Lighting helper fixes;

This commit is contained in:
bjorn 2022-09-23 23:44:31 -07:00
parent a766bf4a35
commit d905b649a4
2 changed files with 33 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
vec4 lovrmain() {
vec3 dir = normalize(Normal);
float phi = acos(dir.y);
float theta = atan(dir.x, -dir.z);
float theta = atan(dir.x, dir.z);
vec2 uv = vec2(.5 + theta / (2 * PI), phi / PI);
return Color * getPixel(ColorTexture, uv);

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@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ layout(set = 1, binding = 0) uniform MaterialBuffer {
layout(set = 1, binding = 1) uniform texture2D ColorTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 2) uniform texture2D GlowTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 3) uniform texture2D OcclusionTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 4) uniform texture2D MetalnessTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 5) uniform texture2D RoughnessTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 6) uniform texture2D ClearcoatTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 3) uniform texture2D MetalnessTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 4) uniform texture2D RoughnessTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 5) uniform texture2D ClearcoatTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 6) uniform texture2D OcclusionTexture;
layout(set = 1, binding = 7) uniform texture2D NormalTexture;
@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ struct Surface {
vec3 f0;
vec3 diffuse;
vec3 emissive;
float metalness;
float roughness2;
float occlusion;
float clearcoat;
@ -238,11 +239,11 @@ void initSurface(out Surface surface) {
vec4 color = Color;
if (flag_colorTexture) color *= getPixel(ColorTexture, UV);
float metallic = Material.metalness;
if (flag_metalnessTexture) metallic *= getPixel(MetalnessTexture, UV).b;
surface.metalness = Material.metalness;
if (flag_metalnessTexture) surface.metalness *= getPixel(MetalnessTexture, UV).b;
surface.f0 = mix(vec3(.04), color.rgb, metallic);
surface.diffuse = mix(color.rgb, vec3(0.), metallic);
surface.f0 = mix(vec3(.04), color.rgb, surface.metalness);
surface.diffuse = mix(color.rgb, vec3(0.), surface.metalness);
surface.emissive = Material.glow.rgb * Material.glow.a;
if (flag_glow && flag_glowTexture) surface.emissive *= getPixel(GlowTexture, UV).rgb;
@ -293,7 +294,7 @@ vec3 getLighting(const Surface surface, vec3 direction, vec4 color, float visibi
vec3 H = normalize(V + L);
vec3 R = surface.reflection;
float NoV = abs(dot(N, V)) + 1e-8;
float NoL = clamp(dot(N, L) * .5 + .5, 0., 1.);
float NoL = clamp(dot(N, L), 0., 1.);
float NoH = clamp(dot(N, H), 0., 1.);
float VoH = clamp(dot(V, H), 0., 1.);
@ -310,6 +311,15 @@ vec3 getLighting(const Surface surface, vec3 direction, vec4 color, float visibi
return (diffuse + specular) * color.rgb * (NoL * color.a * visibility);
vec2 prefilteredBRDF(float NoV, float roughness) {
vec4 c0 = vec4(-1., -.0275, -.572, .022);
vec4 c1 = vec4(1., .0425, 1.04, -.04);
vec4 r = roughness * c0 + c1;
float a004 = min(r.x * r.x, exp2(-9.28 * NoV)) * r.x + r.y;
return vec2(-1.04, 1.04) * a004 +;
vec3 evaluateSphericalHarmonics(vec3 sh[9], vec3 n) {
return max(
sh[0] +
@ -324,6 +334,19 @@ vec3 evaluateSphericalHarmonics(vec3 sh[9], vec3 n) {
, 0.);
vec3 getIndirectLighting(const Surface surface, textureCube environment, vec3 sphericalHarmonics[9]) {
float NoV = dot(surface.normal, surface.view);
float roughness = surface.roughness2;
vec2 lookup = prefilteredBRDF(NoV, roughness);
int mipmapCount = textureQueryLevels(samplerCube(environment, Sampler));
vec3 specular = (surface.f0 * lookup.r + lookup.g) * textureLod(samplerCube(environment, Sampler), surface.reflection, roughness * mipmapCount).rgb;
vec3 sh = evaluateSphericalHarmonics(sphericalHarmonics, surface.normal);
vec3 diffuse = surface.diffuse * surface.occlusion * sh;
return diffuse + specular;
vec3 tonemap(vec3 x) {
float a = 2.51;
float b = 0.03;