices = &model->attributes[5],
.material = ~0u
// The nodes in the Model correspond directly to the joints in the skin, for convenience
ovrMatrix4f globalTransforms[ovrHandBone_MaxSkinnable];
uint32_t* children = model->children;
model->skins[0].joints = model->joints;
model->skins[0].jointCount = model->jointCount;
model->skins[0].inverseBindMatrices = inverseBindMatrices;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < model->jointCount; i++) {
ovrVector3f* position = &skeleton.BonePoses[i].Position;
ovrQuatf* orientation = &skeleton.BonePoses[i].Orientation;
model->nodes[i] = (ModelNode) {
.transform.properties.translation = { position->x, position->y, position->z },
.transform.properties.rotation = { orientation->x, orientation->y, orientation->z, orientation->w },
.transform.properties.scale = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f },
.skin = ~0u
model->joints[i] = i;
// Turn the bone's pose into a matrix
ovrMatrix4f translation = ovrMatrix4f_CreateTranslation(position->x, position->y, position->z);
ovrMatrix4f rotation = ovrMatrix4f_CreateFromQuaternion(orientation);
ovrMatrix4f localPose = ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(&translation, &rotation);
// Get the global transform of the bone by multiplying by the parent's global transform
// This relies on the bones being ordered in hierarchical order
ovrMatrix4f parentTransform = ovrMatrix4f_CreateIdentity();
if (skeleton.BoneParentIndices[i] >= 0) {
parentTransform = globalTransforms[skeleton.BoneParentIndices[i]];
globalTransforms[i] = ovrMatrix4f_Multiply(&parentTransform, &localPose);
// The inverse of the global transform is the bone's inverse bind pose
// It needs to be transposed because Oculus matrices are row-major
ovrMatrix4f inverseBindPose = ovrMatrix4f_Inverse(&globalTransforms[i]);
ovrMatrix4f inverseBindPoseTransposed = ovrMatrix4f_Transpose(&inverseBindPose);
memcpy(model->skins[0].inverseBindMatrices + 16 * i, &inverseBindPoseTransposed.M[0][0], 16 * sizeof(float));
// Add child bones by looking for any bones that have a parent of the current bone.
// This is somewhat slow, we use the fact that bones are sorted to reduce the work a bit.
model->nodes[i].childCount = 0;
model->nodes[i].children = children;
for (uint32_t j = i + 1; j < model->jointCount && j < skeleton.NumBones; j++) {
if ((uint32_t) skeleton.BoneParentIndices[j] == i) {
model->nodes[i].children[model->nodes[i].childCount++] = j;
// Add a node that holds the skinned mesh
model->nodes[model->jointCount] = (ModelNode) {
.transform.properties.scale = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f },
.primitiveIndex = 0,
.primitiveCount = 1,
.skin = 0
// The root node has the mesh node and root joint as children
model->rootNode = model->jointCount + 1;
model->nodes[model->rootNode] = (ModelNode) {
.matrix = true,
.transform = { MAT4_IDENTITY },
.childCount = 2,
.children = children,
.skin = ~0u
// Add the children to the root node
*children++ = 0;
*children++ = model->jointCount;
return model;
static bool vrapi_animate(Device device, struct Model* model) {
return false;
if (device != DEVICE_HAND_LEFT && device != DEVICE_HAND_RIGHT) {
return false;
ovrInputCapabilityHeader* header = &state.hands[device - DEVICE_HAND_LEFT];
ovrHandPose* handPose = &state.handPose[device - DEVICE_HAND_LEFT];
if (header->Type != ovrControllerType_Hand || handPose->HandConfidence != ovrConfidence_HIGH) {
return false;
ModelData* modelData = lovrModelGetModelData(model);
if (modelData->nodeCount >= modelData->jointCount) {
float scale = handPose->HandScale;
vec3_set(modelData->nodes[modelData->jointCount].transform.properties.scale, scale, scale, scale);
// Replace node rotations with the rotations in the hand pose, keeping the position the same
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ovrHandBone_MaxSkinnable && i < modelData->nodeCount; i++) {
float position[4], orientation[4];
vec3_init(position, modelData->nodes[i].transform.properties.translation);
quat_init(orientation, &handPose->BoneRotations[i].x);
lovrModelPose(model, i, position, orientation, 1.f);
return true;
static void vrapi_renderTo(void (*callback)(void*), void* userdata) {
@ -421,6 +609,7 @@ static void vrapi_update(float dt) {
int appState = lovrPlatformGetActivityState();
ANativeWindow* window = lovrPlatformGetNativeWindow();
// Session
if (!state.session && appState == APP_CMD_RESUME && window) {
ovrModeParms config = vrapi_DefaultModeParms(&state.java);
@ -442,6 +631,7 @@ static void vrapi_update(float dt) {
if (!state.session) return;
// Events
while (vrapi_PollEvent(&event.EventHeader) == ovrSuccess) {
switch (event.EventHeader.EventType) {
@ -457,41 +647,53 @@ static void vrapi_update(float dt) {
// Tracking
state.displayTime = vrapi_GetPredictedDisplayTime(state.session, state.frameIndex);
state.tracking[DEVICE_HEAD] = vrapi_GetPredictedTracking(state.session, state.displayTime);
state.controllerInfo[0].Header.Type = ovrControllerType_None;
state.controllerInfo[1].Header.Type = ovrControllerType_None;
// Sort out the controller devices
ovrInputCapabilityHeader header;
state.hands[0].Type = ovrControllerType_None;
state.hands[1].Type = ovrControllerType_None;
for (uint32_t i = 0; vrapi_EnumerateInputDevices(state.session, i, &header) == ovrSuccess; i++) {
if (header.Type == ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote) {
ovrInputTrackedRemoteCapabilities info;
info.Header = header;
ovrInputTrackedRemoteCapabilities info = { .Header = header };
vrapi_GetInputDeviceCapabilities(state.session, &info.Header);
uint32_t index = (info.ControllerCapabilities & ovrControllerCaps_LeftHand) ? 0 : 1;
state.controllerInfo[index] = info;
state.input[index].Header.ControllerType = header.Type;
uint32_t lastButtons = state.input[index].Buttons;
vrapi_GetCurrentInputState(state.session, header.DeviceID, &state.input[index].Header);
state.changedButtons[index] = state.input[index].Buttons ^ lastButtons;
state.hands[(info.ControllerCapabilities & ovrControllerCaps_LeftHand) ? 0 : 1] = header;
} else if (header.Type == ovrControllerType_Hand) {
ovrInputHandCapabilities info;
info.Header = header;
ovrInputHandCapabilities info = { .Header = header };
vrapi_GetInputDeviceCapabilities(state.session, &info.Header);
uint32_t index = (info.HandCapabilities & ovrHandCaps_LeftHand) ? 0 : 1;
state.controllerInfo[index].Header.Type = header.Type;
state.handInput[index].Header.ControllerType = header.Type;
vrapi_GetCurrentInputState(state.session, header.DeviceID, &state.handInput[index].Header);
state.hands[(info.HandCapabilities & ovrHandCaps_LeftHand) ? 0 : 1] = header;
// Update controllers
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
ovrInputCapabilityHeader* header = &state.controllerInfo[i].Header;
if (header->Type == ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote) {
state.hapticDuration[i] -= dt;
float strength = state.hapticDuration[i] > 0.f ? state.hapticStrength[i] : 0.f;
vrapi_SetHapticVibrationSimple(state.session, header->DeviceID, strength);
Device device = DEVICE_HAND_LEFT + i;
ovrInputCapabilityHeader* header = &state.hands[i];
vrapi_GetInputTrackingState(state.session, header->DeviceID, state.displayTime, &state.tracking[device]);
switch (state.hands[i].Type) {
case ovrControllerType_TrackedRemote: {
uint32_t lastButtons = state.input[i].Buttons;
state.input[i].Header.ControllerType = header->Type;
vrapi_GetCurrentInputState(state.session, header->DeviceID, &state.input[i].Header);
state.changedButtons[i] = state.input[i].Buttons ^ lastButtons;
// Haptics
state.hapticDuration[i] -= dt;
float strength = state.hapticDuration[i] > 0.f ? state.hapticStrength[i] : 0.f;
vrapi_SetHapticVibrationSimple(state.session, header->DeviceID, strength);
case ovrControllerType_Hand:
state.handPose[i].Header.Version = ovrHandVersion_1;
vrapi_GetHandPose(state.session, header->DeviceID, state.displayTime, &state.handPose[i].Header);
default: break;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="23" android:targetSdkVersion="25"/>
<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00030001" android:required="true"/>
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.vr.headtracking" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="oculus.software.handtracking" android:required="false"/>
<uses-permission android:name="oculus.permission.handtracking"/>
<application android:allowBackup="false" android:label="LÖVR">
<meta-data android:name="com.samsung.android.vr.application.mode" android:value="vr_only"/>
<activity android:name="Activity">